Pimlico Meeting Closes: Last Day Favored With The Usual Generous Measure Of Patronage.; Hyannis Runs a Good Race and Defeats The Belgian II. in the Oriole Handicap--Elect Wins the Steeplechase and Leads All the Way., Daily Racing Form, 1917-05-18


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PIHLICO MEETING CLOSES LAST DAY FAVORED WITH THE USUAL GEN-ER0US I.ILASURE OF PATRONAGE. Kyannis Runs a Good Eace and Defeats The Belgian II. in the Oriole Handicap — Elect "Wins the Stcej laveunaa and Leaua All the Way. Pimliee, Md.. May 17 The flsslng day of the Maryland Jockey ChaVs spring meeting brought a large gathering oat to the Puuliee course. A welt arranged program ».. . provided by the management with the Ore.!.- Handicap, a dash of .- rea 1. iths, as the feature. The CoasaHdattea Bteeplechase aad the Chesapeake Handicap were additional attractions. The Oriole Handicap had a purse ,,f 2250 and Thomas Clyde furnished the winner in his honse- bred Hyaanis, arfaich showed superior .-.peed ami beat The Belgiaa II. out by a hair aonen feagtha. 1 oiiins succeeded in squeeaing through next the rail on the turn into the backatretch and, racing into .11 easy had. kept i:n leasing his advantage all the way. . the finish be was eaaed up. Sleet made a runaway affair of tin- Consolidation Steeplechase and beal the favorite Robert Oliver hi 1 length nod a half. The fetter, after cfestng an iiiiiiu use gap, tired after getting t.» the haflrr in the last sixteenth. Bam Louis has decided to remain iu Maryland and take iii the half mile meetings at tin- Beutfe-meiis Driving iariv. Prospect Park ami Marlboro. Harry Kites came down from BinghamntoU, .New fork, where he is actiag as superintendent of the Willis Bharpe Kihn. r"s farm, to take in a day., racing at Pimliee. Frank .1. Bryan, who will act as one of the Officials at Woodbine, left for Toronto tonight. Starter Dade and his staff of assistants also left for Canada. Field Clasces Presented to W. P. Ri. The crew employed in the mntnali at PiaUfee pros-iited W. P. Biggs, manager of that department, witii a handsome pair of field glasses. Mr. RlggS is decidedly popular with tin- employes of the Maryland Jockey Club. A ml ice was posted in the secretarys office asking the whereabouts of Joseph Bath. A fetter was received by the management from his mother in I.oni -ville who w ashes his address. K. D. McDuafel leaves for New York in the morning uith the big string ho is training far G. ii. Browne. Young McDaniel has made quite a reputation for himself as a trainer and has the distinction of having area tin- li.-st time in sent a horse to he post in a Hit rr.ee. when King Cobalt won and also no first lime that he sent a horSQ to i:,. post in a steeplechase, when he saddled Moonlighter tie oilier day. McOaaiebj reports that the three-year-old King Herod i- rounding to after his a cldeni th- other day, when be straddled the fence whip at the post. The horse lair Mae, which has been resting al Aqueduct, v.ill be sea! through the field this year. Pair -Mae uon the Usl three times be started iii steeptecbasi * in Ireland and in his last, race carried the big impost of 172 pounds. A big special nulled out 1.. night lor Toronto. It was made no of several cars. About 100 followers also hit for .inula, to r.niiin for the entire circuit.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1917051801/drf1917051801_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1917051801_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800