Empire City Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1918-07-31


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EMPIRE CITY FORM CHART DELAYED IX TRAXSMISSIOX BECAUSE OP INTERRUPTION OF TELE ¬ GRAPHIC SERVICE NEW YORK MONDAY JULY 29 1918 Empire City Fourteenth day Empire City Racing Associa ¬ tion Summer Meeting of 1C days Weather clear temperature 0 Steward to Represent Jockey Club Andrew Miller Placing Judges C II Pettingill and E C Smith Starter Mars Cassidy Racing Secretary V E Schanmberg Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs July 22 1918 105 2 119 Purse 62507 Index Horses AWtPPSt Ji ziStrFin Jockeys o n c P 2J lu is 1 = G Walls Sylvester Stable 2 3i 3i G5 33 3 = 3 = 2 2 = 1 A Collins J J Farrell Jr 10 15 S 3 75 C5U3AIDGE F w 112 24 5 5s 5 3 = It Bolton H Neusteter 4 4 13545 1354525 25 3910GTIPPLER wu 117 52 1 = 2i 3i 4 4J G Byrne H Bowen 75 752 2 9571013 iatGSSTHE 9571013iatGSSTHE TALKER w 101 1 5 G = G G 5 ° G PreeceJrG W Loft 5 G 5 2 45 38 79 BUTTERFLY w 103 G G 4 4J 4i G = R Troise R F Carman lo 20 20 7 3 39 ijiii 130 HASTY tiAaiiiLrt LADY i wit 100 4 7 7 7 7 7 Q Preece G Preece 30 30 20 8 4 Time 23 47 100 106 Track fast fastWinner Winner It f by Javelin Plain Jane trained by E Peters bred by AVickliffe Stud StudWent Went to post at 230 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow AVou easily second and third driv in KEEN JANE Ixgau forward and racing into the lead while rounding the last turn won in a fainter CLEAN GOXE raced prominently and was going fast at the end MADGE F made up ground from a slow beginning under weak riding TIPPLER began well but tired after setting a fast early pace THE TALKER made up some ground next to the rail BUTTERFLY showed speed speedScratched Scratched 391G7 = AVondermin 11 39153 Lamentation 103 O k rrCT SECOND RACE 1 Mile July 19 1916 138 5 110 Purse 62507 3yearolds lJ JL V O Selling Net value to winner 47507 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 StrFin Jockeys SOlfiS APPROVAL we 11G G 3 is 1 E Sande J M Crane CraneSi 34432 710 9002 WOOD VIOLET wn 111 4 6 Si 22 G MolesthE K Bryson 4 4 1151 12 39158 PERIGOURD1NE WJ Ill 2 2 2 = 35 G Walls B Williams 8 12 12 5 2 39131 M1LLRACE Will 3 37 7 fi G1 4 = 45 4 G iiyme E S Sietas SietasG3 iotas i 5 S S 3 G5 39144 CORYDON wn 11G 7 4 8 S S G3 E5 G ScherrerW H Travers 10 12 12 5 2i 39113 MISS STERLING w 111 S 5 5 53 Gs 51 G15 R Troise E Lutz 3 3i 1G565 35 3 964 POSTAGE STAMP w 111 1 S 4 41 7l 3 7ut A Collins A Brent 30 30 30 10 4 4391C8WIL 391C8WIL HUMPHREY wn 111 5 1 Ji 1J 2 7 S J Dursch B J Creighton 10 15 10 4 2 Time 24 48 114 141 Tract fast fastWinner Winner 15 c by Plaudit Autumn Leaves trained by G J Miller bred by Mr John E Madden MaddenAVent AVent to post at 239 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing APPROVAL after being saved under early restraint raced into the lead while rounding the last turn but tired and was hard ridden to withstand WOOD VIOLETS belated rush The latter was far back in the early running but came with a great rush at the end PERIGOURDIXE was much used in racing with tin pactmaker but held on well to the end MILLRACE made a stretch challenge then tired I1SS STERLING had no mishaps WILLIAM HUMPHREY set a good pace to the far turn and quit quitScratched Scratched 3917 = Valerius 111 391t 3 Broom Peddler 110 3917 Jack of Spades 122 f t f7G THIED EACE 1 Mile July 19 1916 138 5 110 Eed Cross Handicap 82507 t t JL i O Added 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 69007 second 125 third 75 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi StrFin Jockeys O H C P S 39171 DORCAS wu 5 102 2 2 25 2s 21 I1 1J E Sande 3 li 58 = RHINE MAIDEN wn fi 100 1 1 is 1i Ii 2 G Walls E F Whitney 2J 3J 1G51 25 391 05 FLITTERGOLD wn 7 103 5 4 4 48 4s 4 33 R Troise E K Bryson G 8 8 3 G5 UJ58QU1ETUDE w 3 105 433 3i 3i 35 4J A Collins A H Morris 344 G5 12 3971 = HENDRIE wi 5 126 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 G MolestliF D Weir 2 125S5 35 13 13Time Time 24 4S 113 139 Track fast Winner 1 in by Ildrim Bawte trained by F Regan bred by Mrs L A Livingston LivingstonWent Went to post at 328 At post 1 minute Start good and slow for all but 1IEXDRIE Won easily second and third driving DORCAS forced the early pace passed RHINE MAIDEN on thc turn taud was vasing up at the end The latter showed the most early speed but tired in the stretch and swerved under niiiishnnnt FLITTERGOLD closer up than usual in the early running finished fast QUIETUDE tired MENDRIE dwelt at the start and made up some ground under vigorous riding FOURTH RACE 1 116 Miles July 11 1914 144 6 121 Ninth Running MEL ROSE STAKES Guaranteed Value 2000 3yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 1725 second 350 third 150 Index Horses AWtPPSt V4 viStrFin Jockeys O U C P Nevada S k F m 3 4 3 G5 out out913AVHIMSY 913AVHIMSY wis on i i z u uyrne Cleveland Stable G5 G5 91013 out 39104 ELMEXDORF wi 1 101 1 1 4 4 3 315 G AAalls Quincy Stable 2i i 31 1 out tsjiinuiii 39104GREEN N o GOLD w 3 99 2 3 Il 3 = 4 4 4 G PreeoeJrA A Rcilly G 7 G S5 out Tme 23 113 139 14G Track fast fastWinner Winner Br g by Bannockburn Schwalbe trained by E F AVright bred by Mr Barney Schreiber SchreiberAVent AVent to post at 3rS At post 1 minute Start good and slow AAon driving second and third the sime SLIPPERY ELM under good riding saved ground on the turns held on gamely in the stretch and jiist ontstaiyed AV1I1MSY The latter came wide on the last turn and would have won in ainother stride FLMEXDORF began slowly but recovered ground aind was within striking distance on the last turn then tired GREEN GOLD saved ground on the first turn and displayed high speed then tired rapidly The winner entered for 1500 wais bid up to 2S05 and bought in inScratched Scratched 39100 KohiXoor 90 Overweights AVhimsy 2 pounds Offc TQ FIFTE EACE About 34 Mile July 22 1918 l07 i 5 128 62507 Added 3year Otf L 4 O olds and upward Selling Net value to winner 72507 second 100 third 50 Index Horses = iStrFin Jockeys R F Carman 10 20 15 C 39157 LANGDEN w 4 112 23 iu iu ill IM D Stirling G B Wagnon G 10 8 3 S5 39 137 MANGANESE 7 lli 1 1 3 = 31 3 = 3X G Byrne C Buxton 852 1 95 45 25 253890OTHE 3890OTHE DECISION 3 113 C 4 V 5i 4 = R Troxlcr J E Davis G lS52 710 591 CO TRIAL BY JURY fi 112 3 G 41 4l 41 5l G MolcstllD E Dibble 15 15 13 G 3 3S9114 S9114 EL MAHDI 7112 5 2 91 9 71 Gl R Troise G J Miller 20 SO 30 12 G GSal40CAPT Sal40CAPT MCHMONT 7 107 11 9 Sl 7 7i S SndmanJ AV Moore SO 20 30 12 G G39154IRISH 39154IRISH MAID 41071010 11 10i 95 S1 E Sando HUnni 4 4 18532710 1853271039154PAGANINI 39154PAGANINI 3 102 S S G1 5 SJ 91 L Stalker W Smith 10 15 13 G 3 91B3 DELANCEY 5 112 9 7 7 81 10iio = AV MclnreA Lezama 30 30 30 12 c i89GO APPTON WISKE 4 107 4 11 10 11 11 11 J DminickW Stormont G 10 10 4 2 Time 22 47l5 1OOVS 109 Track fast fastWinner Winner Br li by Watcrboy Star trained by R F Carman bred by Mr James B Haggin HagginWent Went to post ait 42S At post 3 minutes Start good aind slow Won easily second aind third driv ¬ ing BLAZEAWAY raced LANGDEX into defeat and drew out in tho final eighth LAXGDEX showed the most speed nearlv aill the waiy but was no match for the winner at the end MANGANESE ran ai good race and had no mishaps THE DECISION was in tight quarters in the first half and finished fast when whenC C scratched 39134 Meliorai 107 3S914 Busy Joe Ill 39103 Ed Cudihee 112 39002 Herder 100 39173 Aliss Sterling 100 391 S Stair Ben 103 3ftlii7 Blue Grass Belle 10 39131 Riverside 11 37731 None ¬ such 107 391GS llairry Burgoyne 103 391CS First Troop 103 39131IDragoon 110 391GS Helen Atkin 100 TJ137 Julia L 107 107Overweights Overweights Iaganini pounds Offl rTO SIXTH EACE 58 Mile July 25 1918 59 2 113 Purse 62506 2yearolds O 7 I 4 J Maidens Special Weights Net value to winner 47506 second 100thirdt 50 Index Horses AAVtPPSt 4 Jfc Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 1 1 Ink ij Av Kelsay G W Loft Loft2t f2X 3 1331 25 91 131ETER 113 1 3 3yillfil 2t j 3 E Sande J E Widener 2 2 95 71025 71025G yillfil TRANSLVTE 115 7 G 51 5 = 31 3 H Alex A H Morris G G 5 2 1 1G 39135 LILLIAN SHAW 112 4 2 2LEADING 41 33 43 43 G yrnc J Livingston G S S 3 85 852V LEADING STAR 113 3 1 1TAG 33 41 53 5 G Walls J Fitzsiminons 2V 5 4i S5 45 45f2V3 TAG 112 5 9 9 83 1 G5 H Wakoff G W Loft Loftfii f2V3 1351 25 30124 MISS HERRMANN 112 i 1 1TAILOR fii n G 7l F HopkinsJ Troy 30 30 30 12 G TAILOR MAID w 112 8 S SS01C7 S = 7 = S 8 A Collins Olympus Stable 30 30 30 12 G GSOI SOI S01C7 07 BAI BALAROSA VROSA w 115 2 25 5 7 9 9 II it Troise E F Whitney 30 30 30 12 G Go o separate place or show Ixtting Time 23s 47 100 Track fast Winner Br c by IVcp oDay Subdue traiincd by M Ilirsch bred by Mr J Hart Brown Viit to post at r 00 At jiost 3 minutes Start good amd slow Won driving second and third the sanif DAYDlK wt a fast pace said stasnding n hard drive gamely outstayed PETKR ait the end PETER moved up fast on the stretch turn but tired aifter getting to the leader TRANSLATE began slowly and made a fast finish LEADING STAR showed a Hash of speed then tired LILLIAN SHAW ran well wellScratched Scratched 38 iRoderick Dhu 113 39107 = Woiideruiau 113 39149 Gilder 115 3U155 Lamentation 111 3S0 5 Poilu 115

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1918073101/drf1918073101_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1918073101_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800