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BRIG OF WAR HEADS LEHANS STABLE Louisville. Ky.. April 11. — Dan Lehan. who formerly trancl f..r the late A. P. Humphrey. Jr.. will race four highly-bred young horses in his own colors thi- -pring and is now endeavoring to have the |Uarte! ready for the Lexiugton meeting. His stable is le MM b. Brig of War. which has been cut-Ted in tin- Kentucky Derbv and other fixtures f..r thr year 11H1. This fiilv is by Bridge of Allan - War La— and come- from the Queen Mary family. She ha- been given a nuinlier of speedy moves an. I i- now pretty well advanced in her training- Tni- filly, together with The Toff and Flo. a couple of other three-year-olds in Lchans -table, were purchased in England by Mr. Humphrey. »"!"• went abroad especially to pick up some likely youug-ters that took hi- fancy. The Toff ix ; ,av gelding by Bepim — Aboyue. the litter by Hampton. This gelding has been nominated for tin- Un.nia Derby. Flo is the filly that recently met with a serious accident, which caused lujuric- tiiat her owner thought would prove fatal. She I* rc.-..vcriug rapidly and it is believed she will 1«- again in active training in the not distant lillltn*. Flo wa- being iMiint-d for the Kentucky .iU- and had -hovvn extreme speed in her work. She is I.v Boiiaro-a— Fleuve Kouge. by Bachelors Button — «.lga River. The others in the stable are U.tb native |. red aud were raised at Mr. Lchans place near this eitv. One is Victoria Scott, a brown filly b.v Alveseot "Victoria B., while the other is ...liu Chnr.-hill. a two-year-old colt by Solar Star — Miss I»ui-e. Mr. Lehan has recently secured the contract on jockey «-rav. vvho is regarded as one of the most i.i.niii-ini; riders in Kentucky. Mr. Lohau re| orts licit his .««| mare Broiizcwing. winner of the Ken- , kv 0;ik-. diop|ied a colt by Ballot at J. S. Bar-l„V- pla.e „i, March 22. The mare now has a ..ailing by the same sire. It is her owners inten-li..ii to bre,.,l her to H111111 IL. the English stallion on lied Ii F. Trimble, of Mew York.