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LIVELY DAY AT LATONIA WARM WEATHER, FAST TIIACK AND CLOSE FINISHES PLEASE SPECTATOItS. "Westy Hogan Runs a Fast Mi!o end Defeats King Gorin — Bribed Voter and Broom Peddler Give Owner Bradley Two Profitable Victories. Lntonia. K.v., .lime is. — Meal m* alWl and track conditions was the aide* bet* tliis afternoon In mosf ,,f UK dashes big folds started aad the • ■v«-tily - itint -li - l horses tea Uibated la float contests. .1. it. Beepeaa iraa the tare-year-eld anldea rare when Ma PaatiaM won in .mm fashion. Wilhito proved Mac* tli" beat of Hi out starting in tin- second rare and Impressive made :i runaway of it in tli - tliinl race. Mickey Mm! hers, represented by Larky B . claimed her for 400. .1. ». Whitlows highly regarded Westy Hogan raced t his beat Conn this afteraaea whea be ac C ited for the mile li:i ml i.-:i p of .SI. MM, in wiiieh be bent King Corin easily, with J:ine Straith following the pair. King Bat hi W;is conceding Westy Hogaa considerable weight, but his sup|M rters felt confident of his ability to do so and m;ide him a in-onoiineed choice. The Baker regret atathre made :i camr effort, but it wus not good enough to land him victor. Went Hogan showed Basjerier speed from the start and won all the w:iy. A rattling finish eiime with the running of the fifth race, a purse :itT;iir of ,000. Bribed Voter just ssaasiged to win by ■ nose from Sol ;ilscy. Which showed improved form over his recent races. The fractious acting Phacioa laiuled in third place. He was again aaialjt while at the hairier and made several altompts to kick his closest opponent. K. K. Bradley made it a double during tie- afteraaea when hi- llrooin leddler won the sixth race. The victories of Bribed Vder anil Broom Peddler arete attended with much profit for the owner, who is said to have backed them extensively. .7. M. Qeade bought Courier on private terms from E. K. Bradley after the raaaiag of the first I ace. Many of the owners here are awaiting definite advices from Joseph A. Murphy relative to Uraad Rapids and quite a number intend going there for the ten days meeting announced to haghl July 4. Jockeys Dishmon and Shilling each incurred a three days suspension from the starter in the fifth race, as a result of their disobedience at the IM»st. B. J. Braaaea yesterday beaght of d. Beatl the yearilag colt by Ivan the Terrible Beatrice K. anil the yearliag by Handsel Axis. Mayor Lusing. of Windsor. Out., was among to days visitors. V. J. Pulling, who is extensively interested in the Windsor Jockey Club, was another visitor. Because of his bad post acting. Keys entry will in the future not be accepted at this track. Judge Allie Youngs Deut as Owner. Judge Allie W. Youngs debut as an owner was made in the opealag race. Ilis colors, white jacket. white sleeves with gold and fold cuffs, were carried by the two -year -old chestnut colt. Dr. Niokell. by English Lad Santa Susanna. The youngster ran greea and finished last, save Charley Nolle. Judge Young, however, has a much better colt by English Ead. His dam is the goad mare Beaatlfal r.css. Both f these mares ladge Youm: bought fi"iu William E. Phillips while thev were in foal to English Ead. They arc both together at Hon. Johnson N. Camdens farm in Woodford County. where they have each a suckling foal by Hen Hrush. Jockey Lewder, receatly released by E. It. Bradley, departed for Ottawa, where he will ride for E. T. Zolli-offer. Todays arrivals from Devonshire Park. Windsor, included the bora l of Howard Oots. J. B. Gaad-inan and I. If. Heary, Jr. Stake blanks for the Breeders Futurity at A•■ ingtoti. to be run in ISIS, were distributed to owners here this afteraaea. The entries close July 2. Kneholkamp v Howi rtou added Margaret N. to their stable this morning, buying her at private sale from K. E. Brown. lac hey R. McDeraiott came from Canada this aiaralag and will ride lor Howard Oots at this meeting. The program book of the Jrand Rapids meeting xvill arrive t irraar, according to advices received from Joseph A. Murphy, who is at present in Grand Rapids. Work outs at Eatonia Sunday were over a fast track and included the following: Ardent, three quarters. 1:22; Matin, mile, 1:45; The Baroaeas, five eighths, 1:03: Gallant Lad, five eighths, 1:02%; John Wiggins, five-eighths. 1:03%: Walter Brady, three-eighths. 3 i% ; J.ig Enough, five-eighths. 1:02; W. II. Buckncr. five-eighths. 1:I3; Othello, three quarters. 1 : 1 ♦ ; Sun Maid, three-qaarters, 1:17; Waterbtae, mile. 1:44%; Gay Fortune, three quarters. 1:15: Eady Botha, five-eighths. 103; Almeda Eawrence. five-eighths. 103%; Col. Mnrehmont. mile. 1:48%; King Belie, three-quarters, 1:1 5; tirasmere. mile and one-quarter. 2:11; HIackie Daw. mile, 1:48%; Jessie Ornisby. half mile, 49%; Velvet Joe. three quarters. 1:15%; dinger Quill, mile. 1:47: Faux Col. three-quarters, 1:14: Valor, mile, 1:41: J. Rafas, seven-eighths. 1:31%; Chalmers, three quarters. 1:20; Dixie Highway, five-eighths, 1:03; Tom Tit, half mile, 01; Fret-cutter, five-eighths, 1:02. Following were some of the best moves of this morning: Clare, thr-c -quarters. l:Ll: Tush Ttsh. half mile, r.l; Bert Williams, three-eighths, 37; Dr. Barthold. five eighths. 1:03; Miles Finlcn, five eighths 1:05; Prince Albert. mile. 1:44; Marion Goosby, five-eighths. 1:03.-.; For Fair, mile, 1:47%; Bradleys Choice, half mile, 51; Jack Straw, seven-eighths. 1:32; Rhyme, half mile. 52; J. J. Murdock. three quarters. lilfi1/-,; Escoba, three -eighths. S8; .Sansymiug. mile. 1:48; Buford, three-quarters. 1:18%; Sophia Gatewood. mile. 1:44; Sleeth. mile, 1:50; Old Rosebud, one and one-eighth miles, 2:02: Feint, three-quarters. 1:20: Miss Fannie, three-quarters. 1:18%; Rifle Shooter, three-quarters. 1:17%: Julia L., mile, 1:45; Big Smoke, mile. 1:46%; Squeeler. three -eighths, 38; Dr. Samuel, mile and one-eighth. 1:58; Bedtime Stories, three-quarters, 1:15%; Waterproof, mile. 1:46%; Water Witch, mile and one-eighth, 1:55; Huffaker, three-quarters, 1:20%; Douglass S.. mile. 1:45; Prime Mover, mile, 1:44: Primero. half mile 50; Dr. Shafer. half mile. 50%; Flitaway, five-eighths. 1:06%; Prince Igor, half mile, 49%; Evelyn V., three-quarters, 1:18; Pin Feather, mile, 1:48%.