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+ _ _ J. j RECORD OF MILES RUN IN 1:38 OR BETTER OVER ! NORTH AMERICAN RACE TRACKS 4 . i At IxmixTillo. May 27, 1877. Ten Brocck electrified racing enthusiasts by ruuinug a mile in the then unprecedented time of 1:39-%. This record stood until Racine reduced it to 1 ::59V-i at Washington Park in 1S!hi This lime was equaled at Morris Park by La Tosoa in 1891 and at the same track Chorister rau a Mile iii 1:396 in 1893. It niK not until 1894 that a mile was ruu in better than 1:39, Libertine scoring1 in l:3v"4 »t Harlem. October 24 of that year, it thus requiring seventeen years to reduce the Ten Broeck record to the full extent of a second. Previously in that same year. 1894. a mile had for the first time in Hils country been run in 1:39. This was when George Forbes speedy old selling plater. Arab, covered a mile in that time at Morris Park. June 11, and Ducat equaled this time at Sheepshead Bay. August 28. The l.iiiertine record held good until 1900, when Voter ran a mile In 1:38 at Brighton Beach, and Orimar did U:v same at Washington Park. In 1901 Brigadier became the record holder by running a mile at Sheepshead Bay in 1:37%, and held that distinction until Allan a-Dale cut the time to 1:37% at Washington Park, JTulv l. HM3. Allan-a-Dales supremacy was short-lived, lasting until August 14 of the same year, when Dick Welles established the faster record of 1:37% at Harlem. This time was tied by Kiamesha at Bel-nvMit Park. October 9. 1903. It was not again equaled until August 13. 190S, when Fern L., carrying the iight litirdcn of SO pounds, ran in the same time at Seattle. from the lime horses began to run over the new Santa Anita track it was obvious that it was such a |.|in niiienaily fast course that in time it must inevitably hold many of the records. It acquired the mile r. -i ril December 22, 1908. when Centre Shot, with 105 pounds in the saddle, set a new record of 1:37%. la it- -nort existence 1:38 was surpassed fifteen times on the Santa Anita track. I ;i t as the Santa Anita track was. it has a faster successor in the Juarez course. On December 12, 1913. such an ordinary racer as the fonr-year-old filly. Manasseb. ran a mile over it in l-..ilVr,. thereby equaling i he long-standing* record of Centre Shot. A little later — December 23. to be exact — Vested Rights, a II,,-,, v car-old. with an impost of 105 jwunds, also equaled Centre Shots record. Then, at the. same track. ,„, January 18. 1914. Bonne Ohan«-o made a new American mile record of 1:37. with 98 pounds up. This record was surpassed March 0, 1914. when the three-year-old filly. Christophine, ran the distance in 1:36%. «.«..;■ the same coarse, with an impost of 102 | ounds. on September 3. 1914. however, the Juarez track lost the distinction of holding the American mile record uiien R. T. Wilsons six-year-old gelding. Amain, ran the distance in 1:304 in winning a race over the New Vork State Fair track at Syracuse. The fact that the Svracuse course was also used for trotting races ami therefore had a harder surface than the tracks devoted exclusively to thoroughbred racing was a fa. •!-■ • in Ama.fis wonderful performance, which now stands as the American record. Heretofore the American Racing Manual has published a record of all miles run over North American eacnwa in 1:39 or faster. The severe test of 1 :3S or faster has now lieen substituted. With all the arts „f i in- traekmaster directed in late years to making tracks as fast as may be possible, miles have been so f,. .jiienily run in 1 :39 or better that the feat no longer possesses the attraction of novelty and the list of Ki.,li miles had swelled until it became cumbersome. Hence the adoption of a more exacting standard. I, was necessary and this new list in its turn will expand. Here iu the last two years four horses, Am-ilti. „...■■ nil. Sam Jackson and Christophine. two high-class racers and two selling platers, have covered miles j:, better than 1:37, as also has Roamcr in races of a longer distance, it is a certainty that our tracks are ,.„,ie s|»eedy than formerly ami it is quite probable that the horses of today are faster than those of the ii: m With all conditions favorable, it is something more than probable that Roamer could carry more vcight and run a mile around a track with turns iu better time than Salvator made over the straight mile ;,t Monmouth Park in 1890. At present the record of miles iu 1:38 or better is as follows: Horse. Age. Wt. Track. Date. Time. orthodox 3 106 Aqueduct November 3, 1904 1:38 |.„IN 3 102 Aqueduct May 2, 1910 1:38 I ashion Plate 4 * *• Aqueduct May 11. 1910 1:38 Motitresor 5 1*"" Aqueduct July 13,1915 1:38 sa mi Jackson 7 H3 Aqueduct July 31,1915 1:3C% Short Grass S 114 Aqueduct July 1,1916 1:36% ieiiniouse 4 HI Aqueduct July 11. 1916 1:38 obi Rosebud « 123 Aqueduct June 30.1917 1:37% omar k ha wain 3 126 Aqueduct July 6, 1917 1:37% ll.iidri" 4 11*" Aqueduct September 20,1917 1:37% M,, lister Toi" 3 1"* Aqueduct September 26, 1917 1:38 K-iirv Wand ... 3 106 Aqueduct October 3,1917 1:38 Kiainesha .." * 1** Belmont Park October 9. 1905 1:37% ,;i„ette • "09 Belmont Park October 15. 1906 1:38 mm - 8 102 Belmont Park October 17. 1906 1:37% Cressina ... 3 95 Belmont Park October 17. 1906 1:38 Doliv Snanlier • 100 Belmont Park October 12. 1907 1:38 Bedouin 5 107 Belmont Park October 16. 1907 1:38 Hilarious * 109 Belmont Park October 15. 1908 1:38 Racquet I 103 Belmont Park October 7. 1909 1:38 Kim?* Daughter • "7 Belmont Park October 7. 1909 1:37% Fashion Plate * 105 Belmont P»rk May 13. 1910 1:37% King James * 129 Belmont Park May 28. 1910 1:37% Justin * . 11* Belmont Park Mav 20. 1914 l:"W% living Fairy * 126 Belmont Park Mav 28, 1914 1:38 Mroinboli 3 117 Belmont Park September 7.1914 1;3G% i harlestoniau 3 99 Belmont Park September 11.1914 1:38 Garbage 2 90 Belmont Park September 18.1914 1:37% Ktiy i * "°2 Belmont Park July 15.1915 1:38 Sluiiber II * H* Belmont Park September 10,1915 1:37% The Finn * 120 Belmont Park May 25, 1916 1:38 Hallv 3 107 Belmont Park September 3, 1917 1:38 Voter • 122 Brighton Beach July 17. 1900 1:38 Herrais * 133 Brighton Beach July 6. 1904 1:38 Charles Edward * 11* Brighton Beach July 10.1907 1:37% Polly Prim * 99 Buffalo July 19, 1907 .1:38 r M. Green 5 109 Churchill Downs September 27, 1911 1:38 Adams Express 99 Churchill Downs September 27, 1911 1:37% Winning Witch 5 110 Churchill Downs May 20, 1914 1:38 Bradleys Choice * 111*4 Churchill Downs May 10.1915 1:37% Old Koenig * 110 Churchill Downs May 24,1917 1:38 Lcocliares 3 101 Douglas Park September 211.1913 1:37% Benanet * "03 Douglas Park May 23.1914 1:38 Helen Barliec ■ 107 Ikniglas Park September 30. 1914 1 :37% Granite * "5 Fort Erie July 3. 1912 1:38 Froglegs 3 115 Fort Erie July 31,1912 1:38 Dick Welles 3 112 Harlem August 14, 1903 1:37% Servile 5 100 Juares January 9. 1910. 1:38 knight Deck * 112 Juares January 29, 1910 1:37% Polls * 119 Juares January 5,1911 1:38 Harrigan * 122 Juares January 22. 1911 1:37% Beau Man S 102 Juares March 30. Mil 1:37% Injury « 116 Juares January 25. 1912. ...... .1:38 Bourbon Bcaa 4 112 Juarez February 14, 1912 1:37% Sea Cliff 7 103 Juares March 16, 1913 1:38 Mimorioso * 105 Juares November 30. 1913 1:37% Sea Cliff 7 100 Juares December 3, 1913 1:37% Manasseb 4 93 Juarez December 12. 191?. 1:37% Brookficld 3 97 Juares December 13.1913 1:37% Vested Rights 3 105 Juares December 25.1913 1:37% Marv Emily * 97 Juarez December 2S. 1913 1:38 Boniie Chance * 104 Juares December 29.1913 1:38 lxjween 5 100 Juarez December 30, 1913 1:37% Jiuimie Jill 4 1O0 Juarez Jannary 2,1914 1:37% Brookficld 4 101 Juarez January 4,1914... 1:37% Swish 6 99 Juarez January 5,1914 1:38 Hvnamo 4 101 Juarez January 13,1914 1:37% yiiiL Trip 8 10* Juarez January 14.1914..: 1:38 Trulv 4 110 Juarez January 14.1914 1 :38 Bonne Chance 5 98 Juarez January 18. 1914 1:37 Brookficld 4 103 Juarez January 26, 1914 1:37% Fori Sumter 4 98 Juarez January 21,1914 1 :38 High Street 8 105 Juarez January 31, 1914 1 :38 Belle of Bryn Mawr 4 106 Juarez February 1. 1914 1:38 Iluskv Lad 6 103 Juarez February 2.1914 1:37% Colonel Marchmont 6 113 Juarez February 15. 1914 1:38 Uncle Ben 6 103 Juarez February 1«. 1914 1:38 Sea Cliff 8 100 Juarez February 17.1914 1:37* Christophine 3 90 Juarez March 4.1914 1:38 TMue-Beard 4 104 Juarez March 7 1914 1:38 Christophine 3 102 Juarez March 11, 1914 1:36*- kelsetta 6 H»o Juarez March 12.1914 tVKtZ Anna Reed 4 100 Juarez March 13,1914 1:38 Cousin Puss 5 10S Juarez March 15, 1914 1 •.".7V- Cisko « I"" Juarez March 14.1914... 1:38 Incle Ren 6 110 Juarez March 19.1914 1:8741 orlin Kripp 4 102 Juarez March 22.1914 1 :38 " Col. Marchmont 7 lit Juarez February 14. 1915 1:38 Executor 4 90 Juarez February 18, 1915 1 :3S Itash 7 113 Juarez February 24. 1915 1:37 «* Executor 4 los Juarez March 1. 1915 1:38 " «;oldy I 107 Juarez April 1, 1915 i ;38 Mud Sill 7 95 Juarez April 11, 1915 l:37y- BrooknVId 5 85 Juarez Deeeuiber 25. 1915 1:38" Dryad 5 K13 Juarez January 4, 1916 1:HH Hard Ball I Dm; Juarez January 7. 1916 1:37% Little String 4 90 Juarez January 14.1916 .1:37 Itoiuuiza 7 106 Juarez February 13.1916.. 1-37% Money Maker 4 Ho Juarez February 20,1916 1:38*" Pascinatiug 3 MS Juarez March 3.1916 1;38 Egmoiit 4 Ills Juarez March 10. 1916 l 37 u. Sir Huon 5 114 Latonia June 20. 1908 1:38 " lom llayward 3 94 Latonia June 21. 1909 1 :.-»8 Benanet 3 89 Latonia June 21.1913 i:: 8 Great Britain 4 114 Latonia June 15, 1914 1:37% I-emhures 4 110 Laroma Octolter 24. 1914 1 38 " Waterblossom 3 119 Latonia October 12.1915 138 ItotM-rr Bradley 4 1 »7 Laurel October 21.1914 1-38 republican 5 1 I9 Laurel October 31, 1914 137% Dzana 5 108 Lexington May 11. 1911 1:37% Princess Callaway 5 100 Lexington May 8, 1913 1:37% Whist 3 99 Montreal June 5.1911 13R Naiislmn 3 107 Montreal June 7.1911 1:37% Ten Point I 110 Montreal September 3.1915 1 ;S J. J. Lillis 5 loo New Orleans January 11. 1916... 1:37% l.isaro 4 102 Santa Anita Park December 17. 1907 1:374 Acrobat 3 101 Santa Anita Park December 23, 1907 1:38 Old Timer 2 108 Santa Anita Park December 23. 1907 1:37 « Acrobat 3 108 Santa Anita Park December 26. 1907 1:37% Rifleman 4 no Santa Anita Park Jannary 11.1908 1:37V Mark Antony II 5 106 Santa Anita Park Febrnary 14. 1908 1-38* Rapid Water 7 119 Santa Anita Park February 15, 1908 1:37% Cob»»el Jack 4 105 Santa Anita Park March 14, 1908 i-gs Norbitt 3 too Santa Anita Park December 7.1908 1:38 Ben Trovato 4 107 Santa Anita Park December 12,1908 1:37% Stanley lay 3 HO Santa Anita Park December 15,1908 138 Woodcraft 3 jo3 Santa Anita Park December 17.1908 1 :;b Fits Herbert 2 124 Santa Anita Park December 19,1908 1*37% Centre Shot 3 105 Santa Anita Park December 22. 1908 1-37% Alma Boy 4 106 Santa Anita Park December 24. 1908 i;38 Black Male 4 107 Santa Anita Park December 29.1908 i«ff Hasty Agnes 3 103 Santa Anita Park December 31,1908 i;3s Angelns 4 !0R Santa Anita Park Jannary 5, 1909 1*37% Big Chief 4 107 Santa Anita Park January 20,1909 1:37% John rami 7 109 Santa Anita Park February 2.1909 1 -37-K, Orhi-ular 6 116 Santa Anita Park February 20.1909 1 *37V Animus 5 |*J Santa Anita Park February 26, 1909 1*37% Harrigan 3 100 Santa Anita Park February 27, 1909 1*38 Mallie 4 1rt7 Pnnta Anita Park Mareb 13. 1«o» 1-37Sand Princ« Ahmed 5 108 Santa Anita Park March 16, 1909 1-38 Vox Populi 5 112 Santa Anita Park March 17. 1909 lss Harrigan 3 104 Santa Anita Park April 8, 1909 1 -37-S4 Oreen SP»i 5 no Santa Anita Park April 9, 1909 138 Ida M*.v 4 103 Santa Anita Park April 10, 1909 1 :.ts C.reen Seal 5 103 Santa Anita Park April 17. 1909 l:3T*t Doni" 5 111 Saratoga August 13,1902 1-3S-" CliuciHnuiida 4 118 Saratoga August 16, 1902 |"~M Clonmol 3 91 Saratoga August 25,1902 1-38 l elhi 8 112 Saratoga August 2. 19u» l:X7*t Vails 8 99 Saratoga August 13, 1907 1:38 King J»mes 8 116 Saratoga August 14. 1908 1:38 Nimlus 4 108 Saratoga , August 24. 1909 1:38 Field Mouse 8 111 Saratoga August 26. 1900 l:37*i Rio Crande 6 106 Saratoga Angnst 28, 1909 1:38 r « can Round 3 116 Saratoga August 18. 1910 1:38 Sir John Johnson 6 129 Saratoga Angnst 24. 1910 1:38 Martinez 3 109 Saratoga August 26,1910 1:38 «»«e»n Hound 3 119 Saratoga Angnst 31. 1910 1:37% lteyl ourn « 92 Saratoga August 12. 1913 1 --"tT-t-i. i-ramere f. 99 Saratoga August 16.1913 1 -38 Montr.-.,,, 8 «»s Saratoga August 21.1913 1:38 Tartar 4 100 Saratoga August 6.1914... 1:37% lteybonru 7 100 Saratogs August 7, 1914 1:38 Horse Age. Wt. Track. Date. Time. Hank ODay 4 100 Saratoga August 4.1916 1:37% Pennant ■ 127 Saratoga August 7.1916 1:37% l odge 3 125 Saratoga August 15,1916 1:38 Kern l 3 80 Seattle August 15. 1908 1:37% Vox Populi 4 104 Seattle September 12, 1908 1:37% Brigadier 4 112 Sheepshead Bay June 22, 1901 1:37% Dolly Spanker 3 103 Sheepshead Bay June 27. 1904 1:38 Inquisitor 3 101 Sheepshead Bay June 28. 1908 1:37% Dandelion * HO Sheepshead Bay June 26, 1908 1:37% Prisclllian 3 108 Sheepshead Bay June 29. 1908 1:37% King James 4 133 Sheepshead Bay September 6, 1009 1:37% r.therlal 3 106 Sheepshead Bay September 13.1909 1:38 King James " 129 Sheepshead Bay June 23. 1910 1:37% nialti 0 107 Svracuse September 3, 1914 1:3«4 Sangallo ■ 95 Tijuana June 17.1916 1:38 orimar « 109 Washington Psrk July 21. 1900 1:38 Allau-a-Dale 4 110 Washington Park July 1.1903 1:37% Dick Welles 3 110 Washington Park July 7. 1908 1:38 Robert Bradley 4 105 Windsor July 22,1914 1:37% Bean Ormonde 5 85 Worth May 20.1903 1:38