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BRIG OF WAR HEADS LEHANS STABLE Loiiisvilb Ky.. April 11.— Dan Lehan. who formerly trailed for the late A. P. Humphrey. Jr.. will ra«i" lour highly -bred young horses iu his own color* this spring and is now endeavoring to have the «|uarte! re.oly for the Iexington meeting. His stalde is I.. ad-.l |.j p.tig of War. which has Ixen cut-red in tin- Kentucky Dcrbv and other fixtures for thn*-;-ear-olds. This fiily is by Bridge of Allan - War Las, and comes from the Queen Mary family. *" lias been given a umnlier of speedy moves and i- now pretty well advanced in her training. Thin filly, together with The Toff and Flo. a rnupl? of other tliree-year-olds iu Lchans stable were pnr. liased in Kngland by Mr. Hum-plii-cv. wIhi went abroad especially to pick up some likely younteis that t «.k his fancy. The I off iv ;, bay gelding by B.-ppo — A boy lie. the litter by Hampton. This gelding has been nominated for tin- 1J tenia l»orby. Flo is the filly that receatly nut with a serious accident, which caused injuries that her owner thought would prove fatal. Hi? 1* recovering rapidly and it is believed she will W i-ain in active training in the not distant future- Flo was Is-ing minted for the Kentucky o.iks ami had shown extreme s|iecd in her work. Sh« i* by lUmarosa— Fleuve Rouge, by Bachelors Button— Volga River. The others in the stable are iH,th native |. ,-od aud were raised at Mr. Lchans iiiace near this city. One is Victoria Scott, a brown filly by Alvescot- Victoria B., while the other is .i.iliu Chi. r. hill, a two-year-old colt by Solar Star-Miss Louise. M.-. Lehati has recently secured the contract on jockey «.rav. who is regarded as one of the most inoiiiisini: riders in Kentucky. Mr. Indian rejMirts la it his ,«M| MR Broiisewing. winner of the Ken-iuckr Oaks, ilioi.ped a colt by Ballot at J. S. Bar-U-es plae on March 22. The mare now has a ailing by the same sire. It is her owners inten-t.iii to,1 her to Huon II.. tin- English stallion i eiMi -d by F. Trimble, ol Sew York.