Empire City Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1918-07-31


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EMPIRE CITY FORM CHART NEW YORK TUESDAY JULY 30 1918 Empire City Fifteenth day Empire City Racing Association Summer Meeting of 10 days Weather showery temperature 80 Steward to Represent Jockey Club Andrew Miller Placing Judges C H Pcttingill and E C Smith Starter XIars Cassidj Racing Secretary A E Schaumberg FIRST RACE 1 Mile July 19 1916l385110 Purse 941 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 741 second 125 third S75 Index Horses AWtPPSt M 5iStrFin Jockeys Owners O U C P S SG4082TIP AVITCHET wn 3 100 21 1 H 1 = 14 jo G Walls J Sanford 1 39169APRI ARROAV w 3 105 3 4 3 3 311 2 E Sande Calumet Stable ole 4 455 13 out 39047 TOMBOLO wn 103 1 2 2 2t 2nt 2 3 ° A Pickens Nevada Sk Fm m li 15 30 30 fi 2 K9158 CELTO w G 104 4 3 5 5 4 4 4s A Collins J S Tyree S 12 12 3 25 3 013 BERLIN D Owens AV C AVoant Time 24 48 113 139 Track fast fastWinner Winner B g by Broomstick Lady Frivoles trained by J W Young bred by Mr Harry Payne V Intney AVent to post at 230 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won cantering second and third driving TIPPITJT WITCHET set a fast pace under restraint to the home turn from where he drew away to win pulling up AFRICAN ARROW raced TOMROLO into defeat and made a game finish The latter ran well and is improving CELTO lacked speed BERLIN ran a good half and quit Scratched 39152Minto II 115 391 2Jack Stuart 105 39104 Bantry 99 Overweights Tippity Witchet 1 pound Tombolo 4 QO CTI SECOND RACE 1 116 Miles July 11 1914 144 6 121 Purse 841 4year O J JLO JL olds and upward Selling Net value to winner 691 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt H 14 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H i S9157 LITTLE COTTAGE w 4 107 8 7 GJ 5nk 75 2 1 J H AVakoff D Shaw 6 S 7 A 1 891573PERUGINO wr 5 109 1 2 H 1J 41 2i G AValls P M Civill 8 9 8 i 1 39156CHILLUM wn 4 112 4 4 5 3 J 2nt 3 = 3J A Collins Kentucky Stable G 10 8 3 7 39166 NAPOLEON wn 4 109 10 6 7l 7 fi 4 4l G MolcsthD E Dibble Vt 20 0 7 3 391GOHAYDEN wit G 104 OS 10 10 10 lf 95 r1 S SndmanJ M Booker 0 30 8 4 3915 3AVILD THYME wn 4 107 3 1 2J 2J 1 Ink c R Troise H Shields 20 20 0 7 3 39140ALDEBARAN wn 9 115 G 9 S 8J S nj 1 E Sande T Livingston 71045 71014 out 39157 G M MILLER wit 11 109 5 5 9 9 9 s5 S AV MclnreR P Carman 0 0 ° 0 8 4 391GOLAZY LOU wit 4 105 710 3 4 3J 1 9 L Stalker AV Smith G 10 10 3 75 39140 GILLIES wn 5 109 2 3 4J G1 5 10 10 AV Ivelsuv Olympus Stable 20 25 25 8 4 4Time Time 24 48 S 114 140 147 Track fist fistAAinner AAinner B c by Jubilee Mabel J trained by J Hone bred by Mrs AAllliam Jennings Went to post at 300 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing LITTLE COTTAGE began slowly on the outside but gaining steadily caught the leaders in the final eighth and won going away PKJtUGINO set a good early pace and suffered from interference on the last turn but finished gamely CIIILLUM ran well but was tiring at the end NAPOLEON closed a gap AVILD THYME showed much speed but tired after racing into the lead and interfering witii QQ Q THIRD RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards July 20 1918 l42 i 5 117 Purse 941 O 7 JLO JLOatf atf 3yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 741 second 125 third 75 Index Horses AAVtPPSt 34 Str Fin Jockeys Owners OH 38789HARAVOOD II w G 104 3 3t 4 23 1 Q Preece Marrone Stable 552 71013 391 3919SDAN 9SDAN wn 4 109 109S643NIGEL 2 = 2J 2s 15 23 A Pickens J H Shrove 2 4 3J G5 12 S643NIGEL wit 5 109 AVinner Cli g by Cicero Dictate tmined by A C Porretto bred in England by Lady James Douglas DouglasAVent AVent to post at 329 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing HARWOOD II under restraint in the early running meed into the lead after rounding the last turn and was cased up at the cud DAN forced the pace and held on gamely after racing NIGEL into defeat The latter showed the most early speed but quit in the stretch BAR OF PHOENIX was fir back on the outside in the curly running but finished with a rush EMPRESS tired after racing well to the stretch The winner entered for 1000 was bid lip to 1405 and bought in inScratched Scratched 39131 = Drigoon 97 391S1 G M Miller 103 103Overweights Overweights Bar of Phoenix 1 pound O FOURTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs July 22 1918 1054 8 lis Tenth Running O WAKEFIELD HANDICAP Guaranteed Value 3000 2yearolds Net value to win ¬ ner 2325 second 400 third 200 Index Horses SiStrFin Jockeys 39I70 = CHASSEUR w 108 31 li I1 1 = 1s E Sande Kentucky Stable 25 25 720out S9 179 TRANSLATE ws 116 12 2 25 2 2 H Alex A H Morris 2i 3 3 13 out 39145 1JELAR1O wi 104 23 3 3 5 3 G AValls J E AVidener S 10 10 75 out outTime Time 22 46J5 100 100 Track good AVinner B c by Light Brigaide Panne trained by AV F Martin bred in England by Capt E Ent Ew w nt to post ait 357 At post 1 minute Start good and fast AVon easily second amil third driv ¬ ing rilASSElR set a fast pace from the start and drew aiwaiy in the stretch to win in a canter TRANSLATE vigorously ridden in am effort to gain the lead was in close quarters next to the rail and tired BELARIO was always outpaced Oft Cf FIFTH RACE About 34 Mile July 22 1918 10714 5 128 941 Added 3year 5yAO olds antl upwaird Handicap Net value to winner 816 second 125 third 75 i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 1 Time 22 47 109 Track sloppy AVinner Br g by Toddington llollybush trained by F 1 AVeir bred by Messrs Stone Rucker Went to post at 434 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third tliu same HAMILTON A set a great pace for the sloppy going and gamely withstood TOP O Til MORXIXGS challenge TOP O TH MOltXIXG raced in closest pursuit and came wide when enter ¬ ing the stretch but almost got up to win STAUTLIXG ran well and oiitgamcd ARNOLD for third The latter ran well PHILIPPIC showed improvement JOCK SCOT was unfit and ran ac acscratched scratched 3SG14 The Masqneradcr 11G SIXTH RACE 58 Mile July 25 1918 59 2 118 Purse 841 2yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 691 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 34StrFin Jockeys Owner 915 JOA OF ARC w 102 fi 3 2U 25 1 Q Preece A Hernandez JO 30 30 8 Z Z391G1SHKRMAX 391G1SHKRMAX A w 110 32 1 I3 2 2 H Wakoff H L Bresler 45 C5 C5 25 out outiai55 iai55 LAMENTATION w 107 24 4 5 41 3 A Collins M J Leonard 12 12 10 3 C5 C53JI107 3JI107 PREVARICATE w 110 4 G G 6 55 4 W McInreP M Civill SO 30 30 8 3 3SUfi7 SUfi7 GLENN w 110 55 5s 4J G 5s W Kelsay T P Thorne 455 85 35 30000 WISE JOAN wi 112 11 3 3 G G SchcrrerWdland Sk Fmll52i 35 35 14 14Time Time 23 48 101 Track sloppy sloppyWinner Winner It f bv ISallot Jessie Woodson trained by A J Karr bred by Mr L A Lyne LyneWent Went to iKist at 504 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Aon easily second and third driv ¬ ing JOAN OF ARC seemingly favored by the going caught SHERMAN A tiring on the last turn and dnw far away to win in a canter SHERMAN A displayed the most early speed but tired badly LAMEXTATION made up much ground oil the tinner going in the middle of the track PRIVVARIOATE ran away a qntrier of a mile before the start then was running fast at the end next to the rail GLKXX ran poorly WISH JOAX tired badly Scratched 391G7 = AVoiideriuaii 110 39130 Venetian Boy 110 39153 Marie Council 107 30153 Nanette Flack 107

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1918073101/drf1918073101_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1918073101_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800