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LATEST CURRENT NEWS OF THE DAY DAYWork Work at the Lynn Mass plants of the General Electric Company was hampered yesterday when employes to the number of 10000 according to the leaders estimate walked out in compliance witli a strike vote taken Saturday night Between 12000 and loOOO are employed in the several factories The strike was called for increased pay and changes in working conditions although no definite demands had been formulated The men are not unionized The company is engaged upon important war con ¬ tracts tractsAmerican American military effort is growing apace it be ¬ ing announced by the Chief jjf Staff in Washington that the number of troops dispatched to France has grown to 1100000 some 10000 men having left in the past week The formation of three army corps from the troops in France eacli corps com ¬ prising from 225000 to 250000 men was also made known knownGermany Germany is exercised over tlie situation in Kus sia Fears are felt by the enemy that the Bolsheviki government will be overthrown British reenforce ¬ ments have been dispatched to Siberia to aid the CzechoSlovak forces at Vladivostok and the Allies plan to give them what aid is needed to cope with the IJolslieviki army armyChicagos Chicagos loyalty stoood undisputed today not ¬ withstanding the fact approximately 1000 soldiers will be added to the citys contingent as the result of the four days slacker drive Officials agree that many of these cases were due to negligence but few were the result of willful evasion of the law lawForty Forty thousand soldiers and officers deserted the Austrian army after the great defeat on the Piavc according to information gathered from neutral sources Some of these men are armed and are hiding in the mountains Three thousand deserters are under arrest at Budapest BudapestPresident President Wilson Saturday made these army nominations Major General in the line of the army Major General William Crozier Major Gen ¬ eral Henry G Sharpe Quartermaster general with rank of major general for four years Brigadier General Harry L Rogers RogersIn In order to stimulate the yroduction of more pow ¬ erful engines and more suitable aircraft the Lon ¬ don Daily Mail announces the revival of its offer made in 1913 of a prize of 50000 to the first person who flies across the Atlantic in seventytwo consecutive hours hoursGeneral General Diaz is reported to have returned to the Italian front after spending several days in Home conferring with Premier Orlando and other govern ¬ ment officials He was warmly congratulated on his recent successes successesContracts Contracts for thirty additional steel cargo ships have been let by the shipping board to Japanese yards Contracts also have been let for building twenty transports to the Bethlehem Shipbuilding corporation at Alameda Cal CalThe The illness from which thousands of persons in German industrial districts are suffering and which lias been described as Spanish influenza is really due to hunger and consequent exhaustion the Tele grauf says it has learned learnedChairman Chairman Edward X Hurley of the Shipping Board Saturday let a contract for the construction of 120000 tons of steel ships in the Chinese govern ¬ ment yards at Shanghai ShanghaiThe The longrange bombardment of Paris was re ¬ sumed yesterday afternoon after a cessation of sev ¬ eral weeks says a dispatcli from tho French capi ¬ tal talAmerican American troops have been landed on the north ¬ ern coast of Russia according to a Central News dispatch from Amsterdam yesterday yesterdayActing Acting under legislative authority granted by the constitution the council of btate o llaiti has de ¬ clared war ou Germany