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FIFTH RACE 1 11C Miles 4yearolds and upward Claiming Nov 25 1915 148 4 11C FAIRLY b g 8 112 By Marchmont II Locust C F Brant 41892 Bowie Im20y l47fast 135 114 744 3 o 3 J Butwell 8 Garbage Harwood MMcGiggle 41S Bowie Im20y 147 fast 27 HI 2 10 8 G1 4i W Obert 33 Boxer Zouave Edith Baumann 41G24 Jefson 1 116 l49fast 15 108 9 9 9 U 911 J Mooney 9 Rhymer Benefactor Indolence 4159G Jefson 1 18 200slow 4 112 4 G G 4i 38i M Andson 5 SHroderick Bombast GMcNab 41579 Jcfson 1 110 1EG mud 8 108 2 8 8 41 32 H Ericksn y Flora Finch Petclus Honolulu 4155G Jcfson 1 116 l55hvy 8 111 4 7 G C1 718 M Andson 7 Miss Fillcy Handfull Mannchen 41D08 FGnds 1 18 l55good 12 109 12 12 12 12 12 M Andsonl2 Honolulu Boy John Hurie Leta 41213 FGnds Im20y 146 hvy 41 111 6 G G G G24 M Andson 5 DickDarc Rhymer Prgressive 41220 FGnda 1 18 203y5hvy 8 110 G 5 5 43 32 M Andson 0 B Favorite Bluebanuock Aztec AztecBy STIR UP b g 7 114 PendingS By Ildrim Skirts R Pending 41939 Bowie 1 11G l52good 13 109 7 G 7 S S13 D Stirling S GMMiller Garbage B Hunley 41893 Bowie Im20y 147 fast 4310 112 211 71 712 D Stirling S Bill Hunley AlmalJ EBmann 41833 Bowie Im20y 147 fast ISf 111 8 2 2 10 12 D Stirling 13 Boxer Zouave Edith Baumann 1000 Bowie 1 18 158 fast 15 108 1 G 7 51 GJ R McCrnnl2 Crumpsall FounFay Gold Boy 40412 Bowie 1 14 215hvy 165 101 1 1 1 MSlayer11s I5 1s R McCrnn 7 Egmont Miss Fannie MSlayer 40370 Bowie 1 116 155 slop 39 101 11 12 12 11s 320 L Stalker 12 PBterlly WBedotte OPrince 40327 Bowie 1 116 lGOfast 34 109 9 30 30 11 10 1 L Stalker 15 Amalgamator Buck Nail Kebo 29918 HdcGce 1116148 fast U 111111212 11111121239SG1 13 131S R Ryan 13 Bierman IrishMaid BSimmoua 39SG1 HdeGce 1 110 l47fast 4 112 2 3 4 4CANDIDATE 41 31 R Ryan 10 Refugee Say Bill Simmons SimmonsBy CANDIDATE II b c 4 112 By Voter Padouo II K A Beal 9 Bowie 1 116 l52good 20 107 1 7 8 841S93 G3 5 = 1 G Corey 8 GMMiller Garbage B Hunley 41S93 Bowie Im20y 147 fast 15 111 4 8 8 Gi 4 G Corey S Bill Hunley AlmaB EBmann 418 Bowie Im20y 147 fast 35 112 11 11 11 9l 921 G Corey 13 Boxer Zouave Edith Bauniann 40277 Pimlico 1 14 208 fast 54 107 8 9 9 9 938 J Callahan 9 Piedra Valspar Sunnyland 40228 Laurel 1 116 147 fast 9if 104 13 34 34 10 111S A Pickens 15 SdmnII DrCpbell Artrator 40076 Laurel 1 l41fast 14 117J1G 15 15 14 142S J Butwell 15 Leta Prunes Wood Violet 40008 Laurel 1 14 2OSfast 11 110 1 4 4 31 35 A Pickens 7 Ken Boy Arbitrator Royat 39902 HdeGce Im70yl41fast 33 111 G 8 S 74 5ts S Endman 9 Grey Eagle Leta Grayson 39841 HdeGce Im70yl43good 16 104 7 9 9 9DR 71 612 Q Preece 9 Vocabulary Gold Boy WViolet DR CHARCOT br g 8 112 1124U92 By Charcot Fablo J D Misick MisickJ 4U92 Bowie Im20y l47fast 23 112 2 Fell J McTagt 8 Garbage Harwood Fairly 41870 Bowie 6 f l227sfast 43 115 5 7 Ct cto T Parton 7 SisEmblm BrBilly HarSliaw 41579 Jefson 1 116 156 mud 6 109 6 5 5 61 G15 W Andsn 9 Flora Finch Pctelus Fairly 41244 PGnds Im20y l47hvy 12 111 6 G 6 7 731 M Garner 7 Tito Ben Hampson Alma B 40990 FGnds 1 1IG l53hvy 7 103 422 9 9 = S Sndman 9 L Cochran R Interest Ellison 40916 FGnds 1 116 157 hvy 8 103 5 3 3 72 71S S Sndman Yermak Thirst Adelante 40777 Jefson 58 105 good 31 107 6 6 52 41 G Walls 7 Juanita III LittleD ItobtLee 40680 Jefson 1 147 hvy 6 114 6 1 3 51 823 A Johnson 8 Tnsportation Ellison DrLevy 40644 Jefson 1154 hvy 6 112 3 2 1 22 21 A Johnson 7 Tsportntion Petclus SStwart 40627 Jefson 1 l52hvy 31 112 1 1 1 41 s10 F Robson 8 Handfull Ellison SemStalwart 40550 Bowio 1 116 l55slow 37 111 2 4 3 51 1012 R Pauley 14 Tie Pin Langden Margery 40176 Bowie Im70y l4Sfast llf 108 14 11 13 121 102S R Pauley 15 Salvatclle Bar One Irish Kiss 40393 Bowie 1 116 l56hvy 9 110 10 5 4 G2 6 L McAtee 11 Flora Finch Fairly Sam Hill 39738 HdeGco Im70yl49 hvy 6 115 1 2 2 58 518 D Stirling 7 CFrancis Sea Gull Glory Belle 37876 Bowie 1 18 202 hvy 8 112 4 3 2 5 6 D Stirling 7 B Sister HsBrother R Water 37860 Bowie Im20y 150 hvy 21 110 4 4 2 2PULASKI lh i2 D Stirling 7 Comacho FredaJnson 00nnell 00nnellBy PULASKI br g 5 112 By Out of Reach Balzano K R Pons 41939 Bowie 1 116 l52good 24 109 6 5 6 72 66 T Rice 8 GMMiller Garbage B Hunley 41893 Bowie Im20y 147 last 24 112 7 5 G 8 Gi W Doyle 8 BUI Huiflcy AlmalS EBinuiii 41833 Bowie lm20yJl47 fast 39 111 10 9 9 gi gis T Rice 13 Boxer Zouave Edith Baumaun 41603 Jefeon lm70ySl4S good 12 109 8 7 7 725 711 A Collins 8 GorRoberts Boxer FrMouroe FrMouroeiS5 415G4 Jefson 51 fl09slow 7 111 iS5 8 3 S Sndmanll Val West Approval Mcd Miss 41421 FGnds Im70y 153 hvy 4 111 4 6 6 41 5 O Willis 8 Luther Dundreary Bean Spiller 41243 FGnds Im20y 1IG hvy 4 111 5 3 3 4 4 O Willis 0 DickDare Rhymer Prgressive 41212 FGnds 1 11G 155 hvy 12 108 108SATISFIED 8 5 4 3 35J O Willis 10 Ninety Simplex Tito Mtry H vBy SATISFIED ch m 5 107 10741SS9 Abo Frank Suffice J J Farrell Jr 41SS9 Howlo Glfl2 fast f3 107 107iSIDD 1071 G 52 S t T IMce i Pluniizi Vigilnntc Aiictlonoor iSIDD Prospct A1 7S l27fast 117 1173S449 G5 G AlexaJr t Goiierous MFielder O TIs Trm 3S449 Prospct AU78 l2U14fast H3 H3SSllO Gs J Mclnlyre 9 Itllampsoii SLKrances FJtison SSllO Prospct Ab7S l2S5sfast 110 1103S299 78 D Bloom 10 PredaJiiKon LCottage ParBoy 3S299 Bait Ab C f l28fast 106 G53 G ScherrerlO Handfull Tom Klward Lantaua 26446 DMonte 34 l15slow 109 3 i C Gross 7 OldKob GenPickett Welga Welgafi 36433 DMonte 1 11G l49fast 105 105304SO fi i C Gross Zamloch ScmStalwart Gomul 304SO DJIonte 1 142 fast 103 103C593SReno 9 J Mclntyrc 9 ColMatt ChristEvc OldHarry C593SReno 34 l13 faat 10 1Q3 7 T Nolan S Barton Thirst Robt Mantell MISS McGIGGLE b m 7 M 107 By Earl of Eglinton Colleen Cguo A H Utter back 41892 Bowie Im20y l47fast 75 107 G 3 3 4 4 4 W Obert S Garbage Harwood Fairly 41833 Bowio Im20y 147 fast ISf 101 12 12 13 13 13 13 H Wakoff 13 Boxer Zouave Edith Baumann 35335 Timium Ab5S 100 fast 3710 112 34i J P Ryan 9 Lola Galeswinthe NapperTandy 23984 Bowie Im20y l43fast 86 106 G 5 G G2394S 9 10 10laM Buxton 11 Sis Alpha L Ornie Perth Rock 2394S Bowie 51 f lOSfast 165 108 1 B B23S24 8 8 9J J Dennlsonl2 Prestou Lynn Pierrot Ford Hal 23S24 Pimlico 34 116 fast 82 112 3 5 8 Sl 72 C Watson 11 Shrewsbury Primary Our John 23698 Laurel Im20y l51hvy 23 103 3 5 8 8 8 832 O Turner 8 Wodan Bamboo Lights Out 23556 Laurel 58 l03slop 100 110 10 12 11 II2 111T Davles 14 Vlgnola Jem Fuzzy Wnzzy 23240 HdeGce 34 l13fast 80 102 5 6 6 6 6 L McAtee C Pan Maid Silica Sandman II