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TIJUANA FORM CHART. TIJUANA. MEX., FRIDAY, MARCH 9. 1917.— One hundred and fourth day. Lower California Jockey Club. Winter Meeting of 112 days or more. 11 books on. Weather cloudy. ________ Judge. C. II. Pettingill. Starter, Edward Tribe. Kacing Secretary. Edward Jasper. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time 4:00 p. m.. *Induates apprentice allowance. Q 6 jf "I "I 1 FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. May 12. 1916— 47%— 2— 123. Iurse 00. 2-year-olds. O ___L__L__ Allowances. Net value to winner 25; second. 0; third. $".5. "index Horses AWtSt _ _ _ Str Fin Jockeys Owners O C P BJ 31299-I.ACKA MILLER w 115 S 5" 4 1" C Bgame A Neal 6-5 4-5 2-5 1-5 32002 JACK K. vv 113 2 2:l 2:, 2" S Smith E Cebrian 10 10 4 2 32002 ■SAM HILL WB 189 6 3i 1] 8* W Kelsay F J ORourko 3 4 11-2 32002-IKE MILLS w 110 7 4 3 4-i E Martin H H Trowbridge 4 5 2 1 31928 - PERCH w 110 4 94 8*1 5 C Hunt K Spence 4 6 21 6-5 HARGRAVE w 108 1 73 7- 6- M MthewsNapa Stock Farm 20 30 12 C 32051 KORIN w 106 5 8 8 7i J McBride Wentworth and ReeveslS 30 12 6 32002 EASTERTIDE w 110 3 I? 5*1 8 A Pickens F B Fellows 8 8 3 8-5 Time. 23%, 35%, 48%. Track fast. Winner — B. f. by Norford — Purse Rose trained by A. Neal; bred by Mr. A. Neal. Went to post at 2:09. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. LAURA MILLER began slowly from the outside, but moved up fast and, gaining ground when entering the stretch, just got up in an extremely close finish. JACK K. ran a grand race and finished gamely. SAM HILL raced into the lead but tired in the final stride. IKE MILLS, from a slow beginning, was whipped up to a forward position and tired. EASTERTIDE quit after setting the early pace. Scratched— 32051 = Lu isuni. 105. Overweights — Korin. 1 pound. Qftl "I Q SECOND RACE— 1 Mile. June 17, 1916— 1 :3 -3— 95. Iurse M1. 3-year-old* "3 __ JL JL and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 25; second. 0; tiiird. 5. "index Horses AW_t___ :;4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners C P S 32068-MATCHES w3 95 1 !■ 1 1 V 1 S McGraw H Morris 2 3 6-5 3-5 32052 HANNIS wp. VI 112 7 61 4" 4U 2i 2s W Kelsay T Dealy 20 20 8 4 32032 3 BEN UNCAS ws 9 112 1 3J 31 2 3l 31 J Frach C W Mondorff 6 7 2J 6-5 32068 LADY SPIRITUELLE w E 105 10 9 9 SJ 6- 4» A Casey W Walker 3 4 2 4-5 32068 PLUME wnllllO 5 4; 51 5 4J 5 . W Ormes Bronx Stable 5 5 2 0-10 32052 LADY DUNBAR w3 90 6 7- 6" 7*1 7*1 9 T Hunt F T Shortell 50 50 20 10 32068 ACUMEN wnMlll 8 10 7and 6l 55 ll IV MclnreW H Jackson 10 10 3 2 32052 HYNDLA w 110 9 11 10 11 9 S5 H Shilling W A WeUa 8 10 4 2 31850 BOAS wu 12 112 12 12 12 12 12 9i E Ric" LeSure and Morgan 50 50 20 10 31904 SIXTEEN 10 112 4 5H11 10 M 10- W Taylor R Pointer 10 in 5 2* 31916 CARBURETOR W 6 112 11 8 8 3 8*191* R Dority G Du Vail 50 50 20 10 32068 3 ENGRAVER wsn 11 212 2 2-1 2" 3S lli 12 M MthewsJ S McBride 3 4 2 1 rime, 25%, 50%, 1:15%, 1:42%. Track fast. Winner — K. c. by Cyclades — I.oneda trained by O. W. Billerman; bred by Messrs. Williams and Radford. W.-nt to post at 2:98. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. MATCHES took the lead ijuickly and, increasing it steadily, won ofi" by himself. HANNIS was bumped while going around the first turn and ran a creditable race. BEN CNCAS raced for-wardly throughout. LADY SPIRITUELLE closed a big gap. ENGRAVER was a forward contender to the homestretch, then |Uit. . . "I Q THIRD RACE— 1 Mile. June 17. W— 1:98 t 96. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and 3411 _5J___L Q upward. Selling Handicap. Net value to winner 25; second. $ 50 ; thi rd, __j . I ndex II ors«25 AWtSt t ]2 V Str Fin Jockeys Owners O C P S 32035 CHECKS W 4 91 I 4 . 41 V 1. 1| S McGraw W H Hogan 10 10 4 2 32054 -""BIGTOBO w B 4 110 2 lh Ci C.1. ::.. 2 Hunt K Spence 3 31 9-9 3-3 32005 JOHN" GRAHAM vv 10 105 1 P S* 5" ;H :! I W Ormes Bronx Stable 4 5 2 1 32054 STRATHEARN W 9 188 9*1* • *1 CIA Piekena J Fuentez 2h :h 8-9 9-9 30796 CAMELLIA wi: 8 102 6 8 8 7- 6- 5 J Longo E J Ramsey 8 IS 8 3 32049 -BLUE CAP wb 4 101 4 1] 1] Ik 3* 8* K Crooks R McCoy 8 15 8 3 32035 COLINBT wn lo 103 3 21 2 2 . I3 7s C VanDunJ W Fuller 18 8 3 9-9 32048 GUIDE POST u r 7 106 7 6 J** 8 8 8 W Kelsay R P Dickinson 3 11-51-3 9-6 Time. 25%. 49%, 1:15, 1:41. Track fast. Winner — Ch. g. by Marathon — Monarda trained by .1. Hogan; bred by Mr. T. C. McDowell. West to post at 2:50 At post 9 minutes Start good and slow Won driving; second and third the same HECKS began slowlv. but moved up fast on the baekstrctch and. favored bv his light weight, outstayed BIGTODO at the end. RIOTODO closed a gap and finished fast. JOHN GRAHAM made up ground and finished close up. HIDE POST ran poorly. STRATHEARN ran well. BLUE CAP set a good pace to the stretch and tired. Overweights — Checks. 1 pound; Stratliearn. 1; Blue Cap. 3; _____ 1: Guide Post. 1. -| "1 A FOURTH RACE— 9-9 Mile. Dec. 20. MM— 1:11%— •— HO. Purse 00. 3 year- 3fc __________ rJL~ olds and upward. Handicap. Net __■_ to winner 00; second. 1917.sh5; third. _ 5. "ind-x Horses AWtSt _j . % Str Fin Jockeys Owneis o"~C~P S 32047 DELIVER w 4 107 3 2 2- 1= 1" A Ptckena Goldleaf Stable 3 li-54Tl 2 99997 •SAYONARRA vv 4 112 4 5s 4- 3? 21 W Kelsay F Goring Jr 3 4 3-2 7-10 32048 HOCNIR WB 6 114 6 61 5i 4-J :3 c Hunt K Spence 4 6 2 1 91919 DOROTHY DEAN w 9 It* 8 8 8 81 4h C VanDunJ W Fuller S-5 9-5 7-101-3 31885 MINNOW w I ion 1 9*19*191 9* J Longo Nevada Stock Farm 8 10 4 2 32034 BRONCO BILLY W 3 198 7 7 71 7- 6s M MthewsH Morris 8 10 4 2 30237 ROADMASTER vv 7 107 3 4i 6 8 73. J McBride A C Donahue 88 30 1 5 31987 HAWTHORN WB 7 106 5 1] 1 51 I A Casey Williams and Brown 8 8 3 8-5 Time. 23%. 471/5, 1:13%. Track fast. Winner — Br. f. by Dick Welles — Anna Brooks trained by J. Hogan; bred bv Mi ssrs. Carr and. Piatt I. Went to post at 3:23. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the saiae. DELIVER raced HAWTHORN into defeat, then stole a good lead afer entering the stretch, but tired and just lasted long enough to win. SAYONARRA finished with a terrific rush and barely failed to get up. HOCNIR came from far back and finished fast. DOROTHY DEAN was outpaced, bat finished well. MINNOW showed speed. HAWTHORN quit, after setting a gnat pace hi the stretch. ________ — Deliver. 1 pound; __________ 1. QQ -| "| pT FIFTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 88, 1919— 1 :05%— 3— 118. Purse 9990. if- O _j__jL_JL _J year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 23: second. 0; third. ?5. "index Horses AWtSt _ _j t Str Fin _____ Owners Q Q g ~S 32045 ORANGE BLOSSOM w 7 112 1 1* 1- 1. Ink r Dority M F McDonald 5 7 1 3 2 32004 HAZEL DALE w 1198 3 PI 9* 2- 9* ERice JPelter 3 3J 8-9 1-1 32004 PRIVET PETAL WB 9 119 8 5- 4- 3- ::* W J OBnK Mallory 6-5 3-2 ", 5 1 3 32046BARTON WB 4 112 7 7 8* 9] 4- A Palms G Sadlo 4 5 3 1 32004 IOlPEE w 4 100 3 3 3:1 4- 5 T Hunt C A McCroan 1" 10 4 2 32049 LACKROSES wn 9 Ml 5 6» 7 7 6 F NewmanO L Foster 18 10 4 2 32004 IMPORTANT w 4 110 4 4! 5; 9*1 7 W Kelsay .1 Dabel 3 4 6 5 3-5 Time. 24, 48, 1:00%, T.07%. Traok fast. Winner— B. in. by Joe Carey — Princesca trained by C. B. Childs; bred by Mr. R. M. P.mwn. Went to post at 3:47. At post ti minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and t.iird the same. ORANGE BLOSSOM began fast and. after showing the way to the last fifty yards, had to be ridden out to outstay HAZEL DALE. The latter ran well, but was weaklv ridden and should have won. PRIVET PETAL ran fairly well, but can do better. IOlPEE quit. BARTON was running wcdl at the finish. Scratched— 31749 lirapeshot, 112: 31i310aklaud. 110; 32040 Santiago White. 110; 32045 Brighousc. 110; 319s:. Baron le KaA , 102. Overweights ______ Blossom. 2 pounds. Oai 1 O SINTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Nov. 15. 1919—1:45 9-100. Purse W! O _— JL JL O 3 year olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 25; second, 0; third. 5. Index Hoists A Wt St ;_- 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O C P S 32007 IMCK BENSON" wb 7 113 5 5- # 4*1 1» I* W Kclaay F Rinebart 3 2i~iT Illlfi .MAK.IOKIE D. w 5 KM 1 3*13*11] 3* 2- T Hunt N P Dortch 3 1-9 9-8 32055 »M ALAN wn S 110 2 3* 9* 2, Z- ll J Longo W E Cotton 10 10 4 8 :-2053 FRANK G. HOGANwn 10 108 4 1- 1«» 3| « !# A Caaey Brown i- Rowe 4 16-57-5 7-10 32000 COO8TER w 6 110 3 41 5= 5l 51 5- J McBride B F Reeves 10 20 8 4 32050 MACDIE w B 4 189 f 7 1 7 7 9* F Stevens W A AVright 8 10 4 2 32007 WEYANOKE WB 7 UB s B 6- 9*1 6 78 W Tartar C A Davies 6 7 3 3-2 ;,20i I.AKK1N WB4HS 8 9 9 9 9 8 W McInr.H Higgins 10 20 8 4 Time. 23%. 48%. 1:14%. 1:41%. 1:46%. Track fast. H "inner — B. g. by The Iriai Clear Night trained by F. Kiiiehart ; bred bv Dr. Win. Dietz. Went to poet at 4 12. At post 3 minutes. Stat g..,,.| nn,| slow. Won easily: second anil third driing. DICK BENSON moved up gradually and. finishing fast, drew out in the stretch. MARJORIB I raced close up and took tile lead on the last turn, but tired. MiALAN ran well throughout. FRANK G. HOGAN tired badly after setting the earlv pace. Scratched 82050 Mark O.. 199; 32050 Louiu. 10b. Uen eights — Laikiu. 1 pound.