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TORONTO HALF MILE TRACK MEETINGS. Spring Racing Dates Announced for Dufferin and Hillcrest Parks — Horses Arrive from Montreal. Toronto. Out.. March 30.— The local half mile running tracks will have spring and fall meetings this rear, the dates for the spring meeting being as follows: Dufferin lark — May 30 to June 0. Hillcrest lark- Juno !l to June It;. The opening of DulTerin will, therefore, bo the Wedaeaday aflet the Woodbine meeting. No dates have yet been selected for the fall meetings. On" or aaere of the Montreal aaaociatioaa may not operate this season, and in their failing to do s., the local elubs will then name the dates for their si i ond meetings. A string of race horses from Montreal arrived t toy and will be put in active training at the Woodbine track. The weather is mueh milder here than in Montreal, and they will be given every opportunity in their work. Jack Whyte, the owner, is a brother to Eddie Whyte. the well-known trainer for the stable of Sir J. S. Uendrie. The following are the horses and their breeding: Gartley, ch. h. a. by Martimas Eosiola: .lavato. ch. f. 3. by Hen Trovate— Jaffa; Tokofauaa, ch. f. 2, by Martimas Mokoland; Kitiwake. ch. f, 2. by Charles Edward- ■The I.intie. William C alar is trainer.