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HAVRE PE GRACE FORM CHART. HAVRE BE GRACE. MD„ MONDAY. APRIL 16. 1917. Fir-t day. Harford Agriculture and Breeders-Association. Spring Meeting of l: days. Weather clear. Btewarda, w. s. roabaigh and c. .1. Pita Gerald. Judges, c. Cormehlse*. Starter, .lames Milton. Pacing Secretary. F. Keliberger. Badag starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30 p. m.l. W indicates whip. S spars, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses followiag the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. *Indi ates appr-ntiee allowance. OQKPvO H***"* BACK— 5-8 Mile. Sept. !i. MIS-OS— 2— MP. Purse 8088. 3-ycar-olds and 0*J*-JCP upward. Selling. Net value to winner MSP; second. S100: third. 0. Index Horses A "t St . 4 g Sti Fill Jockeys Owners Eolliv. Odds Strt 32513 *JOBEF. ZARATE era 6 :•:• :: l12*P I* R TrefaM Hayea a- ITi aelnii i 175-100 31351 5iMPHRAToR era I in B :: lJ P* 2« A Collins C R T.don 105-100 32547*8WIFT Fox « jmo •; r. :•;■ S :v- y MerbneeW Human 1295-M1 30381 KING BAGGOT ara 3100 I 4* a- 4- 4 .1 McTactR F Carman MSS-100 32552* VILE! WB8M2 2 » :,- P ." B KopmnJ Phillips 1570-ltn. 32481 SILVKY SHAPIRO w Mid 7 ; V 7 S H KillwlhA Charles ?1 1985-100 28851 RESIGN WB 5113 9 ■«• 8 «■ 7J K Havnes C N Freeman 255S5-100 30485 KATHRYN GRAY we:;]":, g v I] C] 8« W Obert H G Bedereli 2910-100 32348 OWANA w 41121 1 V- »■• 3* 9- K Taplin P I. Short t 32492 Q*N OF THB SKA ara SIMM H M 10 In 10 Porehd W Stockton 91*70-100 iMutn; 1 field. Time. 24;5, 4345. 1:81%. Track fast. ?2 mutuois paid. Joeeflaa Karate, .50 straight. 82.58 place, 82. to show: baacratat 82 7 dace 82.10 show: Swift Pox, taL58 show. Kquivalcnt booking odd-— lo-ofina Earate, 175 to 1 M» straight, 25 to 108 place. 28 to 100 show: 1m-pcrator. 35 to loo place, 28 to loo shew; Swift Fox. 7." to loo show. Winner — Ch. m. by Abe Frank — Minyoii trained by P. K. Watkins; bred by Mr. 11. S. Newman. Went to post at 2:42. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Von driving: second and third the same. JOSEFINA ZARATE. well ridden, came to the outside of IMPKRATOR in the homestretch and. finishing resolutely, outstayed him in the final drive. IMPERATOU closed a big gap in the early running, but tired in the final sixteenth and may have been short. SWIFT FOX ran a game race anil outstayed KING BAGGOT for third place. The latter raced wide in the early running and finished fast VILEY quit. Be rate bed 82252 Barege t. 107; 32547 81eepp Sam. 83; 32517-Swoeter than Sugar. 105: 30280 Petty J.. 101: 32403 Bl Rey. PP; 3145S Al Hudson. MS. Overweights--Ow ana. 1 _■ pounds; Qscea of the Sea. 1. Q9 PfcAO BB0OSD l-"-CE— 1-2 Mile. April 18, MIS— IT%— 3— 107. Pane 8808, 2-year-eMs. O £l*JjVJ Maidens. Bpedal Weights. Net value to winner ¥450: second. 8M0; third. 850. Index Horses AWtSt % K % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Str*t 32479U-.MATIHLA "IH12 5 1» r- 1- ■ S Ross 17so-K« 88818 CUARLJE MJYDECKRv.-115 s Til- 2| J Connors E McBrMe 1-o,-,_pki 3:2531 -IRISH Kiss w 115 1 :;■■ ::- :;■ t McTactG It Browne ::li-io.i STAR SPANdLKD 115 f. V 4J 4i S McC.raw Qadacy Stable 2K35-1M MISS SANFARA w IT." 4 B W 5 B Hitynes J B Tyree 2035-100 :;."183ONWAUD w 115 7 ] 71 C1 .1 Metealf T Clyde 3505-100 3S427 PROUFCKR w 115 5 7i H 7 T Parton Mira.sol Stable MS-MI JLXK BUG a m S up Hi gi A coiiin.s W W McClelland t395-lM PIEORA w 115 Pi 51 f| pi|j McTagtT P Thome I BONNIE BROOM W 112 12 12 18] 10= F Kobson H P Whitney MO-MI 31 160 LADY EILEEN v II: :i : .i US gj i-orehd W Stockton 21305-100 32127 AUSTRAL w IF 11 11*12 12 .1 Buiwell H G Bedwell t vMutuel field. Time. 24=j. 49. Track fait. mutuels paid. Fmatilli. S:i7.«» stniight. 812.20 place. $»5.10 show: Charlie Levdecker. R10. 30 place ?t.3o show: Irish Kiea, 8S.M show. Equivalent boohiag adda — Fmatilla. 1288 to lot straight. 510 to 100 place. L05 to M8 show Charlie Ecydeeker. 809 to MS place. 885 to 100 show: Irish Khw, 75 to loo show. Winner — P. f. by Clifford— Cayuduttu trained by M. Smart: bred by Mr. John Sanfordl. Went to post at 8:12. At post :_ minutes. Btari geod and slow. Won easily: aeeaad and third driving. UMATILLA, displaying brilliant speed, raced into a long lead while rounding the far turn .and won with speed in reserve. CHARLIE I.KVhElKEK raced i:: thwl puraall and finished gamely under punishment. IRISH KISS raced forwardly and hung 0:1 well at the end. STAR BPAXGLBD ran a good race. RONNIE RROOM was away badly Bad was not persevered with. MISS SANFARA closed a B m Scratched— 3-.- 11-. QO Kft 1 THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Turlongs. Sept. 10, 1012— 1:05--— :;_ MS. Purse 8088. 3-vear-OdQ tlUl !,,s :"" upward. Sidling. Net value to winner 50: second. S100; third. 880. Index Horses AWtStU M K OtrPhl Jockijs Owners Equiv. Odds Strt ~~ 31245 MEELICKA we. 5107 I ::- li V 1« E AmbroseE Fred t4:!5-lH 32546 LADY LONDON WB 7107 5 » :;i. y l-u j MeTap/tW Smith C40-ll » 32374*CAKL, ROBERTS w4Hl :i 8*8* 4» :Vk a Johnson V. Polk t 30505 3 LOHENGRIN wn7 11i ■ C 4 L" 4- R JIcD otlE Musante 200-100 26569-J1M BASEY wn 3 112 I 7- 7- and a- W Obert E G Jriffith 24X5-100 32535 PARLOR ROY ara 9 120 14 11- 10 5= V B Taplin P L Short 480-100 29796 CA8ABA w 5 10S 12 Onk »« 9i 71 C Jackson E G Yivell 1115-100 82807 •HUMILIATION IIM 1 S S- 7» P | H Waked! R Newman 5045-100 32252 TWO ROYALS 5 117 8 4* 5J 8i 9 J Drever E Calligary 4080-1O0 88S80*BROBKCK wb 3 KJ0 7 M» 11* M» 10 J Petz C. P Burke 245O-1O0 32447»*BURBANK ws 3 9T 10 12" 12« II8 11" R Troise S Louis 1995-100 30890 TARYES w 3 99 11 14 14 IP" L" B KopmnW Zepp t 32388 QUID NUNC w 8 112 4 1« V U* 13= J Metealf C MutboMand t 30475 TANDSTICKOR w fi 112 13 13» 13= 14 14 N Huff M Oliver t tMutnel field. Time. 24%. SOVi. 1:02%. 1:08%. Track fast. mnttielH paid. Meelioka. field. S10.70 straight. .S4.70 place, .sti.00 show: Lady London, .20 place, .70 show; Carl Roberts, field. .00 show. Equivalent booking odds — Meelieka, field. 435 to 100 straight. 135 to 100 place, 200 to 100 show; Lady London, 210 to 100 place, 185 to 100 show; Curl Roberts, Held, 200 to 100 show. Winner— Ch. m. by Meelick— Classweed trained by C. C. Capps; bred bv Mr. G. L. Blackford. West to post at 3:40. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. MEELICKA. close up from the start, moved up after entering the homestretch and drew away in the last sixteenth to win in a canter. LADY LONDON rail a good race and outstayed CARL ROBERTS for second place. The latter was well ridden and a forward contender from the start. LOHENGRIN finished close up. JIM RASEY ran fairly well. QUID XI XC quit after setting the earlv pace. Scratched — 82278 Sable. »tt: 32425 Thursday Nighter. M; 32552 Yilev. 112: 32485 OHagan. 112; 32535 Wizard, llti. 32441 Owaga. !»4: 32223 Gaelic. 117; 32533 Encore. 112; 32340 Stellariua, 106; 3O470rRoval-ist. MS; 32540 Smirking. Ill: 321. S4-Freshet. »! : 28MB Carlaverock. 107. 0 0£-AQO FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. April 24. MM— 1:11% 0 PL Purse 00. 4-year-O ** tJJ dfl olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtSt % M % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 31409 AMBROSE we. 7117 1 Ill1 I 1« J Metealf Marrone Stable 120-110 82448»PRESTON LYNN w SIM I 8] 4"i* 4i 2* W Collins J M Zimmer 425-100 32462 ROYAL INTEREST w 5 111 3 2 2i 2= J* TMcTag-fJ Phillips 215-100 32552 LAURA w G 10G 5 3nk 31 ;J 4= J Mi-Tag t H G Bedwell 1405-100 32546 CANNONADE xwr. 5 114 « 0« 51 53 5i R McDottJ F Sweenev SMS-1M 30025 DURIN wfilll 7 7 7 ti1 6- K Haynes C N Freem;in 22050 100 322-11 -BROOKFIELD W7 114 4 41 6s 7 7 A Collins N L Snelson 1510-100 Time. 24%, 48%. 1:15. Track fast. mutuels paid. Ambrose. .?4.40 str;iight. .S3. 10 place. #2.30 show; Preston Lvnn. .10 place. .70 show: Royal latercat, *2.3 ehow. liliiivalent booking odds— Ambrose. 120 to 100 straight. 55 to 100 place. 15 to 100 show; Preston Lvnn, 105 to 100 place. 35 to 100 show: Royal Interest. 15 to 100 show. Winner — B. g. by Disguise— Ambrosjne trained by E. Wayland: bred by Mr. J. R. Keene. Went to post at 4:00. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. AMBROSE took the lead at BBCC and. setting a fast pace under restraint, drew awav in the stretch and won in a canter. PRESTON LYNN ran well and finished in resolute fashion. ROYAL INTEREST tired and s,v. rved over to the inside in the last eighth. LAURA was cut off in the last fiftv Tarda, at she would have been second. CANNONADE ran fairly will. DO PfcftQ TH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Sept. 11. 1912— 1:03%— 8— 105.1 Fifth running UtlUO Harford Handicap. SI, 500 added. 3 -year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 81,888; second. 8250; third. 8M0. Index Horses AWtSt % ti % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eipiiv. Odds Strt 30I28--SAND MARSH w 5123 4 l3 l1 1" I* .1 Butwell F R Doctor 49O-100 S182PLEOCHARES w 7 Ml 9 fH VIT 2= B Havnes W P Orr MS-MI 28447 -PENNANT W SMI I 8*8" 5 3. F Robson H P Whitney 345-100 32494 IKEWESSA w 7 114 I 3 4= 41 4»l N Huff W L Oliver MM-MS 30328.. SEA BEACH wa4Ml|2 2 2* :!.. S» av Obert B C c.ritfith I24M-MI 30821 .1. J. LIE!. IS we. tilll I 10 9.. $ V J Metealf Mam. ne Stable t 1 88840 HAUBERK willKM s1 t" 7 7»1 R Troxler J F Sweeney 11120-Kio 32175-ROBT. BRADLEY w 7 MS 1 IlM 10 S- E AmbroseW R Mizell 3m;5-10O 28322 HE WILL w 5 122 I 17,1 * P* J McTagt L Feustel t 32548 TEA CADDY w 4MB 7 93 ZJ |k M A Collins M Shea 7510-100 T.Mut.itl field. Added Btartera. Time. 23%. 482.. 1:01. 1:07. Track fast. mutiiels paid. Sand .Marsh. .sll.M straight, .20 place. .50 show: I.eochares. Si;.. sip place. .10 show: Pennant. S3. CO show. Equivalent booking odds— Sand Marsh, 100 to 100 straight. 110 to 100 place. 75 to 100 show Ixo-chares. PI to 100 place, 20 to MS show: Pennant. 88 to loo show. Winner — 15. h. by Sandringham — Maishmallo-.v trained bv R. O. Miller: bred bv Mrs. J. Foster Rawlins. Went to pest at 4:37. At peat 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: sen, ml and third driving. SAND MARSH, under mild restraint from the start, set a fast early pace and eaattjr drew away in t!i last sixteenth. LBOCHARJH began slowly Bad finallv tired after moving up rapidly on the •tretch turn. PENNANT was in a Jan soon after the start and had to be taken up. then finished with a rash. K i:YESSA ran well and finished gamely. SEA PEACH ran a good race. J. .1. 1. II. I. IS closed a big -.-a p. Scratch-d — 82463 Prult Cake. 105: 82420-Top «.- th Morning. 119: 32521 -Skih- Knob. 96; 30305 Startling. Ill: 31351 lAuita. 102: 28855 Lady Moll. 03: 325ls-luiiga Din. 82; 324«-Blue Pox. 95; 32345 • David Craig. 108. Ort Pr/3/1 SIN III RAI i: 5-8 Mile. Sept. !. 1012- 59— 2— MO. Purse SOOO. 3-year-olds. O dfl •. J yJ TT Claiming. Net value to winner 8490; second. 8180; third. 830. lade* Horses AWtSt 1 M and Str PM Jockeys Owners Eipiiv. Odds Strt 32532-MYANNIS w 112 11 !■■ V V," J Metealf T Clyde HFTiel 8087 1* REPROBATE WBllfi 7 l1 1* VI V J Connors E McBride MS-MI 30471 TYKA.T wiill2 2 3 t 2- 2*1 J I.utwell HG P.edv.,11 tX48-lM 38442 s FIRING LINE WBM6 t in1 S s J -i- R McDott J J Farrell Jr M25-160 28002 BELLRINGER w 115 5 4" 8*5" .Y F Robaoa H P Whitney K-MS 30299 CAPTAIN RAY wall] 1 2 ::.. i! « B AmbroseE C Griffith t 82258 FRIENDLESS wr.122 I 81 7 71 7. A Collins Mr Harvey 42M-1M 32519 SCARPIA II. w MS I B* V 41 • N Huff E Arlington M4M-MI 80257 CREPUSCULE wi-.n:; I H1 11 it1 N t McTas*tG II Browne r 32541 BEAUTIFUL MORN wn 112 9 12 12 11= im .1 McTagt A W Low v S5C-1M 32518 = DUNG A DIN ara 115 12 H in W 11 AY Obert C N Diirke t 30114 SEA GULL w 112 10 ? P*12 12 B Havnes J 8 Tyree 11S70-100 tMutnel field. Time. 24. 49, 1:02. Track fast. inutmls paid. Hyanais, 824.M etrahrht, .S7.K place. 84.38 show: Reprobate, 88.18 8B.M show: Tyrant, field. .88 show. EpiiViilent booking odd Hvannis. 1145 to ISO straight. 255 to 100 place. MS io 100 show; Reprobate. 305 to 103 place. 170 to 103 show: Tyrant, field. 40 to 103 show. Winner— B. g. by Dalboosie — Tasley traiaed by A. c. Weston: bred by Mr. Thomas Clyde. Went to post at 5:0-1. At post 4 minutes. Start peed Bad -low. Won dririap; Bttoad and third the same. HVANNIS began slowly and raced wid i the turn-.. Imt ilaetd a biir gap and. finishing fast. eat up to win in the last two strides. REPROBATE set a good pace .,nd raced into a long lead, but tired a« if short in the final eighth. TYRANT ran a g 1 race and ftarished ginolv under punishment. BELL-RINGER tired and ran k di-appointing race. CAPTAIN RAT Mhawtd upeed. Scratched— 82379 Valeric West. 107: 30303 Courtship. 115: 2S855Lady M«d1. 113: 301021 Amalga -aaator, 115: 28825 Btarfinch, 112: 82506 Kilts. 107; 31327 Mae Marray, 110; 32103 Napoleon, 112: Jimmy " Burns, tic. OrtKP: BEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Sept. 25. 1! 15-- 1 :42-.-.-- 4 -uToT Purse O A tl U tl P3S8. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to iniier 5150; .second. 8MO7 third, 0. Iiilex Horses AWtSt , .. % Sir Pin Jockeys Owners E piiv. Odds Strt StS10**R£PTON ara 4 MI 7 4i 2=- 1» l i 1 | K Tlahaj W Mei—al MK-1M 31700THESIERES era 7 Ml ♦; I" I1 V 21 2 A Collins N L Sneiaoa SS-MS S2S43!BRICKLEY w SMI I v. • 8*7* ■■■■ F Robaoa G C Walsh 455-MI S8481*VOLUSPA w 5 107 3 71 8*3" .". 4 W A CarllJ Carson MMS-MI 32530 EG MONT W 8112 2 II 5 4. ,. 5- T McTagtO S lhillips 215-100 32482* JERRY m 4 M7 11 12* IF- M I1 «;: P. Bobel B M Bryaoa tSBS-MS 32551 HARRY LAUDER WB 7M7 IS M 13 13 11"» 71 R McDott .1 F Sweenev 1050-1H- S1004*CHILTON KINO wn 7 Ml 12 11* M» M* in.. 8 E A mbroseA Johnson 11743-MS 32550 DEVIL FISH wb SMS 4 S*l 71 V : 9" T Par" ton J M Kfanaaer t 32256 TAMERLANE W I 1M 9 »* M* 111 13 11= B Havnes 1 W Hedrick t 32377 STANLEY S. araSlMMM1 8 71 Ml U R HartonS Looeflcld f 82488* VIRGINIA IP. w ; P12 5 c v 2«i 3* M" J Dreyer e Davitt 1G5-100 33S0S ZAMLOCH araSM 1 pi 4= I i;1 13 A JohnaonC Polk 3310-101 vMutinl field. Time. 23-5. 49. 1:U%, l:43:/5. 1:475. Track fast 82 miiiuois paid. Reptoa, 822.18 stijiight. s7.2o place, show; Theaierea, 8188 place, S3. 10 show: Hrickley. .88 show. Rqairaleat booking odds— Reptoa, 1005 to kmi atrabjht, 2j» to MS place, 135 to loo show; Theaierea, 145 to 100 place. 70 to KHi show; Hrickley. 90 to 100 ahow. Wiaaer P.. g. by Dr. Legpa— Coma trained by A. C. Porretto; bred by Mr. A. P.. Bpreckebi. Wen* to peal at 8:28. At post 1 minute. Start pood and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. KKlToN began slowly, but moved up piiokly and. after having raced VIRGINIA W. into defeat, drew dear in the hOBM all itch and held the race sate to the end. THESIERBS raced close up throughout, but came wide o:i th" stretch turn and lost groand. P.KICK1.KY closed a big gap and finished with a rush. YOI.t SPA ran weil and finished close up. BGMONT only ran fairly well. JERKY closed a big gap. Scratched- 32564 iBalgee, 104; 52543* Prim Harry. 107: 32254 River King. 107: 324103€hoctaw, 107: 32543 Hiah Horse. 112. Urerweighta- BrJchley, 1 pound: Tamerlane. 3.