Ordinary Card at Havre: Jack Hare Jr. Scores in Overnight Handicap in Fast Time, Daily Racing Form, 1918-04-27


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ORDINARY CARD AT HAVRE ♦ Jack Hare Jr. Scores in Overnight Handicap in Fast ! ime. • Jockey Walls Returns to the j Saddle and Wins — Favorites Prove Elusive. II. vr. ] • Oraoo. M l.. April 9M. fa, the llMMi of any s|Ht-ial attraction at Havre do timw today interest was centered in the handicap at three -■aartrra of a mile, run a- far sixth ra«-e. in which Jack Haw* Jr.. SI a it li lit anil a iiumlier of other fast hurw-ii met. It was Jack Han- Jr. from start t» finish, the Applcgate coll loading all the way ami holding his o| |m nts safe throughout. It was a fast run race, the half mile b»ing covei-d in 4 :l.-. j.ii1 the thr-1--quarters in 1:12. The truck was at its best this afternoon. A goodly crowd was in attendance. Although the card was af ordinary calibre. s|icciilatiou in the miitiiels w.i~ quite heavy, barken of favorites getting the ■arar of it. Menard McBridos Trap Hoik filly. Mrs. Kate It -ydecker. apix-arcd to outclass her op|Mincnts in the two-year-old dash, the opening race on todays program. The filly was an odds -on choice and outran the others all the way. Pepper, from the stable of K. F. rarinau. proved a disappointment in the second race, when he quit liadly ii: the stretch, after setting the early pace. and fiuished uuplaced. The winner turned up in Adelc. A big fi Id start -d in the third race and the talent was given another jolt when Miss Kruter failed to fiui.-h iaside the money. Kelicidad was the winner, disoosing of Josefiua Zarate in the stretch to i win draw i:ig clear. Jockey George Walls, who was injured last winter at New Orleans, celebrated his return to the saddle by piloting Ballast to victory in the selling handicap at fire and a half furlongs. The English -bred -olt Producer was liest in the 1 three -year -old dash run as the fifth race, easily aciiiiuiting for Harry Burgoyue. the only one considered to In- able to make him extend himself. Another upset for the liackers of favorites came in the last ra i-. Irregular beating Hubbub an 1 1 Judge Wingfield in the final stride of a terrific stretch drive Incidentally it marked the initial I success :1t this meeting of jockey Rodriguez, who » rode ii. seiisalioual form at Bowie. OLIVES. CUTS STABLE DOWN. William Oliver cut down hi- stable yesterday when he disposed of at public auction in the pad dock previous in t:ie races the plater Iarbide. and tlH two year old Best Man. .1. Krause purchased I the former for S7.".. while James Arthur iHiught the I hitter for S«0. -lames Fitzsiiumoiis decided to permit jockey O. Wall* to resume riding and the lad bad his first mount siui-c his accident al New Orleans, when he I lode Ballast in the fourth race this afternoon. The susiwnsii.ii of jockey Kricksou expired today i and tiie lad will be seen in the saddle again io-MMV. The meeting of the stewards of the Thoroughbred 1 Horsemens Association, which was called for yesterday, . was po*t|»oued until Monday next, when i the horsemen will meet in Firemans Hall at Havre c !-«;ruce. One of the matters to come up for discussion is a promised rule to have the racing association i deduct ten |K-r cent from the winners ixirtion in all 1 ;iees. which will lie donated lo the Red Cross fund. Klgdhert. the property of Charles Henderson, was s ih-st rovi-d vesterdav. The horse was jum|Hd on a i -ic.rt while back and blood poisoning set in. Several parties are after the three year-ol.l I • •eorge Starr, and the coatract that S. McNaughton , holds on the apprentice rider. C. Kumnier. I.ast [ 1 .ill John Schorr, acting probably for his employer. E. It. McLean, offered McNaughton ,000 for the • colt, which was refused. McNaughton will keep . * -eorge Starr, but will probably disguise of his ,„„,. tract on the lad to a prominent eastern owner. wliot** horses have not as yet been sent to the post [ this year. J Hlissey disiKtsed of the contract lie held mi ickev 1»- Stirling to I". A. Clarke and the lad left I for Belmont Park Ihis uioniiug to join his new cinployers stable, whose horses are lieiug looked | after by William Hogau. Ktecplccha-e Jim keys I. Brogan and S. Stevenson i suffered broken eollarlioues as a result of falls, the • latter while riding Rob Red fie Id in yesterdays steeplechase and the former while schooling a green i jumper for Frank Farrar this morning. Sam Ijoiii- se.-ured the Whitney colt Blazonry through the claiming route after lie won yesterday. . He also had a claim in for Matter in tie- seventh i race, but F. I. Weir had a higher claim in and retained the horse.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1918042701/drf1918042701_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1918042701_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800