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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. I United States marines now ate virtually in control of Santiago. Cuba, the governor. Garcia Munoz, asking that marines be landed to control the gov- c Turnout in a military sense. No fighting has re- J suited at the landing of the marines, the people having gained confidence when the marines landed. The British and Indian troops under Gen. Towns- , bond, who were captured by the Turks at Kut-ed- Atnara. have been driven almost l.MHI miles before , the Turkish captors. American missionaries have re- • parted to English authorities. The prisoners are said to In in a terrible plight physically. • Russia has pretested the right of Germany to misuse certaia means of warfare and asks to be allowed to retaliate in kind, in a report just issued in Petrograd. Austria. Bulgaria and Turkey are also named specifically in the report as being coworkers with Girniany in those part ieulars. In the vote on the cloture rule adopted by the • Halted States senate in session Thursday. Senators La Fcdlette. Gronua and Sherman voted against it. I Senator La PoUette spoke on the cloture rule and I asserted that a congress had become merely a • "rabbet stamp for Mr. Wilson." A joint resedntion. authorizing the governor of Oklahoma to pay the first American gunner who destroys a submarine, caught in the net of sink lag an American boat or any boat carrying Amcri- , can passengers. 00. was introduced in the lower , house Thursday. , Artaal starvation of the people of Germany is i feared, according to dispatch from London, in i relation to I speech made by the- German food • comptrolht- la the Prussian diet. Thursday. Dr. Mie-liaedis said a more serious state could hardly exist. Deportation of Belgians from their homes lias been stopped by Germany, according to a dispatch from Zurich. Of Ml. 000 persons deported, says the dispatch, but -lo.OOO remain. The remainder are to be expected to be returned gradually. Count Zepri Im. Cc rmanys aged wizard of the , air. aad inventor of the airship which bears his , name, suocumbe d to death at his homo in Germany , Thursday. London papers, as a rale, paid high , tribute to hi; ability. The cloture rule, by which it will be impossible for a small group of senators to hold a filibuster, thus interfering with the passage of measures generally indorsed, has just passed the senate at Wash ington by 7»! to 3. The Berliner Tageblatt says that the suspension of all beer brewing in northern Germany is imminent. This action to save maize for bread and malt to take the place of coffee. Reports from Bulgarian sources carry the information that Bulgaria will not remain in the war later than the summer. Bulgaria has said openly she cannot continue the war. Americans in Germany are no longer being detainee] in a military sense, according to a report received at the state department at Washington from Minister Brant Whitlock. Incensed at Senator Vardnmans filibuster on the armed neutrality bill, a Biloxi. Miss., blacksmith forged a huge iron cross and sent it to him. The Canadian government has decided not to place an embargo on potatoes, it being found that there are potatoes to spare in Canada. Congress in the next session will be asked to change the inaugural clay from March 1 to tin- last Thursday in April.