Brookline Postponement Disappointing.: First Time Since 1881 That Racing Has Not Been Provided at This Course., Daily Racing Form, 1917-04-17


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BROOKLINE POSTPONEMENT DISAPPOINTING. Firtt Time Since 1881 That Racing Has Not Been Provided at This Course. New York. April 16.— The announcement that The Country Club of Brookllno has decided not to hold its raw meeting, arranged for June M and IS, is u keen disappointment to the devotees of amateur racing, for since 1881 two days or more have been provided each year over the spacious and attractive grounds of the club. The program for the meeting h-. d. bee* distributed. In fact, entries for the Coun-UsBClub Grand Annual and the National Hunt up 1-M| been received in numbers, which would have MM contests in keeping with the glories of the place and its racing. The decision not to race was due solely to the feeling of the members that with the country at war, and conditions as a consequence unsettled, witli many of the younger members already in the ranks of the various branches of the army and navy or other defense organizations, it would be best to give up the meeting and in this the race committee heartily concurred. By some it was feared that the action of Brook-line might afreet other organizations, but it is not probable that any others will be called off. The subject has been considered and it is solely with a desire to do the right thing that the decision to continue has been settled. These meetings have been and will be a great help not alone in the work of developing the horse, something that calls for most serious consideration, but the young men who are most active in this line of sport are even now oiii-olling to serve the country in numbers that bespeaks their loyalty and willingness to do their part. From those listed as qualified riders, the l, umber that are already in uniform is surprisingly gn-at and many more are simply waiting for the call for mobilization of the organizations of which they are member.--. Among the older men. those whose years are above the limit set by the War Department, there is evidence of their aiacere interest and readiness to serve when needed. All over the country they are enrolled for community protection and quite a aaaahef are flying with different aero divisions. If the same interest and support develops among the professional riders Bad horsemen, and it is almost sure to MM a little later, the friends of racing will be represented in numbers and ability that will bring credit to the sport and its devotees.

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Local Identifier: drf1917041701_3_2
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