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CUDGEL REGAINS LAURELS ♦ — Wins J Brooklyn Handicap After -Grekt Struggle with Roamer. j I — Big Jrowd Sees Wonderful Race ! — High Time Captures i the Hudson Stakes. * « r New York. Jura- 24. — Commander J. K. L. Ross f gnat Br.utmstick colt Cudgel red-cmcd his lost laurels kg winning Hjc Brooklyn Handicap :il Aque- dw-t today after oue of those stirring finishes tliiit t bring the spectators to their f -ct. Not until the last , quart r of ;i .nilc did Cud-el move into contending j prominence. I»eiiig a trailer of BMMt, Westy Ho- j can. Borrow and Hollistir. I.ut when Lyke made liis move. MfH prow into a giant liorsc. as it , wen-, passing the leaders with the characteristic ., da si: !■■• lias displayed in prcrtssti MMlMtm. He did ■ ml ;•■■ . to Roamer until the last eighth and the t two |»ut U|» a fierce battle to the end. Cudgel pet- x tins Id" verdict by a length. They were both well , in advance of Iconic Smith, which c;iiiii from the j rear !•■ liiird place and might have been much closer had Kelsay not Im-cii mixed up soon aft--r tlie start | ale! again M tic turn, losing several lengths. Out- , sije of |fcc first three hor~es. Ite others were well Ix-at.-n after going a mile. After the race Kehut- ] tinger -aid Lyke, on Cudgel, forced Koamer into . eies • iu;iitiTs ill the last sixteenth ale! clriiur-d iater«i ■;■ nee. hut he was promptly dismissed by the 5 steward* and the claim disallowed. ; oi:i:i!;;iidiT and his trainer were confident of victory lafore the race, as was Andrew Miller and John Sanford. "Roanier ran as good as could Im expected for an old horse." said Sir. Miller, "and I am satisfied a lietter horse U-jt him." All I.edv.cII had to say on In-half of Cudgel, w.-.s applauding his victory and regretting his luss •■• .lie bnMM Handicap at Jamaica a week ago. «lie,-e were those who watched the race closely, who Iwlievo George Smith was the best in the race. but unfortunate in the running as well as having an inferior rider to Lyke or Schuttingcr in the saddle, though it 1.111st be admitted that Kelsay came the nearest way home after his early troubles. Tne Brooklyn Handicap has been a immilar feature ;f eastern racing for many years and has always lieen contested for by the be!«t horses of each year, the list of its winners since 1907 being as follows: Year. Winner. A.Wt. Jockcv. Val Time. f.Mi, Sinn rman 3 99 W. ITill 1 1 11,1—1 ]■ WW Celt 3 KMi Ratter 19.750 2:01% PNr.i Kiug James 4 12« E. Dugau.. t.lW Titl IMC Fitz Herliert. . .4 130 E. Dugau.. 4.SO0 2:05% 1913 Wh. Broom II. .« 130 Xotter 3.125 2:03% f ISM Ituekhorn ■ 113 J. McCahcv 3.350 2:0S MIS Tartar 5 103 J. McTagt 3.S50 1:50".-. ■ BN Friar Rock 3 los E. Havnes. 3.H50 1:50 I MTB«M« 9 117 V. Knapp. 4.S50 1:49% litis Cudgel 4 Hi L. Lyke 4.K50 1:50 / No racing in 1911 and IM2. Run at Itelmont Park in 1!»13 and at A ;u-du-t in 1914. 1915. ■ 1910 and 1917. Distance 1 1-1 miles previous to 1915. High Time won the Hudson Stakes after leading from the rise of tne banter. There was a scramble for the leading position, with Lord Brighton and Star Hampton fighting for the honors. It was the second stake victory of the past ten days scored by the stable of H. A. Porter, who is one of the latest lee.-uits to racing. More gratifying was it when the tiuio of the race was hung out. 5S%.. as it es t.iblished a new track record for the distance by one-fifth of a second, reducing the time of 58:-,. made last year by Matinee Idol. Mr. Poller Was present and he and his trainer. Harry M irriss-y. were both warmly congratulated, as High Tim.-Ix-at all the prosiiectivc juvenile stars in the east Willi the exception of Elfin Queen and ISlue Laddie. TOO MUCH WEIGHT FOB LORD BRIGHTON. Lord Brighton was favorite for the race, but evidently could not concede the weight, as he met with no mishaps. Passing Showers chances went glimmering early when he got caught in a jam right after the start. There were three added starters t the event. Different Eyes. The Trump and Madam P.yug. tli" first named finishing third. The Hudson is an old established fixture, formerly i:;n at «;ravesend. and its interesting history briefly presented since 1907, i-- as follows: Year. Winner. Wt. Jockey. Val. Time. 19!l7 Royal Vane 115 Mountain ..$.".. S9". 1:00% 19IIS Law-ton Wiggins. 115 J. Lee 5.000 1:01 910 Trap Rock 125 E. Dugan.. 3.50O 1 :02 — 1914 Sea Shell 114 J. McCahcy. MM lift 1915 Paddy Whack 113 C. Borel... . 1.525 1:01 1910 Tumbler 122 T. McTagt 1.925 1 :00"- 1917 Drastic 112 I. P-utwcll. MOf 1:00- 191* High Time 112 E. Taplin. . . 3.650 :5s-;! Not run in 1!MI9 and 1913. No racing in 1911 and 1912. Run at Aqueduct in 1914. 1915. 1916 an i 1917. It reminded one of the old Brooklyn liaialieap days of years ago at Aoueduct today. One of the largest crowds of the year was present. The stand and new club house was packed almost to suffoea-tioii. - • oii«-erative estimate of the at tendance vvn 15. *Mi. President Shevlin received many words .if praise over the many improvements at the track. The new club house is jx-rfect in every respect, iM-ing so situated and raised that the races can be by everyone, even from the ground floor. The infield resembled a monster billiard table, the white obstacle* and fences giving it a picturesque relief. Kalit:;n carried E. B. Bradhys colors to victTy in the opening dash, hading from to finish. The sloepl... ;,;,~e contest proved easy for Reddest, from the Triple Spring- Farm Stable, while in the mile dash. Sam Hildrcths Poacher showed the way lioiiie after letting the pace throughout. J. W. *.! ■ "! Band furnished the winner of the closing race in his Swe.-p ,-,,it Kternal. a first-time starter. Jockey A. Johu-on made his first eastern appearance today. He arrived here from Latonia, accom-pani 1 ley trainer C. Ungues. The rider, who is und-r contract to J. II. liosseter. will remain in the ,-a-t until the s«-eiic shifts to Saratoga, where he-will rejoin the stable. Messrs. H. K. Knapp. M. J. Winn and W. S. Vos-b-.irgh are the stewards of the flat racing at j|njMtinxt. while Frank Bryan is steward represent ,ng the Iuilcd Hunts Steeplechase Association for limping contests. Charl-s K. «;raii.ger will be here on Thursday for 1 it rtntt. JoeUey Norm nn Kennedy and J. MHalio answered jbe -.ill to the colors yesterday. Tne l ver« U Stable has purchased The Trump from J. E. Widener. While at evereise on the r»ad today, New naven was struck by an automobile. The extent of liis injury hut. uot been Ueteriuiuvu.