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CONNAUGHT PAHK FORM CHART. 01TAV/A. ONV.. MONDAY. .TUNE 1C. 1017. eniiauuht Park. See,„.d d i~. Cmnaimlit Park ].-K~ tlab. Spring M ■■tinu o,1 7 da., s. Weather clear. Steward to Beprcsent Canadian Bacing A -,,, i..f e.ns. Franeis~l«eUvoau Pnsidtag" J*dge7ier*ia*~Jr Conkling. Ktarter, A. B. Dada. Racing Secretary. W. Nortbey. Racing tarts al 2j30 n. m. Chicago time 1:30 p. m.. *Indie.itis apprenii-e allowance. Q O "7 Q 1 PIBST RACK 4 1-2 Fnrlanaa. Ju*e 20. 1013 55.. 2 105. Pane 00. 2-year- fJ» f_J I *J JL ills. M n,b ns. Poatad in Canada. Specia] Weights. Net value to wiaaer 50; sec:. nd. 60; third. 0. J "d** _J tarsn A_ V tPPSt ," j i J-iJJlrj~k y* Owners K.ToTiNTihl ipTs f?t 33400 =TWKLVK BELLS w 112 7 1 k lJ 1] 1» T PartonJ I: Seagram * t78-M8 33013 BRITAINS !.!.V w* MO I 7 5* t* and* 2» J Bell H Giddings 1MO-M0 53.-3! COXFIDKNCE w MO s :: :; Mi ;■ 3 1 - Crump Brookdale Stable 15 100 33173 BED ADMIRAL id: I i 4 :: ** w |» I. Mink 0 W Card mo re 2*J6-1«1 KITTIWAKE a l:i 2 .". * gat V :. W Collins J Whyte 5616-108 FADED GLORY w 10:1 18 8 .s s r ■ F Cooper .. B Seagrar* f 33618 MIGHTY ONE w 112 4 1 7- 71 7,1.;. T I:!l,. ., K . ,.;, . ; 1705-108 33758 THOMAS G. w 112 E 2 1 4] I] 8 W Doyle G F Bmpringham 3400-M8 ALLURE w 112 3 Left at the post W Ward P K Leianne 11646-MI fCorided in betting as .T. K. Seagram entry. Time. 23--. 49. 56. Track fast. S2 mutuels paid, J. K. Seagram entry. .40 straight, .00 place. .10 show: Britains Vllv 000 place, .70 shew: Confidence, .30 show. Bqaivalent booktag odds- J. B. Seagram entry. 70 to loo straight, IS to 160 place 5 to 166 Shaw Britains Ally. 130 to ion place, 35 to 108 show; Confidence, 1" to loo show. Wirn. 1 B. f. by Inferno Pride Pane trataed by T. B. Littlefield; bred by Mr J I Beaaram Wenl t. ].. -: it 2:36. Al posl 1 minutes, start good and slow for all bat ALLITBK. Won driving-second and third the same. TWELVE BELLS v. orked bis way up .11 th. table, wore TIIOM S ; down and oatstayed BRITAINS ALLY. The latter closed a big gap and finished fast CONFIDENCE raced uell up. bnl tired in tie, iiii.-i! sjj ■enth. RED ADMIRAL ran well. 337QQ SECOND RACE 5-0 Mile. June 23, 1814 IrOlfc- 2 1 T TT Ottawa Jaatar. Pane t-J *J I * dj siiiio. 2 year-nld.. Allow anci s. .. t value lo winner 50; second. 60: Ihinl. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owen BonivTOddsStrt 32052 SWEEP HP II. W 110 3 1 1 1 j U l1 C. Comas .1 S Tvr ■•■ vi mi 33017 SEMCENA v. Til I :. 2* 2 2 2. W Doyle c, s Brodte 3MO-M0 33574 •l.oKii HERBERT w im 1 2 V ::: V :: • T Ri -.- v Smith BH m.i 33756 FLEET FXXTT W 107 4 E .r.: -1-1 4 4» I. Mink E W Icock 3400-MO 33530 PEERLESS ONE ws IM B 4 A V V 6* R Bstep C Clements : 100 32 153 CHERRY BTONB a loi ; 8 8 I I C W Cramp W Stockton 1251 M Time. 24. 48. 1:02. last. mutuels paid, Sweep ip u.. .00 straight, .10 |dace, .s2.:,i show; Seaiceas SI I • nine si 00 show: Poid Herbert, .80 show. Equivalent booktag odds Bwee* Up IP. 88 to loo strabyht, 55 to 166 place. 15 to 168 show: Pissiias 010 to 168 place. 130 to loo show: I.ord Herbert, 40 to 160 show. ■Winner B. C, by Sweep White Plume trained by B. B. I.arrick: bred by Mr. Charles W II I*, Weal to post al 3:04. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. SWEEP CP II. set the pace from the start, bat had to be shake* up briellv in the list eighth. BEMCENA ran Wi II. but swerved over to the inside in the las! eighth. LORD HERBERT was gaining n.-xt to the rail when be wis cat off at the sixteenth posl anil had to p*n up. Q O "T O O THIRD RACK About 2 Miles. Am,-. 80, T.10 3:4714—8 -146. Belter Skelter *yii5ifJ*y Bteerdechan. Pane S7oo. 4-jrear-ahts and upward. Handicap. ,-t vain.- to winner 66; second. 25; third. -S75. Iadex Horaes A j PPSt 3 8 1 12 Fin Jockeys Owaers Kipiiv. Oddagtr*t : S620*HEARTS OF OAK w 7 1 1D :; 1 la* 2* P V 1 |R Scully H Giddings 38O-108 83758*TROPAEOLUM w s 142 5 1 I» 1 P 2:: 21 J Russell c w Beardmon M0 MO 33758STUCCO v. 6 Ml 1 i V ::• 0*3* :: J Clark W Stockton 710-M8 33626 EARLY LIGHT ws 7 152 1 2 -!" P I1* 4,; 4* .1 Smith H G BedweR MO-MI 3354SsROTAL SPLNNBR w 7 150 2 :; 8 5 I 5 E I Beamish J W Gram 1585-M8 Time. 3:43. Track fast. S2 muluels paid. Hearts of Oak. .00 straight, i?3.30 place. .70 show; Tropaeolnm SI 70 place ..30 show: Stuceo. S3. 40 show. Equivalent booktag odds Hearts of Oak. 250 to 100 straight, 05 to 100 place. 35 to 100 show1 Tropaeolnm. 135 to 10O place. 85 to 166 show: Stucco. 70 to UN show. Winner Br. h. by Bssartlsw lady Lightfoat II. traiaed by II. GhhUags, Jr.; bred by Mr. II. Cid-liintrs. Sr. . Went to poal at 3:30. At post 1 minute. Start gaad and slow. Won easilv; second and third driv-ins;. HEABTB OF OAK fenced in faultless fashion and showed the mist speed all the way. TBO-PABOLfJM was drivtag hard at t*e end to outstay STUCCO. The litter cam;- agata at the end and lin-isheil gamely. BABLY LIGHT ran a bad race and can do much better. Snatched - 33045 M... 1 alight il.. 1 15. 0 0*2Q/1_ FOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile. AOg. 28, MM 1:13%— 4— 128. Handicap. OO I *J JC Parse 00. $ year olds and upward. Net vain. to winner 00; second, 25; third, 875, ■ Index Horses A Wt IP St % V-- % Str Fin Jockeys Rviiers Kipiiv. Odds Strt 33521 THE MASQDER w* 5 117 I 1 V !■ l» l1 W War* on W Stormonl 15a -MO 33656 WATER l..l V w I llo ;; :; «t 31 z- 2» VV Cramp J Arthur is.. 100 33658 s KACK PAY ar 0 UK 2 2 2- 2« 3* 8* J Dreyer P Sheridan tso-ioo 3365«:Hafpi:i:k wtir, ns 5 5 .". :.- r.3 4*1 T PartonJ F Sweeney IMO-MO 33653 OREEJNiWOOtD v 4 1 88 1 4 8 I ti B* .1 P.U C II Mailman 80M MB 32541 *G LOAM ING WB 0 lo2 1 « 8* 4" 4- I W Collins II l Bedweli ST.". 100 Time 23«5. 47*o. 1:14%. Track fast. mutuels paid. The Masquerader, .10 straight, .80 plan, .30 show; Water Lady. -88 place, *2.3o show: Back Pay. .30 show. Bqaivaleat iH.okliik adds — The htasoaerader, 155 to RK straight. 40 to loo place, 15 to loo show; Water I.ady. 40 to 100 place, 15 to 100 show: Rack Ray, 15 to lot show. Wimir B. g, bv Bgdea Masquerade trained by A. C. Pbrntto; bred by Mr. John E. Madden. Went to at 3:50. At post 1 minute. Start gaad and slow. Won hamlilv; second and third driv-Ing. THE MA8QUERADER sprinted into a tang lead on the bacKctnteh, but had to be hard ridden to outstay WATER LADY. The lattir finished with a rush. RACK RAY ran well, but tired am: just lasted Ion;; eaaagh to save third place. HAUBERK finished gaasely. Scratehed 33710 iladiola, .»: 33757-P.ct ween Is, RW. 3 97kC FIFTH RAFF -1 Mile. Aim. 20. 1910-- 1 :3 J %— 4— KM,. Capitol CltJ/. Ptirse ~ O I 4_r»-r 3-year olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third. ». a Index Horses AWtPPStVj /j % Str Fin Jockeys Owners K |iiiv. OddTstrt 33«r»sFOii.TAIN FAY wit 7 III:! 4 3 Ill3 2 21 1 W Crump Thorncliffe Stable" 220~100 33576 CELTO w 5 10S 5 4 :i5 2* l1 l»t 2- G Romas J S Tyree 7n-iot SSCSI-PKIS. MULLENS w a 85 1 1 li 1" 31 31 31 W Collins J K L Ross 700-100 ■ wtoun ¥ i nunc i», i»i/. 1 # — I ■ ■ i ■ J.My.CTLV/ 32021 LADY MOLL w ■ 04 2 ,". I 5 5 I 4| J Bell Mlrasol Stable 2720-100 33691 VKNKTIA wb 5 103 I 2 2- P 45 4° 5 A JohnsonP Sheridan 2030-10ft Tim.-. 24. 49=i. 1:1425. 1:41. Track fast. mutuels paid. Fountain Fay. straight, .40 place, .10 show; Cclto, ..40 place, .10 show; Prist ill Mullens. S2.20 dmr. K.|iiiv Mint booking odds— Fountain Fav. 220 to UK straight. 20 to 100 place, 5 to 100 show; Cello, 20 to 100 »Uce, ." to 100 abow; PrfeciUa Mullens. 10 to 100 show. Winner— Ch. g. by McOee — White Plume trained by W. McDanitl: bred by Mr. T. Moore. Went te post :it 4:24. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the —e. FOUNTAIN FAY was saved behind the leaden to the last turn, then moved Bf on the outside in the stret.-h and outstayed CKLTO at the end. CKLPO tared ground on all turns and, taking the lead. hung on gamely at tin- end. PR1.SCILLA MI LI.F.NS showed the BMat earlv speed, but tired when chal- laagti. LAKY MOLL lafathed fast. VEXETIA iire.1 badlv. Scratched 33759 Candle, lol; 33757 P.a. holms Ulcn.t, in".; 33759 Opera Glass. 109. SIXTH HACK 3-4 Mile! Aug. 2S. l*»lf — 1 :13-"..— 4— 12s. Purse 1917.sh00. 4 -year -olds 3Q7QD O I / and upward. Claiming, get value to winner 50; second. 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt U H % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eguiv. Odds Strt 3369 ; LADY LONDON eiTMQl 1 V li i"i 1| T Rice WSmith US-MI 33579 MISS GATLE WB fi 107 J :. CI 4s 1J L" H CatttiaaC A Crew |174O-1O0 33395 ! II. CALLAWAY WtlN 10 7- H P| V F Cooper 1. L Fitzgerald 465-100 33«.-»l •*.i:mi.K wb 4 l «o 12 l 4 2- :: 4*1 J Bell H Gidding* MK-Mt SMS 1 HASTENA w ti Mi I M 10" 10" V r - J Connors Elmhurst Stable 1410-100 33579 LITTLE NEPHEW vv 6 110 :, 4 !■» :! 21 P Q Lomas .1 A Strode 420-100 S38SB*L SPENDTHRIFT wlH 5 8 P 71 7- 71 W Doyle N M— cCariaae MO 100 33757 BBOOM CORN WB 4 Mi I :• 9- 8* »4 81 W Crump F t Coleman 1020-100 33543 VARDA B. w fi lor. ll E B1 M 10 » F hterimeeN Kitson f 88488 TAR BRUSH wb 4 110 4 12 11=12 11" 10s W WartonB Bird t SUM* FIRST STAR 12 11" 12 ll1 T Par" ton .1.1 Troxler 8K8-MI M4M SIR LAUNCHLOT w 6 MS 2 7 f 8* 8*12 w ColltnaC Ha— aa 2:» -ioo •Matnel tiehi. Time. 242-.. 4815. 1:15. Truck fast. m.itu. Is pahl, Lady I. .union. X0.30 straight. .90 Blade, S3. 40 show; Miss n.iyle. field. 0.40 place. $."i.*;o sh..w: Thomas Callaway, 13.00 sin.w. Equivalent beokJac adde Lady Loudon. 215 t KM straight. M to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; Miss Oaylo. tit Id. 120 to KKt place, ISO to 100 show: Tliomas Call i way. 88 to KMt show. Winn.-- Br. in. by licriiiis- I.ida I., trained l.y F. Farrar: bred by Messrs. Williams and Radford. Went to at 4:58. At post 2 niinut. s. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. LADY LONDON moved op rapidly on the far turn and eaany parsed the pacemaker, but tired ii.-nr the end and had to be hard ridden through the Baal eighth. MISS GAYLE gained steadily after working her wav up on the outside. TIIOMA8 CALLAWAY met with mueli early interference and Im-ish.d fast. ARMINB ran well. HA8TRNA closed a gap. LITTLE NEPHEW quit. Scratched 33544 Barbara, K 2. Ove__j_fa_ Lady London. 3% ponnda; Mi n Civic. 2: _____ 4: Lady Spendthrift. 2. 7U7 SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. June 22. Till I 1:4s 4 07. Purse 8888. iTyTnr-O 34 | «"/ I olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ..l: second, 00: third. 0. "index Berate AWtPPSt _ V- _ Str Fill Jockeys Owners Kipiiv. Odds Strt 33702 BUZZ AROUND w «: Ma 4 ;i 7 7 V 4-. !■ W Crump . I Arthur SS-Mt 337CS**MIN.DA w C MG 7 4 l1 V 1* 1 2"; Loaaaa J A Strode 44i» loo 33702 ALSTON WB S K7 E 7 B» 3| 4 :.:l 3* W Collins B M Fine lor.-loo :,37«1 INQU1BTA WB 7 Ml I 1 L- 21 V 21 4- L Mink W Walk.r HB-Mt 33«! "» BALF"RON wdM G 0 3* # B*l V ."• T Parton H O Bed well ir.l..-100 33053 MAIJIRUR wSM 1 S . B| 3* V 0U1 Stirling L Miller MS15-1M 337«2 PERPETUAL WB « 1M I I 4 V 7 7 7 V Doyle W I ib.rness.r MO-MI Tim.-. 25, 492-,. 1:152., iA23i. 1:49,,. Track fast. ?2 iinitueis paid. Baaa Areaad, ss.r.o straight. .70 place, s.tto show; Mhada, .!0 place. .00 show: ANton. .SL.r.O show. l-:.|uiv..hi;t booking adds — BaBfl Around. 128 to 100 straight. K to 100 place, 45 to 100 show; 145 to KM" place. 50 to K show: Alston. 25 to 100 show. Winner cii. m. by Cunard -Wayward Lass trained by .1. Arthur: bred by Mr. E. I. Kradley. W. nt to post at 5:26. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and "third the same. BUZZ AROUND rlnaed a gap with a rush and gol ap to « in in the Baal strides. MINDA set the pace and withstood a challenge from INQEIBTA in the Brat half, but tired right at the end. ALSTON was .1 forward cow tender all the way. IN jlIF.TA ran well, but tired in the stretch.