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CRITICAL PERIOD FOR NEW ORLEANS SPORT. Death Knell of Racine Sounded if New Tracks in Jefferson Parish Materialize. New Orleans. La.. March 9. — "You can hear the death knell of racing sounded in New Orleans since this talk of a second track has been started iu Jefferson Parish. The new tracks may run a year, but that will wind up racing for good and all. in the city and state." Dr. George MacDiarmid. president of the Pusi-ness Mens Paring Association, gave out the above incut today. He said that New Orleans could sot expect lo inn races with two tracks operating ill Jefferson. "Efforts have been made for some time to get hold of the suburban park for racing purposes." said Dr. MacDiarmid. "but without suc- ess. It was the intention of these promoters to run races as you please, but they were not successful." • . William M. Railey. chairman of the executive committee of the Citizens League of Louisiana, late this afternoon filed affidavits in the Second City Criminal Court charging that Dr. George A. MacDiarmid, president: I. P. Rennyson, supervisor: John Dillon. Arturo Delorto, Philip Foto. Victor Lelteau. Archibald A. Marx and A. D. Stewart. officers and directors of the Pusiness Mens Pacing Association: Judge Joseph A. Murphy and J. B. Campbell, racing secretary, and M. Miller, Tom Shaw. Sol I.iehtensteiii and one Zebin. bet layers in the Palm Garden at the Fair Grounds, had violated the Locke law by assisting him to bet on horse races on February 10. Balmy filed each affadavit personally, charging that those named above, by a "device similar to a lie Ming book,** had assisted him to bet and wager uiMiii a horse or races to be sun at the Fair Grounds.