Hamilton Entries and Past Performances for Tuesday, July 3, Daily Racing Form, 1917-07-03

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Hamilton Entries and Past Performances for Tuesday, July 3. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK GOOD. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30. 3411G Thomas G 104 l:6cs 103.. 700 XRuns well in mud. Superior mud runner. Little Jean, b. f, M Maidens. Apprentice allowance. by Dr. Leggo First Race 3-4 Mile. Saccharate 112 3-yeor-olds. Claiming. Nothing strongly outstanding hero. Track record: June 19. 1911-1:11-0-113. f Fifth Hace 1 1-8 Miles. .iS8!. Dominion Plate. Value ,000. 55ir. Hr- hU?o A-T" Cahadian-bred. ""nS2 V-?u. HPiS ..1-year-olds and upward. Allowances. ?4.! n Cwnacbp ...10.. 1:15 llOXitO Track m record. June 1i2, 1912 l:50:i 5115 H40Sni Pomn"Ut 337st GALLEY HEAD. ..127 2:0dfcfc 3 107X725 .0bb Pomp 107 1:14 110X715 33H0:t T G-iln Dress 1 lai 71 r. 340SG Sir Oliver 104 1:14 107X.710 340 Ponner ICi.in- o? 1 ??3v-Jr 33985 Kathryn Gray ...89 1:13 100X710 flSs3 Bex Gaietv . T mX7in 143?07 Fieenev -A$ ?K?5ZS5 WOOTi "rlUPlthellOO 1:55 8 107x715 33584 Dave Campbell M 98.. 700 1917.sh31 Amnhion inn 1 "wit c 34039 Jack Snipe M... 102 1:18 105.. 700 Fuir Mont-iJue 11 i?Sv-J" 34039 Thoughtful 107 1:18 110. .700; H8s3 LadderfLlghtCM- 3 94v:705 Also eligible to start should any of the above be 340S7 Kathleen H 109 1:57 4 90X700 scratched :. : ... , .fJ. E. Seagram entry. , . v 340573 Blaise 108 1:13 115X720 tC. A. Crew entry. Swift Fox appears best at the distance. Seagram entry should win here. Second Race 1 1-16 Miles. Sixth Race 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track p record: Oct. 0, 19091:45 1104. Track record: June 19, 1911 1-11 -113 34117 Gleipner 1011:48 4 114.. 725 33937 Cardome 100 1-13 4 10r.75 ; 3405G Fleuron II. .......102 1:47 7 112X720 34059 Broom Corn 105 1-14 4 1157l 34037 William the Fourth 3 107 X 710 34004 Alex Getz .103 1-13K 4 117715 33981 Russell Square ...1111:50 4 109x705 339S5 Zin Del . I07 1-13 5 111X7P. 33884 Shrapnel 102 1:52- 4 104 X 700 34121 Miss Gayle 107 1:14 101V715 33053 Frascuelo M ... 3 97.. 700 34055 Armine 99 1:14 4100X710 Gleipner may prove best here. 34039 Lady London 102 1:13 7 110X710 ; Third Race 1 Mile. 32811 Captain Ben Ill 1:13 0 113X710 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 330A Cannonade 1111:14 5 108.. 705 Foaled in Canada. -V, Scaramouch 118 1:13 5 113X705 Track record: June 29, 1909 1:39 3 9G. i3?PJ? Carrie Louise M. 98 1:17 3 95.. 700 34083 Lone Land M ... 3 101.. 725 33193 Da,lha 101 1:10 3 95.. 700 34055 Ravericourt 105 1:43 5 110X720 -Also eligible to start in order named should any 34053 Censor M 95 1:52 3 98.. 715 ob the above bo scratched: 33400 Old Keliable 100 l:50h 0 103 X710 33885 Birka 110 1-15 G 113X710 34083 Hornet M 100 1:44 3 95X710 33SS42 Perpetual 113 1:14 G 103 70" 3408ii Isabelle II 90 1:43 3 95 X 705 34004 Eddie Henry 118 l-13p 4 .J7X710 34055 Garish Sun 115 1:42 5 112X700 33582 Dorothy Carlin 109 1:14 4 100 700 33827 Captain B 3 101x700 Cardome seems favored in the weights. Lone Land seems best here. c-u t -i mm -m Seventh Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. v Fourth -a Race 5-8 co mm Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. Track record: July 2, 1917 1-48 0111 1 Track record: June 21, 1912 59 2 100. 34005 Boyal Interest ....109 1-47 5 104X7"5 33980 Foxs Choice 10311:01 110X 725 34087 Edith Baumann ... 94 1:44 4 10 X 70 34034 Miss Bryn 107 1:03s 109.. 720 3400G Phil Ungar 103 1:45 4 110X715 32909 Bon Tromp 110.. 715 34122 Tom Caro ......... 4 l00X7r; 34081 Senator Broderick..l0S 1:04 107. .715 33904 Harry Lauder 109 1-45 7 llo1 34054 Dalwood 107 l:Kih 112.. 710 33937 Comniensia 5 97V7 34034 Hasty Mabel 1011:01 109X710 34121 Astrologer 8 10 !v 700 34054 Lady Gaiety 104 1:05 107.. 705 34087 Maxims Choice .. .10S 1-44 V- C 10". 10 33825 Goblet 114 1:03 110X705 34087 Gartley 115 1-45 V- 5 "X.OO loi 34054 Saianza 99 l:07h 107.. 700 Royal Interest is racing well. FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds. Claiming. June 19, 19111:110113. Index Course DlstTlmeTckOdds Wt St str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish SFHTam?t?nb-f3l:ll hvy 29-5 no 3 1 1 lSSSLmv 3S696 DeVshire 3-4 l:lGhvy 53-10 109 1 1 3 8JIO17 A Claver 10 Verde Ijftle Lizv Inn 3SG47 Devshire 55 f l:0Gfast 29-5 102 1 1 3J 42 A C aver 9 EtriisV-in ti .Si, ri,v 1 33547 Devshire 5i f l:08fast 8-5 110 3 2 2i 2 F Merimeell Sxh l Wnf "vSSi lrG1,ad,ola 33310 Dorval 3-4 1:17 slow 13-5 11G 1 2 2 2 C" J Wake 8 Hazelnut wTn ?Jeu a 3322S Dorval 5i f l:10good 21 109 2 5 4 2 43 P Merfmeel2 Bluebannock BdMnn A 33172 Wdblne 3-4 l:13fast 19-20 105 12 6 5 3 1 F Merimeel3 A plrW VnWtwAnl exGetz 33011 Wdbine 3-4 lU7hvJ 19-20 108 4 1 1 3 48 F nlrimee 7 Bllteyfaff7" CC105CHCamVn 1 l-?6 l:53hvy 7-102 11 1 V?l 7 ,B 339SlHamton 1 l:45slop 13 95 2 1 1 1 1 l B Bn 7 Bmltf ri-n0 ir 33900 Connht 3-4 1 :15fast 33-10 105 1 1 2 2 2 J RoS 7 S h v SnM 33524 BlueBon. 3-4 l:16hvy 31-5 110 2 6 6 Bl 8" T Rice 0 EmoA ipnSJ.f? S" Wl 33399 Dorval 11:47 fast 12 97 4 2 2 3 4f 2 W Collins 7 0 t . lS0l, lte1F?11 33227 Dorval 11:47 good-38-5 94 2 1 1 2 U V J Rodguez 8 Itepton StotDoI?nndWe,8,!r 3.1104 Wdblne 3-4 l:15good 12 101 9 9 8 8J 8i W Crump 13 Anita Ladv MeTi?nn nw t.. 33011 Wdblne 3-4 l:17hvy 25 110 5 2 3 and 2 A Johnson 7 Elltev O of ?? S?? i7 327C3Plmlico 3-1 l:15good 129 112 7 8 10 10 10" J RodguezlO Nebraski rnrnTWi n WS0 3GZHamh:14g00d3i l 1 2 3 S nrj 33SlHamton 1 l:45slop 24-5100 6 4 3 5 5 E Donahue 7 feio 111 f0 , ss sssa a ? t i j s i asssj 33104 Wdblne 3-4 l:15good59-10f 107 6 8 9 7 4J W GdOrleyil AhWi Tid S r,Mte 3300GWdbine 3-4 l:18hvy 16-5f 107 3 10 9 7 5J W Gourley.13 Vandsh1?!- 386 fiamto 3 3-4 l:14goodl9-10 1 2 1 1 lf ZSfugandSfa t 24004 Hamton 51 f l:10hvy 47-5 10GJ 1 1 3 3 3i T Par ton 11 Alex Get?- ifnniin ?, n 33900 Connht 3-4 l:15faat 29-5 109 G 4 5 6 CA Hobson 7 lllmnw rnmnil?in u- i n 32C22 BlueBon. 3-4 l:18hvy77-10f 106 3 3 4 5U 4 L S 11 SV o cI,0J Ka,h, Gray 33524 BlueBon. 3-4 l:lGhvy 28 107 3 4 5 2i 3 L Mink Wi 2039 H.deGce 3-4 1 :14f ast 12-5 10S 2 2 3 i P Hobson ItrIf116 ? "lus 32569 H.dcGce 51 f l:07fast 27-5116 2 1 4 5U 3H F RohoR s pmiJ i SffepySam. Prest.Lynn tB? 1 s ! EandSI 33031 Delmier AbGlf 1:25 fast 9 107 6 ff Corey 8 S L W Vild Ti!? l0 S2902 Devshire 3-4 l:13fast 15f 104 7 3 2 2 41 W Se 1" SwAfn , W1!1! e 32831 Devshire 3-4 1:16 fast 99-10 106 5 3 3 3 3 W YounI 10 ?C, 1 ,i nA ?0. "- ,rk,, SybU. 32529 Oaklwn 1 l:42fast 12 110 7 7 6 G G 1 Q llolesfh fl iS-J V,r,,Bildnr!S1,Mt 324G8 0akrwn 3-4 l:15good 6 109 3 3 C t 51 C GUtet R ritnft Jr,iPraUieri ?h,mo 32425 Oaklwn 5S f l:0Sslow 20 109 8 I C t 3 C Gl Ibert lg SiVicharS KATHRYN GRAY. cb. f. 3 100 nJn By BaUot Old Souaw m a 339S5 Uamton 51 f 1:11 hvy 26-5100 6 C C 4 WCWUni SX JIAr 7, , Mi2flat i. it VlVir For Med. Miss, Perseus e-w S2603 II .aeu deGca ce a-4 j-4 l.urast J t rq b9 u o 1 1 1 1 2 2l R d m Trolse 11 KgBaggot, CberryRipe, Gainer , . ! 1 : t ; 1 , 1 , ; ; JS??FS0.V ch- e 3 , 102 B7 Hastings Arllno 0. Straus. IJnni waS? ?n efiJ:Eooa-S"B42f -.0 I i 2 3 41 R McDott 8 Pomp, Hazelnut. Isabelle H. 1 Sat? n EIH:Kvy fl iXiJ 57 71 S11 R McDottll Alex Getz, Hondo, Pomp wnw?eY sh.,re HJ:Svy. J! WJI 1 8 61 G R McDottlO Verde, Ly tie. Lazy Lou -nn-n a,ton a VliW 8 8 8 8 63 L Lykes 8 Lytle. HighlndLassie, Diamond S2m2 t aJn a 5I ;Slof JS? S 6 7 61 6 L Lykes 8 Pas. Fancy, Saf. Girl. M. Belle S i a VliHl H ? 2 8 91 9,0 L LyJCS n Rbyme, Geo. C. Love, Rhymer Snl ?orv.aii twi fl l:??.,J.ast 13 107 4 3 2 2 4i T Hayes 8 Ophelia W.. G. Gus, EasterLily 28796 Connht 51 f l:llhvy 19-10 113 5 3 2 2 2 T Hayes 8 Sea Gull, Gold Bond, Statim M?jy7Tii .Ch" i3 , L5 By Peep oDay Lady Strathmore W. Stormont. il5r no 1 1 J:1fePod 29 ,n 10813 Fel1- F Merlmeel3 Sm.Money. Damrosch. FoiihFay dy?e ZnnlUvK ?K 110 6 4 2 11 11 L Mink 7 Comacho, Q.of theSea, SwiftFoi w ?!?2Ilf-deS ce 1 llS70J:4Sast I7"5"" 5 5 3 1 in in T Parton 5 Poughkeepe, E.Ryan, O.andEuda .9,ode?ce BHV?Ifast 36-5 10G 7 8 8 8 7 R Troise 8 Polly J.. Mae Murray. Pomp S0-1,? M HL?low 20 104i 3 6 7 7 7JI J McTagt 7 Fruit Cake. Blue Fox. Warsaw lifno ,SrJ na :iSfast 10 "3. 1 1 1 11 ll F Robsonl4 Bluebannock. Rhymer. Chemung Sr ns H . i,ow 20 104 2 3 2 2 1 W A Carll 9 Sir Oliver. Velvet, Taxi 522M-Sr! ns HH.,? 6 1M 7 5 5 514F Merimee 8 Sleepy Sam, Velvet, Out 311G8 N.Orlns 3-4 l:13fast 40 110 5 8 6 7 7" L Lykes 8 Whirling Dun, Kultur, Tioga SSSFI?1 iHAN S,Tr?Vb f 3 110 By Hessian Saccharine Mirasol Stable. S2 Sam !on , i J1rh.vy 103 5 0 3 3 33 C" w Collins 7 Lady Ward. BeautySpot. Aprisa 2yam.tJln 3-4 l:15s!ow 1G 107 7 7 G 5 lJ T Parton 12 LazyLou. Philistine. Schemer S?"nT,ht 3i 115, ,?iC 7 5 5 4i J Bell 9 Anita, Tioga. Bluebannock lueB?n oilllM?1 J5,niSS15 12 7 9 8 T Parton 15 Hondo, Perpetual, Lady London J2 5orva 3-l VL"103!;10 105 8 8 7 7 5,0 J Cousins 8 Hazelnut, Wall Street, B. Sand ?n?? Srr,Y,al 6 !:J2f;Pod 85 10 6 2 4H 53 W Collins 12 Bluebanhock. BdMail. AlexGetz ?9S db,ne r?"U:lIh,vy 5i locil c 4 41 C! T Parton 7 ElUey. Comacho. Q.of the Sea 32547 Bowie 61 f 1:09 slow 9-5 108 6 4 2 1 21 T Parton 8 SleepySam, SwiftFox. W.Street ?,TE CAMPBELL, br. g, 3 M 98 By Gay Boy Gyptis D. A. Campbell. iev.sS,-re 9n:2JHa8J L1and,10. 11 11 H" F Jenkins 11 Foxy Griff. Noynim. Blaise 2q? eV ?hue ?H,1:?8ast i!1 cCi4 J 10 10" A Collins 12 Amazonian, M.Tperary, Salzora S5SSen.nSlih 5IH:Mvy Jld981i 11 71 710 B Kopmnl2 Jurdlction, L. Wonder, Berthier 2952 Pev shIre S8 1:01 fust 09 1041 9 9 9 9,0 g Gross 9 Fruitcake, L. Wonder. NhtCan andS2-5E2Kne ,1:S!r-B00d 101 100 7 7 8 9 9H Thurber 9 Starter, B. Spot. B. and Early S d5,lne rT I :28??fast 77 115 5 2 3 31 9,8 J Williamsl2 Ringdove. Wishaway. Outlaw 289U BlueBon. 51 f l:09good 71 102 6 9 9 9 9" W Obert 9 GoldBond. B. Spot. B. and Early io181?11 S.3, ,M2 , 105 By Thrush Donna Anna II. G. M. Hendrie. 34039 Hamton 3-4 l:15slow 41 102 11 11 11 10 10" H Jeffcott 12 Lazy Lou, Philistine, Schemer HT.FTri" ,ci , 11 By Marta Santa Divination J. S. Hendrie. ?iramt0,n r?i ,1:low 9 , 107 4 4 7 S 9,5 W Collins 12 Lazy Lou. Philistine. Schemer .G, rtErie 51 f l:07fast 7-5 112 1 11 2l 3s T Rice G Atwell; Blue Grass Belle Matin 9niand1m tn 5HJ:S7ast 21 104 4 1 1 Is 1 I5 Robson 8 Langden. Manokinf Q. of theea ind,r PiJ:?iHast 2:!-5112 4 3 3 11 Is w WaronlO The Gadder, Blaise, Hazelnut ISS !V,,rtEpLe oCi J:ast 12 108 1 5 3 si 41J Metcalf 10 Katenka. BeautySpot, Arravao 2G522 Belmont r 5-8 st l:00fast 10 115 1 3 3 3 3 L Allen 4 Iv. Black. Pass. Fancy. L. Lady SECOND RACE 1 1-1C Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Oct. C, 19091:45 1104. SfIuNES b; g,n n4 By Giganteum Nil Desperandum H. Neusteter. 3iUISam l2n lm7Sy :45low 20 100 4 4 4 5 5 4KHavncs 5 Gainer, Sam Slick, Wodan 3oG30 Dov sh re lm20yl:43fast 11 102 8 5 5 5 6 51 R Bolton 8 Col.Matt. JoeD., StarShooter 5S DV Se, ,3T4,1:,3faat 154-5 98 G 5 5 B5 4s R Bolton 5 Kinney, Tyrant. Adalid ?ErSSlUrCK 1 1-1C V47fast 20 " 3 3 4 4 4 3R Wingfd 5 Grundy. Wads.Last, Penrod Surc5 H"?H:4fJast49-10S01 4 6 6 4 2" B Kieeger 7 Ir.Gentleman. IHllows. Bea Shop 5?J25S5urch l 1 1-1C l:48fast 14-5 103 2 4 2 4 21 2 L Lykes 8 FairOrient. JohnHurie DavBav 32837 Churchl 3-4 l:14faSt 4Gf 102 9 8 6 P 4i R Bolton 11 S UartfvmhJM 7 llON11. ch. m, 7 112 By Transvaal Fleuron W. H. Fizer. 5amton 1 1-1 l:53hvy 11 105 7 C 7 7 7 7 J Majestic 7 Comacho. Tito Malheur 5ev s5 re JH?:S5rast 43-5 97 4 S 4 4 31 3J Majestic 8 BckFrost. StarBird. MenloPark SeV Hhi,ro,V;5:fa?MSfr10lu 8 6 3 2i 32 J MaJestlclS Savlno. Fenrock, Menlo Park -iR0n,a 111;15i5ii?ood2G-5 100 3 8 8 8 75 G5J Majestic S Fenrock. Nan. McDee. B.Around SOI7l i11??81 Um 2 C 6 C 42 45iA JohnsonlO CoI.Gutelius, Monocacy. Bover 32904 Devshire lm70yl:47fast 39-10 111 10 11 10 9 G 4 W A Carllll High Horse, Baby Sister Acis iWA Px Xton lm70yl:49mud 16 113 S 8 7 G 3 11 W Lilley 9 B. Voter, Pin Feather MFolIv Mn1Xn lm? : ?SVy92f 03 0 7 6 C 4 3SN Barr" 7 Chieftain. Jovial? Mfew Minn 32294 Oaklwn 1 l:4Ghvy 9-5 110 8 8 7 6 7" 7 J Williams 8 Zudora. Ettas Charm. Class A. XSE rpDRTH ch. c. 3 107 By William the Third Miss Snooks E. W. Moore. 34037 Hamton 3-4 1:14h1ow 31-5 102 5 5 5 5 5MV Crump i Water Ladv Tvruit 33053 Wdblne 3-4 l:17hvy G-5 1011 4 4 2 1 13 W Crump irKer Damlv P v vt 31812 N.Orlns 3-4 l:13slow 50 104 7 7 5 C 71 W Crump ll laAlbZY SE?S5LI,.?QTrAEE: .B 19 By simon Square Lady Birdie J. S. Hondrie. S39S1 Hamton 11:45 slop 87-10110 1 2 G 7 7 7" T Parton 7 Comacho VjiiliTnalT fiMm,l o:,!ne HiH:48Pod38 10112 FeI1- W Crump lk-Mowy.lixn H db,ne ,J h1C 1:48 fast 24 HI 3 4 3 9 9 9 F Cooper 9 Fount. Fay, All Smiles Cliristie Iwtwil lm7y ,1:JSf?8t r3 3 3 ?. 3iC Dishmon 7 BillieMGee, KoxSf aibralta? slop 5 x 5 5 5 4 4 2fJrnS?.nn,ht oVI9. li in F Robson G Eulogy, Peep Sight, Hops 3-4 1:14 good 11-51071 5 4 3 2 3i O Gentry 12 Sansyming, J. Wakel?. F.Orient 28370 FortErie 1 l:40fast 4 97 3 3 2 2 21 2 P Lowder 0 Eulogy, Bepton, J. O. Stone SHBAFNEL, b. g, 4 104 Bv Out of Reach Ferrol C. W. CamnliBm S3S84 connht 1 1-1G 1:51 fast 14-5102 1 2 3 4 5 511 W Crump G Iafheur, Perpetmd Uunternart lm2?yA tKaSt ?5 Z I 3 ,3, 4 Ci 6" J Rdgue 7 Alhena. Retio! Bluebannock r,JS 1 nMn "eSon- Hl:18vy 11 I09 9 11 3 7 5" T Parton 14 Cardome, Beauty Spot. Armine ISnn?wP??ion- 3i J"Kvy B10102 2 6 8 7 57J J RodguezlO Dom.Park, Montreal, BghtSand wuwldnnei pn"4:??V3I1?1109 9 9 10 10 1Q15 J RodguezlS Dr.Nelson, Br.Sand. Astrologer Sm co lmCo0 l:4?ast 138 97 8 3 8 8 8 8 J Rodguez 8 Infidel II., Goodwd, E.Baum u ?,? andIm,. HJ:ast 223 110 9 9 9 94 9,1 w Collins 10 Surprising. Stellarlna. Marlanao Juarlanuo E-de,G ce .3i,1:,14f,a8t 19f 10010 n 9 9 H,JW Collins 12 Encore. Znli. Laura 32506 Bowie 51 f l:10slop 10 126 7 4 3 21 4" T Parton 9 Pastella. Brickley. Brave SffS.0,??0 ch 3 M 97 By Plaudit Breezyland A. Xezama. 3o053 Wdblne 3-4 l:17hvy 3S 10110 10 11 11 11" W Collins 11 W. the Fourth. Exhorter. D.Fay 1.39HgGRACE 1 Mil 3year-lds ani1 upward. Foaled in Canada. Claiming. June 29, 1909 LONE LAND, ch. g, 3 M 101 By Martimas Molti Land J. S Hendrlfll 34083 Hamton 1 1-1U 1:50 goodl7-10 111 4 4 3 3 S" and E HaynTs 9 RcxGaiety Lad offfit TTnrnf 3i0,40, ton 1 U1G l:50slow 60 9G 3 3 2 4 C 6 II Jeffcott 7 Brynl mah Reno Fa ry I eJ."nd fTlb.,?fe H1:SaSt 325 118 10 8 10 U10T Parton 12 Ringdove wisnSwi ontfuw 2s72b Connht 51 f l:09fast 21 112 1 6 5 6 6 J Metcalf 0 Silk Rustle. Bavarde Pcess Fay RAyENCqURT, b. g. 5 110 By Phaeton Mythday R. Newell. S$. am.on 3-4 l:lShvy 7 101 4 7 7 C GJ D Bird 10 Exmer. Moss Fox Armine J : ?2 ,S 7 7 5 03 4" T Parton 8 Stati, Cr BrooW. iam.Dame Sonn 3-1 l:lcVifast 13 110 10 9 8 6 33 T Parton 13 Com Broom. IsabelleH Armine 3iJf2 S?nht 1 l:42fast 7 107 6 8 8 10 9 S T Parton 12 Statim, Old Pop I led Post SueSon- 7"8 1:32hvy 24-5113 6 4 4 5 4h 21 F Cooper 8 Gartley, D. Spend thrift OldPon S0n- 7"? 2l m 3 7 5 5 51 43 F Cooper 8 Corn Broom, t Sg, S vSI? S1eB-?n- H:1hvy,i3,fn10? 8 8 7 10 9 ll19 R McDottll Bavarde, Hamp.Dame, Amphibu 55J?5 2orvaI 1 l:480good23-1010S 2 7 7 G 41 61J F Cooper 11 L.Spark P Philsthome li iv mlo 33313 Dorval 1 1:48 slow 19 112 9 3 2 2 2 4J F Cooper 10 Meissen; H.Dame! Tr?PtethbrS RnQ?9K s, 3 ,lMr , 58 By Detective Cypher Code C. Boyle, Jr.. II l 1 andf,r ii 8 12 it n u ? B0 KKffl. 33435 Dorval 1 l:48good 27f 93110 9 8 11 11 n H Jeffcott 11 L.Spark. P.Philsthoriie. Bavarde 5EL?f BLE b,S L, . 103 By David Garriek Sampan S. Mintz. 34000 Sam ,ton , , 1 l:Sfehvy 50 100 5 4 6 6 G 6 R Bolton 7 Margery. Tom Care. Reybourn w0" 1 HVS ?.l0p S 1?4 C 2 2 3 7 7"R Bolton 7 Statim. Copper KMng? Gartley oi4t dbin,e 3"4:JLJlvy S4 "I 3 2 4 6 9 E Lomas 13 Corn Broom PcessFay Gartlev 5Sor e , 22 105 5 7 7 6 4 31 J Callahan 7 Garish Sun. Gartlev. D ofCheVte iw?t n?rtEie 3i :155fca ow 27 92 5 3 7 7 7 J Callahan 7 Sea Lord. SI lp. Day. F.Mon a-ue i ue5on , 1 1? s ow 7 100 7 9 8 6 51 Bf J Callahanll Corn Brwm. Calumny Pur low i V1iI..S op S 103 5 3 3 31 2J J Callahan 9 Calumny. Corn Broom. Mona G ?Si?winht H .J:?3?,ow 25 108 2 4 4 5 4J F Teahan 10 Mar. Gaiety. Malleolus Meissen S til:? Vy 4 4 4 4, 4?iK Coleman 4 RPhiisthorpVoS mw nfl I 7 hVy 5i 93 5 5 5 3 31 F Coleman 7 M.Gaiety. Odramlda. P?Pthorpe 3To83?Stongil3-lC50 good49-10 iff 2 C G 5 4 V rfifeiS Jf I I fcfJ 1:MfMt 33 105 6 9 7 4? 63 R McDott 9 andee?BeileMand sISs- riifH ? sis! i rilISKS ill illl iJi3Js?a FOURTH RACE 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. June 21, 1912 59 2 100. FOXS CHOICE, ch. c, 2 M 110 Bv Tonv Bonero Mav Jut? m v cf 33US0 Hamton 5-8 IrOBVandlopSMOf 108 3 2 2 2 W Doyle uf Ww MaVaudV oV,,l MISSBSb fS"1 M oiG 6 4 3S TM" 13 -erRKdator Mi S-.3S8-S 1! 5 KS f,-5 Jii I j j: ?:f J, ism S fM"sS A-Arrow SENATOR BRODERICK. b.c,2 M 107 By Bavardo Petticoat T vZ, SliBSS 4G-8 East 39"l0 101 5 f S!! ? 3? ?i T K.K 32755 K?fcfSt6i 11? Per. Vir. Yell, M.Maud Lexgton 41 f 6 6 G 1 w T. w"io HaSssill " 13 ffil . 3 2.Br,bHaSSS5t0?di,,PO,,;, -W- S"-33194 V 1 5 S,-t,la,l.ul- 1roJiit-er. Tj. Dorval tS 1-Wlffast 1W 4 j ri j Swoeiier i?i andi 1: and if.s if i ? i fsT If fs-.r-;..... 7 33519 BlueBon. 5-8 l OShv 21 114 10 10 10 5 n Jer. MissSweep. FleetKoot 33247 Dorval 5-8 1:04 Kfast 70 112 8 9 8 W i t ,?4ldd,i.?eie rauder. L.Sweeper 33007 Wdblne 41 t ShS u5 I 8 f f M5I SAIANZA, b. f, 2 M 107 By Sain La Venganza G. M. Hendrie. I 34054 Hum ton 5-S l:0Chvy 11 SO -6 6 7 GJ 5s H Jeffcott 7 Sincerity, Dalwood, S.s Bridge 3 33080 Hamton E-S liOo.ftslop 18 103 6 7 0 S1 7 H Jcffcott 11 Wow, Marauder, Foxs Choice 3 THOMAS G b .c, 2 M 103 By Live Wire Bequiet G. F. Empringham. j 3411G Hamton 5-8 1:01 slow 38 107 1 S C 6" 710 H Jeffcott 8 Uencher, Brit.Alloy, KedAdmiral 31035 Ham ton 5-S l:01slow 16 101 3 2 2 31 3" W Doyle 5 It.Admiral, Togoland, Roy.Nuvy ? 33791 Connht 41 5C fast 35 112 2 1 4 CJ 81S W Doyle 9 Tw. Bells, B.s Ally, Confidence ; 33756 Connht 5-8 l:02ytfast 27-10 107 7 5 7 7 7" W Doyle 7 Marauder, Miss Sweep, Goblet d 3618 BlueBon. 4J f 57hvy 39 116 7 6 5J 6" M Doyle 7 lleas.Bent. Sadducce, ScaFroth LITTLE JEAN, b. f, 2 M 112 By Dr. Leggo Saccharato. First start. FIFTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. Dominion Plate. 3-year-olds and upward. Canadian-bred. Allowances. June 22, 101 1:50 5 115. GALLEY HEAD, br. c. 3 107 By Galatine Fairlio Head J. E. Seagram. 3 33177 "Wdblne. 1 1-1G 1:4S fast. 9-10110 1 2 3 3 23 2h T Tarton 11 1cpperSauce. Oldlop, Kama 3 33008 Wdbino 1 1-8 2:00 hvy 9-10 127 4 4 3 2 lh 2J F Cooper 0 Taraliera, Sturdee, CaptainK. 3 32957 Wdbino 1 1-4 2:0S4ifast 2-5 115 8 5 6 6 5s 51 P Cooper 9 BelleMalione. Taraliera, G.Drcss 3 28552 "Windsor 5-8 1:02 good 3-5 118 4 2 2 21 2" F Cooper 0 GlaDress, Minnctonka, G. Galore S 8369 FortErle 5-8 l:01fast 21-20 111 2 11 11 1J T Rice 7 B. Mahone, Isabelle H., Barnard 3: 27355 Hamton 5-8 l:01fast 3-2 115 2 11 1 ll A Pickens 6 Taraliera, Javato, Rex Gaiety i 26313 Wdblne 41 f 55fast 11-20 118 2 2 4 4 3i T Parton 9 GldGalore. Taraliera. PcessFay 3 GALA DRESS, ch. f, 3 104 By Galatine Court Maid H. J. E. Seagram, 3 33110 Wdblne 1 1-10 l:51good 1-5 120 2 2 "2 2 21 21 T Parton 4 BelleMalione, Ringdove, Oriana 3 32957 Wdbine 1 1-4 2:08fast 2-5 JOS 2 7 4 5 41 3T T Parton fi BelleMalione, Taraliera, Capt.B. 3 29327 AVdbino 3-4 l:14fast 4-5 110 9 S 9 7 6CJ W Ward 9 Sturdee, Belle Mahone, Capt. B. 3 2S552 Windsor 5-S 1:02 good 3-5 105 5 4 3 3J ln A Pickens i Gal.llead, Minnetonka, G.Galorc 3 JS424 FortErle 3-4 l:15fast 13-10 9S 3 3 5 41 2 J Callahan 8 SpringWlicat, FoxTrot, H.Shuck 3 28398 FortErle 5-8 l:01andfast 29 98 6 6 5 6 3J J CallahanlO TlicGadder. FoxTrot. T.Baroncss 3 COPPER KING, b. g, 4 112 By Bowling Brook Tar le tan J. K. L. Ross. 3 31055 Hamton 3-4 l:lSandhvy 8-5 11G 1 2 1 23 434 A CampblUO Exmer, Moss Fox, Aniline S 3SPS2 Hamton 11-16 1:56 slop 19-10110 2 11 1 1 2 W Collins 7 Statim, Gartley, Pr. riiilstliorpe 3 33934 Connht 1 1:42 fast 21-10 114 3 2 2 2 2l 21 T Rico 7 SilkBird, Ham.Dame, Isabellcll. 3 33S27 Connht 3-4 1:14 fast 11 US 4 4 5 4 5i T Rico la Sturdee, Corn Broom, R. Gaiety 3 33688 BlueBon. 1 1:48 hvy 17-20 118 1 2 3 3 4 34 T Rice Silk Bird, Corn Broom, Ampliion 2 33540 BlueBon. 7-8 1:34 hvy 12-5 118 4 2 3 3 21 25 T Rice 8 Corn Broom, Sacal, Ravencourt 2 29492 Wdbine 1 3-4 3:03 fast 27-10 114 4 4 4 4 11 I3 T Rice 7 H.ofOak, Tartarean, F.MtagUb 2 S33S5 Wdblne 1 1-2 2:35good 18 106 4 4 4 3 2i 31! A Collins 8 Monocacy, First Star, B. Baker ; REX GAIETY, br. c, 3 96 By St. Bass Miss Gaiety E. Glassco. 3 Sim Hamton 11-16 1:50 good 23-5 10S 1 2 2 2 It Is T Rice 9 Lone Land, Lad.of Light, Hornet 3 31055 Hamton 3-1 l:lShvy 51-10 89 8 4 4 41 54i H HamtonlO Exmer, MossFox, Armine 3 33827 Connht 3-4 1:14 fast lOf 100 3 3 3 3s 3Ji A Johnsonl3 Sturdee, Corn Broom, G. Galore 3 33757 Connht 3-4 l:15fast 94 103 3 3 5 7s 8J K DonohuelO Anita, Between Us, Savilla 3 2S167 Hamton 5-8 l:01andfast 24 106 2 3 6 6 5T1 J Campbl 8 IsabollcH., Taraliera, CaptainB. 3 27763 Windsor 5-S l:01fast 10 108 1 4 3 4 4 J Campbl 4 Taraliera, Jnvato, rrincess Fay 3 27355 Hamton 5-8 l:01fast 53 115 1 2 4 4l 4" J Dennlsn G Galley Head, Taraliera. Javato PRINCE PHILSTHORPE. br. g. 8 107 By Woolsthorpe Lady Philura H. E. Hamilton. J S40S7 Hamton 1 l:43Vigood 25 98 1 2 3 2 lk 2 H Jeffcott 10 M. Park, Tnksgiving, W.Crown 3 34001 Hamton 11:47 hvy 51-10104 1 5 5 5 4 l 3J R McDott t Oldlop, CornBroom, GoldGalore 3 33982 Hamton 1 1-16 1:5G slop 10 104 5 6 6 7 6 4i J Majestic 7 Statim,-Copper King, Gartley 3 3?649 Devshiro lm70vl:45fast 14 101 5 5 5 6 6l 451 R McDott 9 Star Bird, Caro Nome, Petlar 3 33583 Devshiro 3-4" l:13fnst 71 103 8 11 11 10s 73i N Burger 12 Luzzi, Tillotson, Alex Getz ; 33435 Dorval 1 l:4SandgOod63-10 100 3 4 4 3 3 2nt J Majestlcll Last Spark, Bavarde, Woodruff 3 33352 Dorval 1 1:40 fast 9-5 104 3 3 3 2 21! 2l R McDott 5 LastSpark, Iep.Sauce, Tr.Fay 3 OLD POP, ch. c, 4 108 By Martimas Cannie Maid O. A. Crew. 31001 Hamton 1 1:47 hvy G-5 101 2 4 4 4 31 lh H Jeffcott 0 C.Broom. P.Plstliorpe. G.Galore 33934 Connht 11:42 fast 43-10 106 2 6 7 7 C1 571 A Johnson 7 Silk Bird, Cop.King, Ham.Dame j 33S49 Connht 1 1-16 l:49andfast 6 98 4 2 2 2 2l 1 A Johnson 7 LadyWard, Inquieta, Longfellow ; 33760 Connht 1 l:42fast 99-10 105 1 4 3 2 4s 21 F Cooper 12 Statim, Red Post, Gartley ; 336S9 BlueBon. 7-8 l:32hvy 43-10 111 2 5 5 3 5 4J L Mink 8 Gartley, Rcncourt, L.Snd thrift ; 33540 BlueBon. 7-8 1:3-1 hvy 7-5 98 8 6 7 7 7S0 71J J Bell 8 Corn Broom, Copper King, Sacal 33435 Dorval 1 l:48good47-10 100 5 3 3 4 61 7 G Scherrerll L.Spark, P.Philsthorpe, Bavarde j 33313 Dorval 1 1:48 slow 9-5 107 3 7 5 6 7 5SJ L Lykps 10 Meissen, H.Damc. Pr.Plsthorpe : 33226 Dorval 3-4 l:lSgood 2 J07 3 8 5 55 2k L. Lykes 12 LastSpark, Prin.Fay, Gartley ; PEPPER SAUCE, b. h, 5 110 By Inferno New Dane C. A. Crew. 5 S403S Hamton 1 1:43 slow 3S-5 109 6 6 5 5 513 40! II Jeffcott 0 Gainer, Mcrilo Park, KathlecnH. 33SS2 Hamton 1 1-16 1:56 slop 81 107 7 7 7 6 4- 5i F Wltraan 7 Statim. Copper King, Gartley 33935 Connht 1 1-16 l:48fast 81 106 2 9 9 9 8 716 H Cuttriss 9 Lady Ward, E. Bauraann, Fairly S3830 Connht 1 1-8 l:53fast 10 107 1 1 1 1 22 41 H Cuttriss G Baby Sister, Boxer, Sam Slick 3655 BlueBon. 1 l:47hvy 2 109 5 5 1 1 l3 l1 W Crump 5 Hamp. Dame, LastSpark, Sacal 33575 BlueBon. 7-8 l:32hvy 27-5117 9 9 4 6 4 4 W Wartonl2 Statim, Exmer, Bavarde 33520 BlueBon. 1 l:46hvy 81-10 110 10 10 8 8 7 4S1 II Cuttrissll Bavarde, Hamp.Dame, Amphion 33352 Dorval 11:46 fast 11-10 114 1 4 4 4 3J 31 L Lykes 5 L.Spark, Pr.Philstliorpe, Pr.Fay : 33177 Wdbine 1 1-16 1:48 fast 20 110 11 9 8 7 3nt 1and L Lykes 11 Galleyllead, OldPop, Kama ; 33107 Wdblne 1 1-16 l:4Sgood 01 103 10 9 10 11 11 8" H Jeffcott 13 Sm.Money. Damrosch. Foun.Fay : AMPHION, b. g, 0 106 By Infernos-Court Maid II. W. Bennett. 3IiS31 Connht 1 1-16 1:49 fast- 62 104 5 5 5 5 6 69 G Lomas G Dolina, Alhena, Euterpe 33760 Connht 1 l:42fast 77-10109 11 12 11 S 7J 783 W Crump 12 Statim, Old Pop, Red Post ; S368S BlueBon. 1 1:48 hvy 4 110 6 6 4 4 3 4 G Lomas G Silk Bird, CornBroom. Cop.King S3540 BlueBon. 7-8 1:34 hvy 3 114 7 5 6 6 6s 51 T Parton 8 Corn Broom, Copper King, Sacal 33520 BlueBon. 1 l:46hvy 73-10 113 7 9 10 7 6J 3S1 T Parton 11 Bavarde, Hamp.Dame, Pep.Sance ; 33177 Wdbine 1 1-16 1:48 fast 27-5113 6 11 11 9 9l 10?J E Ambrosell Iep.Sauce, Galleyllead. Oldlop ; 32959 Wdbine 1 1-16 l:48fast 16 110 8 10 9 8 6 611 E Haynes 10 Gala Water, Sturdee, Pep.Sauce : FAIR MONTAGUE, b. h. 5 113 By Stanhope II. Meadowley C. Millar. 34001 Hamton 1 1:47 hvy 15 114 6 6 6 6 6 510 W Doyle 0 OldPop, C.Broom, P.Philsthorpe ; 33177 Wdbine 11-16 1:48 fast 12 116 10 6 5 6 8 64i W Doyle 11 Pep.Sauce, Galleyllead, Oldlop 33107 Wdbine 1 1-16 l:4Sgood S3 109 9 10 9 9 91 ll12 W Doyle 13 Sm.Money, Damrosch, Foun.Fay 1 32959 Wdbine 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 14-5 116 9 6 7 5 72 718 T Rice 10 Gala Water, Sturdee, Pep.Sauce 29492 Wdbine 1 3-4 3:03 fast 3 129 3 1 2 2 31 4B A Pickens 7 Cop.King, H. of Oak. Tartarean 29430 Wdbine 3-4 l:15good 21 116 7 7 7 61 61 T Parton 7 C. Broom, Tartarean, M.Gaictj 29329 Wdbine 1 1-16 l:48rast 23-10 117 8 3 3 2 3l 31 A Pickens 12 Amphion, Silk Bird. Tartarean 29291 Wdbine 3-4 l:13Mfast 25 105 9 7 6 8s 883 J Williamsl2 S.ofPleasure, WiscMan, Dignity 28592 Windsor 1 l:40fast 31 115 10 Pulled up. G Burns 10 Tartarean, Splutter, LadyCurzou LADDER OF LIGHT, br. f, 3 K 94 By Stanhope II. Missing Link G. "W. Beardmore. 34083 Hamton 11-16 1:50 goodl9-10101 6 11 1 2 35i B Kopmn 9 Ilex Gaiety, Lone Land, Hornet 33177 AVdbine 1 1-16 1:48 fast 113 97 9 8 9 8 71 521 F Merimeell Pep.Sauce, GalleyHead, OldPop 32957 Wdbine 1 1-4 2:0Sfast 13 103 7 3 3 4 610 614 W Collins 9 BelleMalione, Taraliera. G.Drcss KATHLEEN H., br. f, 4 96 By Rotterdam Dynasty J. Hendrick. 340S7 Hamton 1 l:43Vandgood 26 96 5 4 7 7 92 S18 B KopmnlO M. Park, P.Pthorpe. Tksgiving 54038 Hamton 1 1:43 slow 159 98 1 1 2 2 2l 351 E Donahue G Gainer, McnloPrk, PcpperSauce 339S2 Hamton 1 1-10 1:56 slop 46 102 3 6 5 4 64 65f E Donahue 7 Statim, Copper King, Gartley 33902 Connht 1 l:41Vifast 87 104 2 8 8 S 8 7" G Lomas 8 Statim, Corn Broom Ham.Dame S36S9 BlueBon. 7-8 l:32hvy 20 110 5 6 6 6 7 714 G Lomas 8 Gartley, Rcncourt, L.Sndthrift 33435 Dorval 1 l:48Vigood 30 106 9 6 5 8 8J 6" M Bghmtl L.Spark, P.Philsthorpe, Bavarde 33313 Dorval 11:48 slow 54 104 6 4 7 8 92 9" M BighmlO Meissen. H.Dame, Pr.Plstliorpo SIXTH RACE 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. June -19, 1911 1:11 G 113. CARDOME, ch. f, 4 105 By Jack Atkin Toots Mook P. Leydecker. 33937 Connht 3-1 l:14fast 13-5 104 2 5 3 5l 2l W Ward 12 L. London, Tiajan, Bach. Blend 33883 Connht 3-4 l:llfast 61 109 4 1 2 2l 22 T Rice 10 BeautySpot, E.Henry, NightOwl 33651 BlueBon. 3-4 l:18andhvy43-10f 10S1 2 1 1 23 in T Rice 14 Beauty Spot, Armine, KoseFinn 33091 Bait. Ab 5-8 l:00fast 10S 52i E Scharf G Otisco, Envy, Aunt Elsie 33033 Bait. Ab 5-8 59fast 112 2s E Scharf 8 Thrill, Purple- and Gold. Nolli 30147 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast fid 109 6 5 7 72 71 D Conn Ily 13 M. Declare, R. Queen, Lukemae 29217 Douglas 3-4 l:13fast fid 108 3 2 9 11 11" D Connllyl2 M.Kruter, Carmeuse, Iportant BROOM CORN, b. f, 4 115 By Ben Brush Tenawha F. J. Coleman! . 34059 Hamton 1 l:46hvy 17 103 4 5 5 2 l1 l5 AV Crump s Tom Caro. Rcquiram, Lynn 339S5 Hamton 51 f 1:11 hvy 10 112 2 8 7 71 S21 J Dminickll Roy.Interest, Swift Fox, Zin Del 33796 Connht 3-4 1:15 fast 10 105 9 9 8 91 Sl W Crump us L.LonUon, M.Uaylc. T.Callaway 33757 Connht 3-4 l:15fast 97 105 5 9 9 92 10u J RodguezlO Anita, Bet.Us, Savilla 32533 Bowie 61 f l:24good 25 103 8 6 4 41 5i W Collins 9 Sleepy Sam, Joe Finn, AdaAnne 82507 Bowie 61 f l:24slop 28-5 1061 5 4 4 4 l 5 J McTagt 10 ParlorBoy, Dr.Charcot, Refugee 32461 Bowie 3-4 l:17slow 36-5 105 6 5 4 31 32 W Obert 11 Parlor Boy, Anxiety, Brickley 32202 Oaklwn 3-4 l:15fast 5 113 8 8 7 6 6" W Crump 10 Tantivy, JosefinaZarate, Dash 32087 Oaklwn 3-4 1:16 good 8 110 1 4 7 7l 5SJ W Crump 12 Blk. Frost. Gibraltar. Commenaia ALEX GETZ, br. g, 4 117 By Dick Welles Europa W. H. Fizer. S4004 Hamton 51 f l:10h vy 23-10 114 2 3 2 2l 1and E Haynes 11 Hondo, Pomp, Gainer 33750 Devshiro 3-4 l:13fast 53-10 105 7 6 1 3l 2 J Majesticl2 Luzzi, B. A. Jones, Nellie B. 33583 Devshiro 3-4 l:13fast 11 102 4 4 4 31 33 J MajesticR! Luzzi, Tillotson, Counterpart 3339S Dorval 1 l:46fast 3-2 107 1 1 1 2 33 3 J Majestic G HighHorse, Paymaster, Jerry 33228 Dorval 51 f l:10good41-10 110 6 3 3 31 31 A Johnsonl2 Bluebannock, BirdMan, Sw.Fox 33172 AVdbine 3-4 l:13fast 63-10 109 5 3 2 23 2l L Mink 13 SwiftFox, Val.AVest, Margery 32979 AVdbine 3-4 1:14 fast 11 104 3 1 2 11 1 A JohnsonlO EddieHenry, Hondo, EarlySight 32922 Devshire 3-4 l:14fast U-6 112 6 7 4 41 4J W A Carll 12 Bird Man, Poppce, Th.Seven 32791 Lexgton 1 l:43slow 2 Mill 1 14 ll4 W Crump G Guide Post. Tantivy. Allen Cain ZIN DEL, ch. m. 5 111 By Dick Welles Zinfandol W. L. Drake. 339S5 Hamton 51 f 1:11 hvy 26-5112 5 2 2 2 38 R McDottll R.Interest, SiftFox, Kath.Gray 33717 Devshire 3-4 l:13fast 21 107 2 1 1 l1 l1 C Gross 12 Owana, Robt. Mantell, Garl 32526 Oaklwn 51 f l:03fast 8 10S 1 4 4 41 3 J Dminickll! Hasty Cora, Frisky, San Bernito 32437 Oaklwn 3-4 l:14fast 5 110 Left at the post. F Mefimeel2 Oldsmobile, Frisky, Lame Deer 31891 N.Orlns 3-4 1:15 slow 16-5 103 3 2 4 3h 44iL Lykes 13 Hops, Black Beauty. Pontefract 31713 N.Orlns 51 f 1:13 hvy 6 104 3 1 1 22 22 R C AVattslO Med.Miss, Bl.Gr.Belle, YorkLad 31594 N.Orlns 3-4 l:20Vhvy 12 102 1 1 1 25 2s H Jeffcott 8 Rhymer, Thos. Calloway, Cledere 30242 Devshire 51 f l:06fast 16 111 4 3 3J 42J J Dreyer 10 Souvenir. Cnterpart, Ed.Adams MISS GAYLE, b. m, 6 101 By The Commoner Alpaca C. A. Crew. 34121 Hamton 3-4 l:16slow 5 105 1 11 lk 2 H Jeffcott 8 Astrologer, Old Bob, Yermak 23937 Connht 3-4 l:14fast 21 10-3 3 3 4 42 8i H Cuttrissl2-Lady London, Cardome, Tiajan 3829 Connht 3-4 l:13fast 17 101 6 6 6 81 8" J Dreyer 12 Philistine, Bet. Us, Astrologer 33796 Connht 3-4 1:15 fast 17f 107 3 6 4 42 21 H Cuttriss 12 LyLondon, Th.Callaway, Armine 3579 BlueBon. 3-4 l:19hvy 52 105 3 10 10 10 1028 E Lomas 10 Dom.Park, Montreal, BghtSand 33351 Dorval 3-4 l:16fast 13 108 4 2 3 4l 11" L. Mink 12 Poppee, Mico Girl, Roy. Interest 33006 AVdbine 3-4 l:18hvy 38 109 5 4 5 ll1 1224 H Cuttriss 13 Dr.Nelson, Br.Sand, Astrologer 32960 AVdbine 3-4 l:14fast 33 109 13" L Lykes 13 Q.of theSea, Dolina, Cannonade ARMINE, ch. f, 4 100 By Bassetlaw My Honey H. Giddings. 34055 Hamton 3-4 l:18hvy 38-5 93 2 1 2 l3 3li J Evans 10 Exmer, Moss Fox, Copper King S3S15 Connht 3-4 l:15Vfast 5J-IO 105 5 2 3 3"k 43 J Bell 13 CornBroom, IsanelleH., Ravenct 33790 Connht 3-4 1:15 fast 16 100 1 4 2 3l 421 J Bell 12 L.London, M.Gayle, T.Callaway 33651 BlueBon. 3-4 1 :18Vfehvy43-10f 102 4 3 3 3 3 J Bell 14 Cardome, BeautySpot, RoseFinn ?9430 AVdbine 3-4 l:15goodU7-10 105 4 5 4 31 71 W Obert 7 C. Broom, Tartarean. M. Gaiety 29201 Dorval 3-4 l:18andslow 19-20 118 1 11 ll 43 F Robson 8 Kath.H., C.Vlant, P.Plstliorpe 29107 Dorval lm70y l:57hvy 10 105 3 1 3 4 68 622 R McDott 7 Cop.King, MossFox, Ham.Dame 2S969 BlueBon. 7-8 1:29 good 16 103 3 5 5 3 4s 2s T Hayes 8 Amphion, C. Broom, Pep. Sauce LADY LONDON, br. m. 7 116 By Hermis Lida B. W. Smith. 31039 Hamton 3-4 l:15vf.slow 81-10 10S 6 2 1 2l 4i T Rice 12 Lazy Lou, Philistine, Schemer 33337 Connht 3-4 l:llfast 5 103 6 4 2 2l l1 T Rice 12 Cardome. Tiajan, Bach. Blend 33796 Connht 3-4 1:15 fast 21-10 10S1 2 3 1 l1! 11 T Rice 12 MissGnyle, T.Callaway, Armine 33692 BlueBon. 1 l:45hvy 15 10S 5 2 2 2 32 511 T Rice 8 Hazelnut. Goodwood. T.Bybody S3500 BlueBon. 3-4 l:14fast 29 1081 3 2 2 2 l 3J T Rice 15 Hondo, Perpetual, Broomvale 33312 Dorval 3-4 l:17slow 26-5 110 6 4 4 42 43 F Cooper 12 Little Abe, Quien Sabe. Yermak 33172 AVdbine 3-4 l:13fast 43 105 2 4 3 52 Vi F Cooper 13 SwiftFox, AlexGctz, Val.AVest CAPT. BEN, ch. g, 6 113 By Campus or Prospero Ben Ledi G. W. Scott 32811 Dcviihire 3-4 I:10good37-i0f 10S 10 C 4 Sl ll12 AV Young 11 Souvenir. Minstrel, Ancestors 32450 Oaklwn 3-4 l:14good 20 115 5 7 8 8 8 C Gilbert 8 Sybil, Milbrey, Freeman 32351 Oaklwn 3-4 l:15Vitast 15 323 6 6 4 51 53 J Hanover 10 Plaudito, Ed Luee, Oldsmobile 32191 Oaklwn 3-1 l:15fast 25 111 2 7 7 8 8i L Gaugcl 9 Garl, Blue Racer, Joe D. 32100 Oaklwn 3-4 l:15fast 12 113 6 10 11 ll2 122 L. Gaugel 12 Quick, Oldsmobile. Mllt.Roblee 31638 N.Orlns 3-4 1:15 slow 30 114 7 7 7 61 712 L. Gentry 9 Brizz. Miss Krutcr, Langhorne 31169 N.Orlns 3-4 1:15 fast 3 U2 5 6 5 21 ll K Barham 7 Stilly Night, Foeman. lugot 31095 N.Orlns 3-4 l:13andfast 8 119 0 6 6 52 412 E Barham 8 Recluse, Brizz. Stclcliff CANNONADE, b. h, 6 108 By Dick Welles Outwal J. F. Sweeney. 3305S AVdbine lm20y l:4Ghvy 48-5107 3 0 5 4 6 S10 R McDottlO Max.sChoicc, Budweiser, Boxer 32960 AVdbine 3-4 l:14fast 17-5111 33 F Robsonl3 Q.of theSea, Dolina, Astrologer 32SG1 Pimlico 11:43 fast 41-10 114 1 4 6 3 31 31 W Collins 8 Kebo, Plumose, Sam Slick r 32701 Pimlico lmGOy 1:47 fasl 3-1 115 7 1 1 4 52 611 R McDott 9 Burglar, Sandhill. Buzz Around 32663 H.dtGce lm70yl:4G fast 81-10 108 2 2 2 1 34 3 J R McDott. G Sandhill, Repton, Col. Matt 32642 H.dcGce 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 11-5 107 3 3 3 1 l1 2 F Robson Thesiercs, Jerry, Ed Bond 32616 H.deGce 1 1-16 1:49 fast 50 108 G 6 5 5 4H 423 J Metcalf 10 Sandhill. Lone Star. Gainer SCARAMOUCH, b. g, 5 113 By Hamburg Lady Frivoles W. Stormont. 33500 BlueBon. 3-4 l:14fast 11 114 9 8 8 81 1011 AV WartonlS Hondo, Perpetual. Lady London S3275 Dorval 51 f l:10fast 27-5 108 9 9 6 7n S8 L Lykes 11 Nellie B., Bachs Blend, Encore 33228 Dorval 51 f l:10good 43-5 110 6 10 6 7 683 L Lykes 12 Bluebannock, BdMan, AlexGctz 30274 Pimlico 1 1-16 l:49andfast 20 107 5 3 2 4 44 6i L Lykes 10 Tie Pin, Goodwood, Blackford 0237 Pimlico lm70y l:46V4fast 20 111 4 2 4 3 44 43 L Lykes 7 C. Francis, Voluspa, ManSlayer S0176 Laurel 3-4 l:12fast 39 105 1 6 5 6 65i F Robson 8 Y. Notions, W.Lily, Psumption CARRIE LOUISE, ch. f, 3 M 95 By Hastings Loot W. Brannon. 33900 Connht 3-4 l:15fast 39 9S C 5 3 42 51 E Stalker 7 Rhymer, Comacho, Kath. Gray 30072 Latonia 51 f l:0Sfast S4 110 1 10 11 11 ll14 D Connllyll Taxi, Pollyauaa, May Star 9956 Latonia 51 f l:0Sfast 277 111 3 4 6 G2 50 J McCabe 10 M. Anne, Lightfoot, Snowdrift 29831 Latonia 51 f l:09Vifast 134 10 1 9 7 10 11 ll10 M Garner 11 Matin, Spring Song, Cyn.Dwyer 29774 Latonia 51 f l:08Vfast 121 110 2 3 3 81 8" F Murphy 12 L. Kathcrn, Blue Plum, Arrow 26787 Douglas 5-8 l:01good fid 112 9 7 9 9 9" E Martin 11 Fan G., Sweet Helen, Milbrey 26405 Churchl 5-8 l:00fast 70 100 6 5 7 7 7" T Hunt 7 Miss Jazbo, Juvenile, Our Netta 26250 Church 1 6-8 1:03 mud 16 103 9 11 11 101 9U E Martin 12 Pomp, Sweet Helen. Milbrey I 3 3 j ? ; d 3 3 3 3 S 3: i 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 S 3 3 3 2 2 2 ; 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 J 3 3 3 3 ; 3 3 j ; ; ; j : ; 5 : ; : ; ; ; : ; 1 DAHLIA, b. f, 3 95 By Sompronius Florika J. W. Williams. 33193 Douglas 3-4 l:16mud 35f 103 2 7 9 ll1 ll27 F Stevens 12 Immense, Matin, May AV. 3251G Oaklwn 11:42 fast 25 100 12 8 13 13 13 13" G Scherrerl3 Scrutineer, KingK., E.Greetinga 32390 EssexPk 51 f 1:07 fast 10 104 2 1 5 9 924 L Lykes 10 Kilkenny, Sir Oliver, Perseus 32368 Oaklwn 1 l:42Vfast 6 102 6 9 9 9 8 812 W Crump 9 Crankie, Sir Richard. Perseus 32264 Oaklwn 51 f 1:09 fast 6 99 6 5 4 2l l2 W Crump 12 Miss Shot. Lame Deer, Adelanto 32117 Oaklwn 3-4 l:19mud 12 107 1 1 4 61 F Murphy 8 Mnnistcr Tol, Nepotism, Pasha 32089 Oaklwn 51 f l:09andgood 15 107110 11 11 11 ll25 J Williamsll Velvet, Taxi, Perseus SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. July 2, 19171:18 G 111. ROYAL INTEREST, br. g. 5 104 By Don Royal Usury J. Phillips. 34005 Hamton 1 l:46hvy 19-10 105 6 1 2 1 11 l2 B Kopmn S Menlo Park, narbard, W.Crown 33985 Hamton 51 f 1:U hvy 6 114 8 4 3 34 Is AV AVartonll Swift Fox, Zin Del, Kath. Gray 33715 Devshiro 3-4 l:14fast 73-10 109 8 5 2 31 3i J Dreyer 11 F. Coleman, P.Ungar, Igabibble 33548 Devshire 3-4 1:14 fast 14 106 2 3 4 51 6 B Kopmnl2 Colle, Fathom, Virginia W. 33439 Dorval 1 l:46Vandgood 26 101 6 2 3 6 8 8" WCollins 8 Stol.Ante, SkyPilot, BabyLynch 33395 Dorval 3-4 l:18V4fastlll-10 112 10 7 7 7nk 843 T Parton 12 Thos.Callaway, MieoGirl, Wat S3351 Dorval 3-4 l:16fast 4 110 9 10 8 6l 25i T Parton 12 Poppee, Mico Girl. Stelcliff 32835 Devshire lm20yl:47fast 19 108 2 1 1 1 72 1014 L Gaugel 12 Cli.McFerran, Euterpe, B.Baker EDITH BAUMANN, ch. f. 4 102 By Pr. of Melbourne Rose Prim J. Arthur. 340S7 Hamton 1 l:43goodl3-10 109 6 3 6 6 6s 614 W Crump 10 M. Park, P.Pthorpe, Tksgiving 33938 Connht 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 16-5 1071 3 2 2 2 24 24 T Rice 9 Lady AVard. Fairly, Lynn 33657 BlueBon. 1 1-8 2:02Vfchvy 3 105 1 2 2 2 2 2 AV Crump 7 Mocacy, Tksgiving, G. Pickett 33397 Dorval 11-16 1:54 fast 19-5 105 6 G 5 3 ink ink jj Lykes 10 Men.Park, Gen.Iickett, B.Sistcr 33279 Dorval lm20y 1:49 fast 3-2 182 2 1 2 2 13 l1 L Lykes 7 Galaway, Sam Slick, Crankie 32912 Pimlico lmGOy l:45fast 33-6 102 5 5 4 4 62 63 AV Collins 8 R. Langdon. Marianao, Balgee 32864 Pimlico lm60y l:46fast 57-10 102 4 4 2 3 3s 3nt A Collins 8 Infidel II., Goodwood, HandsOlt 32787 Pimlico 1 1:41 slow 40 103 7 10 9 7 8 8i J Rodguezll Med.Miss, R.Lgdon, T.Nighter PHIL UNGAR, b. c, 4 116 By Contostor Miss Manners E. T. Zollicoffer. S4000 Hamton 1 1-8 l:59hvy 13-20109 111 1 l2 Is W Crump 5 AVodan, First Star, Aprisa 33939 Connht 1 l:41fast 57-10 1051 5 2 1 1 ln 633 D Stirling 7 Dolina, Reprobnte, Jack Reeves 33904 Connht lm20y l:44fast 7-5 110 111 1 1" 321 J Dreyer 8 H.Lauder, T.Callaway, Requiram 33715 Devshire 3-4 l:14fast 21-10 111 5 11 ink 2k A Claver 11 F.Ceman, R.Iterest, Igabibble 27912 AVindsor 1 l:40fast 12 103 4 4 3 3 34 31 C Dishmon 5 Commonada. Runes. Ormulu 27655 FortErle 1 1-4 2 :05fast 23-10113 1 2 2 2 24 2 F Robson 3 Faux-Col, Sands of Pleasure 27449 FortErie 3-4 l:14slow 57 105 7 7 6 6 32 T Parton 8 A.N.Akin, T.Meradr, B.andStara TOM CARO, b. g, 4 100 By Marta Santa Argon Esher M. A. Warner. 34122 Hamton 1 l:43slow 79-10105 4 3 3 3 41 G11 B Kopmn 8 Requiram, Aprisa, Ed Bond 34059 Hamton 1 l:46hvy 11 105 2 1 1 1 21 25 F Merimee 8 Broom Corn, Requiram, Lynn 34000 Hamton 1 l:46hvy 13 102 1 1 1 2 22 28 F Merimee 7 Margery, Reybourn, Lukemae 33715 Devshire 3-4 l:14fast 14 103 1 6 7 10l ll10 R Bolton 11 F.Coleman, P.Ungar. R.Interest 33278 Dorval lm20y l:48fast 89-10 105 5 4 4 4 4" 31 F Merimee 6 Prim Harry, T.Busybody, B.Bill 32940 Devshire 61 f 1:08 fast lOf 111 5 7 6 61 4i ES Smith 12 Nellie B., Colle, Violet 32853 Devshire 3-4 l:15fast 19 110 7 8 9 9l 1011 W Young 12 Rosemary. Carl Roberts, Dash 32488 Oaklwn 3-4 l:16mud 8 106 6 9 9 71! G7i J Dminickll EdLuce, B.andStars, HastyCora HARRY LAUDER, ch. . 7 110 By Hermis Jhansl HcKenna J. F. Sweeney. 33904 Connht lm20y l:44fast 3 109 7 8 7 6 42 l2 T Parton S T.Callaway, PhilUngar, Requlran 33831 Connht 1 1-16 1:49 fast 11 113 6 6 6 6 5s 5 T Parton ! Dolina, Alhena, Euterpe 33505 BlueBon; 1 1-8 l:56Mifast 10 9S 8 8 8 8 S 6i J Bel! 8 Obolus, Monocacy, Goodwood 32S22 Pimlico 1 1-8 1:55 fast 34-5 104 1 6 6 5 54 5" R McDott G Obolus. Wodan, Ed Bond 2799 Pimlico 1 1-16 l:50fast 3-2 115 4 7 6 2 11 21 R McDott 7 Alston, Pierrot. Mary AVarren 32718 Pimlico lm60y 1:50 mud 33-5112 2 6 7 6 64 512 J Metcalf 7 G.M.Miller. EdBond, HighHorse 32660 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:4Sandfast 17 115 2 10 8 4 21 In R McDottl4 Rich. Langdon. Brickley. Jabot COMMENSIA, b. m, 5 97 By The Commoner Hortensia G. Hartley. 33937 Connht 3-4 l:14fast 23f 105 11 10 11 101 1193 AV Gourleyl Lady London, Cardome, Tiajan 338S3 Connht 3-4 l:14fast 67 101 7 10 10 10 83 AV GourleylO Beauty Spot. Cardome. E.Henry 32811 Devshire 3-4 l:16good 11 106 8 11 11 11 99i W Gourleyll Souvenir, Minstrel, Ancestors 32474 Oaklwn 3-4 1:14 fast 15 103 7 8 8 5l 6 F Merimee 9 Ophelia W., Violet, Tantivy 32448 Oaklwn 3-4 1:15 good 15 108 6 6 7 6l 6T F Merimee 9 Ophelia W., Tze-Lsi, Recluse 32310 Oaklwn . 1 1:43 fast 10 107 2 2 3 5 6l 7" R Troise 8 Voluspa, Handiemar, Plaudito ASTROLOGER, blk. h. 8 104 By Star Shoot Cremorne J. J. Egan. 31121 Hamton 3-4 l:16slow 9-5 110 3 2 2 24 l8 T Rice 8 Miss Gayle, Old Bob, Yermak 34004 Hamton 51 f l:10hvy 51-10 112 6 4 6 6 6JT Rice 11 Alex Getz. Hondo, Pomp 3835 Connht 1 1-16 l:49fast 23-10 112 1 2 2 3 41 51 T Rico G Birkn. Alston, Fairly 33829 Connht 3-4 lasandfast 87-10 109 7 4 4 4 381 T Rice 12 Philistine, Bet. Us, Beauty Spot 33248 Dorval 3-4 1:18 fast 9-5 1131 8 8 7 8l 7i W Waron 11 Perseus, BrightSand, Morristown 331Q4 AVdbine 3-4 l:15good59-10f 113 3 1 1 6l 71 W Waron 13 Anita. Lady Mexican, Gold. Boy 33006 Wdbine 3-4 l:18hvy 2 119 1 6 4 32 38 T Parton 13 Dr.Nelson, BrightSand, AVat 32960 Wdbine 3-4 l:14fast 51-10 114 43 T Parton 13 Q.of theSea. Dolina, Cannonade 29006 BlueBon. 3-4 1:14 fast 14-5 111 4 6 3 6 623 T Parton 10 L.Mican, T.-a-Ling, IgabibWe MAXLMS CHOICE, b. fc. 6 105 By Golden Maxim Leonalla G. R. Bryson. 34087 Hamton 1 l:43good 10 108 9 6 2 3 55 718 D Stirling 10 M. Park, P.Pthorpe, Tksgiving 34005 Hamton 1 1 :46M;hvy 31-10 107 3 6 7 6 62 8! R Estep 8 R.Interest, MnloPark. Harbard 33692 BlueBon. 1 l:45hvy 3 112 8 7 7 7 4J 410 R Estep 8 nazelnut, Goolwood, T.Bybody S35S0 BlueBon. 11-8 2:01 hvy 19-5111 2 6 4 3 22 22 W Collins 7 Paymaster, B.Sister, VoladayJr. 33504 BlueBon. -1 1:42 fast 19 101 2 3 4 6 3s 73i AV Collins 9 Broomsedgc, J. Reeves. Starter 33316 Dorval 11:46 slow 16-5111 6 6 6 6 6 61 R narton G NbManager, StolenAnte, Repton 33058 AVdbine lm20y l:46hvy 23-10 107 8 6 3 6 21 l1 Xi Lykes 10 Budweiser, Boxer, Euterpo GARTLEY, ch. g, 5 101 By Martimas Losiola J, Whyte. 310S7 Hamton 1 l:43good 91 101 7 9 9 10 10 9la AV Doyle 10 M. Park, P.Pthorpe, Tksgiving 34038 Hamton 1 1:43 slow IS 106 3 4 6 6 G 6" F Merimee G Gainer, Menlo Park. KathleenH. 339S2 Hamton 1 1-16 1:56 slop. 17 109 1 4 4 6 31 34 F Merimee 7 Statim, Cop.King, P.Philsthorpe 33902 Connht 1 l:41fast 93 105 3 5 5 6 41 614 D Stirling 8 Statim, CornBroom, Ham.Dame 33845 Connht 3-4 l:15y5fast 41 313 6 4 5 62 6 W Waron 13 C.Broom, IsabelleH., Rvencourt 33760 Connht 1 l:42fast 23 110 2 2 2 4 3l 431 E Taplin 12 Statim, Old Pop, Red Post 33689 BlueBon. 7-8 l:32hvy 38-5113 3 3 2 4 2l 11 F Merimee 8 Ravencourt, L.Sndthrift, O.Pop

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1917070301/drf1917070301_7_1
Local Identifier: drf1917070301_7_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800