Fair Grounds Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1919-01-04

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FAIR GROUNDS FORM CHART : OTvins to interruption of telc-Krapbic communication between Kcw Orleans and Chicago the cliart of yesterdays racing at Jefferson Parle is not available for this edition. It will be printed as soon as received. The following: unoflicial .summary is offered for what It is worth: " 4. NEW ORLEANS, Xa Friday, January 3, 1919. Fair Grounds. Third day. Business Mens Racing Association. Winter Meeting of 54 days. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time 2:15. 40357 First Race 3-8 Mile. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Special Weights. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. CI. PI. Sh. 40830 Pueblo 114 1 K Donhue 5 S-5 3-5 Dandy Van 114 2 L Ensor 2 7-101-3 Airnat 114 3 D Connlly S 3 1 Helen Hurtman, 111; Annabelle, 111, also ran. Time, 37. Track heavy. Winner T. H. Cross cli. c, by Rocktou Oriska trained by A. G. Blakeley. Scratched Soscol, 111. 40858 Second Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3- year-olds. Claiming. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. CI. PI. Sh. 407162Silvery LighUOO 1 F Murphy 10 4 2 40727 Antoinette 105 2 J Rodgez 15 6 3 40820Sylv:mo 101 3 J Metcalf 31 7-5 7-10 Wisest Fool, 109; Fair and Square, 100; Christie Ilolters, 107; Tidal, 100; Toombeohi. 102; Eddiu Tranter. 108: Betsy, 100; Manicurist, 100; Connecticut, 102, also run. Time, 1:11. Track heavy. Winner H. Tulletts ch. c. by General Roberts Rose Cherry trained by C. Hawk. Scratched 10024 Ilindoostan, 105; Elizabeth Marie, 101; 38224 Counterbalance, 102; 40404 Monarch, 104. 40859 Third Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 4 - year-olds and upward. Claiming. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. CI. PI. Sh. 4006! Lady LuxurylO:! 1 -J Mooncy "J: S-5 40754 Choir MasterlOS 2 M Ttowan S 3 8-5 40700sLhngden 110 3 S Sndman 7 2-i C-5 Pilsen. 113; Harbard. 110: Karlymorn, 110; Scarphi II., 110; Sabretash. 109; Blaise. 113, also ran. Time, 1:11. Track heavy. Winner D. T. Morris b. f. 4. by Tony Bonero Lady MeGee trained by D. T. Morris.. Scratched 10222 Sybil. 100; 40729 Semcena, 103; 40079 Liberator. 110; 407S83Iuly Longfellow, 103; 407S9 Ettahe, 103. 40860 Fourth Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. Turse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. CI. PI. Sh. 4G99::Pepper 108 1 M Garner 21 1 1-2 407643Key Mar 113 2 M Mthews20 S 4 40402 Amelita 10:5 3 G Molesth 5 S-5 4-5 Sosius. 110; Port Light. 110; Onico. 103; Tom Ciiro, 110; Ouwa, 110; Lady Eileen, 103; Billie 1., 105; Vanessa Welles, 103, also ran. Time, 1:11. Track heavy. Winner F. S. Foggs ch. g, 4, by Turk Paradise Queen trained by F. S. Fogg. , Scratched 10009 Words o" AVisdom, 110: 40S30 W. II. Buckner. Ill; 39312 Dundreary, 105. 40361 Fifth Racj 1 Mile and 20 Yards. Purse S000. 4-year-olds and upward. .Claiming. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. CI. PI. Sh. 40790 Peerless One 108 1 H Cassity 5 S-5 7-10 40790 Cadillac 111 2 L Lyke 3-2 1-2 out 40734:Berlin 111 3 M Garner 8-5 3-5 out Noureddln, 111; Orderly, 111; Senator Broderick, 108, also ran. Time, 1:49. Track heavy. Winner I. S. Fountains br. c, 4, by Jack Atkin Sans Pareil II. trained -by D. S. Fountain. Scratched 10049 Opportunity, 111; 40790 Brownie McDawell, 112. 40862 Sixth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse . 4 -year-olds and upward. Claiming. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. CI. Pi. Sh. 40082 2 Waterproof 110 1 M Garner 31 C-5 1-5 40823 Bli FavoritelOS 2 I Gregory 12 4 2 407923Inquleta 100 3 H Cassity 4 S-5 4-5 Royal Interest. 110; Kingling II., 100; Transportation, 111; Thursday Nighter, 101, also ran. Time, 1:53. Track heavy. Winner W. 5. Weants ch. g, 7, by Cunard Tinker trained by It. Lester. Scratched 10740Tito, 100; 40S19 Alma Louise, 109. 40863 Seventh Race 1 1-4 Miles. Purse 1919.sh00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. CI. PL Sh. 40835 Kr Neptune 105 1 C Robson 5 S-5 4-5 407802Gfumpy 110 2 L Lyke 2 4-5 2-5 40850 Blazonry 103 3 f? Sndman 12 5 21 Handfull. 110: Nashville, 110; Jason, 111; Miss Fannie, 115. also ran. Time, 2:14. Track heavy. Winner J. R. Skinkers br. g, 0. by Sea King Toots trained by AV. A. Burttschell. Scratched 40840 AVilldo, 110.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1919010401/drf1919010401_2_7
Local Identifier: drf1919010401_2_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800