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NEW YORK RACING NOTES. New York. March 9.— Harvey Williams has been engaged to ride steeplechasers for the Green tree Stable and it is rumored that Vincent Powers will retire fmni the saddle and lake up training jumpers. Mr. and Mrs. Payard Tuckerman. Jr.. have added an extra ,000 to the Country Club Grand Annual Steeplechase to be run ut Brookline. This makes the race worth ,000 and 00 in plate. The full program of the Prookline Steeplechase will be announced in u few days. Word has just been received here that one of Thomas Hitchcocks horses, imported from France, savaged his trainer John Lambert, biting off the end of one of his thumbs. Two well known and accomplished jumpers, I.y-HaaaeZ aud Knight of Mcrci, have been destroyed. They were in such a crippled condition that their destruction was decided advisable. Victor E. Schaumburg. secretary of the Empire City Racing Association, is still confined to his home with a serious disease of the eye. His physician has insisted that he have complete rest and ipiiet and it is probable he will be unable to return to his office for another week. Nominations for the stakes of the Saratoga Racing Association, which close March 12. are coming in rapidly and. according to racing secretary A. Mel* Karlock-r. a record entry list is indicated. J. AV. PnrrlnkS east Midway, which is looked ii|Hin ;is having more than an outside chance in the Kentucky Derby, has been nominated for the Empire City Derby. Empire City Handicap and the Vonkers Handicap. II. C. H.illenbeik will depend uimjii his old reliable, The Finn, for the Empire City Handicap.