Second Race [2nd Empire City, Daily Racing Form, 1918-07-31

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SECOND RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling July 19 1916 138 5 110 TOKAY ft g 6 111 111SH51 By Marchmont II Tokalon T J OBrien SH51 Kmiiirc 1 11G 147 fast S5 IOC 6 63S357 2 23 1 L Ensor 10 llSHoine JofSpdes OMmont 3S357 Pimlico 1 142 fast 24 109 G G37G4S 9 SJ 7 A Collins y WaukcaK Flittersolil Polruma 37G4S Oaklwn ImTOy l43 l43sfast sfast 31 10S 2 2375C9 3 31 Zl L Lyko 5 Clicer Loader HciiTcrkill JSurlin 375C9 Oahlwn 1 l39 fast 4 306 3 5 4 3i L Lyke Daddyllolbert Warsaw Lottery 37308 FGnds 1 33S = ffast 7 110 C C3G94G 6 51 6 J Mclntyre 7 Water I idy Warsaw It n font 3G94G FGnds 1 338fast S ICC 5 53G53G 4 4 4l ° AV Collins G Lady Rothn Hob Henaley Sasin 3G53G Jeffson 1 343fast 32 IDS C 7 61 7 O Willis 10 Klines Wodward DickWilliuma 2033 Latonia Im70y l41fast 1C 103 1 12C14G 4 5 5ts C VnDun 5 Cndcel Col Vcnnie LadyRotlia 2C14G Latonia 1 11C l47 l47shvy = shvy 19 105 5 5SGOG3 5 5 5 C VanDun r Iidwiy Fninklin Jtan Waite SGOG3 Latonia 1 I1C l43fast 7 IOC 1 1355G1 3 3J 312 C VanDun fi Cudgel Fruit Cake Franklin 355G1 Ixsxton 1 14 204fast 25 103 2 2S54GG 1 34 3 C VnDun 5 Embroidery Valor McAdoo S54GG Lcxton 1 11C l45ifast la 1041 2 2CURRENCY 3 4 45i C VanDun 4 Jiiduay McAiloo Opportunity OpportunityBy CURRENCY ft e 3 94 94391C3 By Sain Gold E F Whitney 391C3 Empire A1 31 110 fast 7 103 C 4 3 21 G Walls 7 Jost Ziirato Louiso V Kmpross MS Empire Ab34 l09ifast 15 111 3 2 2 3 F Smith 7 Hamilton A Mid Sun Sirllclio 39127 Empire 1 l29j fast 20 9 5 2 7 7 7s ± s S JIcGrasv 7 Minto II Jack Stuart Dan 31 029 AqMuct GJ f 119 fast 20 309J 1 1S9S7 5 71 710 R Iloffmn fl S SnaiiKlod Louise V Empress S9S7 AqMuct Gi f llS fast 20 103 8 C 55 35J J Bell n Tcliboarer Miinokin EdCudiliee 38320 AqMuct 34 112 fast 25 110 7 73S722 8 S S K Hoffmn S SSnnnKlcd KsCub CLdecker 3S722 Jamaica 3m70y34Sslop 10 107 3 6 o H18 A Collins 13 UoyccKools AV Violet AfArrow 38405 Belmont 3i f st 304fast 12 110 3 3SS241 2 G5 5IS C Kummer 7 FIIKS Forefintimd Sir Hello SS241 Pimlico 34 114 fast 175 102 5 4 41 G l H Bullmn 8 Mars Mouse Juio King John 38193 Pimlico 34 l14hyy 20 103 1 13S127 3 32 4J C Kummer 5 DrJohnson Lcochares JookSrot 3S127 Pimlico 34 l13fast 35 115 5 53SOGO 2 CJIO10 A Collins 11 Kate Bright Joliren Sw Up II 3SOGO Pimlico 34 l14good 48 98 3 1 I1 31 H Bullmn 7 Crank Peerless One Nebraska 36311 Pimlico 6J f 3OS fast 9 110 8 8BTJCKBOARD 7 GJ 73 W Obert 8 Paddy Bhizonry Bughouse BughouseBy BTJCKBOARD TJ g 4 107 By Aeronaut Bettie Bouncer N A Bycr BycrG 04G IMmlico 1 343 ihvy 44 117 2 G G GJ E Campbl C Hauberk Philippic Damtoscli 35191 RoseTree AblJ 218 Rood 310 122 1223T9GI 2 B Campbl 5 Arelidale 15r l lle In and Out 3T9GI PipRk Al 34 335Uslow 5 139 3 33TSS7 5 G 45J E Campbl 5 II Maiden T Itlooin Huntress 3TSS7 PipRkAbl 1S lrC good 2J HO 1 135SS4 2 33 32 E Cmpbll 4 1C Maiden ThIUoom Pollyaima 35SS4 PipRk AblJ 213 Rood 1fi 140 1 1 l 1 E Campbl 3 Spearman Dolly Madison 25721 A iduct 1 11G 145 fast 7 105 4 4 3U 34i J IcTagt 4 Clilclct Ilendric Dads Clioioo 31613 AqMuct 1 13S fast 45 109 5 G 4 = 1 F Kobson n M Toi CTjissel Q of theWatcr 3533 Belmont 1 12 233ffast 40 11G 2 3 3 3 = A Schugr 3 Omar Khayyam Ilourless 35412 Belmont 1 l4UVffast G 115 3 3 21 2l A Schugr 4 Cox Manister Toi Minui 3Ti375 Relmont 1 l391 fast 5 I2fi 3 3 3 3 W Knapp 4 Suiifiash II Pickwick llabcock 35JST Bolmont 1 12 234 mud 4 99J 233 4 3 21 M Howan 4 riirantis II Fizir AmuricnIII 35120 Saratoga 1 1S In9imud 95 115 243 243350S2 2 I1 I4 E Haynes r Viewpoint Star Maid Hesse 350S2 Saratoga 1 l43slow 35 IOC 3 3 2 2N 3 24 11 A Schugr 8 Torclibeiirer Valor Alvord AlvordBy N K SEAL en g 4 112 112ailCG By Glorificr Puritan Girl J H Shrovo ailCG Empire 1 18 l3iffaRt 2 114 G 4 B 3 I4 1s II Trolsc 7 Dundreary Ifoflliocnix MItryn 157 Empire Im70y l447Jfast S 113 243 3 2i 24 K Troise 8 Oolding Porugino Sky Pilot 39107 Empire Im70y l4G3fast 10 320 332 33228xr9 2 2 24 G Corey 10 Sunny Hill Aldfbaran Chlllum 28xr9 AqMuct 1 l4Uimud 12 115 355 3553S789 5 41 24 G Corey 14 Cadillac Woodthrush Sun Hill 3S789 AqMuct 1 11G l4G ifast 25 118 2 4 5 7 71 71J G Byrne 8 Kcw ONeil Deckmnte Ellison 2 2rC5 rC5 Bclmont 1 38 221slop 8 110 2 2 2 2SS52S 2 21 3s G Corey 5 Hnhvobd II Kingfisher S Pilot SS52S IJclmont 1 1S 155 fast 8 112 3 4 5 5284G2 6 5 S10 G Corey 0 J Wingfield Ellison Kingfisher 284G2 Belmont 1 11G l4Sslop 31 111 S 3 2 2 I ih R Troise 11 Ellison Kingfisher Greetings 38331 Jamaica Im70yl47sood 20 112 3 3 G GSK205 7 45 3 = 3 G Corey 14 Election Dervish Precise SK205 Pimlico ImGOy l4Ggood 15 110 1 1 1 1BENEVOLENT 1 I1 lk G Corey 15 Captain Ray Tie Pin Dalroae DalroaeBy BENEVOLENT ft c G 107 107391S2 By Benvenuto Linton Lily Woodland Stock Farm 391S2 Empire ImTOy l43good 15 103 744 744391GO 5 5 = 514 L Stalker 7 Harwood II Dan JCigel 391GO Empire 1 11G 148 fast 2 11C 3 2 3 33S9S7 4 81 lO9 G Scherrcrll Lazy Lou Starter Firing Line 3S9S7 AqMuct G f l18 fast 7 122 3 5 5SS951 7 7 G11 G Corey 9 Torchbearer Munokin Currency SS951 AqMuct 1 l40fast 45 110 2 1 2 2 in I1 G Byrne 1 Iron Cross II Tielin Nebraska 30124 Laurel 31 l13good 57 115 4 G G G ° G9J A Schugr 7 Itringliurst EdCndihee Startling W3 Saratoga 1 139 fast 20 108 S S 7 9 S 9 C FbthcrlO Tea Caddy Crimper Dodge DodgeC 34992 Saratoga 34 11G mud 7 133 C C G GM C Fbther G Ittterscotch II TCaddy Hussy 20300 Pimlico Im70y l4C fast 34 32G 2 2C0012 1 11 1i C Fbthor 4 Oratorium C Vcnnie Pllermis C0012 Laurel ll3Sfast l5 104 5 3 1 11 R Ball 5 Flittergold Cnprn A N Akin 29353 Laurel 1 11C l4Gfa t 12 111 3 329S27 1 3s I3 C Fbther G Polroma Bcrrilldon Plaudito 29S27 Laurel 1 l42good 45 110 2 2iOli 1 1 1 C Fbther 0 Jtnadmaster Whimsy Kilmer iOli JIdeGce 31 113 fast 125 120 9 9irrer 7 74 543 A Schugr 0 Pnllnx Squeeler Murpliy irrer AqMuct Gi f 119 fast 3i 111 3 4 31 2i C Fbthei10 Kilkenny Hoy ISrooks Lorsican LorsicanBy WOOD VIOLET ch f 3 90 902il7r By Trap Rock Vcodviae E K Bryson 2il7r Empire 1 l41fast 115 111 G 5 31 2 G Molosth 8 Approval Perjgonrdinc Miilrace 29002 AqMuct 1 IMOlifast 20 100 12 12SSKG9 10 Si C8i R McCrnnlG JaekStuart JofSpades Dragoon SSKG9 AqMuct 1 l4iysmud 5 101 10 3 2J G J G Walls 14 Cadilluc NKIUal Woodthrush WoodthrushG 2872 Jamaica lm70yl4Sslop 8 104 4 43SGG7 G 41 25 A SchugrlS Roycellols AArrow Wdtlirush 3SGG7 Jamaica lm70yl4G fast 25 98 3 33857S 3 24 25 Q Walls 9 Cadillac Golding Eldcrkcn EldcrkcnC 3857S Bclmont 1 l40fast 15 100 G G2SG50 C 5 = 5 L Ensor fi Kohinoor Right Lady Varii 2SG50 Bclmont 34 st l12Mfast 20 98 15 16 14 1412 R Troise 20 GoldenOlow Onico KirstiesCnb KirstiesCnbG 2 53 Jamaica 34113fast GO 100 4 G 7s 712 L McAtee 8 Compadre Royco Itools 1oacher 2747G Havana fS f lOG fast 65 105 3 5 52 5l J Pitz G Herder Sliiro Elizabeth H HBy TRIAL BY JURY ch h 6 107 By Fair Play Princess Chic DE Diftftle 39178 Kmpirc Al 34 l0 75fast 15 112 G 44 44391GO 4 41 r G Moles th 11 Blazeaway Lingdeii Maganese 391GO Empire 1 11G 14S fast 5 3011 7 G G 1 2i SCI F Smith 11 Lazy Lou Starter Firing Line 39139 Empire 1 l4Hf t 15 103 5112 2 35 311 F Smith G J Stuart JofSpades Cnnnpsall 9137 Empire Ab34 110 fast 20 110 5 3 S S3SS70 G1 r ° i F HopkinslS Manganese Cane ICiiu Langden 3SS70 Afiduct 1 l40mud 8 113 1 2 4 4 4SSS02 75 711 T Parton 18 IISHome SinTime L Cottage SSS02 Aqduct 1 11 l4Gfast 15 10G 4 2 1 1 13JG53 4 = G11 J McTagt 1 Conduit Dan Jaddy Dear 3JG53 Jamaica 1 11G l47fast 7 113 S S 6 10 103S085 12 12 F RobsonlU SofPlasure Magnetite ItRools ItRoolsG 3S085 Pimlioo 34 l13fast 20 115 8 66 G S lOl J DminicklS TMqueWder HeWill Wodtrap 34452 Kmplre 1 l41goocl C 115 4 4 4 5 5 5i A Collins G Xylon Pullux Bob Hensley 34412 Aqduct 34 l14slow 135 120 G 55 5 61 6 3 A Collins 7 Ed Cudihee Kh Maiden Urooka 34340 Auduct 78 l25gobd 5 120 1 1 1 1 1SKY 2l 33 A Collins G St Isidore Pullux Lucius LuciusBy SKY PILOT ch h 5 107 By Star Shoot Prances Hindoo E K Bryson BrysonG 39157 Empire Im70y l44fast 5 113 3 G 7 G 75 49J G AVails S Holding X K Ical Perugino 140 Empire Im70y l44fast 10 IDS 1 4 7 8 83SG97 3J 2 ° J McTagtlG Aldebaran Chlllum Lazy Lou LouB 3SG97 Jamaica Im70y 145 fast 5 105 3 4 5 B B2SGT4 4 S9 A Schugr Langden Hanvood II ISlingme 2SGT4 Jamaica Im70yl45 fast 12 10T 7 7 G 7 7SSTG5 i 7l ° C Kummerir Starfineh He Will Say SayG SSTG5 Bclmont 1 38 221slop 2i 113 5 5 5 G GK539 42 4C F Robson i Hnrwoodll Kgfislier XKTteal K539 Bclmont 1 142 fast 2J 113 3 2 G 5 5SSS4 5 2 = F Robson 8 Hubbub G M Miller Gold Boy BoyG SSS4 Jamaica lm70yl4G fast 185 120 2 4 5 C 4s 45 R McCrnn 7 FrtlieGreit Phalerian Golding 3 2U1 Jamaica 1 11G l48V sood 7 104 12 10 9 8 8SS2S1 4s 21k R McCrnnl2 JWgfield PrreaFeu Starter SS2S1 Jamaica Im70yl47 fast Si 110 8 8 8 7 7SS1S1 710 G ° A Schngr 0 ltheGreat LeDsaure Wdthsh SS1S1 Pimlico 1 1S l55sood 4 IOC 7 2 2 2 2ELLISON 11 2i L McAtee 0 J Wiuglield Goblin Irregular IrregularBy ELLISON ttr h 5 104 By Ossary Orsiai W C Weant 2US2 Empire Im70y l43sood 15 104 477 7 7 fi4 D Owens 7 Harwood II Dan Nigel NigelS 39151 Empire 1 11G 147 fast 8 111 2 Si S S 7 711 E Taplin 10 Tokay HSwHome JofSpades 3S 91 Aqduct 1 11G l45fast 12 110 G 7 7 7 73SSTG 101 85 D Owens 14 Wise Man Dan Minto II 3SSTG AqMuct 1 l33fast 5 313 10 11 11 10 102S7KO G1 C4 A Collins 14 Deckmate KsCub GoldenGlow GoldenGlowG 2S7KO AqMuct 1 11G l4Gfast S5 113 7 S S G GSS719 3i 35 D Owens 8 KOXeil Deckmnte BofPhnix SS719 Jamaica lm70vl4rtVfeslop S 111 7 7 7 5 5S8629 33 25 D Owens 7 Hwoodll Tclibcarer Dkmate S8629 Belmont 1 11G l4Gsood 20 111 4 4 4 4 43S5SO 4 22i D Owens G Nominee Air Man Hubbub 3S5SO Belmont 1 1 1C l47fast 325 120 G G 5 2 23S52S 11 1J T Rice Ondillac Waterproof Matin 3S52S Belmont 1 1S 155 fast S5 IOSJ 4311 43113S1G2 1 2 2 = T Rice G JWingfId Kgfislier Greetings 3S1G2 Bclmont 1 11G l4Sslop 12 109 9 8 7 4 52 i T Rice 33 NKHeal Kingfisher Greetings 395 Belmont 1 140 fast 30 112 1 9 9 5 5nt Ga T Rice Lady Gertrude Pullux Air Man 35035 Pimlico Im70y l49hvy US 112 3 11 11 10 103G532 10u 8TJ T Rice 11 Hubbub Dundreary Greetings 3G532 Bowie Im70y l43sov 21 10T 7 7 7 4 4SG511 4 5 ° C Kummer 7 Wobdtrap Bond Master Karma SG511 Bowie 1 11G l491ifast 10 IOC 2 C 6 C CMANGANESE C 6 W Obert G Tie Pin Sea Jicach Christie ChristieBy MANGANESE ft e 1 107 1073917S By Lithos Regea C Buxton 3917S Empire AbS4 l092 fast 95 117 1 3 3 3M 3 G Byrne 11 Blazonry Langden Tho Decision M 137 Empire Ab34 110 fast 1110 135 G 32 2 22 ln A Johnson 1 Cane Run Langden Golding 3S911A iMuct 34 l14 fast 3i 118 C 2 3i 24 W Knapp 12 Nightstick Nebraska Meliora SX22 Jamaica 5L f lOG fast 2i 112 3 1 1 3s G Byrne 1 Dr Campbell Felicidad Meliora 379fl4 HdeGce 34 114 fast 42 119 8 6 52 65 G Byrne 10 Amackassln Hondo Onico 27717 Oaklwn 34 l11fast 910 110 5 5 42 3 L Lyke S Water War H Mason General 37GT 8 Onklwn 34 l14fast 8 103 6 5 GH 44 T Nolan 12 David Craig Arch Plotter Jule 37293 FGnds 34 l12fast 3 312 4 3 61 6 R Troxler 8 JohnJr Murphy Gordon Russell 3GS77 FGnda 34 332fast 10 112 5 4 31 33i R Troxler 14 Basil Toth Morning Petrovna 35S2G AqMuct 61 f 121 slow S 114 4 4Gi 4 4l G12 R Troxler G Starfineh Ballast Lucius 3577 Aqduct Gi f l19fast 920 319 4 1 32 351 R Troxler 5 PeepSight PaddyDear Habcock 2iG10 AqMuct 6i f l19 sfast 710 119 2 1 1 I2 I2 R Troxler 4 Peep Sight The Dean Favour FavourBy MISTRESS POIXY ft f 3 104 104Tilir2 By Duval Polly Prim H Neusteter Tilir2 Empire Im70y l4fast 10 103 3 5 a amail 5 5 5 ° L Ensor Minto II Conduit Dan mail Empire 1 141 fast 20 108 5 5 5 4 45 4 ° R Bolton n Matineeldol Orestes JofSpades 25094 Latonia 1 11G 145 fast M 100 S 7 S 7 75 7le R Bolton S Ciierleader MGoosby OlgaStar 38794 I atonia Im70y l43Rood 18 100 3 5 5 52S702 5 G8 G10 II LunsfM G Aurum Conrtsliip Krnest B 2S702 Latonia 1 116 l45 fast 20 100 2 4 5 53SDG1 5 6 5 i R Bolton 5 Rille Arriet Courtship 3SDG1 Douglas Im70yl42fast 135 9S 4 4 4 43S374 4 4s 45J II Lunsrd 5 Ichiltan Aurum Krnest B BG 3S374 Church t 1 11G l4Gfast 1C 112 G G 6 62SG3 G 4 ° 3 = II LunsfM G VAineriea FHandley VBonnic 2SG3 Churchl 1 18 l5Gmud 115 34 4 2 2 2 I1 I5 H Lunsfd G liar King Merchant Brynlimah 28230 Churchl 1 11G l47 = fast 5 104 6 4 2 1 I1 I4 H LunsfM 8 BMcDawell BLouder SNamy 38174 Churchl 1 11G l4Umud 31 94 5 5 5 4 S4 21 H LunsfM G Manokin ChrLeador Brynlimah 27909 Lex ton 3m70y 351 hvy G5 108 455 3 32 2k E Sande 5 B McDawell Parrish F Burke BurkeBy ED CTJDIHEE ftr e 5 107 By Golf Ball Purse Rose P G Demetre 391 63 Empire Ab34 110 fast 7 110 3 2 2 2J 5J E Sande 7 Jose Karate Currency LoniseV 311154 Empire Ab34 l10fast 5 320 10 11 5 35 532 G Walls 14 Cane Run Langdon Irish Maid 31102 Empire Al 34 l12good 185 llli 7 G G3SAS7 4 6 G17 T Rice 8 Midnight Sun LouisoV Meliora 3SAS7 AqMuct CJ f l18fcfast 15 110 6 2 23SGT7 3 21 4 = 2 T Rice Torclibearer Manokin Currency 3SGT7 Jamaica 34 l13fast 15 111 10 10 1038S52 7 8 = JO7 A Pickens 13 C Lducker Woodtrap Milkman 38S52 Jamaica 34 114 fast 2 108 2 1 1Kllfi 2 4s 54i L Lyke G Dcisive TMqucrer SofPsure Kllfi Pimlico 34 l12fast 107 103 3 2 22G245 G 82 8 A Pickens 10 Jock Scot The Porter Tumbler 2G245 Laurel Im70y l45slow 7 104 1 1 1 2 21 2 A Collins 4 Tip Witchet Fenmouse Dorcas 36230 Laurel 34 lI2good 13 108 5 3 3SG124 3 4 4 E Haynes 8 Leochares TWitclut Diversion SG124 Laurel 34 l13Rood 0 108 3 1 1 21 22 B Haynes 7 Bringhurst Startling Bally 35940 Laurel 34 l14hvy 10 110 1 2 2 3s 4 M Buxton 5 Naturalist TMcTgart HKing 35901 laurel 34 l14hvy 4310 112 4 2 2 21 35J E Ilaynea 5 T Witchet ConiTassel iCaddy 35795 Laurel 1 l39fast 135 110 3 1 1 2 2 G2 E Haynea 8 Courtship P Mullens Hauberk HauberkBy HARRY BURGOYNE ft g 3 95 95391GS By Peep oDay Farley Marrone Stable 391GS ICmpire Ab34 110 fast 5 109 1 1 5 R 121S A Collins 14 Onico Heredity Kirsties Cub 137 Empire Ab34 310 fist 12 108 3 4 4 5J 710 A Collins 13 Manganese Cane Run Langden 39117 Empire Im70y l47good 2 105 111 1 I2 2 t A Collins 5 Eldcrkcn Corydon Austral 29002 AqMuct 1 l40fast 20 110 2 1 1 13SS70 1 42 4 ° T Rice 3G JaekStuart JofSpades Dragoon 3SS70 AqMuct 1 l40mud 30 105 4 1 11 31 312 33 = A Collins 33 HSHome SinTime L Cottage 85G AqMuct 1 l39fast 15 100111212 1001112123S70G 34 34 344 S McGravl4 Deckmate KirstCub GoldGlow 3S70G Jamaica 34 l14fast 8 110 3 33SI71 3 32 3SJ T Rice 1C MidSun Wppoorwill BMcCloy 3SI71 Belmont 34 st lllhvy 12 110 14 15 153S377 15 15 14 F RobsonlJ TinDecision Onico MidnightSun 3S377 Jamaica 34 l13fast 15 302 10 Ft 11 C Kummerli He Will Adele Louise V SS2GG Jamaica lm70yl4Gfast 1310 103 4 1 1 13S232 3 31 431 II Ericksn 5 Home S Home Scorpii Darkey 3S232 Jamaica 5J f l07fast 1G5 105 G 1 2 2l 34 J McTagt 9 W Cakes Poacher S Ground II 37978 HileGce lm70yl4Gfast 2110 10G 1 1 2 3 21 2s L Lyke 7 Producer King John Cnndclnrla CnndclnrlaBy DAWN STAR tr f 3 04 By Star Shoot Miss Canalo J Butler I1GI Empire Im70y IMSifast 10 93 2 5 5 4 4IU 4IS Q Prccce r frican Arrow Game Cock Dan 39154 Empire Ab34 l10fast 20 103 12 12 12 10l 77i R Denysc 14 Cane ICnn Langden Irish Maid 39113 Empire Ab34 l10ViK o l 15 101 1 9 9 8i 7i J Callahanll Louise V WhcatCakes JKsirate JKsirateC 39112 Empire Ab34 l12 = i ood 25 92 3 5 C 54 5 J Wcssler S MidnightSun LouiseV Meliora 3KC93 Jamaica 4 l13fast 20 107 2 0 l 6 5J G14 A Schugr 7 Enfilade Jyntec Mary Maud 35700 AqMuct GS 100 fast S 105 1 12 1235E4G 2 42 41 L Lykes l Annchen Ballast Golden Glow 35E4G AqMuct 5S 5S3ffast 10 107 G 43 43rKMM 3 31 3 ° L Lykes MatIdol Ncracker SdragouII rKMM Belmont 34 st lll = ifast G 12G 1 23 232521S 3 3s 32 L Lykes 7 Ballast Six to One Tanlac 2521S Bclmont 34 st llfast 85 304 3 22 2 2 L Lykea 3 Tippity Witchet Sabre tash 2 18 Saratoga Cl f 307i4fast 41 104 4 67 67S4971I 41 2 = L Lykes 10 StinTime Umatilla StellaMia S4971I Saratoga 51 f 107 fast 5 112 5 G G GM913 42 34 L I ykes 9 Atalanta Azalea Umatilla M913 Saratoga SJ f 107 fast 15 IOC 9 64 64rjGGC 31 34 L Lykes 12 TUareTr Salvestra GreenGold rjGGC Umpire Ab34 110i fast C 104 4 63 63ROCKPORT Sl 2 L Lykes G Recount Corydon StarryBanner StarryBannerBy ROCKPORT ch c 4 302 By Trap Rock Retained II W C Daly l f Empire Im70y l4 fast im 113 3 11 11 11 11n093 91 7 ° 1 Wessler 12 Cliilltim Dundreary A ildlhyme n093 Empire 1 11C l47 fast 100 lOt 6 C 7 7 7S448 7 71C L Ensor 7 Minto II Paddy Dear Ballad BalladW S448 Prospct Ab7S l27fast 118 Pulled up up3S411 W Daly 8 Clark M Hev James IlnniUull 3S411 1rospct A1 7S l2Sfast 11G 11GCSC2 1024 R Pickett 1C Groat Dolly May AV Algaidi CSC2 Bait 1 11G l52 sloiv 112 112ST01 G7 J P Ryan S JIIanovcr Hsltrother GDnlly ST01 Bait Ab 78 327 fast IOC IOCSjaei S7 W Gargan 8 MnyW KdHenry CaptMmont Sjaei Arlgtn Ab li l53 fast 85 125 125S71IS9 Gt5 A Alexdra r Conflngratinn Booth Algardi S71IS9 Agln AblllGl55 fast 8 320 44 A Alexlra 8 Archdale MAMayer JIIanovcr 37715 Havana 1 l41 good G 105 G 3 S 8 837CSO S S7 A Collins 9 Clark M Lytle Algardi 37CSO Havana 34 119 hvy 10 110 G 77 7727C12 7 G12 A Collins 7 Tippo Sahib Brizz Curlicue 27C12 Havana 1 l47hvy 4 115 1111 111137T72 1 1 A Collins 7 YM Zu Canto Lola 37T72 Havana 58 l00last 15 108 S 88 88NIGEL 51 71S II Sobel Violet Luzzi Lola NIGEL ft E 5 112 By Sempronius Altuda R F Carman 18 Empire Im70y l43good 5 lw 2111 21113GI93 3 3 V Kelsay 7 Hnrwnod II I Bar of Phoenix 3GI93 Bowie 78 l27 = fast 11 113 G C 5 3 y 2s J Butwell 10 Xonave Kilmer Peter lay 26351 Pimlico 31 l12faat 42 111 9 8 11 1134C7U 9 521 J Butwell 13 Bond Sea Beach Alvord 34C7U Empire 1 11G 3475ifast 20 113 4 S 5 7 734G02 C2 G7J A Collins 7 Intone Thornhill Battle Abbey 34G02 Empire 1 l40V fast 20 308 10 7 8 10 10S41C7 10 1313 M Rowan 15 Lady Botha J J Lillis Pullnx S41C7 AqMuct 1116 l51 = feslop 85 10G 1 3 3 3 3siav 3 3 A Collins 3 Battle Abbey Libyan Sands siav AqMuct i iiciinfast 145 us 333 3 4 471 A Collins B Wise Man Air Man LitNcarer 2 G4 AqMuct 1 11G l4Gfast 15 116 3 3 2 4 31 2i M Garnir G WShoes Nightstick Stnrfinch i2S5 Jamaica 1C l47fast 2 INI 3 3 1 3 2 A Collins 4 Qof th Sia SeuWavo CHrldge 22S41 Jamaica 10 l4S = ffast 35 120 233 2 23 A Collins 4 Xyloii Precise Spin King Saf Jl BlueBon 1 142 fast 13 111 7 7 8 52 8i C Borel 9 BrooniKodgi 1 llcves Starter 0307 Pimlico 1 l41v fast 2310110 633 51 G7i J Butwell 9 Julia L Sasiu Vermont

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1918073101_4_1
Library of Congress Record: