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TURF NOTES FROM LANDS ABROAD Rations are claimed for 7,000 thoroughbreds in France, including 1.200 horses in training. Gen. de Champrallier has lx-en elected a memlxT of the French Jo. key Club and W. K. Yand.rbilt an honorary member. The American riders I.yne. ONeill. Garner aid Archibald are having tiie pick of the mounts at San Sebastieii. Spain. Thomas Smith, the trainer, twin brother of William, who trained the horses of the Viconite de Juiuihic and of the Conite de Clermont Tonnerre, died recently in tin- hospital at St. Germain. That useful horse The Culler has had to lie destroyed as a result of the accident he ni-t with at M. inchest, r. when he broke his alt hind fetlock. It is five years since he won the Chester Cup. The New /..-aland trainer G. M. Reed died recently in the Wellington hospital. He was the rather of Ashley, Roy and Con Beed. all well known New Zealand jockeys. In his day he :i1m, was a fairly successful lisht weight rider.