Latonia Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1917-06-19

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LATONIA FORM CHART. LATONIA. KY.. MONDAY. JUNE IS, 1917. Seventh day. Jockey Club. Spring Meeting of 21 !a. . Weather clear. Slew aide. Charlra 7. Price and T. .1. Clay, ladgea, W. II. Shelley and J. 1!. CampbelL Starter. Harry Morrhney. S. :« i.ery. .1. It. Campbell. _!»;: ing starts at 2:30 p. in. Chicago time gjBj p. in.. Indicates apprentice allowance. QQ7QQ FIB8T RACK 6-8 Kile. June 22. Kilo SB- 2 1«B. BBBB Added. T jrrar liar e O I i/O Maidens. ClafaaJBg. Net value to winner M : second. .K; third. 4. "ladea 1 tones AWtPPBt *A % % 8tr Fin Jockeys" Owners Eiiniv". Odds Strt "2732 PASTIME w IS 5 1 -11. 4= 2i ll L Gentry J B Reapeaa 15.",-Km :5;70l KING TROVATO wells 7 2 I ll 11 -- -I HawoverC C an Meter MSB-MI :.: ;: ! MISS BONERO w Ufi :: 7 7- I] V ::i .1 Met. air .1 Liyincston 1870-wo :i;?«5H GEORGE DUNCAN w lis 11 s E* - 4 41 /. ShaanonA L Roajera tTa5-HW 3SB58*LITTLE ROLLO W 113 Mil I"1 ••It1 ."■ .1 Francis K D Alexander 1H5-M6 IStSt LAGGARD waa lis I E tl 71 »• 6 1" ConnellyG J Long; W76 loo 3S«MaK ALE vitlis :i I Ill S* 73 K Lapailfc Williams Broa 43b-M0 33631 SASENTA W IK c, fi tl 21 31 s; P Murphy T I* Haves 445-NV 33831 1 " 11 TUFJR w IM 1 " "• :; 9s II Shilling E It Bradley 12*8 MO 3StS8* ROSALIND vlHUM »» M* M* M N Barrett D B MnlhoIIand t Hi: NICKELL a IM 8 • D 11 11 II B Gooee A W Young M65-KN SMM*CHARLE" NOLTE all] I i; U ingf.l.l Specht t t.Mutuel tiel.l. Time. 24-,. 49s, 1:02-,. Track fast. Sl- mntuels paid. Pastime. 1.10 straight. XC.10 place. show; King Trovato. f!.30 place. 4.00 show: Miss Bonero. 818.M rbow. K ■nival, at booking adds Iastime. 453 to 108 straight. 215 to KM place. 200 to 1O0 show; Kiag Trov-Bto, 1215 t.. 100 place, C!5 to loo thaw; Miss H85 to Kmi show. Winner B. g. by Marathea Baropa trained by .1. it. Keepeja; bred by Mr. J. It. Beapeae. Weal to pe.t at 2:30. Ai peal 1 minute. Start goad and slow. Wea easily; second and third driving. PASTIME moN.. 1 up steadily and wore KINO TROVATO down in the last eighth to win going away. KINO TROVATO showed the most early speed and held on well in the Baal drive. MISS HON BRU was hard 11 and cbbm fast in the la t quarter. URORttE DINCAM closed ■ big gap. KALI was forced bach s.-on after tie start. SASKNTA tired. CHARLEY NOLTE stumbled and lost his rider :it the start. Scratched 327;li -Hamil:oti A.. 115: Jack Hill. 11s. BRCOND RACK- 3-4 Mile. .Tun.- 27. Kill 1:11 5 -118. |t08 Added. 4 year-olds 3Q70U i9 I I y±J_ ami upward. Ola ha lag. Net value to winner ; second. 30: third. 874. " I adex 1 lorses A Wt PI St 4 H 4 Str Fin Jockeys _OwB__ gn_____j Strt 338«8IWILHITE WB8U1U13 1" ■- V .- C Hunt K Bpeaee 55-MB 3*873 ARDENT v. it 4 107 S :: V V M 2" C VanDnnW Schmidt 109I-1W 3S8St1SISTBR SUSIE w 4 Mt 12 1 3" 2i M :: R Coom KnebeUxamp 8: Howerton 1886-MI SS444 BIG FELLOW w 4 10! 7 5 .".-" 4. 1- 4". W Kefawy G T Arnold M6 MO ::;-?K2 THISTLE GREEN wb 4 Mt 2 •; 4j :,■ 5- V D ConneUyC K Hamilton 71tt~MI 33888 *THORN WOOD w 4 104 1 s s- si T ijj c Roaa H J BeMencch i::-.;.i -Ml 3S584 HARRY GARDNERw 4 MS 5 4 1 71 I" 71 K LapaUleW Covington f ::2H37 BELGN TROOPERw 4 ill" R 7 7 :■■ s". s ■» I, Gentry !■ E Brown CM0-Mt 38837 BATCHLER vtlllltM 11- »" »! »= F Stevens H T 3215-Mfl 33032 .1. c. WBLCH wa I Ml I I 1- r.1 Hi 101 J Hanover P Gerlng Jr v SS838 AL PIERCE aa 4 Ml :: I .• 11- 11". Ml1 H TharberL A Goodwin f.7f.5-loe SS0841LINDENTHAL was 8 111 4 11 12 12 1- 12 F Murphy W rerkins 1100-IOO fMatael 8ehL Time. 232,, 48, 1:14. Track fast. |2 mntuels paid. Wilhitc. .10 straight. .sn plate. .78 show; Ardent, S5.10 place, .70 show: Sister Susie. .70 -how. ■aalraleat booking odds -Wilhitc 55 to 100 straight. 40 to 100 place. 35 to 100 show; Ardent. 155 to 100 pla.e. 138 to 100 show: Slater Susie. 135 to 188 show. Winner — Br. g. by Ka..fort! —Determination trained by K. Spence; bred by Mr. W. II. Qatewoad. Went to post at 2:50. At post 2 minutes. Start goad and slow. Won easily: second ami third driving. WILHITE was away slowly, but closed an immense gap ami wen as his rider pleased. ARDENT raced Into the lead, but could net withstand the arinnera rush. sisTLTt BUSIE ran a geed race. Itic FELLOW ran well and iinished fast. THISTLE GREEN was well up all the wav. J. C. WELCH qalt badlv. Scratched- 33702 Tush Tush. 107: 33444 Trappoid, 107: 33112-I.ingtal. 100: 33659 Samuel R. Mover. Ill: 88702 Raaaing Qneen, 107: 82828 Busy Alice. 107: 237sl sir William. 114; 33730-lttnk Shot, 112; 88832 Ile.ise Wt lies, loo; 33837z8na Maid, 107: 28824 Bean Spilhr, 111. Overweights — Belgian Trooper. 2 pounds. QQttOn THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. Jane 27. 1014—1:11—5—110. 00 Added. 3 year-olds O O OUU and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner g8__ second. 45; third, 888. "index netnea_ AWtPPSt Vt V % Str Fin Jockeys Owners E iniv.~6Jds~Strt fsSdhS lOfPRESSIVE w4M6 S :: l 1- 13 H K LapaitleWUliams Broa 3M-M0 SS88S TIMSTV WB I MS Z 1 2] fi 21 T- K c.rav.s V I.rkins 18NO-M0 88888 J. RUPU8 WBSM811 ", B 1 31 ::?• " GW CnrIIA L Kirby 1970-100 33764 STEPHEN R. WB 4 Mt 7 C1 ■ 4i 4" C DiahmonP J KeBey MM 8M 33707 EiM wb I Ml :: I sh 71?. ;- 6*1 W Kehmy T S Parker 2783 Ml 338SSSISTER EMDLEMw I Ml E E l» •• 7X ♦;.. F Mnrphy C. W J itlsseii 1S4B-HW 3363K NOBLEMAN wb E ill !» 2 M V i" 7" W AndreaaGallnher Broa 2S5-M0 3358!* AM AEON w I Ml I In t* S- V Si ] WingfiU i I Reapeaa 2H-M8 33284 LUCKY K. w 4 Mt M 1 4?. «;i »• !i J Morya llick.-v Broa f7126-NI 38788 OPHELIA W. w :: 1 l 7 . lo- M" 10 lo5 M AndaonG K Chancellor 4110-Kio 33258 ED GARRISON wl :.: 4 11 11 11 11 11 N Barretl W* F.uthtor f tMutu.l fiel.l. Time. 23%. 47%. lSi. Track fast. mntuels paid. Impressive. *28 straight. .70 place, .00 show; Trusty, 1917.sh3.70 place, 888.88 show; J. liufus. .38 show. Fquivalent booking t.dtls- Impressive. 310 to KM straight. 135 to KM place, SO to KM, show; Trustv. 8886 to Kmi place. 1888 to KM show: J. Knfus,. 888 to loo show. Winner h. f. by Hilarious Hester W. trained by R. 1. Williams; bred by Williams Pros. and Holland. Weal to post at 3:24. At post 5 minutes. Start good ami slow. Won easily: second ami third driving. IMPRESSIVE, showing high speed anil away fast, led for the entire way ami won in a canter. TRUSTY raced in closest pursuit throughout and held aa gamelv. J. IM FIS saved much ground when coming into the stretch and finished fast. STEPHEN It. raced gamely. ZIM closed a big gap. NOBLEMAN tail badly in the list eighth. AMAZON was av.ay bully. Scratched 33784 ltilly Joe, 111; 88148 OtheUo, no; 33705 -Water War, 105: 33511 Kiddy, 107. Overweights -Zini. 1 pound; Sister Emblem. 1. 0 0 0/"!"! FOl KTII HACK -1 Mile. June 15. Kill — 1 :37"-, — 1—114. Mount Lookout Handicap. OOOUl Pane .tMK. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 75; second, 50: third. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt »4 V-i X Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt 33250 WEBTV HOG AN w 3 106 4 2 1- F l3 1" ll D ConneByJ O Whitlow 23E-MI SSS82SKING GORIN w 4 123 I 4 r.= 51 8" 2- 2° C DtebmonR L Baker l:tM00 33705 JAXE STKA1TII w 4 103 6 1 3" 2»k 2° 31 3- F Murphy M C Moore 1505-100 88731-CAPT. REE8 w 4 102 I 1 I I C 5- 4" J Morys J C Milam MB-1M 888S8sBOB HBN8LEV WB fi Ml 1 5 4r- 4= H 6 51 K WingfldH Perkins 3505-100 33509 BBLVR ME BOVBwa :! OS E I 2. 3* 4! 45 C N Barrett H R Bradley 4155-100 Time. 234;, 47%, l:12"i. 1:38%. Track fast. mntaill paid. Weaty llaiaa. straight, .20 place, .10 show; King Oat to, .50 place. .20 show: Jane Straith. .40 show. K.|tiivalent booking ..this- Westy Hogan. 235 to KK straight, 00 to 100 place. 55 to 100 show; King Corin. 25 to KM place. 10 to KM show: Jane Straith. 70 to KM show. Winner — ltr. c, by Dick Fimiell — Carrie Jones trained by J. O. Whitlow-; bred by Mr. It. II. Anderson. Went to post at 3:55. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. WKSTV HOGAN was away forwartlly and. showing great speetl, moved into a long lead at once and won all the way. KINO OOIUN began slowly and was forced back on the first turn, but gained steadily and finished fastest of all. JANE STRAITH showed speed ami held on fairlv well. CAPT. REB8 was badly outrun for the first three-quarters. KKLIF.VF, MR BOYS quit. Overweights — Jane Straith. 1 p___, 0/hbh FIFTH HACK— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Oct. 27. 1911— 1:42— 3— 99/.. Sharon Purse. 30 QOV/ Purse .000. 3-year-olds. Net value to winner 75. second. 50 ;_t hirtl1_5: Index Horses , AWtPPSt % V2 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners ______ds_Strt 33«36 = BRIBED VOTER w 104 4 3 1J lh ll. 2A 1» H Shilling E R Bradley 175~100 88881 SOL GILSEY wr. 110 ;; 4 4h fi 3« :; 2i D ConnellyA Bailer 2715-100 88781*PHOCION w 107 2 1 P i li 2J li 81 H Perkins 21O-10" 83888 PARAMOUNT w 1031 1 2 2M5 4» 4J 4» E Martin G J Lonstorf 7335-100 88884* PIATT wb 110 ti 6 E | 3- 5" 55 E" W Bros 215-100 E3704 SARD W 102 5566666 J. Morys J N Camden 12465-100 Time. 23%. 48, 1:13%, 1:40%, 1:46. Track fast. mutuels paid. Bribeti Voter, .50 straight, .90 place .40 show; Sol Gilsey, 5.30 place, .00 show; Pliocion. .50 show. Kiliiivnltnt booking otitis— Bribed Voter, 175 to 100 straight, 95 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Sol Gilsey, 665 to 100 place, 150 to lot show; Phocion. 25 to KM show. Winner— Oh. K, by Ballot — Marie Frances trained by C. Huminon; bred by Messrs. Clay Bros.. Went to i»ost at 4:20. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the fame BRIBED VOTER, away forwardly. well ridden ant! saving much ground on the turns, stt od the final drive gamely and just lastetl long enough lo win. SOL OILSF.Y moved up rapidly on the stretch tHru. Itut was forced to lose ground by coming wide ami finished gamely. PHOCION raced into the lead and tired near the end. PIATT retired in the last quarter. Overweights— Bribed Voter, 1 pound; Paramount, 1%; Sard, 2%. 111 vx A? VAVXTA. o RftO SIXTH RACE— 5-8 Kile. June 22, 1910— 5»— 2— 109. Purse . 2-year-olds. tlOOUO Claiming. Net value to winner 1917.sh50; second. 00; third, 0. Ill,lix Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners_ Equiv. Odds Strt 3?S2iK,moOM- PEDDLER wl10 7 4 V Vt* 1* H Shilling E R Bradley" 550-100 "HrioT. w109 1 X 1 ll|!l « W Kelsay 1: J Brannon 4!»5-100 i*5S2f ?-ggJSK • "J « 4 3i 3= ?| H Stearns J S War.l 105-100 "1:h?2"IU rc HER v BOY wb 110 5 3 3H 4 i* 4» C DishmonRoss and Looney 790-100 2!255!£5imY BAI:v » 97 4 7 S* 5= 51 5» J Gruber K Spence 6080-100 "i,KAT GULJj ■» 1»7 2 6h 6* 7* 65 D ConnellyJ C Rodgers 2315-100 . .:r?.0,,,:I7V „nKRRMANN w 105 8 9 9 8= 6 7= K LapailleA V Thompson 3720-100 Vi-L"1. THOUGHT WB 10SJ 2 6 El 7J i V W Lilley C B Iteid 19470-100 88888 OLYMPIAN KLNU w 110 9 I 7" I 9 9 F Fuerst J F Schorr 1850-100 . , Time. 23%, 43%, 1:01. Track fast. hB mntuels paid, Broom Peddler. 3.M straight. place, .50 show; Nepe, .00 place, .50 "" show: Desire. 82.88 show. T ,..« pl""1*""1 Poking odds— Broom Peddler. 550 to 100 straight. 230 to 100 place. 75 to 100 show; Nepe. ISO to KM place. 75 to 100 show: Desire. 30 to KK show. Winner— _. c.M.y Sweep— -WhMk Breoai trained by C. Haannan; bred by Mr. E. R. Bradley. Went to pest at 4:50. At post 4 minutes. Start bad and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. BROOM PEDDLER, bard ridden all the way and responding fairly, wore NEPE down in the last seventy yards. NEPE. away fast, showed the most speed, but tired. DESIRE was away in a tangle and was gaming fast at the end. BUTCHER BOY had no mishaps. OLYMPIAN KING was badly outrun Overweights — Happy Thought. 1% pounds. QOQA_ SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Oct. 7. 191«— 1:43%— 3-122. Purse . 3-year- f-* *-* J yj 3C olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 1917.sh50; second, 00; third. 0. ___; Horses ~ AWtPPSt V* te % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqiiiv. Odds sTFt X3707 -INTONE wi: 5 116 11 7 RJ fii Bj li V R Goose Ross and Looney 8BVM8 33.31 PRINCES. w 6 113 5 4 6 3 41 2 2- W Lilley J L Paul 715-100 S2S52 ?OHN I!lRTK w 7 113 4 I 2- 14 3J 4i 3» W Kelsay L P Marshall 1725-100 88781 1R. GENTLEMAN wit 9 116 I 6 31 4h 51 3b 4J C DishmonJ H Baker 4Sf.-lK 3S837*HOWDY HOWDY wb 10 IM 8 8 l« Q 6.J 51 E| N Barrett Gallah.-r Pros 315-100 3363. CHIEF BROWN wslt 4 108 1 5 7h 81 8J 71 6l J Hanover G L Strang 350-100 12152 •S,I. H ROCK w 4 105 3 2 41 61 7 81 7H F Mnrphy J Livingston 565-100 HI1! RET wb 8 K.9 7 10 101 10" 10- 91 8 H Shilling T S Parker 1S"0-100 33559 MARGARET E. WB 4 Ml 2 1 1 V li 6J 9J C Hunt N F Dt.rtch S5so loo 33059 DIRIGIBLE w] 97 10 ! ■. »| 8» M» M| V Judy T Wood -!16700-100 26535 KENTFCKY GIRI.wn 4 107 I 11 11 11 11 11 11 L Gray J L Humphries t t.Mutu.l field. Time. 24/,, 49, 1:15. 1:41%, 1:48%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Intone, 8U.88 straight, v88 place, .40 show; Prince S., S7.30 place SO show-John llurie. 0.71 show. Equivalent boakias a8BB latent, 405 to 100 straight. 195 to 100 place, 120 to 100 show; Prince S 388 t.. 100 place. 111 to KMI show: John Hurie. 435 to KM show. Winner— Ch. h. by Chflton— Chaatflla trained by L. Paul; bred by Mr. E. M. Dutterer. Went to post at 5:20. At post 3 minutes. Start good ami slow. Won hantlilv; second and third driving. INTONE had to evereoaee much interference, bat, Sniabhnj gamtlv. outstayed PRINCE s The latter ran a game race and was well up nearly all the way. JOHN HURIE raced well anil held on gamely. IRISH GENTLEMAN tired. REV and CHIEF BROWN had rough races MARGARET E Hied after setting the pace to the stretch. Hrratrhed 88821 Walter II. Pearee, 94: 33889 Allen Cain, 109; 33730 Spadix, 105; 33734 Prime Mover. 110: 33035-Fascinating, 107: 33703- Irregular, 92. Overweights Margaret E.. 3 pounds.

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Local Identifier: drf1917061901_3_1
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