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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY , A negro bodvguard was killed, a local saloonkeeper " was seriously injured and 5,000 was stolen by j two highwaymen in Gary, Indiana, yesterday. The ; money "was, to have been used in cashing pay checks a for workers in the Gary steel mills. William Mc-Carty, " the negro, was killed by a charge from a : sawed-off shotgun, with which one of the robbers ; was armed. The other robber struck Michael Binzen, McCartys employer, on the head and inflicted " injuries which may prove fatal. The affair occurred on one of the principal streets. The robbers escaped. Senate inquiries into the transportation situation, , both rail and ship, have been added to the series s of the war activity investigations to be conducted - by congressmen during the Christmas recess. - When Congress adjourned until January 3, ;, the Senate left behind it five investigations, army y preparations and sugar in full swing, one on a Senator La Follctts St. Paul speech pending and those on railroad and shipping affairs to be begun. i. It is reported that the German emperor asked the e Russian armistice delegates to ascertain the probable fate of former Emperor Nicholas and his s family. It is said the commissioners asked the u members of the former royal family as to their desires, and that they replied that they would like to o go abroad. The commissioners are reported to have e agreed in principle to the wishes of Nicholas and his family. Before signing the armistice with Russia, according - to the assertions of numerous prisoners, Germany - withdrew all soldiers between the ages of 20 0 and 35 from the divisions on the Russian front. :- These were renlaced by older men and recruits of f the 1919 class. The. divisions now occupying the western front lines, consequently, are composed of 1 the best fighting material at the disposal of Germany. Field Marshal Haig, commander in chief of the e British forces in France, is reported to be making g important changes in his headquarters staff, which h up to this time has virtually been unaltered since e he took over the supreme command. The reverse e suffered by the British under General Byng, following their victorious smash toward Cambrai, is s believed to be the reason for the reported shake-up. . Conferences in progres between President Wilson, i, Colonel E. M. House and Secretary of State Lansing s are expected to result in an announcement that !t the United States will recognize as de facto the lC Bolsheviki government of Russia at an early date. The one step necessary is said to be convening of f the constituent assembly in Petrograd. Colgate and Co., of Jersey City, N. J., manufacturers of soap and toilet preparations, were indicted Z by the grand jury in the United States Court at Norfolk, Va., yesterday for violation of the 10 federal laws in refusing to sell its products to dealers who would not agree to sell at the prices "s fixed by the company. Locomotive firemen on all railroads throughout it the United States are demanding increase in wages. 3. Demands are being drafted by President W. S. 5. Carter of the firemens organization, and heads of f the railroads shortly will have to consider demands Is of the firemen of from 10 to 40 per cent, increases in salary. One of the German airplanes which raided London i- Tuesday was brought down and another is believed to have been destroyed. From sixteen to to twenty airplanes in six groups attempted to reach h London, but only five succeeded in reaching the ie city and dropping bombs. The .great Christmas membership campaign of 3J , the American Red Cross throughout the country got 51 under way Tuesday and officials in Washington ! predicted that the present enrollment of 5,000,000 ,u would bQ increased to 10,000,000 or possibly 15,000,-000 recruits. General Sarrail, commander of the allied armies 3s at Silonika, has been recalled, according to newspaper i- announcement in Athens. The successor of it General Sarrail la command of the Macedonian in forces, It is stated, will be General Guillemet.