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GENERAL NEWS. NOTES OF THE DAY Rearrangement of some of the high commands in the war department was indicated yesterday by the detachment of officers designated by Secretary Baker to sit in the departments war council. It became definitely known that Major-General Goeth-als, builder of the Panama canal, has been offered the place of quartermaster general, to succeed Major-General Sliarpe. Provost Marshal General Crowder is the only officer assigned to the war council who will not be detached from his present office. A threat to drench Russia with blood if it is necessary in order to upohld Bolsjieviki authority at Petrograd. was contained, in "a speech made by Leon Trotzky, the Bolshevik! foreign minister, according to a dispatch from Haparanda yesterdaj-. Trotzky and his colleague, Nicholai Lcniue, are trying to coerce patriotic forces in Russia by warning of a reign of terror and are making wholesale arrests. The confusion in Russia fs such that the outcome of the internal fight cannot be foreseen. Inquiry into alleged delays in supplying the army with guns and the curtailment of funds recommended by the ordnance bureau for that purpose was taken up again yesterday in open session by the Senate military committee after a two days examination of Major General Crozier, General Crozier, on the stand again, continued his detailed statement of the ordnance situation as far as it revealed nothing the War Department considers a military secret. Frank A. Gotch, who retired as heavyweight champion, of the world, is dead at his home in Humboldt, Iowa, of uraemic poisoning. Death was sudden, although it followed an illness of almost two years, during which Gotch made every possible attempt to regain his health. A general constitutional breakdown preceded the death, and his mental faculties have not been the best for several weeks. Gotch was thirty-nine years of age. Germany will shortly trasmit peace terms to the allies through neutrals and under pledge of secrecy, according to word from Berlin yesterday. Reports declared the peace terms would assert "Germanys political disinterestedness as to Belgium, but would not mention Alsace-Lorraine." Whether they would cover the German colonies or future disarmament and indemnities for damages in Belgium and northern France was not known here. Italian troops suddenly -assumed the offensive, against the Austrians In the Piave delta sector and on armed motor boats and skiffs destroyed a small enemy bridge, swept over some enemy positions and took many prisoners, yesterdays official statement asserted. In the Coldelaberetta region an Italian counter attack repulsed an enemy advance. Around Monte Mellno a Teuton attack on an observation post was repulsed. American aeroplanes soon w::l be flying from the mid-west, where they were made,, to Atlantic embarkation ports for shipment to the western battle front. The secretary of war yesterday issued instructions as to the behavior of civilian population in the presence of military aerial activity. The point most emphasized Is that the public must keep away from any military aeroplane forced to descend. Recognition of the Bolslieviki government by the United States still is remote, it was indicated tor-day at the State Department. Iteiorts in Europe suggesting a developing sentiment in favor of dealing with the new regime as a de facto government have found no response here and it was made plain that the United States would continue its policy of awaiting developments. The House approved the National prohibition amendment yesterday. The vote was 282 for and 128 against. The measure has already passed the Senate, but it has been amended jind must again go to the upper house for ratification. Under Its provisions thirty-five states must vote dry within six. years to place the National iirohibitlon law on. the statute book. President Wilson has written former Secretary Bryan a letter to refute the frequently published, statement that he asked for the secretarys resignation because of the celebrated so-called Dumba conversation, in which Mr. Bryan after the sending of the Lusitania note is said to Have informed the former Austrian ambassador hot to take it too seriously. One British and five neutral merchantmen, a British destroyer and four mine sweepers have been sunk in the North sea by German naval forces. The losses were, the result of. an attack on a convoy bound from Scotland to Norway, Sir Eric Geddes, first lord of the admiralty, announced yesterday. The total tonnage of the lost merchantmen was 8,000. Austro-Gennan forces which attacked the Italian lines on the northern front from the direction of San Marino, were driven back in disorder, the war office announced yesterday. In the Col Caprillc region the Italians attacked and then were counter attacked. Finally the enemy had to withdraw to the positions from which he started.