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RAPACIOUS WINS SPRING STEEPLECHASE. Philadelphia. Fa.. April 17. — The annual spring steeplechase of the Badaor Hunt Club Saturday was w- ■ by Rapacious, a bay i.iare. owned and ridden by A. .T. Antelo Devereaax. Fiver Freeze, owned aad l i iden by Welsh Straw-bridge, finished first, but took the wrong jump and was disqualified. R. 11. K. TotaadTs brows gelding Sam Fall, ridden by-Mr. tiieston. was second, and Kdwin Brey, owned by W. W. Tamilian and ridden by .Mr. Fosley. finished third. There were three falls during the race. Joha J. Finning. Harvey Tinker and Gilbert Mather heSBg thrown. They were not injured. The race was run at Shappy Creek Farm, the country place of Charles Curtis Harrison, soath of St. Davids. The course was three miles of stiff banting country. The race started at four oclock aad was open to the public. The judges were Ed-vard F. Realc and John Straw-bridge. Barry C. Barclay, Jr.. was the starter. Tin- starters and riders were W. W. Laaahaas Bdwia Grey Mr. Beatey, Mr. Lanahaas Coekspar Mr. Meirymanl. F. B. Marshalls Whirlwind Mr. Itidgw..v;. Clou Riddle Fauns Clcii Kiddle Mr. Merriou. Mrs. Christian A. liag.-ns Jesuit .Mr. ilagen, 11. H. K. Tetaadl Sam F.all Mr. Clies-toa, C. .Mahlou Klines Bask hi owner up. John YV. Converses Merry Christmas owner up, Welsh st raw bridges Hirer Breeae owner ap, A. J. Antelo Devercaiixs Rapacious owaer up. -I. B. Leiner, Jr.s Miss Oxford Mr. Fleming. W. I. Clothiers Wild Irishman Mr. Parker, and M. J. Clothiers i.rosseau Mr. ;. Mather.