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SEP.IES OF MISHAPS ENCOUNTERED. Hordes Shipped from Hot Spring:; Dolaycd by Accidents — Lcxicgton Track Alive with Horses. Lexiagtea, Ky., April 16.— Daly one of tie three carloads of imis-s that left Hoi spri:. yesterday reached the Kentucky Aasociatiou course todaj The other two arc expected sometime tonight. Tie trip was frooghl will, bid lack. At .Memphis the car ia which . Barley and ethers are shipping bad the draw lead palled ..u and was bit there. Al Louisville the car in which arc W. B. Coes horses developed a defective wheel and it was left at the i.i!!. City. Thi other ear, in which were the horses -.f C. W. Gasser and Pat Kaehelkamp, got to Lexington at noon and nmsshed .-in automobile, i • to .-. railroad mail. via. fori i". ::.•!. was not hint, as it was beiag switched to the chute a! Hi- track, i.i- Brewster was hi charge of the Knebelkamp horses Arch Plotter, Jim Wnkeley, Lociih 1.. aad Bister Susie, in the Gasser strine, were Cinco Colormio, Benjamin, Kesiah, Douglass 8., Queen Blonde, Novation and Rational. OMcara Brothers broughl from the Springs Circulate and Blue Racer. W. •. "i • aii wil! bring fourteen horses, inched -iag li" l». .!e. candidates Midway an.. Trevisce, In. in Louhn ;ll- . • i i. W. !:. Applegates two-year-olds Lade star. iach H:.i- Jr. . id HamUton A. iil be shippe l over ;i an Louisville in a few days .lock. .. li • ■ .i:i -..i:i ride for Colonel A] id. gi te. i. B. Hay.- day stated thai Beford will aol be started in thi Ki ntm ky Derby. Jockey Walter Taylor iil ride for Hayes this year. Wcsty Hogan worked thr. •• purler mi 1:17, :y Imlf ia 46% and one-quarter ia l4. caaternsg all i!c- way with v. Ighl up. He is ready to ran three-quarters against any soathera-trained horses unless John O. Whitlow changes his mini, hi will I- ; ;.t ..nt r i!;.- Kentucky Derby and .iia shorter distances until later in tin yea;. •• 0. Kei .. s two-year old Balvestra worked three-eighths ia "IT .1. s. Barbees La Daiae worked in the same time and palled up at a half ia 1:»-.. Both an- candidates for the llinaf.i R takes. .ilk I.: I; . -. I.. Lewis Ilinata Stakes candidate, .■i I e : ,i inarter ia 24%. The following were the best work eats today: Alice T. . is; nlia.-l. -?.!ilc in 1:17. Ask Hi ;• Mile in 1 :.".:;. laii" Kan Half mile in 52%. — MDe ia 1:45%. Captain Bees Half mUe in ."..".. Chalmers Half mOe in r.J. lia r Half mOe i.i 51%. Gypsy «. org* Ualf mi!" in .".J. Tut. Three-quarters in 1:20%. I. ii-: i.i Three quart rs ia 1 :2 -. Manager Wnlte--Three quarters in l:!,-!. Ormubj Three quarters in 1 -is. ParaaMOUl Three -qua iters in 1122. I*i i. !:■ Thi ee inarti . h in 1 :20. Qoeea Errant- Three-quarters in l:_i». Queens Part Half mile in .".1. Skeptic .Mi! ■ ia 1:45. Th.- Grader Mil in i : 17%. Toll ty Half mil., ia 52* .. Waterfui d — Three-quarters in 1:29%, Williamson naif mil.- in ."..".. Many Horses at "Work Baadsy. Baaday i iters ;•■ the track were aaaseroaa. The was fast at i the follewiag geed work was report -i. ]. -ii ve Me B;...s ii;.- in i :| i%. Blind !• Egagi Mile is 1:1 1%. Braadywlae— Five-eighths in 1:05. Brown Velvet— Three -quarters in 1:10. Colonel Veamie — Pive-eightbs in 1:62. Paax Col— Three-quarters ia 1:18%. George Doyle Three-qaartera in 1:17%. Greville- Three-quarters .a 1:18. Hastens Three quarters in 1:19. Jiick ODowd Pive-eightks in 1:02%. .lam- Btraith Three quarters ia 1:18. Julia L.— Five-eighths in 1:08. Leo fkiilny— Three laarters in 1 -.12. Margaret ;. Half mile in 59%. Marion Gooaby— Five-eighths in 1:0!. Matin — Ftve-eigbtha in l:o;;. old Kylers— Hall mil. in 51. "ui iv - -Three-qoarters in 1 :22. Baaaymiag— five eighths ia 1:02%. ■osha — Five-eighths in 1:0.". Bsmeeler— Half mile ia 52%. Sun Maid — Three-ejaarters in l:2L. Syrian — itve eighths in 1:62. i Velvet J — Tliree-i|ii;irters i-i 1 :1. Yeaghei — Three -quarters in :Si. Tin- two-year-olds in ihe ].. R, Bradley stable were sea1 along tbree-eightba in 88 and better. Pswever, the fastest haU mile siiown by any two-year-eld so tar this season was in 59% b] Prank Wilson, I!:" sou of Desrca tester — Laretta Gale, owaed by . T. Wortbiagton aad trained bj Will Perfcias. lie i a candidate for the kDe iionr Stakes. Viva America, chestnut filly, by MeGei — Plak Base, worked three-eighths in 37%. Jockey Paul Loader in aB probabUity will not be able to ri.b before Louisviilc. He is afflicted with jaundiic and is in a local hospital. The latest foals at Idle Hour Farm are bay colt, by Helmet— A. ulis -inima. an English mare. lv Porefashire— Belle of Essex, and bay celt, by link-of Oimundi — Artbesls, the * — t aamud behnj the preperty of George C. Bramitt