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LATEST COMPLICATION AT THORNCLIFFE. Toronto, Ont., July IS. Despite the fact that the provincial government has refused to accent the license tendered by the new Thornclifte Park Racing and Breeding Association, the promoters of the project intend to race next week anyway. Manager Berger, when asked what he intended to do in view of the latest complication, said: "Wo will race no matter what happens. The horses are here, more are coming; our track is in good condition, and the meeting should be one of the best. We have one of the best Dominion charters in all Canada. I am not afraid of any legal complications tliat may arise." Attorney-General Lucas would give no reason for refusing a license for the meeting. He added that the government had the matter under consideration. The program book for the meeting of seven days, beginning next Saturday, July 21, shows a ,000 handicap, three 00 purses and four 1917.sh00 purses for each day of the meeting. The opening day feature will be the ThorncliiTc Innugural Handicap, at a mile, for three-year-olds and over, for a purse of ,000. Three races at a mile or over are provided fcr eacli days racing. It is said that a majority of the stables, which raced at the Hillcrcst Park meeting, will remain here and race at Thorncliffe.