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DOUGLAS PARK TRACK LIGHTNING FAST Hc:.urfacin;j of Course Has Given it Batter Cushion and Made It Faster Than Ever. L.ui-ville. Ky.. May lo. — There need be- no surprise if dining the approaching spring meeting of the Douglas Park lackey Club, scheduled to open on Monitor, May 27. some new American records should be created. iKiuglas Park is one of the fastest of American race tracks and several American rei .rds have to-en placed to its credit from time to time during the past few years. This year Daaarhm l.irk is likely to be faster than ever, as a result of track improvimeiits which superintendent Charles Nolt,. i,;ls carried out since last year. Following the rlma. of last falls racing over this course, the -arface of the track was resolled to a depth of five inches. Horsemen who have been training their horses OVer the course this spring, agree that it not oulv was faster than hitherto, but that the resurfacing of the track has given it a better cu-iimn and made it generally more satisfactory for training pill|Mi-es. Concerning the improvement. suiH-rinteinlent Nolte said: "Judging from tin- way the horses have 1m-cii working in preparation lor the coming meeting, tliev Will run faster over the track than ever. I think the difference will be more marked in races at om- mil,- and over, than at the shorter distances. This is because that part of the track over which the sprinting races are run. had previously Is-en re-soih-il and was in better condition than the rest of the course. But last falls Jnh has improved the shorter distance courses too, as illu-traled by the fact that work as fast as a quarter in twentv-two -eeomls and a half in forty six has heea reported bv the .lockers this spring. The improvement will teuil to make Douglas Park more popular than ever as a wintering place and training ground. While in no way diminishing the rapid drying propensities for which the track has always been noted, the resoiling of the course has given it much more resiliency than it ever possessed. Some of the fastest horses in America are under enu.igement for the Douglas Park meeting and, with the track in the siqM-rb condition indicated by the training trials that have taken plate over it this spring, local patrons of racing have every r.-a-oii for l M»king forward with keen anticipation to a season of surpassing brilliancy at this beautiful and well conducted course. . A