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STOP FIGHTING NEW ORLEANS TRACK. Judge 0Donncll So Advices Miss Gordon Since She Is a Stockholder. New Orleans. La., May 17.— "It is a great pity. Miss .onion, that a woman of your talent anil energy is given to wasting the gifts which are yours on n cause so unworthy. Do you ever stop to think that you are doing yourself a great injustice, and that you are not treating the people and the courts fair, when you go to the rescue of a man who has hecn proven so utterly unworthy? The nation n -eds women like you right now. The Red Cross, the home economy, home guarding and big public works would be better befitting you than the Ill-directed work you are now attempting." Judge Alex ODonnell of the Second City Criminal Courts thus addressed himself to Miss Gordon, who, as secretary of the Citizens League of Louisiana, has tried to stop racing and many other kindred enjoyments of local people. Judge ODonnell said he believed that Miss Gordon should stop her fight on the race tracks in New Orleans, since she was a stockholder. She was defending a man who hud a man arrested for making a handbook.