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Latonia Entries and Past Performances for Tuesday, July 3. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. Racing starts 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 2:30. Fourth Race 3-4 Mile. XRuns well in mud. Superior mud ruuner. o ..,,, ,.,, ,, , . . M Maidens. -Apprentice allowance. Track June lOH-l-ll--llG , , Fir?J Bace 5:.2 Furlongs. 33054 Buck Shot 103 1:13 4 112X725 2-year-olds. Maidens. I lilies, bpecial Weights. 34090 Shine 99 1-13 4 107"n Track record: June 7. 1909-1 :05-3-93. 340! Tom Anderson . ..104 1:15s 3 97 715 ,A?rlay,8 39"1 Sister Susie 112 1:13and 4 102X715 Ind. Horse. Wt. TIpp. A.Wt.Uan. 31124: Trusty ... 102 1:11 3 104X715 34001 Independence 112 l:09s 112.. 725 33838 Alfadir 114 1-13V 4 109x71 "5 340!1 Redlita V 112 l:09s 112.. 720 33359 Sosius 105 1:13 G 1110715 340S8 Flounce 112 l:09s 112.. 715 310S9 Fleetabelle 107 1:12 5 113x710 34011 Jessie Onnsby 112 1:09 s 112.. 715 33906 Pilsen M 1011:14 3 100 X 705 340G1 Miss Wright 112 l:liy5s 112.. 715 33413 Broom Sweep 103 1:14 3 110 705 34013 Ukulele 98 l:liy5s 112. .710 33955 Primero 101U:12V 4 11"X705 32920 Lady Bergcr 112.. 700 3400S R. II. Anderson 109"l:lG 3 104 700 33940 i!phontt.,Tbt0nf1 bv 112.. 700 Aiso cliglble t0 start jn order cGee-LinK of the above be scratched; Turner 112 S4""- Ji,"ic!i 91 1:14 . 3 95X710 Clara JIartin. br. f. 3o912 Billy Joe ..Ill 1:13 5 114715 by Sain Missy.. 112 Buck Shot is fast and racing well. Band of closely matched fillies. Fifth Uaxso1 Mil0i Second Race 1 1-1G Miles. Sedamsville Purse. 3-year-olds. Claiming. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: Oct. 7, 1915 1:43 3 122. Track record: June 15, 1914 li37 1114. 3395C. Flash of Steel ...100 1:18 107 X 725 3394 lt KINNEY 107 1:39 4 107X750 34123 Fight Fair M SG11:475 102.. 720 34055 t J. J. Murdock 107 1:39 4 110X740 33888s Matin 105X715 34091 Royal II. 5 108 x 735 34128 Monotony 107 l:47Vi 110X715 34055 Queen Errant 3 92x730 34090 Walter II. Pcarce.. 99 1:48 102X710 340S9 John .Tr 105 1:40 4 103X730 34057 Irregular 102 l:48y5 110X710 34091 Franklin 112 1:40 4 103.. 730 3112S Bob Dundoii 107 l:54h 97 X705 31044 Green Jones 3 97X725 34010 Lady Kathern 103 1:505 100X705 34055 Bob Hcnsley 102 1:39 G 109725 33590 Ruth Welile M .. 95.. 700 34014 Believe Me Boys.. 103 1:41 3 92x720 33988 Vagabond M ... 100.. 700 1J. Goodman entry. Flash of Steel appears best. Kinney is fast and in good form. Third Race 3-4 Mile. sixth Eaco3.4 Mile reJtifin lMlTTl 3;ycawlds and upward. Allowances,, Track record: June 1914 1.11 1 o 1 110. 1 pi Track record: .Mine 27, 10141:11 5 llCi ?Jal-er I,rn,,y M T; 33944 Bradleys Choice ..117 1:12 G115X725 3in7?- Art,"y I$,nbj ?oX4Jr -9,ilG Waterbass 110 1:12 G 113X715 Vw fe!SS llivl1, 340475 JnckODowd .105 1:12 4 116X715 In. t Ii if nfr-iioi.iRK l? 33890 Old Miss 112 1:13 3 102X710 inrt nV,L- "U ii in," 34090 Sun Maid 107 1:10 4 111X710 34003 Chick Barkley M 103.. iOO 34064 Gallant Lad 109 1:14 3 104 X 705 "Walter Bradys last race was promising. 33733 Fleuro 100 1:12 4 111.. 705 t , Todays Todavs I:,- UoRn Wt- Ilcc- A.Wt.Han. Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt Han. vin-J 5,s?wcod -107 1:14 3 97.. 700 34090 Beauty Shop 95 1:40 4 110x715 if1, 9Mem. J5JH:ii; "0 X 700 34013 Samuel R. Meyer. .107 1:15 8 114X715 ?lnri ?af-ety rst 4 "3X700 310GG3 Bean Spiller 104 1:47 5 107X710 34004 Moincn Star 110 l:lu 4 10C. 090 34013 Fair Orient 103 1:48 4 105x705 Also eligible to start in order named should any 34067 Surpassing 109 1:47 0 109 X 705 of the above be scratched; 33990 Fascinating 105 1:45 G 112X705 Fricow -Sli.Sg oSo G.v.Sli!3S8 g?g 011JX7- Zuk-x?? S .::::ii;l?t 4 vfSwi mi"..116 Mn,eSi Also clISible to start in order named should any 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. of tlie above be scratched: Irack record: Oct. 7. 1910 1:43 3 122. 34010 The Grader 109 1:45 7 1140720 310123 Lucky R ....106 1:51 4 9SX725 34006 Big Fellow 106 1:47 4 112. .720 341.4 Klcbume 112 1:40 7 110X720 Lucky R. is speedy and lightly weighted. 1-05 393 tCE 5 12 FurlonsS 2-year-1is Maidens. Fillies. Special Weights. June 7, 1909 Index Course DlstTimeTckOddi Wt St i Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish J0RETPENDENCE- ch- f 2 M 112 By Ballot Bracegirdle T. C. McDowell. 34061 Latonia 51 f l:0aslow 13 112 5 8 5 Ch 63 D Martin 12 iCrvstal Day RtHllit-iV Flounce 17? W18 iU ?1d 515 I I nlo arm 11 Glp.Queen! Jes.Ormsby, AmeHta 33179 Douglas 41 f 64fast 23 112 8 9 ni 912 9.,B E Martin 10 VivaAmcrica, Amelitn, LadyG EEDLITA V., ch. f. 2 M 112 By Cunard Eed Licht fK Siiencel 34061 Latonia 51 f l:00slow 14 112 6 9 S 72 q Hunt 12 Urysllinyf Flounce Jes Ormsbv 33953 Latonia 5-8 1:02 fast 16 112 G 7 3 3U 3 C Hunt 12 Mch Wind Crvs lav BM.Tvmn 3593 Latonia 41 f 54fast 100 102 6 5 S H Luntfrd c SmcCI, fflSSn BandS 33018 Churchl 41 f 56 slow 69 107 4 4 6 4 C Hunt 0 rievna OrVst Dav Felicititinn 32917 Churchl 41 f 54fast 98 108 8 8 8 8 C Hunt 8 Vio SSnni Crys Day Mis Pollv 32828 Churchl 41 f 54fast 54 102 2 7 7 7 J Morys 7 Sixiee ??o One7 Panette Sg7 FLOUNCE, b. f, 2 M 112 By Plaudit f Earfets fK D Alexanrtfirl 340SS Latonia 3-4 l:14fast 14 109 5 G 5 5 5 Vf Kelsay 12 ! EiternTtadtoIIst Pollr Quito 3aJonia Cl f l:09slow 15f 112 3 5 G 61 3 W Kelsay 12 Crys. Day 1 BcdlltaV J brmSb S3940 Latonia 5-8 l:01fast 3S 109 1 6 6 71 73i P Murphy 12 KiligTrovnto T American I 1 ook 33763 Latonia 5-8 l:01fast 22 110 4 4 5 6. 5" R Goose 8 Amelits i JaneFn mccs Crvs Dnv guelaa 41 f 65good 20 109 7 9 10 9 C Dishmonll B.B:.Tohnson ClniiTant Nllf 33179 Douglas 41 f 64fast 120 112 4 2 21 43 C DishmonlO viwAmerica AmelitJ LndvA 32841 Churchl 1-2 47faSt 37f 110 11 11 11 11" W CrZ12 Oc!s v 32755 Lexgton 41 f 65fast 69 112 9 8 9 9" D ConneiIyl2 lima Schorr , PiOiMtalDa5 SF0EMSB?; hf I M 112 By Plaudifc-Francos Dillon Gallaher Bros.. ?atonia 51 f l:09slow 13-10 112 1 1 3 3 .41 ,W Andressl2 Crystal Day, RedlitaV Flounce 33440 Douglas 41 f 54Bood 12 112 3 2 21 23 W Andressll Gip.Queen, Anielita, M Bonero MISS WEIGHT, b. f, 2 M 112 By Judge Wright Abrasion 3 Livinstnn 34061 Latonia 51 f l:09slow 10 112 4 2 1 4 10 L Tentry ll tMar. nXtlice UKULELE, ch. f, 2 M 112 By Master Robert Suzanne EocamorafW L Lnwi- M0 Laton a 51 f l:09slow 148 98 7 9 8 8 61 N Barrett 9 A!thJEV;and I Jton a 41 f B5?sfast 64 110 9 11 10 10" F Murphy 11 Rookwood Breezy Katie rSnl nnUB aS 1:?1rMas: rh 5 7 7i 72 ACIaver 8, KoranSascri a 3300 Douglas 41 f 55fast 41 109 7 5 4h 61 D Connellyl2 E.Hrmann Strines Kremnnpl. 33233 .Douglas 41 f 55good 37 112 8 6 91 91 D ConnellylO Koran Mst.Polly Klmrem 33111 Churchl 41 f 55 fast 40 109 8 13 13 13 C DishmonlS Desire. Koran Eda Herrmann LADY BEE GEE, br. f, 2 M 112 By, Burgomaster Ethel McCaffrey J. B." Wil- liams. 2MnOV n. 5hu ro 4if EC fast 83-10 109 11 11 11 UG Molcsth 11 Near. My Gracie Simon Pnro 32S51 Devshire 1-2 49fast 1236 4 2 .21 23 G Molesthl2 Sam Pickett, DaUctra T tohTb Sa?nC?l:F T,0RT0NI- lh :. 2 M 112 By Mauvezin-Macaroon E. E. Bradloy 33W0 Latonia 5-8 l:01fast 147 109 10 11 11 1H 11 II Shilling 12 K.Trovato, American Dr-,g Rock 5o Lexgton 41 f 55fast S5 112 7 7 11 11 P Lowder 12 lima Schorr, Plum T Crystal I D iv 2.C85 Lexgton 41 f 54fast 31 110 7 7 and C P Lowder 7 Fern Handlcy, Pazza. Koran First start for the following: : OCHENTA, b. f, 2 M 112 By McGee LilUo Turner T. P. Hayes CLARA MARTIN, br. f, 2 M 112 By Sain-Missy J. S. Hawkins. SECOND EACE 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds Claiming. Oct. 7, 1910 1:43 3 122. 4STH 0F, STEEL. e, 3 107 By Ballot Nigella E. P. Brooks 33956 Latonia 1 1-10 1:48 fast 12 100 2 3 2 1 1 l3 J CallahanlO Mintonv vnv uni. 33703 Latonia 1 l:42hvy 81 99 6 5 5 5 3 3 N Barrett 9 Sn Dpnlpr Tiwiifinr rS--n 33526 Douglas 3-4 l:13fast 3 10C1 5 6 5 6 51 D Conne Ilyl2 BcrtWillianis ? I nnn rwrZ7, S0UB!as H:40fast 79-10 106 2 2 3 3 3 3 D C6nnclly 8 B Voter WIteide D Dnm 33254 Douglas 1 l:40fast 17-201061 7 4 3 3 41 41 D Connelly 8 Bes Par wi torhir S;J?.am 3??hVrc5?1 3i,1:J4fast 75 100JG 6 4 31 21 N Barrett 9 Sedan Trcvisc Bliise 30166 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 38-5112 8 7 8 61 5i D Connllyll Fizer Snow drift lMnfn 30099 Latonia 51 f 1:09 Sood49-10112 5 8 8 5 5i D Connllyll R. H. AndTrnf Schedule Fizer FIGHT FAIR. ch. g. 3 M 102 By Fair Play-St. Agnes K Snencel 34123 Latonia lm70y l:4Gslow S-5 105 3 Ji ll 7 5C1C Hunt 12 Prwious S Y.n?., r 34090 Latonia 1 1-16 I:46fast 71 S61 9 8 9 8 5 6 J Gruber 9 SimMa id lie. ish ? in i L l 34008 Latonia. 1 1-16 l:50hvy 37-10 106 7 7 5 4 3" 2 C Hunt 7 W H Pearc T npili?P V V 3S95G Latonia 1 1-16 1:48 fast 17-5 105 10 10 8 4 4 3 C Hunt 10 F ofSteef Mnntn v tVt a 33854 Latonia 11-16 l:47fast 173 86 2 7 6 6 S 41 3 J Gruber 7 Prince S Flv Hnmn f ," 336G4 Latonia 11-16 1:48 fast 136 86 8 8 8 8 7 7" J Gruber 8 Wtcraroof 1, nUrl; S3402 Douglas 1 1-16 l:47fast 37 97 6 6 6 5 5 5 H Lunsfrd 0 Square Denlo? r Pf-.neart 33321 Douglas lm70y l:47mud 42 99 9 1010 10 8 65 J Gruber 10 Kilkenny ClaVe fVi, EflSher 33254 Douglas 1 l:40fast 26 1071 8 8 8 7 6 6 C Hunt 8 Des Day WatorhlnP n.n 33145 Churchl lm70y l:46fast 51 107 7 8 6 3 3 3" C Hunt 8 Sa First slrntoi Iray,9rea,m 33015 ChurchU 1 1:43 slow 36 107 2 5 4 .4 6 6" C Hum 7 d!h bert, BJIpson W H Pr ce Ktl 33-4:14 fast 39-5 3 3 "3 SfTiney-igf.Tas landr ES834 Latonia lm70y 5:45fast 10-5 106 5 4 5 5 31 3s R Goose S Clare Winw?. TBlrdLora 33590 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 13 110 6 6 5 3 31 J Metcalf 9 J ! nSt us PiKon n!CDSe 33193 Douglas 3-4 l:16mud 33-10 107 6 4 2 2l 2l R Goose 12 Immense Mav W fl-nv 32740 Lex gton 3-4 1:15 fast S 10S 8 8 8 7 642 R Goose 8 IJattlc ! Mellow CHri 32721 Lexgton 3-1 l:15hvy 12 98 7 7 7 5 4" W Crump 8 Bed Storip AnVvVr r if . 32670 Lexgton lm70yl:45fast 46-5100 4 10 10 10 10 9 W CruZ 10 IMllovvs Guide Pn" ni1 CaiJ 32308 Oaklwn 61 f 1:03 fast 6 100 7 6 6 C 51W CrumpP SRhmc She tMt MONOTONY, b. c. 3 110 By Oeden Tenotomv CT TT -RaVi 34046 Latonia lm70y l;46slow.a3 1QS -3. 8. 7- 7. 4A 4U H? SlliUh lSoLfi ihwy Difv Dream Vntm- 33956 Latonia 11-lG 1:48 fast 9-5 111 3 5 6 3 2 2 W Kelsay 10 F of Steel Ftkir 33889 Latonia 1 1-1G l:47fast 19 108 6 6 3 2 41 4 W Kcl ay 9 1 C Sre 1U S 51 A CrS011 33769 Latonia 1 .1-8 l:53fast 101 99 4 4 5 5 6 58J N BarreU 7 Vv s fst a nenr m 33703 Latonia 1 l:42hvy 37-10114 5 6 6 3 6 4 C Dishmon 9 Sa Dealer l5i?SnJ J l7M?m? 33117 Churchl 1 1-16 l:47fast 38-5114 1 6 6 5 5 o C Dishmon 8 Da Holb-V Su.nw T-0f;StcPi 32992 Churchl 1 1-16 l:48fast 13 104 3 5 7 4 3 31 F Mmhy 7 Intono I V f iwW88- 32919 Churchl 11-8 1:53 fast 23-5 107 3 4 4 2 41 5 D Connelly fi Co SnlM ffi m,?ClatinB 32843 Churchl 11:41 fast 44-5110 6 7 6 5 21 1 D Conne llyll Geo C lovr ?m, n S,Ba tar . 32776 Lexgton 1 1-16 l:4Gfast 22-5 107 6 4 3 3 3 2 D Conn y 5 D?ci-m S ,rnGrUnilr 32744 Lexgton lm70yl:42fast 117 97 4 6 7 7 7 711 R VVpngf d 7 LadyRoUia, Tokay KaA8011 WALTEE H. PEAECE. b. g. 3 102 By Sain-Loyalirta W H Beared 34090 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4Gfast 20 09 0 5 5 5 8 8 N Barrett 9 ffiU r , 3100S Latonia 1 1-16 l:50hvy 81-10 9S1 3 1 1 1 VI 1 N Barrett 7 FiEI,t Fair inohf u -Uxsfie 33956 Latonia 11-16 1:48 fast 57-10 10S 7 7 7 9 9la R Goose 10 Fl ofSteel Arnfnr.i 1 i 33834 Latonia lm70y l:45fast 22 99 1 1 1 2 2 23 N Barrett 8 Clirc ,Vnttn ?"y FlS"tFalr 33321 Douglas lm70yl:47mud 83-10 109 111 1 5S1 R Goose 10 Kntonv p 33283 Douglas 3-4 l:14mud 69-10 107 4 1 1 61 68 R Goose 9 Palande Blnnhnn "r... n . 33015 Churchl 1 1:43 slow 21-10 1071 5 4 3 3 21 3" R Goose 7 D Holbort n TllUnn0UFt 32929 Churchl 3-4 l:14fast 16-5 107 5 4 2 1 41 R Goose 10 Palatnhle Tnmi mRS0 CFourt 32707 Lexgton 3-4 l:13fast 79 109 6 8 10 101 10 R Goose 11 Kam?n VPnTr Trrr"sty, 30136 Latonia 3-4 l:13fa8t 21 112 3 2 2 6. U U nTolt In Unllu B Hampton IS IRREGULAR, br. c. 3 110 By Hastings Armilda T P 34067 Latonia 1 1-4 2:00fast 20 92 1 1 1 1 5i MMy Tu.iertrow.f Tpi,! - 3S95G Latonia 1 1-16 1:48 fast 5 111 4 8 9 G 6 5 L Gentry 10 Fl of Steel Mnnntnn P?1,??f,IlVs S38S9 Latonia 1 1-10 l:47fast 46 102 3 7 7 7 Cl 55 N Barrett 9 Clare Afirt F111Bl,tI a,r 33703 Latonia 1 l:42hvy 91 114 4 3 i 4 h 2 L Gentry 9 So Io-,ior mKW1, 33590 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fait 11 112 8 7 7 61 533 W W Tfor 9 J py-.11;-Monotony 33507 Douglas 3-1 l:14fast 26-5f 111 C 5 4 4? V W T o 12 Ha f C ra LJ M V w 33283 Douglas 3-4 l:14mud 14 111 7 7 6 6" 41 W W T lor 9 pSl iLblJ ri, or.? a?5 JIa?, W SSSKEi and 1 25 J 4 JS i:i litHL! SKS,ow 1027 Gnr 3 3 6 6 34008 Latonia 1 1-10 l:50hvy 44 107 1 3 7 7 7 7" W Kelsay 7 W H Pnrce PMiflp t mCi 29527 Churchl 51 f l:07fast 27 10S1 7 7 10 10 R Goose 11 James Lvtle Snrimi wi of 29276 Douglas 61 f 1:08 fast 30 108 Rlvmo 8 7 8 91 8"$ R Goose 12 en n iirM 2921S Douglas 51 f 1 :07fast 15 10S7 9 10 11 1013 R Goose 11 J L?mond Rhyme Snfrrnnpi 29016 Lexgton 51 f l:0Sfast 11 110 4 4 7 7 73 R Goose 10 Peichie W pin TGirI Sst,on Blfl:08fast 12 109 6 9 9 91 9 R Goose 12 MatiS Rhyme MilbreV S548 Latonia 3-4 l:14fast 63-10 109 1 1 1 24 Ink R Goose 8 Milbrey MonotonV nWnntTnn. 27165 Latonia 5-8 l:01fast 91 1071 4 4 4 61 61 R Goose 11 Peachie kSSSm q rntlJl"Z 26978 Latonia 6-8 l:03mud 17-5 115 2 4 - 4 41 611 R Goose 5 Langden, Bluebannock iflJuke L,Ai??IPT.HEbf 100 By Marathon Aimee C. J. L. Paul. 4010 Latonia lm70y l:47hvy 20 981 3 3 3 3 3 3 J Callahan i ThcGrader II r.Vr.lnnr Ari t So3,11 5,,UBlas S"4 l:14Rood 52 110 0 3 3 3 21 W Li 1 ley 12 MUbrey. Hasty C M fW00d 32419 Tijuana 1 l:40fast 10 98 10 10 10 10 10 10 W Brazel 10 Auc HeinVe i . 32362 Tijuana 3-4 1:14 fast 7 111 7 6 7 8 9 W LiHey 9 Sat Befl" ? Ponw e loo M,Fiark 32245 Tijuana 3-4 l:13fast 7-5 110 7 4 5 4 4 W ill ley 7 Cruces Police Irl Vfi l?Uana lTOy l:4Gfast 15 91511 1 6 .6" S McGraw 7 and OStar Blgtodo iX?n7 SHuana ?1 :VK I02 7 6 4 6,0 6" S McGraw 7 Minnow" Chief Brown Cruces 31707 Tijuana 3-4 l:14fast 31 105 7 4 4 43 41 W Lilley 11 Sy.Boy. RedCircle. Beaut ill RUTH WEHLE, ch. f, 3 M 95 By Senator McCarren Catherinn "R J t -n 33590 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 85 1031 1 1 3 51 J MoryT Tl S P lscn MUn 33193 Douglas 3-4 l:16mud 35f 1011 4 1 6 12 12 T Buckles 12 Immense Matin Jhv V ?hu.rch1 3-4 l:15fast 121 104 2 1 1 3u 63 TS Kleeger 9 Jan r B 1 JmS MarStar 32788 Lexgton 3-4 l:15slow 127 101 6 2 5 7 7" L Lykes S Brizz Sister Susie IlnA A? 30072 Latonia 61 f l:08fast 12 105 2 1 1 51 9i II Jeffcott 11 Taxi! Pllyanna May itt 29990 Latonia 5-8 l:06hvy G5 104 4 1113 G3 IT Jeffcott 12 Alert, Quia Velvet 25118 Lexgton 61 f l:llhvy 60 112 5 5 5 6 5 W Hoag 12 E. Tmnson PfdlvVnnn rM 2901? Lexgton 61 f 1:10 fast 15 112 7 3 4 61 10" R Davifs 12 I ird Lore, P yanna QsPark S! Rt.n r5i l:02fast fid 112 11 11 11 11 Hi K LapalUelU The Baroness, lS hern S a Irl 27626 Latonia 61 f l:0Sfast 64 109 2 1 3 61 10" K Lapalllel2 OkwoodBoy, JLFinlen, 15 Lhssie 34Gf B0N? b 3 M 100 By Migraine English Esther W. G. King-Dodds 33988 Latonia 3-11:14 fast 76 109 12 6 6 8 S18 L Gentry 12 Sedan Trusts- Sis t FmhlPm" 20045 Latonia 51 f l:098lo w 100 112 5 G 7 7 7 IV Lille? 9 Kcn rard, Pmto RaLedy JHn 29923 Latonia 51 f l:08fast 122 107 7 7 7 7 6 L Lykcs 7 Ben Hamnson KemvMrd Onin i?J, hnia S J l:10hvy 53 112 9 10 9 91 10 R Goose 11 Apple JakBennampson QQuin S2S ?1 orne 5 I 1:m Boa 30 li10 1 8 81 931 1- Gaugel 10 Milbrey. lUirbdnk. DcUuInf 27S37 Hthorne 5-8 1:02 fast 20 112 1 8 8 70 7 J McCabe 8 Justify, Slcener Lvcia 275S0 Latonia 61 f l:0Sfast 123 112 9 9 9 9 9 J Brown 9 Paramount! Immense, Irregular THIRD EACE 3-4 Mile. 2-year-olds. Claiming. June 27, 19141:115110. WALTEE BRADY, br. c. 2 M 98 By Marathon Miladi Love W. H. Baker 31003 Latonia 51 f l:09slow 17 1061 2 1 1 l1 31 H Shilling 10 Butch. Boy, Ambuscade", L.Hollo 33907 Latonia 5-8 l:02fast 7-5 107 4 4 5 51 73 R Goose 12 LittleBollo, MissBonuro Strim.a 33658 Latonia 5-S l:02fast 11-5 112 1 11 11 2 R Goose 11 Ambuscade. Kale. Ellwange? PASTIME, b. g, 2 109 By Marathon Europa J. B. EesnessL 34063 Latonia 51 f l:09slow 19-5 109 1 2 2 61 93 L Gentry 10 But Boy AmbuscMilo W tin 33798 Latonia 5-8 l:02faat 41 115 4 4 4 2?1 ll L Gentry 12 K Trovato M Bonero ritt 33732 Latonia 5-S l:01fast 41 111 4 4 4 9 93 L Gentry 10 Ncne Butcher bSv GreiV rf,?11 33506 Douglas 5-S 1:01 fast 15 1111 4 3 2 4 6 L Gentr? 8 Jas Foster ButcherBov I nrkv 33357 Douglas 41 f 55good 30 1121 1 6 . 5 " 43 L Gentry 11 I1B Johnson CH irvovq n t M h 33192 Douglas 41 f 65mud 27 112 1 5 ! 63 T Bm:kies 10 J.HareJr., .ILJnyo J Foster PEETTY BABY, ch. f, 2 108 By Sir John Johnson Irish Girl IT fK" qnm 31126 Latonia 51 f l:09slow 23-5 115 2 2 3 2 52 C Hunt 9 Lit Princess InceUne C ,,!,, " 34043 Latonia 51 f l:09slow 31 10S 3 2 4 1 V C Hunt 9 L.Princess E Princess PinTriv 32932 Churchl 41 f 65 fast 21-20 107 2 2 2 2? 2 R Goose 6 Pinel uret S-izaNnmv ItHnbt 32865 Churchl 1-2 49 fast 8 112 4 1 1 ll R GoosI l" NoonUde PaS Pi P 3 32755 Lex;gton 41 f 55fast 14 112 5 6 6 4 R Goolo 12 Hma Schorr Wum Crystal Dat S2706 Lezston 4J I 65ast 23 112 3 1 2J 4 R GoosI 11 HreydewrorDay; FeUdtotioJ AMBUSCADE. br. c, 2 112 By Sweep Ethelberta Gallaher Bros.. 34003 Latonla 51 f l:09Vslow 22 10G 10 10 9 31 2n J CallahanlO Butch. Boy, W.Brady, Lit.Rollo 33989 Latonia 51 f l:0Sfast 21 1121 2 8 5 4 43 W Andressl2 Butch.Eoy, Lit.Rollo, Rookwood 33907 Latonla 5-8 l:02fast 14 109 12 12 12 11 S9i W Andrcssl2 LittleRollo, MissBonero, Stripes S3732 Latonia 5-8 l:01fast 18 111 6 6 6 52 5" W AndresslO Nepe, Uutchcr Boy, Great Gull 23G5S Latonla 5-S l:02fast 28 112 5 5 4 3l l1 W Andress 11 Walt.Brady, Kale, C.Ellwangcr 23469 Douglas 5-8 l:01fast 25 112 9 10 9 9 8" W Andressl2 W. Dant. Rookwood, Pret. Baby LITTLE HOLLO, b. c, 2 108 By Burgomaster Quagmire K. D. Alexander, "340G3 Latonia 51 f l:09y5slow 33-10 110 9 9 7 41 41 D ConnellylO But. Boy, Ambuscade, W.Brady 339S9 Latonia 51 f l:0Sfast 71 108 1 10 8 6 2s F Murphy 12 But.Boy. Rookwood. Ambuscade 32907 Latonia 5-8 l:02fast 17 105 11 9 3 21 11 F Murphy 12 Miss Bonero,- Stripes, Rookwood 33793 Latonia 5-8 l:02?fast 11 113 11 10 9 72 5i J Francis 12 Pastime, K. Trovato, M. Bonero .058 Latonia 5-8 l:02fast 19-5 312 2 7 7 8 G3 J Metcalf 11 Ambuscade, WalterBrady, Kale 32469 Douglas 5-8 l:0lf list 3 107 6 7 C 4 43i W Keisay 12 W. Dant, Rookwood. Pret. Buby 33281 Douglas 5-8 l:02Vinud 69-10 112 5 D G 21 21 M Garner G B.MDawell. Laggard. DickleW. JACK HILL, b. c, 2 M 98 By Eyebrow May Willie Menger and Stoess. 340SS Latonia 3-4 l:14fast91-10f 112 8 S 7 71 710 L Gentry 12 Exterminator, Mist.Polly, Quito 3..S32 Latonla 5-8 l:02andfast .48 112 8 8 8 8 84 L Gentry 8 Bolster, Clairvoyant, Benefactor CHICK BAHKLEY, b. c, 2 M 103 By Toddington Mary Lo Bus J. S. Hawkins. 34003 Latonia 51 f l:09slow S5 104 S 8 S Sl 74J J Morys 10 But. Boy, Ambuscade, W.Brady 34007 Latonia 51 f l:10Lhvy 1G 112 2 4 7 5 G9 J Morys 11 MissBonero, C.Boris, Dr.Nitkell 33940 Latonla 5-8 l:01fast 29 112 9 8 8 9 9i L Gentry 12 KingTrovato, American, D.Rock FOURTH RACE 3-4 Milo. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. June 27, 19141:115110. BUCK SHOT, b. g, 4 112 By Joe Carey Sain Shot Flonan Stable. S3954 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 11 107 G 2 2 l1 2 C Dishmon J Leo Skolny, Shine, Droll S39U Latonia 3-4 1 :14fast .13-10 122 3 1 1 1 ll C Dishmon 8 Big Fellow. Brizz. Thistle Green 33730 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 18 122 7 3 3 2 21 C VanDun 9 Billy Joe, M. Finlen, Night Cap 32755 Lexgton 3-4 l:15andslow 11 114 3 3 3 32 and J Hanover 8 Brizz, Sister Susie, Hasty Cora 32710 Lex gton 3-4 l:14fast 91-10 111 6 3 7 ll1 11" J Hanoverl3 Black Frost, S.Heart. P.Grimm 30094 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 28 .103 5 2 2 21 21 W Obert 10 Gloaming, Bet. Us, Water Lily 30021 Laurel 3-4 l:16hvy 19-5.108 1 2 2 2" 2" C -Dishmon 7 Armament. B. Cunarder, B. Cap 29799 Laurel 3-4 1:14 fast 31-10 110 4 4 4 5" 3nk G Byrne 13 B.Cunarder, Estimable. BlueCap 29726 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast fid 1091 2 6 6 51 43 G Byrne 11 Port Light, Pullur, BetweenUs 29116 H.deGce 3-4 1:1G mud 11 1091 4 1 1 Is l2 J Hanover 7 NUUshon, Stellrina. Huiliation SHINE, b. f , 4 107 By Mizzen Sparkle .Esher M. Shields. 34090 Latonla 1 1-1G l:4Gfast 47-10 10G 111 2 GJ 7s E Martin and SunMaid, BeautyShop, II.Lassifi S4042 Latonia 3-4 1:14 slow 9-5 117 3 2 1 1 l5 W Kclsay 12 Lucky R., Ardent, Santo 32954 Latonia 3-4 l:13Vfast IS 10G 5 3 3 4 3 W Keisay 9 Leo Skolny, Buck Shot, Droll 33908 Latonia 3-4 l:15y5fast 7-10,117 2 11 21 2" C Hunt 9 Sis. Susie, B. Beauty, J.C.Welch 33702 Latonia 3-4 1:1GShvy 14-5 117 5 7 7 62 6UJ F Murphy 12 Clare, High. Lassie, nasty Cora 2S059 Hthorne 3-4 1:14 good 41 1031 1 11 11 1 R Guy 7 Liberator, Borax, Royal Tea 27919 IP thorne 3-4 l:16mud 2 100 G 1 1 21 2" W Hoag 7 Alex Getz, Jerry, Black .Beauty 27C31 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 44-5 99 2 2 2 2 32 E Graves 7 Un.Hart, Hawthorn, JaneStraith 27508 Latonia 1 l:3Sfast 29 103 1 1 2 2 61 C" E Graves 7 Votary, Huffaker, King Gorin 27401 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 11 99 4 1 1 Is l1 E Graves 13 Altamaha, BlackBeauty, Martre TOM ANDERSON, b. g, 3 97 By Peter Quince Jessie Woodson Adair and Baker. 340G2 Latonia 3-4 1:15 slow 91-10 104 2 2 1 ll lt C Dishmonl2 NightCap, Immense, EdGarrison 3390G Latonia 3-4 l:15andfast 39 10S 9 9 8 81 69 R Goose 12 Miles Finlen, Santo. GingerQuill 23S33 Latonla 3-4 l:13fast 6G 1061 5 2 2 51 10" R Goose 12 A.Middleton. K.Belle. Lightfoot SISTER SUSIE, b. f, 4 102 By Galveston Sweet Lavender Knebelkamp and Howerton. 33954 Latonia 3-4 l:13Vfast 100 100 4 4 4 5" 7" J Dursch 9 Leo Skolny, Buck Shot. Shine 3390S Latonia 3-4 l:15fast 37-10 112 1 2 2 11 3i J Dursch 9 Shine. Black Beauty, .T.C.Welch 33799 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 18 107 1 3 2 31 3 R Goose 12 Wilhite, Ardent, Big Fellow 32632 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 13-5 IOC 3 2 3 2i 2 W Keisay 12 Sis.Euiblem, Benjamin, JamesG. 32401 Douglas 3-4 l:13andfast .39-5 98 3 2 2 4 G3J J Dursch 8 Martre, Fuzzy Wuzzy, Blue Cap 33112 Churchl 3-4 1:14 fast 39-10 105 8 6 5 51 43 B Kleeger 15 Primero, Lingtal, Trusty 32013 Church 1 3-4 l:15andslow 11-5 105 3 2 2 2- 2 B Kleeger 12 May W., Billows, Black Beauty 32928 Churchl 3-4 1:13 fast 39-5 112 2 1 1 11 33 B Kleeger 9 Peter Jay, Wilhite, Brizz TRUSTY, b. g, 3 104 By Broomstick Loyal W. Perkins. 34124 Latonia 3-4 l:14Jslow 8-5 105 1 1 1 1 2 W Keisay 11 Kleburne. EdGrrison, StephenR. 3S9SS Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 43-5 10G 3 2 2 21 21 E Graves 12 Sedan, Sister Emblem, JamesG. 33853 Latonia 3-4 l:132fast 39 101 2 2 4 56 51 E Graves 8 Kinney, Arch Plotter, Redland 3HSO0 Latonia 3-4 l:13Vfast 193 102 4 2 2 2l 2 E Graves 11 Impressive, J.Rufus, StephenR. 33659 Latonla 3-4 l:13fast 48-5 104 9 8 7 0 691 F Murphy 9 Impressive, SafetyFirst, Martre 33112 Churchl 3-4 1:14 fast 36-5100 4 1 2 2l 351 P Lowder 15 Primero, Lihgtal, Sister Susie 32929 Churchl 3-4 l:14fast 22 107 6 3 5 3and 3 K LapaillelO l"a table, JamesG., W.H.Pearce. 27415 Iatonla 51 f l:08Vifast 18 1071 5 3 5 7 7" R Goose 7 Nettie Walcutt. Money, May W. 27284 Latonla 5-8 l:01andfast 13 111 6 4 4 6 6" L Gentry 7 Fan :G., Peachie, Geo. C. Love ALFADIR. b. f. 4 109 By Solitairo JJ. Bremerhafen A. L. Kirby. 3SS2S Latonia 1 1-1C l:4Gfast 8 105 G 5 G 5 G 010 G "W Carll S Snnsyming, T. Grader, Wat. War 32035 Latonia 11-16 1:48 fast 2 105 3 2 2 2 11 li G W Carll 7 Fcinating, Spassing, Pr.Mover 33559 Douglas lm70y l:4Giimud 42-5 105 3 3 3 2 2s 2i G W Carll 8 Alert. Square Dealer. Marg. E. 3344G Douglas 1 1-16 1:49 good 3-4 104 4 2 2 1 ll 1H G W Carll 7 Wh.Crown, MarjorieD., Orange 3II194 Douglas lm70y l:47mud 21-20104 5 4 3 3 31 31 E Martin 8 Checks, FzzyWuzzy, Johnllurie 330C6 Churchl lm70y l:4Gandfast 1G-5102 5 6 G 4 2l 2nk G W Carll 7 BeautyShop, GdePost. SunMaid 32953 Churchl 1 1-16 l:48andfast 24-5 104 6 G 6 6 51 C G W Carll 7 Gleipner, Ir.Gentleman, Billows 32G86 Lexgton 3-4 l:13fast 41 110 7 6 6 5l 5" G W Carll 8 Sansyming, Kinney, Droll 2528 Oaklwn 3-4 1:15 fast 15 103 8 8 8 7s 710 G W Carll 8 ArchPlotter. AnnaKruter, Iollte SOSIUS. br. g, 6 111 By Solitairo H. Aya J. Livingston. 33C59 Douglas 1 1-1G l:46good43-10 111 4 5 4 5 G5 5" R Goose 6 StoutHeart, Zim, JimWakely 33282 Douglas 3-4 l;14mud 4-5 121 3 4 5 3U 41 R Goose 9 FuzzyWuzzy, Brizz, SafetyFirst 33019 Churchl 1 1-16 l:50slow 11-5 10S 7 11 1 I1 Is R Goose 12 I. Gentleman. PrinceS., J.Hurie 32722 Lexgton 3-4 1:1G hvy 6-5 10G 4 4 2 ll l5 W Crump 11 BlueCap, Grov.Huglies, MicoGirl 32GG8 Lexgton 1 l:41fast 19-20 108 3 3 2 3 3s 21 H Goose C Solid Rock, Redland, Cantara 32214 Oaklwn 3-4 l:17mud 9-5 113 S 4 4 1 1 VV Crump 10 Un.Jimmie, Progrsive, Circulate 32191 Oaklwn 3-4 l:14fast 31 106 9 9 8 6s 6" W Crump 10 Milt. Roblee, Al Court. Keziah FLEETABELLE. ch m. 6 113 By. Handsel Mowitzka P. J. Miles. 310S9 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 1G 102 1 S 8 S S1! II Thurber 9 John Jr.. Othello, Amazon 34009 Latonla 3-4:l:15hvy 2 101 3 3 3 3 31 R WIngfld 4 Leo Skolny, John Jr., Rapids 33942 Latonia 3-11:14 fast 19-5103 7 G 7 GJ 4l3 R WIngfld 7 Wat. War, OpeliaW., StephenR. 33C60 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 41-5 99 5 5 G 3l 35i R Wingfd 7 .T.J.MMnck. Snupeler. Aldebaran 3355G Douglas 3-4 1:14 mud 14-5 99 1 C 6 41 31 R Wincfd 7 Skiles Knob, Billy Joe, John Jr. 33146 Churchl 3-4 l:13fast 29-10112 7 6 G 41 43i E Martin Otnello, Droll, Lucky R. 33061 Churchl 3-4 1:13 fast 26-5107 2 7 6 4" 3i E Martin 7 Kinney, Gin.George. Sansvminir 32949 Churchl 3-4 l:13fast 31-10 103 8 8 8 8 771 AV A Carll 9 Langhorne, Squeeler, Dimltrl 32S94 Churchl 3-4 l:13fast 17 112 2 8 6 51 G10 E Martin 9 Arch Plotter, Othello. Primero 22S23 Churchl 61 f l:06fast 19 112 S C 7 61 6,u E Martin 10 P.ofComo. ImprssiVe. G.George PILSEN, ch. g, 3 M 100 By Duval Helen Miller Gallaher Bros.. 23906 Latonia 3-4 l:Kfast 2 .1091 S 7 7 7l 6s W Andressl2 Miles Finlen, Santo. GingerQuill 33090 LatOnia 3-4 1:14 fast 99-10 104 2 3 2 lh 21 J Callahan 9 J. Ruf us. Matin, Bert Williams 29977 Latonia 51 f l:10mud 11 112 2 2 2 lh 3i W Andress 7 Hemlock, Penrod. Pulaski 2SS63 Latonia 51 f 1:08 fast 7 112 3 2 2 5l 5i W Andress 8 Sem. King. Hazelnut, F.ofSteel 9729 Latonia 51 f l:07fast 78 112 2 2 2 31 4 W AndresslO Latonia. Penrod, Snowdrift 29332 Douglas 51 f l:07fast CI 112 6 4 5 6 610 J Callahan 0 Snbonnet, Jckstra. S.Wellong BROOM SWEEP, blk. g. 3 110 By Sain Whisk Broom E. R. Bradley. 3S443 Douglas 3-4 l:13M;good 13 119 2 5 5 5 5 P Lowder S OldMiss, GreenJoues, Phoclon 33:522 Douglas 3-4 l:14mud 22-5 10S 6 5 8 .11 107i P Lowder 11 Mida. Phocion. Gallant Lad 33148 Churchl 3-4 l:13fast 39-5103 1 2 3 4- 4" P Lowder 7 Opportuy, G.B"ortue, T.ot Wae 32949 Churchl 3-4 l:13andfast 87 103 2 6 3 4J 45 P Lowder 9 Langhorne, Squeeler, Dimitri 32756 Lexgton 3-4 1:13 fast 6 108 5 C 6 51 712 P Lowder 10 Sedan. Peter Jay, Trevisco 32449 Oaklwn 51 f l:07igood 3-2 102 3 2 3 2 21 X. Lykes 7 Opportunity, J. Rufus, W. Dun 32324 Oaklwn 3-4 l:15fast 8 106 5 1 1 1B 1 L Lykes 8 Pulaski, GrkLegend, D.Thrusb 32079 Oaklwn 3-4 1:17 slow 40 102 8 5 6 8 7,s L Xykes 8 Fizer, Kultur, Ei-SherilT PRIMERO, ch. c, 4 112 By Voter Lady Anne Fink and Delling. 33955 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 15 109 3 3 5 Cl Gl K Lapaille 8 Prince S.. Lucky R., Othello S3941 Latonla 3-4 1:14 fast 36 107 1 2 2 21 25 W Keisay 8 John Jr., J. Rufus, Douglass S. S3632 Latonla 3-4 1:14 fast 11-10 115 7 4 4 5l 6s K Lapaillel2 Sis. Emblem, S. Susie, -Benjamin 33234 Douglas 3-4 1:15 good 23-5 113 o 7 7 81 1051 R Bolton 11 Droll. Martre, Lindly 33112 Churchl 3-4 1:14 fast .17t10112 5 2 1 Is l5 J Hanbverl5 Lingtal, Trusty, SisterSusie 329S6 Churchl 3-4 l:13fast Gl 10S1 4 2 4 4and 4S2 J HanoverlO Kinney, Palatable, Arch Plotter 32894 Churchl 3-4 l:13fast 15 115 3 3 4 4 38 J Hanaver 9 Arcli Plotter, Othello, WatWar 29440 Churchl 3-4 1:16 mud 57-10 100 3 1 2 5 571 J Brown 8 C.onDvery, Iportant, B.Spillet 29358 Douglas 3-4 l:13rast 18 105 1 1 2 6a 5" H Shilling G J. W. Klein. Deliver, Pockichoo 2J336 Douglas 3-4 l:13rast 23-10 111 5 2 3 51 .4 W Hoag 8 Kootenay, C.onDelivy, SisJSusie 29249 Douglas 3-4 1:13 fajt 13 103 4 5 5 5 2 H Stearns 5 Nobleman. Kootenay. BigFellovi R. H. ANDERSON, br. g, 3 104 By Dick Finnell Evergreen Eubanks and Hubble. 2400S Latonia 1 1-16 l:50Jhvy 11 106 6 2 3 5 G4 5 K Lapaille 7 W.H.Pearce, FhtFair, LucileP. 33956 Latonia 1 1-1G 1:48 fast 44 1071 5 1 1 2 3l 4l J HanoverlO Fl.ofSteel, Monotony, FightFair 23632 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 35 102 12 12 12 12 12" E Martin 12 Sis. Emblem. S. Susie. Benjamin 30099 Latonia 51 f 1:09 good fid 109 3 4 3 3i in p Lowder 11 Schedule, Fizer. Hazelnut 29977 Latonia 61 f l:10mud 74 109 6 7 7 7 71S R Wingfd 7 Hemlock, Penrod, Pilsen 29S02 Latonia 3-4 l:15Vfast fid 109 1 - 3 3 8 871 J llano verll SirWellons, Sem. King, Hemlock 29332 Douglas 51 f l:07fast 6G 109 4 5 6 58 515 J Kederls Snbonnet, Jckstraw. S.Wellons 29296 Douglas 61 f l:0S;fast 68 109 10 7 9 10 10" L Gentry 10 Bullion, Jackstraw, SnreDealer 2S029 Hthorne 61 f l:07fast 4 1111 8 6 5 61. 61 J McCabe 9 James, Sleeper, J. Rufus FIFTH RACF 1 Mile. Sedamsville Purse. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. June 15, 1914 1:37 1114. KINNEY, b. Si 4 B? Dick Welles Lady Strathmore J.B.Goodman. 33944 Latonia 1 l:29fast 11 107 2 1 1 1 1 lj D Connellyl3 J. J. Murdock, L.Rotha, B.Voter 32S53 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 21 117 1 11 2 11 F Murphy S Arch Plotter, Redland, John Jr. 33C47 Devshiro 51 f l:00rast 27-10 117 4 4 P 72 T Henry 9 Etriisean, B.andStars, Gladiola 33585 Devshire 3-4 l:13fast 9-10102 3 1 1 l1 1 A Claver 0 Tyrant, Adalid, Gleipner 33471 Douglas 3-4 l:13M;fast 14-5119 1 1 1 2 1 D Connellyl2 Billy.Ioe, DuglassS., Lindenthal 330GI Churchl 3-4 1:13 fast 61 110 4 2 2 ll In D Connelly 7 G.George, Fltabelle, Sansyming 329S6 Churchl 3-4 l:13fast 47-10 112 2 1 1 1 lh D CohriellylO Palatiible, ArchPlotter. Primero 32893 Churchl 3-4 l:13Vfcfast 13 113 1 2 2 In 2n J Loftus 9 GIpseyGeorge, Dimitri, Amazon J. J. MURDOCK. b. 0. 4 110 By Contestor Grotesque J. B. Goodman. 34065 Latonia 1 1-10 r;46y5fast 11 110 4 1 1 1 1 ll W Lilley C Ladyltotha, Q.Errant, Faux-Col 34011 Latonia 3-4 l:15hvy 59-10 108 5 5 3 5l 5Ti W Lilley 7 GIpsey George, Hodge. Purdey 33944 Latonia ll:39fast 19-5112 5 3 3 2 21 21 W Keisay 13 Kinney, Lady Rotha, Brib. Voter 33S:!0 Latonla 3-4 1:12 fast 47-10 109 4 2 2 21 21! W Keisay 4 B. Baggage. Bringhurst, F.-Col 23660 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 7-5 114 2 3 2 In In" R Sharpe. 7 Squeeler, Fleetabelle, Aldebaran 33472 Douglas 3-4 l:llfast 3-2 109 2 3 3 21 21 P Lowder 5 M.Goosby, LlSkolny. Bringhurst 33403 Douglas 3-4 1:12 fast 27-10110 5 4 4 21 21 P Lowder 5 Vogue, Marion Goosby, John Jr. 33256 Douglas 3-4 l:llfast 31-5111 6 6 4 4 611 F Murphy 7 Bl.Baggage, Bringhurst, Vogue 33064 Churchl I l:39fast 9-5 113 3 2 1 1 2 21 B Kleeger 4 Sleeth, Marion Gobsby, Penrod 32950 Churchl 3-4 1:12 fast 18-5 103 .2 2 2 11 2 D Connelly 4 OldKoenig, Chalmers, TheCock ROYAL II., b. h, 5 108 By Your Majesty Lady Ethel J. Livingston. 34091 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 42-5 106 6 C 6 G 63i L Gentry 0 B. Baggage. Squeeler, Chalmers 34011 Latonia 3-4 l:15hvy 19 10G 7 6 0 4J 41 K Lapaille 7 Gipsey George, Hodge, Purdey 33943 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 18 107 4 4 3 4 4s R Goose 4 Marion Goosby, Hodge, Vogue 27334 Latonia 1 1-8 l:50fast 11-10 115 2 2 2 3 31 31 R Goose 4 Dick Williams, Aldebaran, Fels 2C631 Douglas 1 1-4 2:04fast 17 114 8 10 8 6 Gn 61 D Connllyll EdCrump, Koamer, WatirWitch 26446 Churchl 1 1-8 l:51fast 3-2 110 2 4 3 3 21 1" E Goose 5 Wblossom, M.Goosby, H.ODay 2G211 Churchl 1 1-16 l:45fast 10 115 10 7 7 9 82 84i J Kederis 11 Hodge, Ed Crump, Dr. Carmen 25974 Lex ton lm70y l:42fast 11-5115 G 6 5 5 3s l1 J Kederis ! Dor.Dean. D.Carmen, Indolence 25E54 Lexton 3-4 l:12fast 32 109 8 6 6 6l 4 J Kederis 8 Bank, Conning Tower, Chalmers 21G23 Windsor 1 1-8 1:52 fast 33-6 110 3 7 6 6 51 4 M Garner 7 Slumber II.. ludoleuce. Rancher QUEEN ERRANT, br. f, 3 92 By Ballot Kings Daughter T. C. McDowell. 24065 Latonia 1 1-16 l:46andfast 27 103 2 2 4 4 41 31 E Martin G .T.J.Mrdock, L.Rotha, Faux-Col :!3944 Latonia 1 l:39fast 49-5f 101 13 Lost rider. H Stearns 13 Kinney, J. J. Murdock, L. Rotha 23S55 Latonia 3-4 l:134fast 15 102 3 4 4 3 3 E Martin 5 W.IIogan, B.MeBoys, G.Fortune 337G4 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 91-10104 G 5 3 3n Ink B Martin 7 Redland. Sedan, Stephen R. 32704 Latonia 3-4 l:15hvy 6:5-10 105 2 3 3 21 2J B Martin i Bed.Stories, SunOash, Rosewood 53589 Latonla 3-1 l:13fast IS 102 3 3 4 51 3s E Martin 7 ArchPlotter, Ophelia W., Amazon 33471 Douglas 3-4 l:13V4fast 33 101 4 5 G 7i 73 E Martin 12 Kinney, Billy Joe, Douglass S. 331S0 Douglas 3-4 l:12fast 66 105 6 6 7 7J 710 E Martin 9 Brad.Choice, Amazon, Squeeler 3291G Churchl 3-4 l:13fast 35 110 G 7 5 51 7i E Martin 7 MarieMiller. Bed.Stories, Battle I931G Latonia 61 f l:07fast 17-10 110 3 3 3 1" lJ M Buxton 11 Arrow, Miludi Anne, Blue Plum JOHN JR., b. g, 4 103 By Marta Santa Maude Fealy D, E. Mullholland. 240S9 Latonla 3-4 l:12fast 51-10 102 7 G G 31 in n Barrett 9 Othello, Amazon, Impressive 34009 Latonia 3-4 l:15hvy 34-5 105 2 1 1 21 25 N Barrett 4 Leo Skolny, Fleebibelle. Rapids 33941 Latonla 3-41:14 fast 2 99 2 1 1 l2 l5 N Barrett 8 Primero, J. Rufus, Douglass S. 33S53 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 71 109 4 4 3 31 41 W Keisay 8 Kinney, Arch Plotter. Jtedland 33765 Latonla 3-4 l:13fast 43-5113 3 4 3 3" 43 C Dishmon 7 Purdey. WaterWar, SafetyFirst 33660 Latonia 3-41:12fast 13 109 4 4 4 41 Gi D Connelly 7 J.J.Mdock, Squeeler, Fltabelle 33356 Douglas 3-4 1:14 mud 21-5 109 5 4 4 31 sl R. Goose 7 SlesKnob, BillyJoe, Fleetabelle 33403 Douglas 3-4 1:12 fast 17 105 3 5 2 3" 43 A Claver 5 Vogue, J. J. Murdock, M.Goosby FRANKLIN, ch. c, 4 103 By Jim Gaffney Gliding By J; S. Ward. 34091 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 35 107 4 5 G 5l 5J C Hunt B. Baggage, Squeeler, Chalmers 32840 Churchl lm70yl:41fast 12 10S 6 2 2 3 .ft H Stearns 9 Mar.Goosby, Ellison, LdyRotha 29732 Latonia 1 1-16 l:43fast 23-5 112 6 6 7 7 8l 910 F Murphy 9 Dodge, Rancher. Hodge 29179 Douglas 1 1-1G 1:4G fast 49-5112 4 8 4 4 21 21 F Murphy 8 Dodge. Lady Rotha, S. Jasmine 28613 Saratoga 1 3-1G l:58fast 14-5 109 2 3 3 3 2" 2 F Murphy 3 Spur, Tea Caddy 28335 Saratoga 1 1-4 2:05 fast 31 111 4 2 2 3 35 3 F Murphy 4 Spur, Star Hawk, Tea Caddy 2S211 Hthorne 1 1-1G l:45fast 1-3 123 3 3 3 3 3 21 W Andress 3 Dodge, Leo Skolny 27997 Hthorne 1 l:40fast 4-5 112 3 3 3 1 1 1 F Murphy 4 Huffaker. Wilhite, Kenney 27773 Hthorne 1 1-4 2;04fast 1-2 122 1 1 1 2 3s 3 C Fbther 4 Dpdge, Faux-Col. .Churchill 27442 Latonid 13-16 1:57 taat 16-5112 "5 2 2 2 1" 2" W Andress 8 D. Williams. Pif Jr.." W. Witch GREEN JONES, b. c. 3 97 By Handsel Floreal W. H. Baker. S4044 Latonla: 3-4 l:13slow 57-10 106 5 5 5 42 4 W Keisay 8 Berlin, G.Fortune, Opportunity 33855 Latonia 3-4 l:13V4fast 12 107 2 6 6 5 512 R Goose 5 W. Hogari, B.MeBoys, Q.Errant 33529 Douglas 3-4 l:llf8st 61 1061 4 4 4 4 4i R Goose 4 Hodge, Blind Baggage, Vogue 33443 Douglas 3-4 l:13gOodl3-20 117 3 2, 3 35 21 R Goose SOldMiss, Phocion, JackSalmon 32S27 Churchl 1 1-4 2:04fast 15f 117" 3 9 13 11 131 12" R Goose 15 OmarKliayyam, Ticket, Midway 32757 Lexgton 1 1-8 l:51fast 11 112 2 2 2 2 5" 512 R Goose 6 Ticket, Skeptic, Midway 32724 Lexgton 11-16 1:60 hvy 13-10 108 4 2 2 2 3s 31 :R Goose Opportunity, Sasin, Olga Star 32647 Lexgton 1 1-16 l:48andmud 6-5 112 3 3 5 5 5 6" R Goose 5 Ticket, Fizer, Opportunity 27440 Latonia 61 f l:07fast 3-2 118 3 4 6 31 3J R Goose 5 Berlin, Frigerio, Phocion 27286 Latonla 5-8 l:0OVtfast 6 H3 2 2 2 2 Jn Goose G Harry Kelly, High Gear, Berlin 26859 Douglas 6-8 69fast 8 111 3 3 2 .2s 21! R Goose 5 Harry Kelly, High Gear, Berlin 26739 Douglas 5-8 l:01hvy 9-20 112 1 11 1J l2 ;R Gooso 5 SolGilsey, Rsewood, Geo.O.Love 26539 Douglas 6-8 l:00fast 12 112 2 8 8 71 7"J R Goose 10 Greentree, Aunt Liz, Sunflash 26100 Churchl 41 f SOVtmud 3-5 115 3 2 22 2" R Goose. 5 Norumbega, Midway, Saf. Girl BOB HENSLEY. ch". g. 6 109 By Rapid Water Mae Erwin H. Perkins. 34065 Latonla 1 1-16 l:46Vifast 51 107 5 G C 6 G G D Connelly 0 J.J.Murdock. L.Rotlm, Q.Errant 33944 Latonia 1 l:39fast 1G 103 4 9 10 9 8 S3 F Murphy 13 Kinney, J.J.Murdock, L.Rotha 33S01 Latonia 1 l:3Sfast 35 100 5 4 4 G G C15 R WIngfld G Wes. Hogan, K.Gorin, J.Straith 33530 Douglas lm70y l:43Vifast 14 111 4 2 2 2 2i 25 F Murphy 4 Man.Waite, ForFair, Des.Duy 2:5320 Douglas 3-4 I:i2mud 1 102 4 3 2 1" 2"k f Murphy 4 Opportunity, Paramount. Sedan 33182 Douglas 1 1-16 l:4Gfast 65 108 G 2 1 2 7 V H Wingfd 8 Mon.Maker, Sleeth, BribedVoter 33115 Churchl 11:38 fast 50 107 6 5 5 G 6 6" R Wingfd G OldKoenig, KgGorhi, Capt.Rees 32731 Lexgton 1 l:41hvy 29-10103 3 1 1 1 l1 ll F Murphy 5 Eagle, Syrian, Fair Mac 32709 Lexgton 1 1:39 fast 32 104 2 1 4 4 5 6si F Murphy G Tokay, Water Witch, Midway BELIEVE ME BOYS, ch. f, 3 92 By Cunard Love-not E. R. Bradley. 34044 Latonia 3-4 l:13slow 11 107 1 2 4 5n Gs H Shilling 8 Berlin, G. Fortune, Opportunity 33910 Latonla lm70v l:44fast 15 100 5 3 3 3 31 43 H Stearns G Gip.George, W.Witch, Dor.Deau 33S55 Latonla 3-4 l;13Mfast 16 1031 4 2 2 22 2 F Murphy 5 W. Hogan, Q.Errant, G Fortune 23801 Latonla 1 l!3Sfast ,42 9S 3 2 3 4 41 6 N Barrett Wes. Hogan, K.Gorin, J.Straith 33509 Douglas lm70y l:42fast 27 101 3 2 2 4 G 6 P Lowder G Cudgel, Opportunity, Mida 33237 Douglas 1 1:41 good 20 108 4 2 2 2 2" 1" P Lowder 4 M.Miller, Diamond, Norumbega 33149 Churchl 1 1-16 l:46fast 84 112 6 3 2 7 ;10 10" P Lowder 10 Sunbonnet. Diamond, Battle 32991 Churchl 1 1-16 l:47fast 47-5 91 3 2 3 5 7 72 F Judy 7 Grundy, Fizer, Bell Boy 32S63 Churchl 3-4 l:12fast 13 100 6 6 5 C 61 E Martin G OldKoenig, Vogue, LadyAlways SIXTH RACE 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. June 27, 1914 1:11 5 11G. BRADLEYS CHOICE, ch. g, 6 115 By Cunard Sweet Alica J. B. Resposs. 23944 Latonia 1 l:39fast 21-5 112 7 5 6 G C1 63 L Gentry 13 Kinney, J. J. Murdock, L. Rotha 33404 Douglas 1 l:38fast 3-2 1121 1 2 2 2 22 ,2 L Gentry 7 M.Waite, D.sDay, Km.Cochrau 33259 Douglas 1 l:40Vfcfast 3-4 113 12 2 1 l1 2 L Gentry 10 Da.IIolbert, G.Fortune, Langho 33150 Douglas 3-4 l:12fast 21-20 117 1 2 2 Ill1 L Gentry 9 Amazon, Squeeler, Skiles Knob 22940 Lexgton 3-4 l;12M;fast 11-5118 2 1 1 11 1 C Ganz 4 T.Grader, Wblossom, P.Uermis 21231 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 32-5 122 2 2 2 55 51 C Ganz 7 Hodge, Leochares, Star Jasmine 21061 Latonla 3-4 l:135hvy 7-4 123 2 4 3 4 48i C Ganz 4 Dr. Larrick. Converse, D. Craig 20927 Latonla 3-4 l:llfast 11-5 120 2 3 2 3" 321 C Ganz 5 Iron Mask, T.Norman, Leochares 20775 Douglas 3-4 l:10fast 21-10 120 1 2 2 2 2 C Ganz 5 Luke, Buckhorn. Leochares 20G07 Douglas 3-4 1:12 good 81 117 1 3 3 3s 1" C Ganz 7 Chalmers. Iron Mask, Leochares 20315 Churchl 1 1-1C l:44fast 26-5112 111 1 2- 321 C Ganz 9 Hodge, Short Grass, Pcellermls 20241 Churchl 1 l:37fast 13-51111 2 2 2 2 22 1"" C Ganz 7 Hodge, Con. Tower, Star Shooter BLACK TONEY, br. h, 6 113 By Peter Pan Belgravia E. R. Bradley. 23551 Latonia 1 1-16 1:44 fast 31-20 120 3 2 2 . 2 21 25 L Gentry 7 EdCrump. IlankODay. W.Witch 2350G Latonla 1 1-16 l:44fast 19-5 120 2 1 1 2 2i 2" O Ganz 8 EdCrumi, S. Jasmine, Dr.Sainuel 23273 Douglas 3-4 l:llfast 47-10 118 7 6 4 2" 41 C Ganz 7 Bringhurst. Converse. T. Grader 23053 Lexgton 3-1 lilSfast 9-20 115 1 4 1 1 ll C Ganz C Syrian, Amazon, Gowell 22911 Lexgton 3-4 l:12fast 39-5 116 7 6 6 3" 3 G Ganz 7 IronMask, Con.Tower, M Thorne 20929 Latonla 1 1-16 1:45 fast 41-10 120 2 2 5 G 5 5 C Ganz 5 Waterblossom. P.Herinis. HodUe 20816 Latonia 1 1-16 l:44fast 29-10 120 4 2 2 2 21 2"k C Ganz 9 Pcellermls. S.Jasmine. Rancher WATERBASS, br. h, 6 113 By Waterboy Basseting W. T. Martin. 29616 Churchl lm50y l:41fast 15 112 4 4 4 4 4 :4,B J Callahan 4 Hodge, Typhoon, Leo Skolnv 28329 FOrtErie 3-4 l:12Vifast 34-5 11G 3 3 1 ll ll J Callahan 8 Pesky, Robt. Bradley, O Georee 27441 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 22 115 2 4 3 52 53 J Callahan G Bringhurst,. John Jr.. ll" Daw 23758 Laurel 1 1-1G l!45fast 26-5 117 4 4 3 4 42 2 T Rice G ShortGrass, Dist.SIiore W Shoes 22190 FortErie 1 1-16 l:45ysfast 24-5 121 1 6 4 4 2 35J T Rice 7 Rancher. Commonada Pardner 22039 FortErie 1.1-4 2:16 hvy 73-20 120 1 1 1 4 4B :4 J Callahan S Borrow. Barnegat. Tactics 21701 Windsor 1 l:40andslow 3-4 120 6 6 6 4 2 Is J Callahan 0 Barnegat, TheW.Moon Crossbun 21623 Windsor 1 1-8 1:52 fast 3 122 6 2 1 2 21 5" W Andress 7 Slumber II., Indolence Rancher 21467 FortErie lm70yl:59 hvy 21-20 118 1 2 2 1 1 1 W Andress 4 Tactics. Squeeler, MovIngPIcturo JACK ODOWD. br. c. 4 116 By Peter Pan Lauretta Burke J. M. Goodel 34047 Latonia 1 1-16 l:48slow 2 110 1 2 2 2 11 2 L Gentry 7 Prince S., Ycnghee Redlnid 33663 Latonia 1 1-16 l:46fast 37-10112 4 3 3 3 36 32 J Metcalf 5 Sleeth, Yenghee. W-ul s I.iU 33473 Douglas lm70y l:43fast 63-10 110 4 1 1 1 21 21 R Goose 4 MoneyMaker. Capt Rees Toknr 33185 Douglas lm70y l:44y5fast 3-5 111 1 2 2 2 1 1 R Goose G Ycnghee, Turco Cliff Ficlii 32871 Churchl lm70y 1:44 fast 13-10 106 5 4 2 2 22 2s W Crump 0 Sleeth. Olga Star YenrliPP S2744 Lexgton lm70yl:42fast 89-10 103 6 7 6 5 6 41 W Crump 7 Ladyltotha. Tokar idilit-in 32703 Lexgton 11:39 fast 7-5 1 04 4 4 3 3 21 41W .Tump G Tokay. Water Witch Mldw-iv 32381 Oaklwn 1 1-16 l:45fast 9-5 105 3 2 2 2 2 2 W Crump 4 Robt.Bradley. Polroma Huhliuh 32327 Oaklwn lm70y l:43Hfast 8-5 106 7 5 4 3 2 22 W Crump 8 R.Bradley. Woodstone. Grumpy OLD MISS, br. f, 3 102 By Hapsburg Lady Lexington T. M- Mumhvl 32890 Latonia 3-4 l:13y5fast 3-2 .101 5 2 2 21 2s H Thurber 8 Sansyming, Saf. First DB.irlnw 33634 Latonia 1 l:39fast 17 97 2 1 1 1 21 ,4!3 H Thurber 9 Daddy Holbert Dor Demi I 33443 Douglas 3-4 l:13andgood 10 112 1 11 1 lJ H Shilling 5 Gr.Jones, Phocion, JuckSalmou 33322 Douglas 3-4 l:14mud 24f 107 3 2 5 .4k 4 II Shilling 11 Mida, Phocion, Gallant Lull 32916 Churchl 3-4 l:13fast 39 110 2 5 7 7 6 II Shilling 7 MarieMiller, Bed.Stories Battle 29529 Churchl 61 f l:07Vfcfast 16 108 5 4 4 6" 6 K Lapaille 9 Meliora, Sunflash Si" Emblem 2935G Douglas 51 f l:07fast 69-10 95 3 10 10 10 10 2 J Brown 10 Fan G., Phocion J liufus 23405 Saratoga 3-41:15 fast 4 121 3 1-3 ;3 3 C Klrschm 7 Nashville, Riverdale Hanohnln 282G2 Saratoga 5-8 1:01 fast 8-5 109 5 1 2 1J 22 C Kirschmll Katenkn. Knthryn Grav Skv 27953 Windsor 5-8 l:00fast 9-5 107 1 1 1 1 1 J Williams 7 Pomp. Great Dolly. Peachie SUN MAID, ch. f , 4 111 By Peep bDay Lillie Turner T. P. HayesL 34090 Latonia 1 1-16 l:46fast 33-5 103 2 3 4 4 21 1 J Morys 9 B. Shop, II. Lassie Waternronf 33959 Latonia 1 1-10 l:47Vfcfast 53-10 103 1 3 3 3 31 31 F Murphy G Yenghee, The Grader CliffFieifi 32891 Latonla 1 1-16 l:47fast 17-10 103 111 1 lJ 1 F Murphy 8 Grasmere, Margar.E. C Mnrt-liiir 33637 Latonia 1 1-lG l;47fust 6 102 U 1 1 1" 2" F Murphy 7 ClifTField, Chief Brwn Batcl ler 33512 Douglas 1 1-16 l:47fast 97-10107 3 2 2 1 22 22 F Murphy 6. Waterpf, Marg.E., Ir Gentemn 3S363 Douglas 1 1-16 l:47good 32-5 105 5 5 4 4 41 4J F Murphy G Intone. SafetyFirst OhraStr 33239 Douglas 1 1-10 l:47good 19 104 2 1 1 2 2l 28 F Murphy G John Hurie. H.Gardner C Field 33194 Douglas lm70y l:47i4mud 8 104 1 3 4 G 7 7 F Murphy 8 Checks, FuzzyWuzzy AlfAdir 33066 Churchl lm70y l:46fast 41-5 93 2 3 3 3 42 45J R Wingfd 7 BeautyShop. Alfadlr GuidPnat 32931 Churchl lm70y l:47fast 8-5 105 2 4 4 5 4 321 P Lowder G Jovial, Rapids, Margaret E. GALLANT LAD, b. g, 3 104 By Peter Quince Nethersole Pastime Stablol 34064 Latonia 3-4 l:13slow 62 100 C C E Cl oJJ Callahanll A.Middleton, B.Voter Ilicli Lul SS833Latonla 3-4 l:13fast 73-10 103 8 G 5 6 72 N Barrett 12 A.Middleton K.Belle Lichtroiit 33322 Douglas 3-1 l:14mud 11 208 10 8 7 31 32 D Connellyll Mida, Phocion. Old Miss 33065 Churchl 3-4 1:13 fast 24 106 6 5 4 41 3J D Connelly 9 Solly, Phocion The Gruler 32892 Churchl 3-4 UUMfast 6 109 1 4 3 21 l"k D Connelly 9 King Belle. Valor CoiintvPonrt 29176 Douglas 61 f l:08y5fast 11 112 2 8 7 71 6 D Connlly 9 Hollister, Latonia, Hemlock 2S502 Saratoga 51 f l:07fast 20 115 8 13 8 91 73 D Connlly 14 Nebraska. Vivid Meteorite 27659 Latonla 51 f l:08ifast 21-5110 1 1 1 31 42 D Connlly 8 Mary Belle, Fizer Irrenulir 27584 Latonla 3-4 1:13 fast 75 108 10 9 8 7l 73 D ConnllylO America. Harry Kellv Berlin 27467 Latonia 51 f l:07andfast 50 1051 6 8 6 7 7 D Connlly 9 H.Gear. AlM.Dick. W.H.Pearce FLEURO, b, c, 4 111 By Cicero Fleurette II. J. Livingston. 33733 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 46 110 5 5 6 62 6 J Metcalf 7 Squeeler, Deliver, Lady Alwavs .33404 Douglas 1 l:3Sfagt 70 109 4 4 3 4 61 6" M Andson 7 M. Waite, B.s Choice D sDav 33065 Churchl 3-4 1:13 fast 73-10 110 3 4 6 75 6" E Graves 9 Solly, Phocion, Gallant Lad 32897 Churchl 3-4 l:12fast 126 1031.6 G 5 G1 63 E Graves 6 Bringhurst, Chalmers. L Skolnv 32687 Lexgton 3-4 l:12fast 73 105 4 4 2 42 4" E Graves 6 Bringhurst, Arriet, Sparkler 27266 Latonla 3-4 l:12Vfcfast 41 107J 4 6 4 ,6 6 R Goose 5 Chalmers, Kathleen. Brinuhurst 26935 Latonia 1 l:38fast .16-5 HI 1 2 3 2 2 2 G Garner 7 Capt.Rees. KingGorin B Fellow 26593 Douglas lm70y 1:44 fast 29-5103 3 4 4 2 11 2n J Kederis 8 Money Maker, Pif Jr.," BFellow 26498 Douglas 3-4 1:13 slow 12 106 6 6 6 3" 4 R Goose 7 Chalmers. B.Baggage. Liskoluy ROSEWOOD, ch. f, 3 97 By Magneto Rose Tree II. J. W. Parrish. S4127 Latonia 3-4 l:13slow 69 98 5 5 3 52 5S1 H Thurber G Phocion, Squeeler, America 33991 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 18 107 3 3 3 21 21 F Murphy 7 King Belle, Lightfoot Fan G 33704 Latonla 3-4 l:15hvy 32 105 5 2 2 48 43i F Murphy G Bed. Stories, Q.Errant, Sunllash 33445 Douglas 3-4 l:13good 74 112 5 4 5 Fell. H Stearns 7 GuyFortune. Hig.Lad Crumnsall 32740 Lexgton 3-4 1:15 fast 71 107 1 3 5 62 753 D Connelly 8 Battle, Meliora. Clare 32708 Lexgton 1 l:40fast 69 117 2 2 3 G 61 G" D Connelly 7 Star Maid, Mida, Diamond 32645 Lexgton 3-4 l:14slow 77 109 7 7 7 5 G D Connelly 9 Diamond, BelieveMeBoys Mida 29043 Lexgton 51 f l:07fast 31 106 1 2 4 4 4T K Lapaille 4 Mary Belle, Auriga. Diamond 2S294 Saratoga 61 f l:07fast 30 107 12 5 7 11 9i M Buxton 17 Yan.Witeh, Koh-i-noor, Tragedy 27225 Latonia 5-8 l:00fast 31 109 7 3 2 2" 31 D Connlly 9 Bourbon Lass, Money, Langden 27123 Latonla 6-8 l:05hvy 16 107 3 2 6 6" 621 K Lapaille Auriga. Bourbon Lass. America NOBLEMAN, ch. g, 5 110 By Boanerges Royal. Child -Gallaher Bros.. 33954 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 41-5112 S 8 8 72 6 W Andress 1 Leo Skolny, Buck Shot, Shine S3S00 Latonia 3-4 l:13M;fast 21 111 2 3 3 6 7 W Andressll Impressive, Trusty, J. Rufus 33636 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 51 111 2 3 2 3" 41 W AndressR! Purdey. BbedVoter. Sansvming 32894 Churchl 3-4 l:13fast 27-5113 6 5 5 62 6 W Andress 9 Arch Plotter, Othello. Primero 32793 Lexgton 3-4 l:14H,slow 15 114 G 2 7 5 G8 C Hunt 7 Solly, Mida, Langhorne 22653 Lexgton 3-4 l:17hvy 61-10113 G 4 5 6" 6" W Andress 9 Alert. Mary II., Langhorne 29S65 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 21 108 7 7 G 1" 11 J Hanover 8 SkllesKnob, Con.Tower. JullaL 29308 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 11 111 8 A 2 4" 4JF Murphy 11 Un. Hart, SkllesKnob, S.Heart 29297 Douglas 3-4 l:12fast 19-20 112 4 4 4 62 63 F Murphy 7 MarsCassidy, StoutHeart, Droll 29249 Douglas 3-4 1:13 fait 17-20 111 1 2 2 1 X F Murphy 5 Primero, Kootenay, Big Fellow SAFETY FIRST, ch. g, 4 113 By Marathon Senora Maria R. McMillan. 34064 Latonia 3-4 l:13slow 10 112 9 8 7 3" 44 J Hanoverll A.Middleton, B.Voter, High Lad 33890 Latonia 3-4 l:13Vfcfast 24-5 109 2 7 5 52 35J J Hanover 8 Sansyming. Old Miss, Dr.Barlow 33765 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 17 102 5 5 6 4" 3i N Barrett 7 Purdey, Water War, John Jr. S3659 Latonia 3-4 l:13andfast 22. 103 a 4 4 32 2 N Barrett 9 Impressive. Martre, S. R. Meyer 33594 Latonia lm70y l:45fast 2 104 1 1 2 2 2 2" N Barrett 7 PrinceS., Liudnthal, S.R.Meyer S3532 Douglas 1 3-16 2:00fast 61 102 2 1 1 1 2s 1" N Barrett 0 Willdo, Surpassing, MarjorieD. 33475 Douglas 1 1-16 l:46fast 4 10S 5 4 4 4 41 31 C Tudor 5 M.Fannie. BeautyShop. Batchler 33363 Douglas 1 1-16 l:47good37-10 111 3 3 3 2 21 2 P Lowder G Intone, OlgaStar, SunMaid MOINEN STAR, ch. f, 4 106 By Star Shoot Wainamoinen Talbot Bros.. 34064 Latonia 3-4 l:13slow 34 106 3 1 1 61 108 K Lapaillell A.Middleton, B.Voter, High.Lad 26153 Churchl 3-4 l:13Vfefast 55 110 4 4 5 51 65 C Hunt 6 Regina, Kathleen, Julia L 25988 Lexton 3-4 l:13fast 81-10 102 2 2 3 6 6". C VanDn G Fleuro, Cane Run, Blue Cup 25790 Lexton 3-4 l:17mud 93-10 109 1 1 1 2J 7e3 J Acton 10 Lucky R., Julia L., Blue Cap 20931 Latonia 5-8 1:02 slow 111 107 4 4 5 6" 7s A Mott 9 Bd Test. L.Always, BeyedKate 20317 Latonia 5-8 l:00fast 9-5 103 4 2 3 3" 4" A Mott 5 G. George, Ellison, Beyed Kate 20699 Douglas 5-8 l:00fast 8-5 110 4 11 lJ lJ A Mott 11 Gypsy Blair, Busy Joe. Eulogy SEVENTH RACE 1 1-10 Milos. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Oct. 7, 19101:43 3 122. LUCKY R., b. f , 4 98 By Box Margaret Kent Hickey Bros.. 34042 Latonla 3-4 1:14 slow 10-5 117 4 6 3 21 25 L Gentry 12 Shine, Ardent. Santo 33955 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 48 100 5 6 4 4 2 W Keisay 8 Prince S., Othello, Amazon 33911 Latonia 3-4 l:14fast 20 117 5 4 4 5" 63 J Morys 8 Buck Shot, Big Fellow, Brizz 33S00 Latonia 3-4 l:13Vfcfast 71f 107 1 4 6 9l 9 J Morys 11 Impressive, Trusty. J. Rufus 33284 Douglas 1 l:41mud 35 104 8 8 S 8 8 8 F Murphy 8 Sleeth, Mary U., Prince Albert 33146 Churchl 3-4 l:13fast 15 107 6 3 4 21 31 B Kleeger 9 Othello, Droll, Fleetabelle 32774 Lexgton 3-4 l:13,fcfast 9-5 103 5 4 2 2" 33 B Kleeger 8 Ophelia W., Droll, Busy Alice KLEBURNE, b. h, .7 110 By Orlando Anna Bain L. J. Brown. 4124 Latonia 3-4 l:llslow 16 119 5 5 3 31 1 L Gentry 11 Trusty, Ed Garrison, StephenR. 2S510 Windsor 1 1-1G 1:46 fast 91 107 5 2 2 1 ll 21 E Taplin 7 McAdoo, Aldebaran, All Smiles 28442 FortErio 3-4 1:12 fast 17 10SJ 2 G 5 52 5li L Gentry 8 T.Merader, Kewessa. R.Badley 28402 FortErie 1 .1-10 l:45fast 9-5 112 3 4 4 4 4 433 L Gentry 4 Fels, King Gorin. Floral Park 28093 Hamton 3-4 l:12fast 12 107 3 5 4 32 433 L Gentry 7 Gip.George, F.Riley, B.nndStars 26937 Latonia 1 1-8 l:52Mifast 38-5111 6 5 6 5 6 G G Garner 6 M.Maker, Embroidery, Hanovia 26789 Douglas 1 1-16 l:47Migood 23-5 119 2 7 7 5 11 Ink G Garner 9 Fels, Guide Post, King Gorin 26670 Douglas 11-8 1:52 fast 28-51141 3 4 3 3 31 3S1 D Connlly 9 TheGrader. Donerail, Brjnllmah 26540 Douglas 1 1-8 l:52fast 32 117 3 4 1 1 1 ll D Connlly 7 Votary, John Gund, DoneRiil 26443 Churchl 3-4 l:12Vifast 45 119 5 5 5 32 32J IC Lapaille G Amazon, Ed Howard, Brooks 26363 Churchl 3-4 l:13M;fast 3-5 115 2 6 4 2 1J J Callahan 9 Grosvenor, Tlllotson, Bigtodo BEAUTY SHOP, b. f. 4 110 By Jack Atkin Naughty Bills and Koerner. 4090 Latonla 1 1-16 l:46fast 23-10106 7 4 3 3 31 2 C Dishmon 9 SunMaid, H.Lassie, AVaterproof 34013 Latonia 1 3-16 2:03hvy 11 102 1 1 1 1 25 21 F Murphy 8 QuenApple, Intone, Waterproof iS993 Latonia 1 1-16 1:47 fast 10 102 1 2 1 1 2" 22 F Murphy 0 Fly Home, M.Finleu, John llurie 33354 Latonia 1 1-16 l:47fast 31-10 103 5 2 2 2 5 55i N Barrett 7 Prince S., Fly Home, FightFair 33064 Latonia 11-16 1:43 fast 4 105 2 2 1 1 1" 21 N Barrett 8 Wterproof. StoutHeart. S.Rock 33475 Douglas 1 1-16 l:46fast 59-10 109 4 2 1 1 1" 21 F Murpny 5 MissFannie, Saf.First. Batchler 33066 Churchl lni70y l:46V5fast 63-10 104 6 2 1 1 ll l"t F Murphy 7 Alfadlr, Guide Post, Sun Maid 32953 Churchl 1 1-16 l;48andfast 19-5104 3 1 1 1 4s 4 F Murphy 7 Gleipner. Ir.Gentleman. Billows 32839 Churchl 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 29-10 112 3 3 2 2 3 41 F Murphy 6 Guide Post, .Billows. Sun Maid S2514 Oiiklwn 1.1:41 fast 8-5 104 3 3 3 4 43 41 L Lykes G Lit.String. G.Russell. B.vLynch SAMUEL R. MEYER, ch. g. 8 114 By Handsel Sallie Appleton G. L. Strang. 34013 Latonia 1 3-16 2:03hvy 33-5 107 G 6 6 6 G 5 H Shilling 8 Qun Apple, BeautyShop, Intone 33912 Latonia 1 3-1G 2:01fast 18-5 110 5 5 2 3 41 45i D Connelly 8 Fly Homo, ClirfField, .lohnllurie 33837 Latonia 1 1-8 l:51Vfast 4 1051 6 4 3 3 1"1U Hanover 7 Grasmere. Willdo, Marjorie D. 3CG59 Latonla 3-4 l:13Vifast 10 107 6 6 G 4l 41 W Keisay 9 Impressive, SafetyFirst. Martre 33594 Latonia lm70y l;45fast 14 107 5 4 1 1 44 43 W Keisay 7 PrinceS., Saf.First, Lindenthal 32246 Tijuana 3-41:14 fast 30 118 4 8 8 72J 751 J Wells 9 Roadmaster. Loftus. Blue Cup 31944 Tijuana 3-4 l:24thyy J15 112 4 6 6 6s 624 J Wells 7 SlieUDo, MissFannie. Dom.Park 31040 Tijuana 1 l:48hvy 6 113 2 5 5 5 5 B W ""J OBn 5 Say, Prince S.. Veldt Sn-I-ER, b. g, 6 107 . By Cunard Dorset Flower J. F. Zone. -fal0na 1 J:3ast . 309 5 2 2 2 24 8 G W Car1112 B. Fellow, Col.Mmont, J.O.Storie Tatn a 3-4 1:13fast 114 110 2 6 6 7" 71 G W Carll 8 Prince S, I.ucky K.. Othello rtt 2"? K14,fast c36,n JJI 12 12. V 12 Mu-Phy 13 Charmeuse. Clark 31., Lukcmae , Urc5M 3-4 1:15 fast Sl-10 115 6 1 2 1U W Meehan 7 W.s Wonder, SanVega, Orange MiSrhUJ i1 oH810 2 3 2 f 51 713 W Meehanll White Crown Col. McNab. Roy 29440 Churchl 3-4 1:16 mud 41 110 6 7 5 3 3 W Meehan 8 C.onDvery, Important, Lghorne 2925o Douglas 3-4 l:13fast 20 106J 8 8 7 7i 7J J Alt 10 Brizz, W.s Wonder. Stephen R. 29117 Lex gton 3-4 l:15hvy 18 107 7 4 4 3l 3 H Stearns 8 Billy Joe, MissKruter, Marg.N. . Jnf?? ?SIENT B. 105 By Fair Play Orienta R. X. Baker. 3iJ5 at0I,a 1 3-10 2:03hvy 107 104 7 7 7 7 7" 7" C Dishmon 8 Qun Apple, BeautyShop, Intone ! wSSnI,Bia8 1 1,-8 l:53fast 59-10 10G 9 9 9 8 8 CJ C Dishmon 9 Waterproof, Prince S.. 6. Field vml Hffi i MS 2:2mud 9?;10 J?Z 111 3, 3 3 C Dishmon 9 Surpassing, PneeS., I.Gtleman 1 S", J ,1:5S?-sloy J5 r JS5 5 g 5 5 6 tlC DIshn,onl2 Sosius, Ir. Gentleman, PrinceS. 7sn?Lv.rfhl 111;1H:fast, J3,"5 MS 3 1 11 W CrumP 8 Gleipner, John Hurie, Day Day S Kf on 1W 2:10mud 13 05 2 2 2 3 34 G Dishmon 4 Olga Star. I.Gentlem.n. S.Rock : S 1 1-16 l:49hvy 74 112 1 7 7 S 8 8 C Dishmon 8 Penrod, Turco. Guide Post in M,Sr .ns . 2 3:34 fast 3 10G 3 C C C 4 410 F Robson G Moscowa, Thanksgiving, M.Park t Sj?iSSSrns 1 1-2 2:37siow 7 lOS C 7 8 C 2? 2 F Robson 8 Moscowa, Brian Boru, Solid Rock olC77 N.Orl ns 1 l:46mud 15 108 6 6 C 4 3" 4 F Robson C Pleasnreville, Matin, Uendron 5ASI?G b 6 109 Ry intlmus Dancing Water J. O. Hanson. LaionJa 1 1-4 2:0Gfast 31-5 ICS 4 G G C 4S 3 C Hunt 0 Cliieflirown. ClilTField, Marg.E. -r-.r VH011 a 3-1G 2:01andfilst 110 8 7 5 7 7 7 F Judy 8 Fly Home. ClilTField. JohnHurie ; fiatonIa 1 1-1C 1:48 fast 8-5 111 1 3 3 3 3 3 R Goose 7 .Alfadir. Fascinating, Pr. Mover S2OUB a3 1 3-1G 2:00fast 17-10 102 1 6 5 3 3 3J R WingCd G SafetyFirst, Willdo, Marjoriel. ;s;S0U!as 1 1-1C l:4Ggood Gl 113 7 7 7 5 3 3 A Claver 7 MaryH., TheGrader, BigFellow w22 P5,UB 1 3:1C 2:03imud 21-5 107 6 8 2 2 lJ 1 F Judy 9 PrinceS , F.Orient, I.Gentleman 1 ?mTJan a l"84?1 5 5 3 2 2 4JW Hoag 8 Camellia, Marjorie D., Narmar 30037 Latonia lm70y l:49hvy 29-10 103 3 2 1 1 1 1 W Hoag 7 A. Cain, Comauretta, Manasseb , IS01?10 m 6 . i12 By Peep oDay Sweet Marjorie J. Dmensetter. 5?Tan a 11,-1?,1:t4? M4101 4 1 S,1!1? Henry U Q.Apple, Col.Ml.mont. Batchler L4on,Ia 34 1:14 fast 25 1h S 4 4 7 4J C72 H Thurber 8 John Jr., Primero, J. Itufus katonia 11-10 1:48. .fast 14-5 109 2 1 1 1 2 2i H Shilline 7 Alfadir, Surpassing, Pr. Mover Rous as lm7y l:4Cmud 99-10 106 7 2 2 3 41 51U H Shilling 8 Alert. Alfadir, Square Dealer ISr? 3?KUg,M mliy V4Lu,i nlJlh 6 3 3 3 32 3S H Shilling 8 Zim, Stout Heart. Scrutineer woS:SilSre-t ! W$:taS?01 IT65 WH Shilling 7 BeautyShop. Alfadir. GuidePost isnl I I" 5:1!HSa" 14, 5 1 1 1 42 4J J Gruber 7 Intone. JimWakely. Monotony ?hu.rc.h 1 1 V10 1:48ast Si0115 3 11 1 4i 5 H Shilling 8 FairOrient, Gleipner, JohnHurie J27S8 Lexgton 3-4 l:15slow 27-10 113 1 7 7 6l G C Hunt 8 Brizz, Sister Susie. Buck Shot in,1,8? GENTLEMAN, b. b 9 117 By McGee The Lady J. H. Biker. 5?im TLatt0n.ia g-SffipVK 9n10 2 4 4 5 Ct 6"J Metcalf 8 Qun Apple. BeautyShop, Intone LaJon a 1 3-16 2:01i4fast 19 113 1 1 1 1 G 6! W Lilley S Fly Home. CliffField. JohnHurie faJon a MS J:1f?st 42 JJS 0 3 4 5 3 4. C Dteamonll Intone. Prince S., John Hurle WMnSi,15la 7 M1SJ:M-?lo7 3f ?,12 3 S C 5 71 5JD Connelly 8 Alert, Intone. Miss Fannie 3 P"gl,as liVi?81 1JC 1 3 3 2 Sh 4lu p Powder G AVaterproof, SunMaid, Marga.K. 9sSSUg aS ,1:?D3l?fas -4i, C3-10109 3 3 4 6 Gi 5JD Connelly 9 Waterproof. Prince S.. C. Field 5,TnS SOUBJas 1 I26 l:48mud 3i 115 1 4 2 1 1 1 P Lowder G Werproof. W.Crown Scutineer ? DUS,S, 1,3;1S 2:23mu? 2 U0 1 4 3 4 4 4" M Gamer 9 Surpassing. PrinceS . F. Orilnt 33151 Churchl 11-8 1:55 fast 1 112 2 2 2 1 11 2 C Dishmon 8 PrinceS.. G.Counsei; MargaretE. Sni9T0n,Ar 5 S? . By The Scribe English Esther W. G. King-Dodds. 5 V a 5i J-JJi?10 i -.r IS Jrl n I 4 r 5 4 4 F MurPhy 12 Shine. Lucky R., Ardent 3390G Latonia 3-4 l:15Vfast 93 115 2 1 1 2S 2 F Murphy 12 M Finlen GincerOnill - TprpO wand J0n!a n1 n10 ?:lfaSt 25 ?23 2 8 S 11 10"109i J Bron 12 BVsimmons.1 rSiie.Mra r?.o? i-aion a lm"y l:C0hvy 37 102 4 9 9 9 9 9" J Callahan 9 Sun Maid, Jas.Oakley, S.League ai?nIa; 3-4 UNHfast 172 103 1 S 8 8!i 7J J Brown 13 Charmeuse. Clark M. Lukemae 2fl34 H htorne 3-4 1:16 fast 12 105 3 1 2 6J 55 R Hack 14 Birka, Sun Kist. Bryn 28056 II thorne 1 l:42good 7 110 0 4 6 6 6 Gw Hoag 13 Dehra, Jim Wakely, Fleuron II. HOWDY ROWDY, b. g, 10 ll4 Bv Ossary Sutriorina Gallaher Bros.. 3o992 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4!fast 11-5108 6 4 5 7 5s 581 N Barrett 9 Marg. E.. Solid Rock, Grasmero Latonia 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 31-10104 S S 7 6 Gl 5si N Barrett 11 Intone, Prince S.. John Hurie SLafonla 1 1-1G l:47fast 11-5111 2 2 2 2 C1 7" AV Andress 7 CliffField. SunMaid. CiiiefBrwn fx.eton 1 1-8 l:54slovv 43-10107 1 4 4 5 ffi 7,s B Kieeger 7 Intone. Good Counsel. Prince S. 2irS ex Bton 1 l-lc l:4Gfast 3-2 104 4 1 1 1 VI 1 B Kieeger VJt W. Crown, G. Counsei. PrinceS. ?2CEG Lex gton lm70yl:50 hvy 14 113 3 4 4 C 5s 5i W Andress 8 Grov.Hnghes, AllenCain, Intone 1 ljatona 1 1-16 l:4GVfast 2J 105 8 9 5 4 5J 71 F Murphy 10 Lahore, Jes.Lonise. A.Lawrence 30105 Latonia lm70y l:44fast 22-5 100 8 6 3 4 4 l 4i W Hoag 9 Margaret N., Syrian, Turco - FAm b B. 6 107 By Allan-a-Dale Biscayne F. Peyton. 340GG Latonia 1 1-1G l:47fast 24f 109 C G 8 11 11J 10" J Morys 12 R.FelloWi Col.Mmont. B.Spiller El l-atonia 1 I"8 l:54fast 96 104 4 5 5 7 7 7" R Wirigfld 7 Sam.R.Meyer, Grasmere, Willdo , Latonia -1 1-1G 1:4S fast GG 107 6 5 5 5 5B 51S J Hanover 7 Alfadir, Fascinating, Srpassing "H22 20UBlas 1 1-8 l:55mud 14 111 1 4 5 5 5 5" J Hanover G Prince S.. Checks, Penrod 3319S Douglas 1 3-16 2:03mud 13 107 7 7 G 5 5 0" D Connelly 9 Surpassing, PrinceS.. F.Orient JH?! Bton ll:43slowll 111 3 4 6 5 4l 4" C Dishmon G Alex Getz, Guide Post, Tantivy SSnS Lex gton 1 1-1G l:46fast 38f 110 9 S 9 8 8l 8" J Hanoverl2 H.Howdy, W.Crown, G.Counsei 32725 Lex gton 1 1-8 l:57hvy 8 112 7 5 4 3 35 3 J Hanover 8 Intone. I. Gentleman. Prince S. 3J656 Lexgton lm70yl:G0 hvy 49 110 6 5 5 2 2 2 J Hanover 8 Grov. Hughes, Intone. W.Crown