Licensed Trainers And Jockeys: List of Those Who May Train and Ride Horses at the Saratoga Meeting., Daily Racing Form, 1918-07-31

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LICENSED TRAINERS AND JOCKEYS List of Those Who May Train and Ride Horses at the Saratoga Meeting MeetingNew New York July 30 With the close proximity of tiie Saratoga meeting for which over 1500 horses will lie available it will be interesting to know what trainers and jockeys are licensed to follow their vocations at the Spa As the racing at Sara ¬ toga as well as at ail the other eastern tracks is under the jurisdiction of the Jockey Club permis ¬ sion to race train and ride horses there must be had froui the turf governing body The trainers and jockeys with licenses to take part in the racing at Saratoga are as follows followsTRAINERS TRAINERS Anderson John S Arthur James Biiktr W II Baxter L II Joal X K Beckett William Bcdwoll II G Bernard M Billings Steve Biriiie Win Blark J M Blnkely A G BliiniL August C RMkn J JBooker Booker Samuel T ISovlf U V Pvle T II Brady M Brandt C F Bray Frank M Brtnt A Bnrsler A R 1rooks Joseph Brooks William II llniun Ixniis Rrysoii G It Bnrhiinin Dan Bulcroft Allan Burcrli Preston M Burlew Fred liurko George P Burke W J Burttschrll W A Burttscholl J O Russcv J G Buxton C Bvcr J PVIT X L Taliill Win Carman R F Carman R F Jr CanuV John Casey C J Carov L J Carncr II Carroll J Carroll Thus J Ci cy W V Chincy W C Chirk C F Clopton S A CIssiia W U Cole B L Colston Raleigh Colton Kdward T Coiigdon R Congdou W II Cotton H A Crawford W A Cunningham Eldridge Daly M Daly W C Darke C X Davfv William Davids C II Daly M J Dealy Kd Devtrs Frank DeWitt C Diclxild C II Diggs G I Dodge George W Dmmhue T J Donovan J L Douglas Charles II Douglass Daniel Dowilell John F Duiilny II Edwards Joe Farrar F Farrell II Fenstel Louis Flanigaii J J Fitzsimmons James Fox Paul J Frayling Jas K Frid E Freeman C X Freeman W Frisbit F C Fnentez Juan Garrison K II Garson Jule Garth Ixjwis Garth William Gasser C W WJoMlilatt JoMlilatt M Mloldsltorougli loldsltorougli A J J5o 5o lin Al Alioodmaii ioodmaii J I Ilorham lorham Isadore Isadore5n 5n ver J W Hackett M Hagan Colin Hummond Dee Harlau Scott P Harrington F Ilealy J Sinioii Healy James Healey Thomas J Henry W II Hildreth S C Henuessy G 15 Herold F A Herron Harry Hirscli Max Hoag H W Hogan Michael Hogan Willium Holberg Alf Hope John House W S Hurley W Jennings W B Jennings William Johnston James Jordan Mat Joyner A J Judge Steve Kane O Karr A J Karrick W II Kaufman K D Kelly Frank Kelly J Kelly M C Kcrmath John T Kraft F K Langdon George Lawler Stephen J Larks Charles Leary I J Leibert Edw Leigh H Eugene Uwis A S Lewis J JLivingston Livingston William J Loweiistfin Mose Luckey George A Lutz Eugene M Mailory Fred Mauley Charles Martin Wiliimi Martin AV F Martin William T Marline Lonis May J W May berry J p McAvoy J H McCnrmack J McDaiiiel I U McDaniel H McDaniel W McGinuis J U McKeever Roltert McMitcliell George T McXanghtoii S Merritt C Mickelwaite C K Midgley Frank Midgley William It Miller George J Miller John Miller It O Misick James D Mitchell W B Molinelli A Moore Charles K Morrissey H Morton George II Muir John T Miilrenan Jolm J Murphy J A Murphy James Murphy J AV Musante Fred Xeal A Neusteter II Neville Frank OBrien John M Odom tSeorge M Odoiu Jack D Oliver William L OSullivan E T Owens J E Ownbey James S Pangle J AV Patterson Kimball Patterson Rody Perkins AV Peters Edward Peterson George Phelan Edward Phillips George Phillips Jack Pope Ben Porretto A C Post AV II Preece Godfrey Proctor T Pryeo John Purcell E D Itasch O C Raymond AV H Reed C Regan Frank Reynolds M P Rice B B Richardson John F Itidge G M Rinehart Frank Ripley It Rites Harry Roseacher II Rowe James Sawyer L O Schelke Fred Schorr John F Segler F Shannon Harry Shannon Thos J Slieedy AV M Sheridan James J Sheridan P Sherman Gco P Shields John Shields AAilliam Simons A Simpson It Sinnott James M Smart Matt Smith It A Snelson X L Snyder Charles S Soaller Andrew P Stern Joe Stevens Frank J Stonebridge AV G Stotier J H Straite George II Strode J A StrulK Louis Sykes John A TaiilMr Louis TanhllP P Taylor F M Terry George Thornby John It Travers It Travers AV II Trotter Edward Truvumu E Turner Nash Aeitch Silas Vivell A H Voyce It II Wagnon J G AValden Robert J AValker AV S Walker William AValsIi Myles Waters It P AVatkins R E AAayland E Weant AV C Webber Theodore O Weir Frank D West II R A Welsh Thomas Welsh Maurice Weston A G AVhalen John AVhelan Edward Williams Howard Winfrey G C Wright E V Yarnall John F Young AA J Zeigler George Zimmcr A Alex II Alexandra G Allen Lawrence Ambrose Edward E AIMJI Geo Atkinson James Ball Raymond E Barrett X Bell John Bethul AAm Boltou Robert Borel Chas B Itullniau II Burger X Butwell James Buxton M Byrne G Caldwell Ollie Callahan J Campbell E Casey A Cavanaugh H Collins A Collins J Collins AV Constantino AAfi Corey Geo Cruise J Davies Thomas Dawson Jolm C Denyse Roy Dodd John Walter Domlniek Joe Don John Douglas Daniel Doyle AAilliam Ensor L Failbrother C Francis J JGargan Gargan William Jr Garrigan C Gentry Lloyd Glass 1 II Goodwin Harold Griffith Herbert Hanover John Hanson C Henpel Jacob Hoffman Douglas Hoffman Itobert Hopkins Fred Humphries AAT E Huff Nicholas Jackson Charles P Jeffcott Harold Johnson A Kederis Joseph Kelsay AVilliam Kerr AVilliam Kirsclibiiuni Chris Kleegcr B Knipp AVilliam S Kummer Clarence Lang AV Loftus John Longo James Lunsford Harry E Lyke Lawrence Manly Harry T Mam Vincent McAtee L McCrann Itoy McDermott Alexander McGraw S A Mclntyre AVilliam P McTaggart John Mergler C CMidgley Midgley AVilliam O Jr Moleswortli George Mooney J Moore Ray Murphy John Myers Harry Xotter Joseph A Obcrt AV OBrien AV J Owens D Parrington Thomas Peak Charles It Pelser Samuel Petz Joseph G Pickens Arthur Pitz Jolm Pool Earl Preece Fred Preece G Jr Rice Ted Robinson F Robinson AVilHe Rodriguez J Romanelli It C Rowan M Rowan Thomas Ryan J P Sands Earl II Scherrcr George Schuttinger Andrew Smith S Sneidman Samuel Sorrell Raymond Stalker L Stirling Francis Stirling Dave Taplin E Taylor James Tudor Claude Troise Raymond Troxlcr It O Aran Kirk John Walls George AAakoff Harry AVard AVilmer Warscher Bernard AVatson Charles AVessler Julius Williams J AVillie Liuwood Woodstock Fred I

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Local Identifier: drf1918073101_6_2
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