Delorimier Park Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1917-05-24

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DELORIMIER PARK FORM CHART. MONTREAL. QUE.. Tuesday. May 22, 1917.— IMoiinikr Park. Third day. M..ntie:il Driving Club. First M eting of 7 days. Weather clear. Ilisidiiig Judirc. barbs Ca11.pc.111. Starter, Frank McGinty. Racing Se. r.t.ny. .1. Y. Brown. K.ning starts at 2:31 ] . m. Chicago time, l:P.O. 2502C First Race — About 5-8 Mile. Purse $.*VH. :: :.r obi- anil upward Claiming. Net value to winner. 1225; scowl. ISM; third. 5. i:.,uiv. Odd* lad. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 32M2sU.CaprtciotM 113 1" N Poden Ma-M» S29d2aHorlcun n 21 C white 210-lno S2SSC Mi.-s Fi.l.l.r Ins 3 C Gross NN-M 3 34« Politician 1M 4 1. Gray SM6 Ml gtttlt Jeannette 105 5". It Ryan MM 1M 32M4 Eddie Mott US 81 W 1onnc 46M-MI 32521 Leialoha 113 Il J Dodd lwii-iini 32S53 Maaaenet Vm V it Hatty MI-MI :-i4!l!» Cousin Gob H..i :■ V Hinphy 8314-141 S2M1 Little Pttrd 11" 10 W Mandera 955 K0 Tim.-. 24-,5. 493and. 1:05. Track fast. 83 ::n:iu«ls paid, ladj Capriela— . sM» Btraigkt, 32.5a place, 82.88 show: Iiori«on, 8248 place, 8S.88 show: Miss lieMer, 85.88 -how. Bqalvaleal booking ■«■ laij Captitlaaa, 140 to 100 -traighl. 25 to 188 place, 88 to M8 show: Hori- ..a. 88 to Kki place, 48 la 1 h show; Miss Fielder, 158 t. KMt show. Wlaaer D. Hills 1.. m. 5, by Marta Raata— Roherta Lm trained 1 I. Hill; br. d by Mr. W. B. Payae. Went b. post at 2:1.". At post " minutes. St.irt good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Scratched SS85S BDIetta, Kt ; 88882PnwiUac, 111: 88M5 Scriiuniauc. I18L Overweights .leaiincitc. 5 pounds; Cousin Bob, -; Little Ford. 5. 33027 Beeead Bad — About 5-8 Mile. Purse 8888. 3-year ol. Is and uinvard. Claiming. Net value to winner, 8225; second. 2; third, 5. Ei|iiiv. Odds lad. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. •J97K-: Bervia 1M 1] R Ryan Ml bin 33888 »Sallie ODay 113 21 N Poden 1M loo S2S42 Vaca 113 P J Dodd :;4S5-1h • itn»i May Bock 10:. 4 G Carey 1MM-MI 3-»!«:s Mex mi 5. B Loans MS-MI 32441 Al Court lis I C Kni-.-ht 14M-MI 82428 Louis" Paul 113 VI W Ormes 5220-100 •i ;xir J. c. Cantrill 110 Is s Woistenm 4020-io i S2S4M*F*cy leath.-rsloo 9 A Alexandra 4t;io-lto :;i8."»-i Pici.again 106 M C CJros.s 0245-100 Time. 24%, 49=, 1:01. Track fa;;t. nnituels ji.iid. Servi:i. .s; straight, 84.42 place, .M sh.w; Sallie 0"Iay. .10 place, .70 show: Yaca. .Sti.2r show. EMiiivalent booking odds -Servia. MM to 100 straight. 120 to 100 place, 05 to 100 show; Sallie ODay, 55 to 100 place. 35 to 100 show; Vaca, J10 to M8 show. Winner- -II. M. Donaldsons b. g. 4. by Tim Pavin — Arcadia Belle trained by H. M. Donaldson: bred by Mr. Cat.sby Woodford. Went to post at 8:18. At post 7 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Scratched— Alessi, 10S; 82899 -El Sabio, 115; 3301KI Izzet Bey, 115. Overweights — 1ickagain. 1 pound: May Bock, 5. 33028 Third R.ic. — About 5-8 Mile. Purse 0O. 4 year olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner, 8225; second, 8S8; third, 825. E.piiv. Odds lad. Home. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 33991 Oakland 110 1 W Taylor 2M 1M S22MaCal Corn no 2 W Pinna MM 1M 222411 J. Crawford 1M :: Cross Msii-Phi S22SI Prosper.. PonlM -iL G Alexandra JrMOS Km 22M 1 Doctor Bab 110 5 L Gray 43M-MI S2221 McAdanm 110 l| K Byaa 2s7r. Ml S2222*Ba» and Stars 115 7 C Knkht 110 UMl 32—1 .Mar. OBrien 119] s- W Handera 7«i phi 22211 *Donner 110 9- X Poden HM-Mi 3235! Btael W.dl.s Pis P A HulUoat I12SS-1M Time. 24*3, 494o, IMffc. Track fast. S2 paid. Oakland. S7.00 straight. 10 place, .50 show; Gal Curn. 88.98 place, . SO show; Jennie Crawford. S0.20 show. Baniraleat booking odds -Oakland. 250 to 100 straight. 1K to 10O place. 75 to loo show; Pal Cuiii. 828 U KM ]il. ice. Kill to Hill show; Jennie Crawford, 888 to KM show. Winner K. Ripleys blk. g. B, liy Rearcatcher — Larena trained by R. Ripley; bred by Mr. C. A. Bi-imhi. Went to post at 3:49. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Overweights— Marie OBrien, 2U pounds; Bars ami Stars, 5; Jennie Crawford. 2. 33029 Fourth Ract — About 7-S Mile. Purse 00. 4 year olds ami upward. Claiming. Net value to winner, 8225; second. 0; third, 5. E.piiv. Odds In.l. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 3*»9«7 Quick 115 1 C Cross 3S5-100 33000 Hearbeat 1M 2". W C.argan 2050 loo 82S12*Ha Penny no :. L Crav 2215-100 33004 II. Walbank 115 41 G Warren 1765-100 32027-Royal .Iel.or115 5". M Matthews 130-100 32905 -1iantagenet 116 0- .1 l ale 7S0 1K 31995 Kazan 115 B SI Lowe 2010-100 82988 »Bvelina 113 S- R Ryan 1155-100 32962 Welga 115 9 C Knight 11 90 100 Time. 24«i, 50, 1:17. 1:33. Track fast. innluels paid. Quick. straight, .90 place, .70 show: HeartlMiit, place, .90 ■now; Hapenny, 1.70 show. Equivalent booking odds -Quick. 385 to 100 straight. 195 to 100 place. 135 to KM show; Heart-heat. 355 to KKI place, 245 to 100 show; Hapenny, 4S5 to 100 show. Winner — -L M- Stowes b. g. 7, by Conjuror — Fanny Wilson trained by J. Stowe; bred by Mr. O. :. Parke. Went to i»ost at 4:17. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Overweights — Plantagenet. 1 pound; Welga, 2. 33930 Fifth Race — About 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner, 25; second, 0; third, 5. E.piiv. Odds lad. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 32966 Mary Emily 108 V A Hullcoat 730-100 32967 Taiiana 110 23 W Cargan 3210-100 3294M Oakwood BoylM :: V oung MS-MI 32902 Ruth Bather Ids 4 R Ryan M69-M 22964* Sir Dyke no 51 c Cross M5-MI 32904 Tactless Ml 6" P Hopkins 240-100 32900 P. of l.ismr.r. IPI 7. W Taylor 550-PK 32539 Capt. Fiv.rkslO.-, s H Hanm-r 707U-10O 32669 Volant 113 Pu.-.ip. MMattbewi 9M-MI Tim.-. 2435. 49";;, 1:16, 1:262,. Track fast. 83 nnituels paid, Mary Emily. 0. Ml straight. .40 place. 82299 show: Tatiana. 0.00 place, slo.!Mi show: Oakw I Boy, S5J88 show. Baniraleat booking odds Mary Emily. 730 to KM straight. 270 to 101 place, 96 to KM show; Tatiana. 745 to KM place, 71". to 100 show; Oakwooi Boy, 105 to 100 show. Winner J. HookJaa ell. 111. S. by Nasturtium — Highland Plinoess trained bv P. J. Williams; bred by Mr. J. S. Stolll. Went to nasi at 4:50. At post 1 minute. Start K006 and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched -32994 Aswan, 116; 31903 Kid Nelson. 105: 826991Pannaenani, 16B; 82811 Capt. Pen. llo. overweights Tatiana, 2 ponnds; Volant. 3. 33031 Sixth Race — About 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse M. 8-year olds ami npnaid. Claiming. Net value to winner, 8225; second. 856; third. 5. Einiv. Odds Ini. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 22658,Cnddle Dp 115 !■ c Knight 25ii-1iki 32889IPlecha Negral04 2 H Hanmer 1720-1M 22962 Iach«bibk4e 125 :: W Young 335 loo 32503 Gratitude 169 4" C Cross MM 100 32962 - ■ Dorain. ParkM 5- A Alexandra MS-MI 3290 sir Oliver in? I G Corey M99-MI 32903 Two Royals 1M Pu.u; 745-149 32904 Toaatm8ter 1M L.ri.ler. B Cnllen M65-1M Time. 25. 4915. 1:16-5. 1:25. Track fast. 82 mutuels paid, Cnddlt Ip. S7.MI straight. .S4.70 place. 82.46 show: Flecha Negra. place, .00 show: Is.hgabiblde. 88.16 show. Eiiuivalcnt booking odds Cuddle Tp. 250 to 100 straight. 135 to 168 place. 70 to KM show: Flecha Negri. 245 to 169 place, 1S to KM show; Ischga-bibblc. 85 to 166 show. Winner— C. W. Ot wells b. f. 4. by Sir John Johnson — Miss Perigor.l trained bv W. Ravmoud: bred by Mr. E. B. Cassatt. Went to post at 5:1s. At post 2 minutes. Start gooil ami slow. Won easily; second and third driv-! bar. Overweights — Flecha Negra. 1 pound: Cuddle Ip. 1. 33032 Seventh Bad — 1 1-10 Miles. Purse 00. .! year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner, 25; second, 859; third, 5. Banhr. Odds In.l. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 22961 River King 117 1 M Matthews MS-MI 33005 Visible m S E Cullen 22S0-1O0 32900 Marine W. 110 3"- C Cross 550-100 32904 Be 115 4 C Knight 775-10O 32907 Sen. Btarw*rtHl 5" R Ryan 430-100 32883*I.i.-ut. Sawyerll.S 6= G Al.-xandra Jr MS-MI 22961 Insurce Man 112 7 X Podon TTM 1M 32834 Peatb.Dnater 112 I J Maloney 470-PK Tim.-. 25. 51".,, 1:19. l:47i, 1:55. Track fast. mutuels paid. River King. .S7.30 straight. .20 place, .10 show: Visible. 9.50 place, show; Maynie W.. 84.16 show. E.piivalent booking odds — River King. 205 to 100 straight. 100 to KM place, 55 to 101 show; Visible. 1215 to 1.10 place. 230 to KM show: Mayme W., 105 to 100 show. Winner F. BianeardPa br. g. •". bv Sea King — Mayme M. trained by .1. S. Whatl.-y: bred bv Mr. T. V. Ryan. Went to post at 5:54. At ] ost 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Overweights -Be. 3 pounds; Lieut. Sawyer, 1.

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Local Identifier: drf1917052401_8_2
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