Churchill Downs Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1917-05-18

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CHURCHILL DOWNS FORM CHART. LOUISVILLE. KY„ THURSDAY, MAY 17. 1917. Churchill Downs. Fifth dav. New Louisville Jockey liib. Spring Meeting of 12 days. Weather clear. Stewards, Chas. I*. Price and iias. F. Cranage* Judges, V. 1I. Shelley and J. p.. Campbell. Starter Harry Morrissey. Racing Secretary. .1. R. Campbell. Racing starts at 2:30 p. in. Chicago time 2:30 p. iu.. "Indicates apprentice allowance. QOQ1 Q FIRST BACK— I 1-2 Furlongs. May t, 1909 --52 V— »-l«. fJM AdihTd. 2-year-old7 tlA t/ Atl Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 05; second. 39; third. 0. InIcx lu2!* AWtlISt M "1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt lililVSZKSS? BARNBY w 111 6 i P p ]3 P Low** g R Bradley 640-100 rh*":?:,.1 * w 106 * 3" 2 : 2- K LapailleWilliams Bros 140-100 51212 *G« B«IA T. KELLY w 102 I 10 •] 4 3| AV Crump J AV Schorr 2W,Am 32730 CARL KLLWANGER w 10S 7 6 » « 4 R looso AV II Baker T5 100 33865 DESIRE w 107 4 4 H H Bl H St-arns J 8 Ward K-iLm lllty£A£RlS.£ wlOlill 7 4J 5i V B Kk-egerW J Young iVlOO 32824 TOM TIT w 106 I 5 7 7» 7* C DishmonC C Van Meter SbbvS MISS AGNES w lor, 12 11 3*1 Bl s= E Martin J AV BeU t,0-100 *9ZbTS 32870 DICKIE AV. bIm 2 M | B| 9* AV Ho™ AV AVcodard HALCO w M7 1 I K.IO V y. D ConmllvG J Lone 4" n 1011 32790 FRANK WILSON W 110 5 ■ 11M? 11- J Hanover C T Worthington SStS .L SS wa MSU 12 12 12 H LunsfrdC R Mill.-r t + Mutu.-I held. Time. 23%, 48%. 54%. Track fast. T show-teJIrVii TKIr Si so"fs I!,-rm*V 9aJ* st,iliKht- •*"■ 1,1:K - *1-W sl0w; Kllng. .30 plac-e. .80 ."!,is ,1;it .°f Il,:,rnf-V- ,:,!0 «" H« straight. 150 to 100 place, 100 to 100 show ,-,-,1-:l,V-V!,.1,",i,eol"",ki"K Kiing. t.., to 100 place. 40 to 100 show: Georgia Kellv. 240 to 100 show Winner— B. f. by Canard- Melton Mowbray trained by C. Haiumon: bred bv Mr. ■ R Bradb-v i,„ iVn- Vii-m iwr-v At "" 4 ""!"*•?■ st:,rt P** i""1 MSf« Wan Basflr: s.-cond and third driv- Bl! Of nu BLARNBY, away forwar.lly. began fast and. showing the most speed, had the others we-U b-aten before- reaching the- last eighth. Kl.INO rae-ed close up all the way and held on well in the stretch drive. GEORGIA KEI.LY Bnisbed fast after dosing a big gap. CARL- EELWANGER Vl miowiu owed improvd in. rovl m.nt. but tired in the stretch. DESIRE and PARU1SH ran well. Scratch-el Qnartette, 110. Overweights Clialeo. 2 pounds. UkiUI A SECOND RACE IMhHTi. ,w— -T , ., ...„ . „ . •" i|. fJj efa J X tr 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; se-cond, 21; third, 1917.sh4. J11 x Hoises A_WtP_PSt_,t _ § Str Fin Jockeys OwiTcrs lTquiT7~Odil7strTt 32809 EVELYN V. WB 107 1 C 4- » SB 1= P C DishmonC C Van Motor fwflTnO ::85I2S»|HIA GATEWOODwlM 1 B 4 3 i 2 2 B Kleeger P J Miles HO-S 38780 CRUCES wsit 112 7 5 7 7 V 3 3 K Martin II Field 670 wo SSOM BEN HAMPSON w HO I 1 3. 2. 4 H 4h R loose .1 Livinpston CRESTWOOD GIRL WB 107 2 7 $ 5 $•«" 6 1 H Shilling J Umensetter SSavS :2800-.MAV STAB « 115 4 2 2 1 Ik V 5*5 R WingfldH J Seicbncck 1170-1 K 33800*MACMONDB wn 107 5 4 I* » 7 7 7 J Crub.-r K SpVnoe tOt 00 Tim-. 24. 49V5. 1:14%, 1:41%, 1:46%. Track fast. M rJP ""itncls paid, Evelyn V„ 3.10 straight, .30 place. .70 show; Sophia Gatewood. S7.00 place .s.i.oo show: races, ?.i..;o shasr. - E.iuivalent booking od.Is—Evelyn V. 570 to 100 straight. 205 to 100 place, 135 to 100 show; Sophia Gatewood, 260 ti loo place, 17.. to loo show: Craces, 105 t Bmi sbaw. Winner- Br. f. by Jack Athia — Metzie trained by C. C. Van Alcter: bred bv Ralgowan Stud *i -:r1 l lT! - ,,,i"",t s- st:irt C, "1 -""I x«- Won c-asiiy; s.-cond and third driv-uiu. i.,.. ,-[lK"SS KVKL.YN . was s:ived until in the- last quarter, wh -re she eaBBB awav to win as her rider pleased SOPHIA GATEWOOD raced prominently from tin- start and held „„ well in the stretch drive- CRUCE8 was awajr poorly and closed a big gap. BEN HAMPSOM ran a bad race MAY STAR and MACMONDB quit badly atter alternating m paee-inaking. Overweights Sophia Gatewood. 2 ponnels. 3M1 h third race-3-4 Mile. o.t. Hi, 1913— l : li— 2-105. PiTrse $.soo. S-year-oMs and *-/ -*- *J upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 1917.sh50; srroead, 00; third. 0. I"*eJL ?•**?■. AWtlISt t .. ■"•.. Str Fin Jockeys Owners EcTiiiv. Odds Strt 32837 BILLY JOE wn 5 110 7 6 4 4 3* 1* H Shilling J Cm.-nsettor ll"40-~100 52523 ,?A?ABIjE *■!£! 4 x -2 * ]" » w KetwrManhtll Broa SSaVM o"5o«.V;1,V 1-. W6PJ7 3 5 5i 6" 3 VM AV Crump J B Goodman 315-100 SSSMC HECKS w 4 W4 2 2 D 3* 4J 4 H Thurbc-rW H Hogan 0M 100 .IfSHlJSES IAIV RT wsu7 111 1 3 6 51 5= S« M Buxton B J Brannon 915-100 32825 = 1MPRESSIVE w 4 104 S 4 2U 1 J S* G- K LapaiUeWilliama Bros 80-lm 32050 BENJAMIN wr. 4 104 G 7 7 7 7 7 It Kleeger C W Gass-r 2060-100 Time. 23%. 47%. 1:13%. Track fast. mutuels paid, Billy Joe-, 1. SO straight, 0.10 place. .30 show; Palatable. 2.00 place 80 show: Droll. S3. 30 show. Bouival. nt booking odds— Billy Joe, 1110 to 100 straight. 420 to 100 place, 115 to 100 show; Palatable. lOOO to 100 place. L»0 to 100 show; Droll, 08 to M0 show Winner— Ch. g. by Russell— Ethel T. trained by J. I mensctter; bred bv Mr. O. H. Chenanlt Wnt to post at 3:21. At post 0 minutes. Start good and slow for all but BENJAMIN. Won driv-ins; second and third the BBBM. BILLY JOE raced close up from the start and. holding on ganielv under paaishmeat, oatstayed PALATABLE. The latter was a dose up eoatender from the start but tire-d after racing into the lead. DROLL came fast in the last quarter. CHECKS acted badlv at the post, but ran a g i race-.. STOIT HEART ran a bad race. IMPRESSIVE quit badly. BENJAMIN away poorly. t fc C|l fi toi inn RACE -3-4 Mile. Oct. io. MU— 141— 8— MO. Parsa ,000. fuyaar-aMa. t 4flt/A*J Fillies. Special Weights. Nc-t value to winaer : second. 50; third, 5. Index Haraca AAVtIPStU .- "m Str Fin Jockeys Owners Ecn~livTOdds~StrTt «32480MAIME MILLER w 110 7 1 V V V 1 AV Kotoay Marshall Bros 115-100 12251 l.-r,!; M,V: STORIES wiio :: I Hf ,. », p Lowder E i: Bradley 2sr,-wo 32740 BATTLE w 110 2 7 tj 3* Bk bj r Goaac P A Clark X3S-1M 22. ,J! V,K,IIV.,, V. W!H : * " 4 *■ * ,: KhgrWi.Uliffe Stable 1GW-W0 ;; lizi -s-.-l.- I ,. w 5 1 - r 7 7 * H BhlUlngT M Mnrpoy 3S0MM • JI2flS! 1N,-Af" v.aiwt E A 31 P P D ConnellyPaathne Stable Mb-M 2M1«QI BEN ERRANT w 110 S I 7 r.c Bl 7 E Martin T C McDowell 30K-M0 Time. 23, 46?i. 1:1*%. Track fast. *2 mutuels paid, Marie Miller, 34-90 straight, .10 place-, .70 show; Bedtime Storie-s, 00 id ice 32.90 show; Battle-. 3.!0 show. Bqairaleat I king ...Ids Marie Miller, 115 to 100 straight. 55 to 100 place, 35 to 100 show- Bed-tune Morns. SO to 100 place-. 45 to 100 show; Battle, 70 to 100 show. Winner— Ch. f. by Abe Frank — -P. irnie Buntoii trained by L. F. Alarshall; bred by Mr J F Newman. Went to post :it 3:51. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same-. MAK1E MIDLER showed a high order of early speed and Bet a fast pace, but had to lie driven bard la the- last eighth to outstay BEDTIME STORIES. The latter came slightly wide- on the last turn coating her some ground, but unshed fast and g.imely. BATTLE was taken back soon after the start and finished resolutely. MELIORA had no mishaps. SINFLASI1 and QlKEN ERRANT were eased uu in the lest eighth w iieu beaten. 0 4IQ 1 n FIFTH RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. May S. 1000— 52 ft— S— MB. Purse .000. 2~year- *J £± *-J -*- ■ elds. Fillies. Special Weights. Net value to winner 75; second. 50; third, 5. Indev Horses AWtlISt j U % St r Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. O.Id"s~Strt S«041-A IOLET BONNIE W Ml 1 1 ll 21 1* G AV CnrllA L Kirbv OHM S37M*CRYSTAL DAY w Ml 7 5 4- 4 2- I ConndlyW L Lewis tlHi Ml 32755 MISPRESS 1OLLY w 10C 2 3 7 r. i ::•■ R loose Callaher Bros MM-MI 32841 SASBNTA w lo: I I ::i ::j 43 AV AV TlorT P Hayes 47M-1M 8S737EBOXY will I 4 21 1J f,» ■ Martin T C McDowell 3S-3M LIP :-."! ! [ : w M 4 7 3*10 M M Buxton A K Macomber S03MM 32811 II. MA SCHORR will I I and 73 7" F Mur;.hv J AV Schorr MK-M3 32828 REDEITA V. w BO 8 S 3 3 8 C Hunt K Kpcncej MSh-MI lime-. 0%. 48, 544i. Track fast. 32 mutuels jiaid, Vioh-t Bonnie. .50 straiglit, .S0 place. .00 show; Crystal Dav, .50 place. .40 show: Mis! ress Polly. show. Equivalent booking odds Violet Bonnie. 75 to 100 straight. 40 to KM place, 30 to 100 show; Crystal Day. 175 to BK place. 70 to BMI show; Mistrc ss Polly. 230 to KM shew. Winner — Ch. f, by Transvaal— Mary Day trained by A. L. Kirby; bred by Mr. Jesse Spencer. AVent to post at 4:20, At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. AlOLET BONNIE ran as if much the best and showed superior speed, bnt bolted on the turns and was all over the track in the last eighth, tluei won With the utmost ease. CRYSTAL DAY gained steadily and going fast at the end. MISTRESS POLLY also finished swiftly and outstayed SASBNTA in the last strides. EBONY showed a good burst of speed, but tired after racing into the lead. ILMA SCHORR was always outrun. Overweights— crystal Day. 1 pound: Sasent.i. 3; Lip Stick. 1; Redlita ., 2. 3» C* 1 W SIXTn iLVCE -1 Mile and 70 Yards. May tt, 1012— 1 :42Vr.— 3— 97. Purse 00. AU*J±. O 3-year-olds. Selling. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 0. Index Horse:; AWtlISt .4 V- ?j Str Fin Jockeys Owners IhjBijTodda Strt 32843*C.RC.DY wb Ml 7 5 V P 1= V V B Kleeger AV cSemplc 475-100 32843- *GED. C. LOVD wb IM? 2 2 21 2 2« 22 21 AV Crump AV H Pearca 105-100 32843* ALERT w B 101 4 4 6= 6i 51 3 3 N Barrett C E Rowe 620-100 32843 IRREKHLAR w 110 1 1 4i B] 31 4» 4« AV AV TlorT P Hayes 550-100 32843 •LUCILE P. w 100 5 7 7 7 41 53 5s J Dursch G Knebelkamp 12.10-100 32843 DADDY HOLBERT w 107 6 fi 5h 41 6« 6s 6»« E Martin R P Brooks 14480-100 32843 OLD EYLERS w 1081 3 3 3- 5U 7 7 7 J Hanover F S Fogg 4090-100 Time. 23%. 47%. 1:13%. 1:40%, 1:45%. Track fast. mutuels paid, Grundy, 1.50 straight, .80 place, .10 show; Ceo. C. Love, .70 place. 40 show; Alert, .40 show. Equivalent hooking odds — Orundy, 475 to 100 straight, 90 to 100 place, 55 to 100 show; Geo. C. Love, 35 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Alert, 70 to 1K show. AAinner — II. c, by Rouquelaure — Prude trained by S. M. Henderson; bred in England by Mr. F. C. Stern. AVent to post at 4:54. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. GRINBY was rushed into a big lead at once and set a fast pace, but had to be shaken up in the stretch, then won going away. GEO. C. LOVE followed in closest pursuit, but tired and had to be hard ridden in the last eighth to outstay ALERT. The latter closed a gap and was gaining at the * end. IRREGULAR tired in the last quarter. LUCILE P. was beaten throughout. DADDY HOLBERT and OLD EYLERS quit badly. Scratched- 32H43sSqu.iro Dealer, 107. Overweights— Lucile P., 1 pound: Old Eylcrs, IK. 35 1 I C| SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. May 27. 1»1«— 1:51%— 4— 110. Purse . 3-yenr-cQ €J 1 f/ olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 1917.sh50; second. 00; third. 0. Index Horses A Wt PPSt 4 % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 32867 *TURCO w 4 106 1 2 2 31 41 21 Ink B Kleeger J M Goode 790-100 32780*SOLID ROCK w 4 107 3 5 5* 5« 3» 11 2" R Goose J Livingston 305-100 32871OLGA STAR w 7 113 6 6 6 6 6 V 3 . C Hunt L H Dickinson 435-100 32794 •INTONE wb 5 109 5 1 1 1 U 31 41 R WingMdRoss and Looney 880-100 32843 MONOTONY wb 3 107 4 3 41 41 2» 41 5 D ConnellyJ H Baker 465-100 S2871 YENGHEE w 7 113 2 4 31 2" 5* 6 6 J Hanover G Borkel 335-100 Time. 24%, 48%, 1:14%, 1:40%, 1:53. Track, fast. mutuels paid. Turco, 7.80 straight, .90 place, .60 show; Solid Rock, .40 place, .20 show; Olga Star. .20 show. Equivalent booking odds — Turco, 790 to 100 straight, 295 to 100 place, 130 to 100 show; Solid Rock, 120 to 100 place, 00 to 100 show; Olga Star, 00 to 100 show. AVinner — li. g. by Hastings — Turquoise trained by J. M. Goode; bred by Mr. August Belmont. AVent to post at 5:20. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. TlRCO was kept well up for the first three-quarters and. when called on strongly, responded gamely and outstayed SOLID ROCK. The latter moved up fast after going a half mile and raced into the lead, but tired near the end. OLGA STAR began slowly and came fast when ridden hard. INTONE set a good pace, but quit in the last eighth. MONOTONY and YENGHEE tired after running well for three-quarters. Overweights — Monotony, 1 pound.

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Local Identifier: drf1917051801_3_2
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