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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. R. K. R., Rochester, N. Y. Daily Racing Form is on sale in New York by 8 a. m., Philadelphia, 8 a. m., and Baltimore, 9 a. m., the day of publication. It is also on sale at Saratoga by 8 a. m., the same day. C. II. I., Chicago, 111. Goodwins Guide ceased to exist with the volumes of 1908. It made its first appearance as a yearly in 18S4, succeeding Kriks Guide, published by the late H. G. Crick-more, which Tan from 1879 to 1883. B. B. F., Detroit, Mich. Speculation on the Grand Rapids races will be by the pari-mutuel system on the Bowie plan. This plan was fully explained in Daily Racing Form of April 12 last. Racing is not a novelty at Grand Rapids. It has had short seasons, of thoroughbred racing each of several years past J. B. S., Chicago, 111. Daily Racing Form isnt "snippy" about errors and if it makes them it is glad to have corrections sent in. The horse which ran in race 34050 was Barry Shannon. The same horse was also scratched in race 34051 and the error was discovered and corrected for the Monthly and Past Performances. Enquirer, Louisville, Ky. In 1879 and 18S0, when racing was held in Chicago under the auspices of the Chicago Jockey and Trotting Club at the old Madison street track, auction pooling was the sole method of betting. That method was universal in the west. In the east auction pools, pari-mu-tuela and bookmakingi were variously used.