Mount Royal Park Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1917-06-28

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MOUNT ROYAL PARK FORM CHART. MONTREAL, QUE., Tuesday, Juno 26, 1917.— Meant Royal Park. Second day. Back River Jockey Clubs First Meeting of 7 days. Weather cloudy. fluMlBl Judge. Sheridan Clarke. Starter, AVil-liam Murray. Racing Secretary, Martin Knthanaan. Baemg starts at 1:48 p. m. Chicago time, 12:48. 33973 First Race— 5-8 Mile. Sept. IS, 1915—1:00 — 3—182. Pnrae .$.".00. 3-year ahta. Maidens. Allowances. Net value to winner, 00; second, 8; third, 5. Eqiiiv. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Kin. Jockey. Straight. 33834 Kiiaimaoeh MB 1 W Oarg.m Ml 100 33333 Miss Sweep MS 2*1 G Laasna 18-181 83834 Frozen Glen 101 :ti A Claver U38-MB 3:5.9 1 Dal Acton b"", 4- A Johnson 1210-101 33153 Old Homentdlll CI E TapHa 1H0-1M 33817 lli-h Note in- 0«| D Roland 2395-100 :;3 l! Attorny Mnirlll 7- G Scherrer 1430-100 38574* Hat CroxtonMO s- N Kodea BOB-MO 33711 Lit. Menard 113 »l W Dwnkinaon 4650-100 33574 Ruby ScraggBlOB 10* J Dreyor t~M»-lM Kenova C.irl 10y 11 H HnnaiM r f tMntneJ field. lime, 1:02V5. Track fast. .«2 aiatnels paid. Kharenmaeh, 8.88 straight. . .. i.O placi . 34L28 show; Miss Sweep, .90 place, .70 show: Frozen Hen, .18 show. Bqnivalent basking odd- KJmremaneh, 9K» to Phi straight, 230 to 188 pb 118 to MB show: Miss Sweep, 45 to 188 place, 35 to 100 show; Frozen Glea, 135 to 188 show. Winner- 1:. P. Wests br. f. by Sweep— AtteBe trained by F. Hoiman; bred by Messrs. J. D. Carr He Pros. Went to post at l:01. At post I minutes. Start poor and sIoa. Won handily; second and third .riving. Scratched— Homeward Round, 109; 33o«4 Cracow, 109. Overweights — Little Menard, 41,. pounds; High Note, 3. 33371 Seeon 1 Race 3-1 Mile. Aug. 25. 1910— 1:13—4-103. Purse 88. 3 year-olds and upward. Canadian-foaled. Claiming. Net value to winner, 88; second, ,; third, .5. Kantr. 0 lds lad. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight, j 33818 M. of Frome 1« l1 R Ryan MOT 100 83837 Pel Post Ml 2» ! I nmaa MB-MBJ SS87STw1n StranamlMi 3*1 F Hopkins 140-108 83881* W Iruff 102 4 - A Ciaver t~M-M8l 53X15 L. SpendthriftlOS 1*1 A Johnson 190-100 33831* •Torment 84 61 H Erkktm I2I0 100 33837 Auster 10s | w Oraaaa t 33883 Meissen MB x- N Kodcn MS-MI 33073 My Joe Ml 9* AV Taylor 2170 1 no 33Sil Bncnl 106 10 K Taplin 12S0-100 tMatad field. Time, 1:16. Track fast. .* mutuels paid. Maid of Frome, 2.48 straight, 4.R0 place, .10 show; Red Post, hB1.90 place, .30 show; Twin Stream, ..90 show. Bqalrahmt booking odds— Maid of Frome, "020 to 188 straight, 838 to loo place, 2KB to MB shaw: Red Post. 148 to 100 place, 89 to 100 show; Twin Stream, 88 to 100 show. Winner — A. AVatts b. m. 7. by Havoc — From! traimd by A. Watts; bred by Air. J. E. Seagram. Went to post at 2:33. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driTing. Scratched— 33741 = Lmly Retty, 84; 33107 Ban-shore. 99; 33055 Otero. 103. Overweights — Twin Stream, l-i pounds; Maid of Frome, 2; Woodruff, 1; Auster, 5; Sacal, 3. 33575 Third Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Aug. 23, 1910 —1:00—3 — 107. Purse 00. 3 - year - olds. Claiming. Net value to winner, 00; second, 1917.sh5; third, 5. Equiv. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Kin. Jockey. Straight. 33271 Fhiha NcgralOC 1= E Taplin 1S.V100 33135 Quin 104 2= N Foden t415-H0 3.1921 Kestral 104J 3J C Gross 2460-100 33919 Plunger M 45 F Hopkins 845-100 33754 Wnrdog 104 5* A Claver 835-100 32282 Mol. Maguireli* 6- AV Young t 33919 = » Heroine 102J 71 F Raker 855-100 831S l*Onknrood BoyMI 8t A Johnson 5s0-lX 37534 Joes Sister 105 9- R Ryan 1 33007 Fan. Feathers % W iA Alexandra 4105-100 33645*Dora 94 11* H Erickson 4R75-100 28913 All Amiss 107 12 G Lomaa 5095-100 tMntnel field. Time, 1:06%. Track fast. mutuels paid, Flecha Negra, .70 straight, .40 place, .80 show; Quin field, .70 place. .50 show; Kestrel, .30 show. Koiiivalent booking odds — Flecha Negra, 185 to 100 straight, 70 to 100 place. 40 to 100 show; Quin field, 135 to 100 place, 75 to 100 show; Kestrel, 881 to 100 show. Winner — F. S. Wishnrds br. f. by Diek Welles — Phecnie Fickle trained by F. S. Wishard; bred by Messrs. J. I. Carr and Bros. Went to post at 2:57. At post 6 minutes. Start fair and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched — 33696 Lady Rowena, 100; 33715 Frank Coleman, 108; 33811 Wand, 105. Overweights — Flecha Negra, 1 pound; Kestrel, 2%; Quin, l; joes sister, 3; Heroine, 1%. 33976 Fourth Rao — 3 4 Mile. Aug. 25. 191 .—1:13 — 4— MS. Pane 88. I year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 09; second, 885; third, ?35. Eijuiv. Odds In 1. Horse. wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 338B8*Poppee 104 l- A Johnaoa,-ioo 53398 Little Abe lit 9 D Poland 720 100 83944 Seorpii 114 V J Ptta HHS-MB 33937 Miramichl 111 4" A Claver MB-MB 33831 Oordon 111 li N Foden 8M 100 533 12 Two Royals 114 8* W Orni.s 11:0-100 33098 Qrtermnnter ill 7* Hastens MB" MB 337 18 San Jon ill I R Byan v 33887 Sugar King 114 !» R I»we 1M0-10 S3831*Mcx 111 10- K Taplin 415 100 33870 Bermndlnn 111 11 J Howard 1155-100 t.Mutuel fi, id. Time, 1:15. Track fast. mntnels paid, Pappee, 3.78 straight. 1.88 place. BjBJM Low:-Little Abe. 8.48 place, 88.88 show; Seorpii, field, .H show. Ivptivalent iK.oking adda Iopn-e. 88B to 100 straight. 480 to IBB place. 248 to loo show; Little A1m 120 to 186 place. 245 to MB show; Seorpii, fi Id. 238 to loo show. Winner s. ioii:-s i,. f, 4. by Tiirtillagloa Tarn padonra trained by S. Polk; bred by Air. T. C. McDowell. Went to post nt 3:27. At post 5 minutes. Start fair and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Bcratehed 3381fi:Qaiea Babe, 109: 88338 Rosemary, 109; ;,3023 Satisfied, 100; 88868 R. A. Jones, HI. 33977 Fifth Pee --.",. I Alile. Aug. 25, 1910 1:13 -I MB. Farm $ :tH». St. Laurent llainihap. I year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 88; second, 25; third. 5. Ripiiv. Odda Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 3:.9«9-.los. Zarate 113 1" A Claver 2VI-100 33937 Tiajan 105 25 A Johnson 1so-ioo S1387*Ed Cndihee lis s*| W Ormca 140-100 SSS78* Early Si-ht lor, 41] u Ryan G95-100 83845:King1lng 11. 10 5 G Octetrrer PJ20-10" Time. 1:14%. Track fast. S2 mutuels pnM, Inmiphlail /..irate. .s7.»i straight. place, .29 show: Tiajan, .90 place, .30 show: HI Cndihee, .38 show. Bqnrralent booking oddh Josefiaa Barnte, 288 to KM straight. MS to loo place. 10 to loo show; Tiajan. K b 110 place, 15 to 100 show; Fd Cndihee. 15 to MB slow. Winner- O. H. Brownes ch. m, •" . hy Abe Frank — Minyna trained by 1 . R. McPauiil; bred by Air. J. r. Newman. Went to post at 3:52. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon driving; second and third the sam-. Scratched — 38878 Cn pain ate. 102. O ict weights — HJngttng II.. 5 anwada. 33973 Sith Kaci — 1 1-8 Miles. Sept. 21. 1915 — 1:53-.. — 4 107. Parse 8888. -1 -year olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ; second, ?ti.".; third, 5. Equiv. Odds In 1. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 33739Black Frost 100 I* «; Bttetrrer B6-MB 33905 Euterpe 10« in j Dreyer 115-100 33824~*Bognrt Mi 2* D Bloom 475-100 33973 Brown Prlnce104 43 H Hanmer 4M8-MI 53541 Eddie T. 110 5- H Taplin 575-100 S3938*Flylnaj Tom 104 C N Foden 19-15-100 Time. 1:84%. Track fast. . mutuels paid. Bhtck Frost. .10 straight. .10 place. .30 show; Futerpe, .00 place, . .SO show; i.ogart. .X show. ■univalent baokteiB odds — Black Frost, r.5 to 100 straight. 55 to 100 place. 15 to 100 show; Euter|iet 386 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Rogart, 30 to 100 show. Winner — AV. A. MeKinneys blk. f, 4, bv AVat-r-Iw,y — Mary Craves trained by AV. A. McKinncy; bred by Mr. J. B. Haggin. Went to post at 4:21. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. S3979 Seventh Race— 1 Mile and 20 Aards. Sept. 25. 1015— 1:11 -A— 13 104. Purse 00. 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 5; third, 5. Equiv. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 33755 Paul Gaines 110 1 ll Scherrer 1700 -KB 33068 Stanley S. 110 2i T Nolan T700-100 33579*J,rry 103 5* H Sobel 2S5-100 33888 "Paulson 101 4" J Hcuoel 2K0-100 33824 C. McFerran 106 51 J Howard 4S5-100 33871 C. Fredrlcks 1MJ 6t F Hopkins t 33932"Virgicdot 109 7 D Kloom 4535-100 33923 = Mguerite W. 106 8 H Hanmer t 33929»Be 110 9JA Claver 735-100 33754 -Caro Nome 103 10* A Alexandra 600-100 33971 A"anker 110 IP M Foden 1040-100 33683 Manioc 110 12 R Rvan 2065-100 tAIutuel field. Time. 1:43*4. Track fast. mutuels paid, Paul Oaines, 6.00 straight, 2.10 place, .10 show; Stanley S., field, .60 place. 50 show; Jerry. .90 show. Equivalent liooking odds — Paul Gaines, 1700 to 100 straight, 505 to 100 place, 388 to 100 show; Stanley S.. field. 230 to 100 place, 75 to 100 show; Jerry, 45 to 100 show. AAinner — AV. A. McKinn vs br. g. 5, by McGee — Sutte trained by AV. A. MeKlnney; bred by Mr. J. Taylor. Went to post nt 4:18. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Scratched— 33972 Gano, 113; 33924 Dartworth, 110; 33278 Royal Meteor, 110. Q-erwei-ats-T-Capt. F«dricks, 2ft pounds, ,

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