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SPEY PEARL NOW AT BLUE BONNETS. Thoroughbred frcm Royal Stable Will Bo Transferred to D. Raymonds Tana. Montreal. April 16.— After a slreniions Journey listing almost a month. Ssey Pearl, a thoroagfa bred, the gil; from King George V. t the Kathmal Breediag Bureau, has arrived in Montreal. Bpey Pearl bit hi. royal stable on March 14. S|.cy Pearl is a perfect type of tboro.i.hbred. ami if Mi g t follow in his lines there is sure to be marked im-provemeat in the type of UMtwaghhreds predated hi the province of Quebec within the next few years. The bone arrived early yesterday morning and was walked out to Blm Bonnets, the course of the Montreal Jockey bib. where he will remain for a few days, after which he will lie transferred to tin- form of Deaal Raymond, on the Lies a- Bead, to do stud miilie. This bone was presented to the Bleeding Bureau by bis majesty the king, to encourage the i reeding of 11 onghhrcda in Canada, and to bring alx.ut b. Jt.r radag in the events for l anailian and provincial -!. reds in the next few years. Tliis is the second hone that King George ana seal to Canada within two .vars. The other was Anmer. which is DOW standing in the stud in Ontario, and the first of Irs get have already been foaled. Spey Benrl. although Bet as barge a type as Ann i r. is of much better conformation, and though his bone is biibB I. his legs are as nearly perfect as possible, showing that he has been carefully lb eloped in early training. Although Spey Pearl was bred in the royal stable, be has never been bonered by carrying the royal color- in I em petition. He was trained, but never seal to the post, owing to hi-, majesty the king not racing as many of bis horses a year ago as in previous yean on account of the prevailing conditions and the limit pieced on racing in England. Spey Pearl stood the inspection of a BUaahet of M mtreals best-known horsemen yesterday afternoon. He is UUdet in disposition and could be led around by a iiild. -Mr. Baymond has already had several wires, asking when the horse would arrive, from men who an anxious b breed to him this season. He will do duty at the Raymond farm after being given a well-earned rest. The gift of this horse to Canada speaks volumes in itself and will go a long way towards the furtherance of rachag in this pxavhsce.