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FINISHING TOUCHES FOR KINGS PLATERS. J. E. Seagram Will Have Three Representative-; in 3ij Race Saturday — Entry "Will Be Favorite. Toroato, Out,, Maj 17. The Kings Plate raadi-lates ore receiving the finishing touches of their pre;., nation these mornings aii I trainers nave a busy tone at Woodbine. Vesierdays weather was fine am! the track is in order, thai sneaks for :h-• an- Buperintendenl Walter Saarland has lavished in it all spring. The s.agram Platers snowed the fastest Plat? trial for the seas,,,, :,t Woodbine yesterday. Belle Uabone led c.iii.;. Head by three 1-oaths at the .•ad of .1 mile and b quarter in 2:00%. Gala ! ■■ ss shook off Rtardee al a mile in I :!... and eon:.;,; d i!i one and a quarter in 2:11. Sturdee worked disappointingly, completing the trip in 2:14%. The Waterloo turfman will start three la tlie Kings Plate r.ue Saturday. Belle Maheue, GaUey Head and Call Dress appear the best. Jockeys Robinson, Harrington and Cooper nave beea eag ged as the pilots. The entry win rule a topbeavy favorite for the race. The Gooderham Plater Captain B covered the Plate route in 2:11.. Io lay. accompanied bj Aria raa for one mile aad a quarter in 1 57%. The flrnl mile was ia 1:43%. Jockej W. Cramp all! bare in- mount on Captain B. In the big race. Britannia, the Tborncliffe Plater, went her mile in 1:43% and one mile and .1 quarter in 2:14%. IM Glasscos Plate candidate Rex Gaiety worked with Pair Montague, 11. •• first mile in 1:40 and th-mile and a quarter in 2:1." . li.- was doing bis beat al the cud. The fastest work of the fecal season was that of King Hamburg, over a niie in 1:42% and a mile an I an eighth in 1:50%. He i- good and is fit. Fountain lays mile was in 1:43%. Other good p. rformancea at ■ mil" were: Hampton Dame in 1:40%, Russell Square in 1:44%, iron Cross in 1:47%, Java to in 1:45%, Hubbub in 1:1.".... Pepper I Sauce in 1:45%, lb art, of Oak in 1:52. Hamas Ready for the Bugle Call. I Astrologer went a good three nasrtrrs in 1:17%, |and Brishl Bunds in 1:17%. Miss Gayle showed five-eighths in 1:03%. Corn Br 1 fed Oi I Pop I tliri uarters in 1:10. Gala Water an 1 Btatim, from 1!. ■ Seagram stable, went together a mile ill 1 :4."-r, ami the mile and a quarter in 2:1-1. Btatim is eligible for the Plate. Gold Galore and Tea Cup worked a mile in 1:40%; Phillistine, three quarters iu 1:17; Bmithfield sad Gala Day. a mile in 1:47%. The two-year-olds Scythian. Braferth am! Twelve Pedis went an easy five eighths in 1:07. Giddiugs two-year olds Bene her and Britains Ally, want a half in 50%, with the latter being beatea off. Dandy and Goblet went a half in 52%. The lioardmoro two-year-old Bed Admiral, with Altar Fire, worked three-eighths in 30%. Pomp put in three-uaurtan in 1-10, and Black Broom seven eighths in 1:32, A N. Aiken worked five-eighths in 1:06%. Other works were: Hlgaal, three eighths in 90%; Alreto, mile iii 1:62; Anna Kdgar, half in -IO; Kukluv, half in 40%; Opera Glaus, three quarters in 1:18%; MiCoihiim and Twin Stream, three-uuarters ia 1:18%; Meissen, three-uuawtera in l:tt%; Smart Money, three ipiarters in 1:19; l.achelors Dleinl. three eighths iu 18%; Kl Key, three-ipiarters in 1:10%. The P.rookdale Stable appears to shelter some fine two -year-olds. ltlacl. b.iru and M.iybloom did a half mile journey handily in 50%, breaking from the barrier. SaddU-ee was a second slower. Sir John Hciidries Shorneliffe went a half in ," 3-.-,. The Malamont youngster Momiaine went three-eighths in IK!-.-, and Salvolctte. from the same stable, iu 30. Stanley Fay II. went his half in 52.