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. _ _ 4. — , — _ METROPOLITAN HANDICAP BIG ATTRACTION OF THE OPENING OF BELMONT PARK MEETING TODAY 1 ►f» •i The Westchester Hating Association oilers as its stellar attraction for till- opening ilay of its spring meeting at P.elniont Park the popular Metr ipolitau Handicap. Instituted in 1891 at Morris Park, the Metropolitan was run at that track until 1905. when il was transferred to Pclmoiit Park, where it has been run since. The history of this iateiestiag eastern race h here shown in the following table: jtear. First. Age. Jockeys. Wt. Second. Age. Wt. Third. Age. Wt. Val. Time. 1891 Tristan MJ lavlor. .114 Tenuy 5 129 Clarendon 4. .107 $ 7,300 1:011 1892 Pessara 4 Taral..U7 dice A 106 Sleipner 3. ..107 12,200 1:54 1601 Cairaaa 4 Pagsett..l«7| His Hlghaeas 4 128 illume 4 9sj 13,740 1:0214 1S94 Baasapa 4 Taral..ll7 Roche 4 105 ILofNavarre."I10C 6.145 1:82% 1890 Counter Tenor 4 .. .Hamilton . .1 15 St. Maxim 5 100 Sir Walter 0.112 3.850 1:53 lS97*Voter 3 Lamlev . . 00 The Winner 1 115 ClIatBula 3.. M 3.S50 1:401/., 1898 Bowling Brook 3 P. Clay. .102 George Kcene 3 102 Octagon 4. ..110 4.2X0 1:44 1880 Filigraue 3 Cla wson . . 1 02 Ethclbort .: 100 Sanders 4...tlO 0.750 1:39% 1900 Ethelbert 4 Maher..120 Box 0 121 Imp 0 127 0.250 1:411; PJ01 Baaaatar ", odom . . 123 Contestor 4 112 All Greea 3. .102 0.810 1:42 1002 Arsenal 3 J. Paly.. OO Herbert 5 11! Carbuncle 5. 103 S.020 1:42 1903 Gunfire 4 T. Burns . .109 Old England 4 US I.ux Casta 4. 102 11.080 1:38% 1904 Irish Lad 4 Shaw. .123 Toboggan 4 103 Beldame 3|... 08 10,880 1:10 1905tSysonbv 13 Shaw.. 107 1905tRace King 4 U Smith.. 97 Ooinal Oirl 0111 5.05.-. 1:41 1900 Grapple 4 Carner. .IOO Dandelion 1 IOS Oxford 5 109 10.S50 1:39 1907 dori lie r 5 Gamer. .110 Okealte 3 99 Boatbca 6. ..121 10.050 i:40«, 1905 Jack Atkin 4. . C. IL Shilling. . 128 Resligouche 3 98 Don Creole 495 O.OLO 1:88% 1909 King Janes 4 G. Burns. .125 Fayette 3 108 Juggler 112 3.S75 1:40 1010 Fashion Plat* 4...M. McGoe..lo5 Prince Imperial 3...t 7 -Pick Atkin 0129 3..S0O 1:37% 1913 Whisk Broom II. 0 . .Notter. .120 O. IL Miller 6 100 Meridian 5 ..120 2.500 1:39 1914 Buskin A C. Fairhrother. .1 14 Jiginny 3 97 Kflek View 4. 127 4.2O0 1:37% 1915 Stromlwili 4 C Turner. .lis Sharpahooter 31 103 Ply. Fairy 5. 115 2.82S 1 :M% 1910 The Finn 4 1 ... A . S.huttinger . . 120 Stronibidi 5 122 Spar 3 99!. 3.350 1:38 Bun at Morris Park prior to 1905. Distance reduced from 1 IS miles. fDaad heat. No racing in 1800, 1911 and 1912.