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FIFTY-EIGHTH RUNNING OF THE KINGS PLATE WILL BE DECIDED AT WOODBINE TOMORROW + 4, TI10 oldest fixture run continuously 011 this Continent, the Kings Plate, will be the stellar attraction of the opening day of the Ontario Jockey Clubs piing meeting at Woodbine on Saturday afternoon. The Kings Plat" was first run in ISM .is the Queens Plate and was known as Rucfa until 1902. when it was changed to its present name. Uninterruptedly this highly coveted nxture of Canadian racing has been run each year and tomorrow the Ifty-eighth running will take place. The Ontario Jockej club has increased the value of the stake this year, adding "1 .".tin ami a piie of ntate.The winner also receives .".;» guineas, the gift of His Majesty King Geoff .■ . The history of tin- King, Plate from I8S1 to the pros. -ul time is as follows: Veer. First. Age. Jockeys. Wt. Second. Age. Wt. Third. Age. Wt. Val Tim-. ism vice Chancellor 4 Brown. .115 Jessie McCullougu til. UN Athlete ttj li: $ .".to.eo 2 :53 ;s 2 Funny Wiser i;.... 1:. Gates. .113 Williams i» 112 Tatlaaaore .".. 11:1 -J...1 lss:: Kbody Cringle :;i Smith.. :t7 Williams l5j IM I"eeaa LouisoCliiir, 42U.O0 2:u2% 1884 Williams tii Martin. .121 Maniais i.".i 121 Modjeska ir.i...lls 4t5.O0 2:uO% issr. Willie W. 4 lamicson . .1 15 Fred Henry .11 121 Edmonton 4. .1211 2:38 I8SC Wild Rose 4 C. Butler. .113 Cud Henry * 121 Wild Bruce 3 hi 4U0.« 2:48Vi 1887 Bonnie Cuke ... Wise .. i lit Fred Ueurj .1 122 Aunt Alice 7. 117 K7.50 2:19 isss Hear Cooper 4..c. OLeary.,118 Kvangtliuc 1 113 Cast Off £ ... 117 4s7.."0 2:18% I88W Colouisl 3 I:. oLeary . . ItM Boa Ino .". 101 U ng shot U1..12G XSZ.M 2:h 1S90 Kite String .". tXueuMn..l*3 La Blanche li 117 Fli|i Flan li..I17 327.0 2:22 ism Victorious 3 Gorman.. 100 La Blanche 3 121 Moyama :: ..101 4u7.oU 2:14% 1SU2 Ollonohue 3 llortou..l©« Queen Mary ::i 101 Ilea. Id 11 3101 4-JL,..V 2 ?~ IStKt Martello Hi Blslock..lrh Athakt -li KM Ilea. Bbwm 4|!17 S3U.U0 2:14 1804 Joe Miilcr ! Booker. .122 Bel Demonio 3 126 Maj.General3 100 7S3. 00 2:28V. 1893 BonnieOeld ■"• Booker. -MO MOihrook 3 MM liocbinvar 4. .110 903.00 2:17% IMm; Mil!!. ri ok 4 Lewis. .122 Springal ::i 102 Dictator ..120 073.0V 2:10 1sj7 Ferdioaud C- I- wis . .KM Boa iao 13 101 Wicker ::» UN I.013.0U 2-13 lsiis Inn 4t U. Williams. .117 Daluwor 4| 122 Maritanall.3l 101 1.010.00 2:13% 1 890 Butter S.oich ■. Mason.. IOI Balmoor ■". 1J ; Toddy Ladle3l«k.*l 1.331.00 2:15% 1900 Dalmoor 01 Lewis. .120 The ITovost 3 I0H Bellrnarl i4i...H7 1.393.30 2:14 I0O1 Jolin Ruskia 3 VitItoe..l05J Bellcourt i".i 121 Feraletickle :;il .1 1.570.30 2:18% !002*Lyd IIte ■• Wainw: -ight. . Mil Flj ln-Amlu*r 4» iti Opnntia ". ...123 1.723.00 2:15 IftOvl I in ssai...| C. Castro.. 104 Neato 3 103 Gold.CresI 4. 117 l.onn.00 2:15% 1004 Sapper 3 .1. Walsh. .103 Nimble Hick 3 100 War Whoou 3KJ6 1.975.00 2:12 1903 Ii.ioino CD II. Phillips. .100 Will Kins 3 100 ILSeasOver 3. 100 2.092.00 2:12 1900 Slaughter 3 Treubel..lO0 Court Martial .; 106 Haruko Co ...mi 3.393. sl 2:1 1 - 1007 Kelvin 3 Foley . .100 Haifa-frown 3 106 Bilberry .". 123 3.707.00 2:12% [OftS Seismic .Ti Falrlirotner..l06 Bhimouese 3 101 H.-a-Crowa 4i.i22 3.030.00 2:11 I90O 4 Gilbert. .119 Tollenda! 3 I0R lort Garry .".10S 3.230.00 2 :KS| 1910 Parner 3 I. WUSOU..105 Commola 3 104t .la: e Si ore 3. 103 3.332.50 2:12% 1011 st Bam •■ E. Puaaa..lOS Powdermaa .". 165 Jsne Si. ore f4.1*o 3.303.00 2:08 1012 Heresy 3 Small.. 108 Amhetite " 10.1 Rustling 3. ..103 4.333.00 2:11 IIH3 Hearts of Oak 3.. J. Wilsou..113 Maid o| Frame 3 KM Gold Bad 4. .110 4.335.00 2:09% l!M4 Beehive •: "■• Buraa..ll3 Bark Roealeea 31 W Sea Lord ::i...ior, 4.735.00 2:10, 1M5 Tartarean SI II. Watts.. 108 Fair Montague 3.... 108 Pen. Sauce 3. 113 1.310.00 2:09M lflfl Mandarin 3 . Pickens.. 113 Gala Water •". 108 Gala Bay 3. .113 4.01. "..00 2:12 ♦Queens Plate prior to this year and run as such from 1S00 to 1901.