Our Record Average for Yearling, Daily Racing Form, 1917-09-07


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OUR RECORD AVERAGE FOR YEARLINGS So far as average is concerned, the -record sale of American yearlings, was that of the last crop Of Hanovers at Sheepshead Bay, June 15, 1900, on which occasion six colts and one filly sold for a total of 1,200. The record of that sale reads: Property of A. H. and D. H. Morris and M. Young. Bav colt Yankee, by Hanover Correction J. E. Madden 0,000 Chestnut colt Dolce Far Niente, by HanoverHoliday; F. It. Hitchcock 14,100 Chestnut colt Compute, by Hanover Reckon; A. H. and D. 11. Morris 9,000 Bav colt Serpent, by Hanover Medusa; A. II. and D. II. Morris 8,500 Chestnut colt Saturday, by Hanover Vacation; W. L. Powers 7,000 Chestnut fillv Hanover Queen, by Hanover LIzzie Baker; A. II. and. D. H. Morris... 7,000 Bay or brown colt Hands Across, by Hanov- cr--Ainbulniico; Capt. S. S. Brown 5,000 Other sons and daughters of Hanover were sold for big prices that year, bilk this particular band, which was bred on shares by the .Morris Brothers and" Milton Young, was the star collection of the year. Yankee made good for his big price, when he won the Futurity of the next year, of the net value of 0,850.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1917090701/drf1917090701_2_5
Local Identifier: drf1917090701_2_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800