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[ j I j 1 , 1 * 1 t : LATONtA FORM CHART. LATONIA, KY., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1917.— Fifteenth day. Latonia Joekey Club. Spring Meeting of Ll days. Weather threatening. Stewards. Charles F. Price and T. J. Clay. Judges, W. H. Shelley and J. R. Campbell. Starter, Harry Morrissey. Racing Secretary, -T. R. Campbell. Racing starts at 2?30 p. m. Chicago time 2:30 n. m.. Indicates apprentice allowance. ________ 1 __ __ ■ Q /I ■risr8"7 FIKST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 7. 1909— 1:05% -3— 93. 00 Added. 2 year-py- M ¥ 4 olds. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 95; second, 36; third, 4. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners EquiT. Odds Strt 33907 -MISS BONERO w 109 6 i 31 3l 1J ll L Gentry J Livingston 310-100 33588 COUNT BORIS wr. 109 10 4 R 1- 2J 2» C Hunt K Spence 1420-100 33798 DR. NICKELL. w 112 7 5 5J 5J 3* 3= H Shilling A W Young 3735-100 32920 TIPPO SAHIB B U2 8 9 7" 6« 4s 4* C DishmonG W J Bissell 400-100 33910 CHICK BARKLEY — 112 3 2 4" 7i 51 5- J Morys J S Hawkins 1595-100 33798 KALE w 112 5 6 6" 81 8 65 K LapailleWilliams Bros 840-100 : 3907 LAGGARD WS3 112 4 10 8i 4J 7 71 D ConnellyG J Long 470-100 , 33798 COURIER era" 109 I 1 2= V- 61 SA W Kel»a J M Goode 1410-100 33853 LA DA1NE wb 109 11 11 IU 9- 9J 9J F Murphv J S Barbee 1400-100 •BEE LINE w 104 » 8 10= 103 105 10" R WingfldA J Gorey fl920-100 33792 BLUE WATER w 109 1 7 11 11 11 11 W Lilley F Johnson t tMutuel field. Time. 24%, 49%, 1:04%, 1:10%. Track heavy. mutuels paid. Miss Bonero, .20 straight, .40 place, .30 bhow; Count Boris, 2.90 place, .50 show; Dr. NickeR. 2.20 shew. Equivalent booking odds— Miss Bonero, 310 to 100 straight, 170 to 100 place, 115 to 100 show; Count Boris, 545 to 100 p_ce, 375 to 100 show; Dr. Nicken, 1010 to 100 show. Winner-Ch. f. b.v Tony Roncrn — Rnsy Mists trained by M. Ooldblatt; bred by Mr. F. J. Tons. Wont to post Jit 2:29. At post • minutes. Start pod Mini slow. "Won easily: second and third driving. MISS BONBRO, running well in the going add standing a hard drive in the stretch, overhauled COITNT BORIS in the last eighth and won going away. COIXT BORIS showed the most earlv speed. but tired slightly in the stretch, lilt. MCKKU. had to race wide most of the way and finished fast. OTfO BAHIB was away slowly a:i l closed an immense Kan. COURIER ran a good half and quit. Sera tehcd— 33798 George Duncan, 111; 33N32 Jaek Hill, 111; 33953 Phoneta, 109; 33880 -Little Princess, 1 9. O A ffQ BMOOHB RACK— | 1-1C Miles. t. 7. 1910— 134*$— 3— 122. Purse . Q TTV/t /Q 3-yoar-oIds. Chi imin g. Net value to winner I; second. 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWt IPSt U V- ~i. Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 33956AVALT. H. PBARCEwa fls. 4 ;t i» 1" 1- li V- 5 Barrett vf II Peaxce SKVM :;3»5« FbMIT FAIR wn lot; | -, 7 r. 4= 8" M C Hunt K Bpence 275-100 33769*1. roil. F. P. w IM I 4 r.. 1*14 2- ■, J Duwh Karbelkamp and Howertoa 500 loo 33889 PENROD wsr. 107 ». 5 41 | I] . ;;-• 4-" 4r F Murphy J A Sehorr 125 loo »wM R. H. ANDERSON w ion 1 t; 2 J» :.- ;• 6* K LapaBlcEubanka «t Hubble HM-lM UM 1H CH. OK LJSWlLLwB HO :, I K* p i;i 5 . «« J CaRaKanP J Mflea U3O-1O0 29527 BOB DUNDON vM 7 1 1*1 7 7 7 7 W Kel.sav Adair A- Bake* CBS-K4 Tim-. 24=. 49-%. 1:16. Ir4$%, 1:50H. Track heavy. amtnels paid, Walter 11. Pearcc, 8.26 straight, .00 place. .86 show: Fight Fair. .00 place, .90 show: p.. sh w. Equivalent booking odds Walter H. Peane. KM to loo straight, 3M to 100 place, 110 to 100 show; Fight Pair, l.",o t.. 100 place, 99 t- 100 show. Larile P.. MB to 100 show. Winner B. g, by Baia Loyalirta drained by .1. M. Henry, Jr.; bred by Mr. o. H. Ckcaaatt. Went to p.. t at 2:.~ K. At p-. i 3 minutes. Start K-»l and slow. Won cantering; OEM ail and third driving. WALTER H. PKARCK, running well in Ac st-tr going, moved into a good had at on a 1 mm all the way as his rider pleased. FICHT PAIR had to close a big nip and finished gamely. LCCILB I". ran a good race and finished gaateijr. PEN ROD quit in the stretch. 11. II. ANDERSON retired after going a half mile. Scratched SSflM Tom Jr.. IBB. Overweights Walter H. Foaree. IK |Hliaill. Fight Fair, 4: R. H. Anderson. 2. 0//"|0 T111KI RACB— 3-4 Mile. clime 27. EM I 1:11 -r. -11«. 88 Added. 3 year-olds 0 TtUl JkJ and upward. Cjaiatiwg. Net vahi- to winner $»;95: s.-.oiid. 33; third. .1. Index_ Horses AWHTSt H Ij. % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kguiv. Odds Strt 33954 Li:o SKOI.NV w 6 118 3 1 VI P VI !• C DiaaaBonKB*beIkamp £- Hoarerton 7S-160 1 33941 *JOHN JR. ■ 4 in;, | | ih Ik 2 | 2 | N Barrett D E Mudi.dland ion : »48*FLEETA BELLE w :. 1C4 4 :: ::. ■;■■ » 5« R WlagTJdP .1 Mil.s SKVMO •*••■ * RAPIDS w 1 K 14 11 4 4 H l-uiisfrd. LT1111 nanllar 2416-100 Time. 24V,. -tO,, l:U%, Track heavy. |S inutm Is paid. I.eo Skolnv. SS.50 Btrairllt, Si. 70 phi-e; Joha Jr.. Sl..":i place; aa show mutuels sold. Kqarraleat bookiag adda i.e., Bkoinj-, 7.", to 106 straislit, 3." to ltjo place; John Jr.. liT, t loo place. Winner— Ch. B, by Star BhOflt— Lady Alberta trained by K. I.rewster; bred bv Messrs. Clav Bros.. AVent t-i post it 3:Lt;. At 1 mutates. Start good and slow. Won easily; at toad and third driv-inc. LEO BKOLNY outclassed .he ethers and. passiag JOHN JR. Mist after roaadMt into the stretch, m-ooj as 1, is rid r pleased. JOHN JK. set a t;ood pace until in the last eighth, where be Jiuppul back, lut hei.| PLEBTABELLE s;,f,.. The latter ran w 11. RAPIDS nail after going the first qaartcr. Scrntched 33660 Aldcboran, 113; 33942 Billy Joe, 110; 13941 Mil.c, 88; 33941 Doaglass 8., Ill; S3942 P.usy .!...-, UMi; :;3!lll I. iterator. MB; :!:isss liell Cow, 10. Q/1 ~ FH KTH RACE— 1 Mile ard 70 Yards. Oct 17. Pill -1:43 » M %. Purse ISBBt. 0»V JL V and afsjrard. Claimiiif;. Net value to winner !st 0; second. MoO: thinl. y.itl. *Me» l"~*ys A"Vtlls"t , ■■ " Str Fin Jockeys Owners E |iiiv. Odds Strt S39S92THE 2RA.DER w 7 1U :t t I ! I] 1. 1 K LapallleJ T Loaajey 3 100 33990 HARRY GARDNBRw 4 MO :. 1 » | 21 2» !»* 2»» L Gentry V Coviactoa D0-KW gtjfM I.AHY KATHEKN w :: !K; 1 3 ::j ::,; :: " :;,; :. .1 Callahan.l T. Paul 258»-160 33X37 MARJOIHE I. w 5 MO L a ." - « 0 4" I 1 C Hunt N F Dortch 18G-1O0 SSSM GRETCHEN R. w :: 0:; 1 | ti 6« !■ :," r, - r Jady .1 W s.-horr 4".- KM 33853 KIDDY w I MO J 4 I" t2 5* « I II Shilling: J M Shilling; K40 H» Time. 24/i. 50. 1:10, 1:43%, 1:47/S. Track hoavy. 33 mataela paid. The Crnoer. 33.70 straight, 33.20 place. show: Harry Gardner, 32.73 place. .r.o show: Lady Kathcrn. .00 show. Equivalent hooking odds The Grader, SB to MO straight, 10 to 100 place. 10 to MB show; Harry Gardner, S3 to M0 place, 23 to 100 show; Lady Kataera, S3 to loo show. Winner ]■. fl i,v nlaiide il.v Fair Kentucky trained by L. Paul: bred by Messrs. J. and A. L. Fer-guson. Went to post at 3:55. At i -st 1 niinute. Start goad and slow. Woa handily; second and third driving. Till: GRADES was favored by the goiag and. showing the limst speed, led all the way, but had to be rhMra hard in the stretch. HARRY GARDNER was a forward raaitonder in closest pursuit ai! the way. tiring v near th I. I.ADY K TI1 FUN ran fairly well. MARJOR1E 1». finished gasaely. Scratched 33992*Orasa ere, IBS; :;:::»!•_• Lindenthal. 10: :;:;:ill Prince Albtrt, His; 33733 flearo, 111. Oier weights Harry Gardner, 1 pawad; Lady Kathera, lj. OJil T FIFTH RACB 3-4 Mile. June 27, Pill 1:11 5— lit!. Fifth aMnariaoj ftirlcksten OiUl A Har.fiicap. 33,038 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 32*836-; aeeoajd, 3480; third, 3300. _SadW Hataea AWtPPSti - % Str Fin Jockeys Owners EHiiv. Odds Strt r33Stl0GIPSEY GEORGE w 4 MO 2 2 A- li H V 11 Thurbcr.T B Goodman tfat-ioo 33343-HODGE wb 8 122 ■; 1 7 V -t- 8J C Hunt K Opanoe 130-190 33788 IPURDEY w E EM 1 3 1 1| !*■ :: L i.-ntrv .1 P. Reaacssj C3S-100 33343 ROYAL H. w 8 MO l 7 ti ■ E| 4- €« K LapaUleJ Uvingston U3S-M0 38344 -J J. MURDOCH wn 4 MO 7 E Ei 3] :. E* W Fill.-.- J B Goodman t ; 3-*5«i CHALMERS -rsa E 114 s S 2| v 8" f v Blwrpny J S Hawkina 71",-1 »1 33338 BLIND BAGGGHwa 4 129 :. 4 :: 7 7 7 H Shilling: E R Bradley 470-108 rCoupled ■• J. B. GoodOaaa entry. Time. 23:;.. 483-,. 1:13%. Track hoary. 32 mntifl. paid, J. B. Coodntan entry. 313.30 straight, 34. 00 place. Si.Ou show; Hodce. 33.00 place, Jl.-Vi show: Pnrdey, 33.48 show. Bqairaleal hooking odds- J. P.. Goodman entry. 583 to 189 straight, Phi to 188 place, 45 to loo slow: Hadge, 58 to 100 ptaee. S to 108 show: Pnrdey, 70 t . 188 show. Winner p.. g, by Dirk V, Ihs - Animosity train, d by J. B. Goodman; bred by Mr. J. B. Blast— _ Went t- pool at 4:25. At post 4 atinntes. St irt «,.o i and slow. Won handily; second and third driTing. KIPSEY GEORGE favored l.y the going and away forwnrdly, stood ■ hard drive la the last eighth and won ::.i:ijc away. HODGE was forced back soon after tlo start, but Bared BMCh Kiound on the turns and finished f;i-t. PURDEY showed the nest early speed, bni was tiring at the end. ROYAL II. was going fast ; t the tinidi. BLIND BAGGAGE was handicapped by the going. Rerntehed 33843CndgeL 110; 33943Vogne, 11; 338383Bringhnr8t, Ul; 337 !t; Prince Herinis, 182; S3T33*Lndy Always. :.-,. * /4/1 Q SIXTH RACK— 5-8 Mile. Jane 82, M08— C8 3— 188. Purs- 3838. " jrar alila QTCVf Bpeeial Weights. Wet rabne to winner 3870; second, 1 ; third. 382. lade* Horses A WtPPSt % | _ n, st r l*in Jockeys Owners F |iiiv. Odds strt S3788*JAME8 POSTER w 1M 6 i 41 V 1- 1« L GenUy W H Baker " 255~ino 33388 BROOM PEDDLER w 110 :; I V :,-::- 1 u shilling; E R Bradley 398-100 33852AEALRA w-1"7 1 3 :; 3| 11 " E Martin T C McDowell S7S-140 33388 Z1LMA S-ii i!Ut w M7 1 1 1| i |«J 1- K Mnrphy J V Schorr • 418-100 339HMK1NC TROVATO wn 110 :, I 1- 1" B«* 5,s D ConnellyC C Van Meter M95-M0 JACK STUART ar ME 10 0 6 : r. j CallahanW T Martin 4520-MO Time, 244i. 50-., liU%. Track heavy. 32 mutuels paid. James Foster, ?7.10 straight, 34.13 place. .58 s-iiow: Peddler, .30 place, .10 show: Aaalea, 33.88 show. Bqairaleal bonking odds James Fester. 255 to 100 straight, 105 to 100 place, SB to 100 show; Bream randier. 115 to 100 place, .v. to icu show: Azalea, .",» to 108 show. Winner ch. .. by Marathon Bessie Bpahr trained bv W. H. Baker; bred by Mr. J. I.. Ben ,,-ss Went to post .,t 1:54. At pest 1 Miaate. Start good and slow. Won easilv; second and third drir-iuj;. JAMES POSTER was outran for the Brst three-eisrhths, but came away in the stretch to win aa his rider pleased. BROOM PEDDLER saved mncti gronnd when coming into the stretch and Bnished 1 last ander pnnfauunent. A/.A1.I.A meed prominently all the way. 11. MA SCHORR set the early pace, but qail badly. O/l"! * SETKNTH RACK— 1 S-M Kilos. July 1. 1813 -1 :58%— 8- 188. Parse 3888. 4-year- O J"w X O ob and upward. Claiming. Net value :., winner S7oo; second, 3125; third, n7.",. Index Horses AWtlISt ,j . •"., StrFin Jockeys Iwners Egtiiv. OddT.Strt 33890QI:EEN APPLE w 4 MO 7 4 3* 24 1" l1! l| N Barrett H Webb OM-MO 33883 BEAUTY shop wn 4 M3 l 1 1- v- 1- M 1* i" Mnrphy Hills 8 Knerncr 112S-1O0 33883 INTONE am 3 114 4 :. :: :n :v- :;- ::■• K LapatlleRoaa A- Looney 46E-100 83854 WATERPROOF w it R 111 5 3 B* .,"■ 4i 4- V I ConneRVC K Hamilton 180-100 33812 SAM. u MEYER wa 8 M7 3 I V V V :." :•" H Shilling; G L Strang; 000-KB 3391* IR. GENTLEMAN WB 9 KB 2 2 4« 41 V le P J Metcalf J H Faker 110-100 83488 PAIR ORIENT wb 4 101 . 7 !«• 7*» V V* 7»» C DiahmonR L Baker UM-100 33751 LNDISCRET wn E K* 0 8 3 I I I 0 .1 CnllnhnnJ J Fisher lotivvioo Time, 24, 40,i, l:if%, 1:43, 2:03%. Track heavy. 32 inuttnds paid, Qneea Apple, 315.88 straight, .30 place, 88.08 show; Beaaty Shop. 311.48 place .00 show: Intone. 84.83 show. " Bqairaleal booking adds Qneea Apple. c,! 0 to 188 straight, 415 to KM place. SM to Km show; Bennty Shop. 470 to 108 pb 288 to 188 show: Intone. MB to M0 show. Winner h. f. by King James -Lady Appleby trained by II. Webb; bred l,v Mr. II. T. Oxn.ird. Wait to past at 5:23. At post 1 minut-. Start food and slow. Won easily: second and third driving, in I : I : N APPLK, farored by her light weighl and the gains, panned BKAI TV shop in the stretch and mm easing up. BKAI TV shop s.-t a uo«H| pace to the stretch, but tired in the bist eighth. IN-TO.M: raced riarwardlj all the w.iy. WATERPROOF was natron ail the wav, but linishcd fast. SAM- IF I. It. MEYER also was ontpo I. IRISH GENTLEMAN qniL Overweigiita Samncl li. Meyer. 1 pound; Fait Orient. 8.