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NO SUSPENSION OF ENGLISH RACING. British Government Reconsiders Decision to Stop Sport and Allows It to Continue at Newmarket. London, May 15. — The government has reconsidered its decision regarding the future of flat racing and decided to make substantial concessions and allow the sport to continue at Newmarket. The successful appeal made by large numbers of owners, trainers anil breeders has brought great satisfaction to all followers of racing throughout the country. x The substitute for the famous Epsom Derby, the biggest classic of the English season, will be run on May 30. and that for the New Oaks on June 1, both to be decided at the first extra meeting at Newmarket. In commenting on the English governments decision to permit racing to continue at Newmarket, Francis Nelson writes as follows: "The prospect of irreparable injury to the bloodstock breeding industry from the temporary suspension of raring, a course which has not been considered necessary in any other part of the British empire, no doubt had great influence in bringing about the reconsideration of the apparently hasty action of the government in this direction. Within the last year ami a half American buyers alone have spent a million and a half dollars in the purchase of bloodstock iu Europe. Conditions which have, and can have, no parallel on this side of the Atlantic, exist in the mother country, but hysteria on this subject was not of long duration. All the rhetoric so freely poured out by superficial and uninformed, advisers on this matter is evidently not of the slightest avail against the admitted fact that the abolition, or even, the suspension, of racing means nothing more nor less than the disappearance of the thoroughbred horse from the stud farm of the world, the British Isles. Against such a national calamity the government is now providing by the rescinding of its recent request to the Jockey Club for a suspension of the meetings arranged for the flat racing season, all of them at turf headquarters. Newmarket. "Nothing is said in the cables about conditions in Ireland, but then- is little doubt that the Irish breeders, a large and important dement, will receive similar consideration, and have racing restored in their own territory, thus being relieved from the necessity of sending their horses to Newmarket. "It would have been a curious anomaly and justi fied only under the gravest possible circumstances, were racing abandoned in Britain, while continuing as it does, in every other part of the civilized world. Everywhere, too. in syite of what credulous people are invited to believe, legalized speculation attends it. Whether one approves of it or not, the fact cannot be got over by denying or ignoring it, that there is no country in the entire world in which betting on race courses is not legalized and recognized."