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THE THE AMERICAN AMERICAN jvviAAAivvvvvvvvwwvvviAArwwwA RACING RACING MANUAL MANUAL 1 THE AMERICAN RACING MANUAL I for 1919 is in process of preparation f I and will be ready for distribution about January 15. It will contain all the features that have created jj I such a demand for it in the past. Orders may be filed for it now to be filled as soon as issued j I PRICESBY MAIL: I PRICES AT OFFICE: jj 1 Leather Bound .10 I Leather Bound .00 I Paper Bound ...v.. 85 Cents. I Paper Bound .:. 75. Cents j; DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO., I 441 PLYMOUTH COURT, CHICAGO, ILL. 74 EXCHANGE STREET, BUFFALO, N. Y. j! I ROOM 804, 1482 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. j; THE THE AMERICAN AMERICAN RACING WMWWMWMIAAIWIAI4 RAGING MANUAL MANUAL The Monthly Form Book containing charts of all races run on recognized tracks in North America during the month of DECEMBER, is now on sale. PRICE .00. Single copies by mail Trill POSITIVELY only U oent as registered mall, with an extra charge of tea cents for registration. Not responsible for books ent as regular mall. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 BLYMOTTTH COURT :: CHICAGO. ILL. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO. M. x". For the Winnings of I am well connected. Every horse I send in ready and fit. I -wire about II a. 111.. about two wires a week. Send correct address. D. V. SULLIVAN, 1S2S Indiana Avenue t Chicago, 111. NEXT SATURDAY wo expect to have TWO LIVE ONES at Nov Orleans. Only . Last Saturday both were scratched. All those who got last Saturdays will get next Saturdays FREE. Todays Form Special: No. 802 in Book 608. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE, CHICAGO.