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HAVANA ENTRIES Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 2:00. XRuns well in mud. Superior mud mnuer. M maiden. Apprentice aljowance. First Race 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Claiming. Track record: .Ian: 1, 191C t9 5 114. Today Did. Horse. Wt. Roc. A.Wt.Uan. 30315s Miss Gove 112 l:02s 108.. 725 363S0 Lota-. .107 1:01 107.. 720 349S8 Laudator tM 103 1:01 95.. 715 30504 Margaret Boyd M 103. .7ir, 30025 Little Menard ...1111:02 108. .715 30000 Zu Zu M -100 1:02 100. .710 30000 Tom Tit M 112 1:02 103. .7J0 31.312 Pin Tray M 101 1:02 95. .703 305S8 Jose de Vales M. 98 1:02 101.. 700 Miss Gove is speedy and well bred. Second Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 4-year-olds aud upward. Claiming. Track record: Jan. 24, 1917 1:05 5 102. 3GG07se Tarda B. 109 1:07 0 100X725 30571 Skeets 113 1:07 7 108X720 3D543 Granado 110 1:07 4 103 X 720 35342 Pianette 109 1:09 4 105X715 30007 llattie Burton .... H8 1:0S 5 10SX715 30591 Blanchita 103 1:07 4 10SX715 3000S Dignity 109 l:0ii 5 10S..710 34733 Pcge AVhite Ill 1:08 5 10SX705 34845 Damietta 101 1:09 4 108 X 700 32185 Lockland M 110 1:08 7 10SX700 Pace of doubtful outcome. Third Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Jan. 21, 1917 J.:05 5 102. 30590 LADY JANE CEEY107 1:07 if. 5 100X725 30592 Dr. Cann 104 1:07 5 100X715 30007 Frank Patterson. ..112 1:07 4 100X715 30591 Lola 110 1:07 4 118X715 30007 Regular 115 1:08 5 115X710 36570- Bevelry .lames ...113 1:00 5 10GX703 35250 .lames Oakley 107 1:07 4 111X705 Lady Jane Greys last race would win hero. Fourth Race 3-4 Mile. 3-vear-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Dec. 28, 19151:11 I 111. 30385 High Gear 9S 1:13 3 101.. 725 30573 Billy .Toe 1111:13 5 1150720 30009 Early Sight 9S 1:12 4 103X715 30500s Fonetiomiaire 110 1-:14 4 104X715 30573s Montresor 100 1:13 7 100x715 30573 Sleeper ,108 1:14 3 101X710 35334s Evelina 113 1:10 S 105X700 30280s Ocean Prince 103 1:14 4 111X710 High Gear is fast and iu light. Fifth Race 3-4 Mile. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming, Track record: Dec. 28, 19151:11 1 111. 34S41 Deckhand Ill 1:14 3 105X725 30009 Lytle .102 1:13 3 105X720 30571 Parr 105 1:14 3 109.. 715 30G0S Beaumont. Lady... 3 100.. 710 30009 Now Then 100 1; 14 3 - 97.. 705 30572 Beauty Spot .103 1:14 3 104 X 705 30507 Bright Sand 105 1:14 3 105X700 30007 Cashup 10J 1:15 3 105X700 Deckhand is speedy when fit. Sixth Race; 1 Mile. AIL Ages. Isle de Cuba Handicap. Track record: .lan. 20, 1917 1:3S 5 100. 30010- Old- Miss 97 1:40 3 104 X 750 30010 Olga Star 112 1:37 7 107 X 745 30010s Ormulu .......... .108 1:40 5 107 X 745 30010 Alert ........100 1:40; 3 99X740 On her last race Old Miss should win. Seventh Race 1 Mile and 20 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record; Jan, 23, 19171:40 199. 30574 Mud Sill 112 1:41 9 107X725 30011 First Degree 97 1:42 0 97.. 720 30590 Princess Janice ... 0 104X715 30574 Margaret E. 110 1:43 4 104X710 30004 High Tide 112 1:43 5 105710 35339 Zodiac 110 1:42 0 112X705 . 305S9 Dash 90 1:13 4 97X700 30505 Bey 8 1120700 Mud Sill is good and appears best.