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KNEW CALIBRE OF EXTERMINATOR J. C. Milam Entertained High Opinion of Derby Winner As Seen Dy His Other Engagements. Louisville. Ky.. May 15. — It has lieen declared in the public prints that the victory of Exterminator in the Kentucky Iierhy last Saturday was as much of a surprise to the owner and trainer of the son of Mi-Gee-Fair Empress as it was to the general public. However that mav be. it is evident that J. C. Milam, the astute Kentucky horseman, from whom Willis Sharpe Kilmer purchased the Derby winner for the reported price of 5,000, entertained a high opinion of the colt before his real form was disclosed to the public. Besides nominating the colt for the Derby at Churchill Downs. Mr. Milam entered him for the I«itonia Derby, the Inaugural Handicap and the Independence Handicap at Latonia. all valuable and high-class events. It is significant that Mr. Milam refrained from nominating the colt for any of the less iui|xirtaut fixtures. He evidently knew MM calibre of Exterminator and was aiming for big game. It is the expectation that Exterminator will come hack to Kentucky to run in the Iitouiu Derby on Saturday, June 22. Kenneth D. Alexanders crack colt Escoba. for which there was much sentimental support from the Keiitiickians for ihe Derbv. seemingly is to lie one of the ixipular horses of the year. Since his up|x-ur-ance in the Hetty, this g.xxl colt has lieen galloping along at Douglas Park in a way to suggest that his Derby nee did him „,„„] :ind that he may lie ex-|M-cted to give a gixjtl account of himself when he races. Eseobas next iui|K rinut engagement is in the 5,000 Kentucky Handicap, to lx- decided at Douglas Bark on Sntiirduv. June 1. While some entertain the opinion that three-year-olds are being asked a groat deal to meet older horses of t,,- highest class at one mile and a quarter so early in the season, it may lx- pointed out that Cudgel came within a few inches of upsetting this theory last spring, when he ran King Gorin to a head for the rich prize that g x-s with the winning of this most valuable of American races for horses three years old and over. Eseobas engagements in Kentucky this vear. in addition to the Kentucky Handicap, include the Latonia Derby, the Inaugural and the Inde|ieildence Handicap ut Latonia. which are the identical events for which his successful rival for Kentucky Derby honors is eligible. It is su|K-rflous to suggest that the next meeting of the two will lx- awailed with the keenest of interest. 1 * 1