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GREAT AUSTRALIAN BETTING REVENUE SYDNEY N S W Australia March S The government revenue from tlie totalizator in this province continues to grow From tlie beginning of July 1918 to the end of February this year 478 755 was received against 151190 for the corre ¬ sponding period in 19171K In betting taxes the return for tho first eight months of the govern ¬ ments current financial year was 292025 against 23li720 from tin beginning of July 1918 to the end of February 1JlSt The sum of 770710 for eight months is a decent contribution from tlie race course as a tax on the publics si eculative tendencies tendenciesAt At Moorefield on Saturday came the first dnys registered racing in Sydney since January 27 The expectation that after such a lengthy spell there would be a specially large attendance was jiot realized and that was ni doubt due to a great number of people being thrown out of work when tlie preventive measures against Influenza tem ¬ porarily paralyzed business of nearly all kinds in tills city