untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1917-09-07


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PANHACHAPI 550-100 WON Wednesday. Also Crispio, Minnie F., Skinny B., Queen of the Water. See all in Book 320 of Tho Thoroughbred. TODAYS BEST: Fort-East-Buy-Joe-Sat-Cub, Book 321. American Thoroughbred, Baltimore Bldg., Chicago. TWO LIVE ONES BY MAIL. Go Monday, send for them today. One must win or you get the following two FREFA FRIDAYS SPECIAL: No. 373. ;Book 665. THE TURF REPORTER. R. 509 Baltimore Bldg., 22 W. Quincy St., Chicago. Dont miss next Saturdays X Specials. 2.00 axe all they cost. Last Saturday we had a second ana a scratch. Saturday before a. winner and a loser. Try them. Todays Special: June-Apple-85-56-93-49. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE. Room 403, 22 West Quincy Street, Chicago, Illinois. VOLUME I. of 1917 ANNUAL RACING FORM , Is Now. on Sale. DAILY RACING FORM offices 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :; BUFFALO, N. Y.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1917090701/drf1917090701_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1917090701_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800