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QUESTION REGARDING SPECIAL TRAINS. Montreal Jockey Clubs Will Have to Secure Special Permission for Extra Service. Ottawa, Out.. April 18.- Special pmaiMiaa will have to be Berated by the Montreal jockey clubs if they wish to operate extra trains for the convenience of the patrons duving the coming summer. This was made tear by an officer of the department. Replying to a quc*iion as to tin- probability of the racing associuiions* not Iieing able to secure trains to carry the enthusiast ics back and forth, lie said: "Speeal permission i:i all cases will have t be seemed. Recently the pootoffice department wished to send a special to Halifax to meet the P.crnstorff party, and the C. I". R. was unable to do so until Sir Henry Drajrtoa had give: his consent. The new regulation against the operation of specials was put inti effect because of the coal shortage and freight congestion. Probably this will have bee* relieved by next summer. At the present, however, we can-n 1 say how the COBUBlasioaeflfl would view requests for race-track accommodation, though this short mileage between the cities and the tracks would Bo doubt, be taken into consideration. In any event. they will probably be limited." Should the request for special trains lie refused, it would practically kill the Dorval track, as there is no street car service out to it. Blue Bonnets WOMld not be seriously affected, as they have a direct elu.Uk. line. Presumably the question will not be settled for 000M time. if the requests for s| oeials are denied the riie-tracfe owners. Dorval will he the greatest sufferer in Montreal a-, there i* practically bo other moans ef transportation to and from the course. This would also affect Kempton 1ark track at I.aprairie. B»i Ontario it would show a telling effect on the Pil. milieu race tracks, as they depend largely on the Toronto patronage to keep the plant going. Part Erie is another tiiat would be hit. as speeials are run from London and Toronto each afternoon during the meetings.